Some  more info on this...
Checked the vmware logs. Following are the log entries. Hope this might offer some help to those debugging this issue. Thanks.

Jan 09 14:34:38: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xf0000000(0xf0000000) and 0xec000000(0xec000000)
Jan 09 14:34:38: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xf0000000(0xf0000000) and 0xec000000(0xec000000)
Jan 09 14:34:38: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering IOSpace at 0x1400 (0x0)
Jan 09 14:34:38: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xf0000000(0xf0000000) and 0xec000000(0xec000000)
Jan 09 14:34:39: mks| VNCENCODE 1 encoding mode change: (640x480x16depth,16bpp)
Jan 09 14:34:40: vcpu-0| VIDE: Curr CHS info cyls: 17475 heads: 15 sects: 63 lba_cap: 16777216
Jan 09 14:34:42: vcpu-0| BIOS-UUID is 56 4d c8 6f 74 47 6f fb-bf fd 87 d9 7f 61 2d 9f
Jan 09 14:34:42: vcpu-0| DISKUTIL: ide0:0 : toolsVersion = 0
Jan 09 14:34:42: vcpu-0| DISKUTIL: Offline toolsVersion = 0
Jan 09 14:34:42: mks| VNCENCODE 1 encoding mode change: (720x400x16depth,16bpp)
Jan 09 14:44:38: vmx| TOOLS setting the tools version to '0'
Jan 09 14:44:38: vmx| VmdbDbCheckDataType failed for path=/vm/#feba309633015371/vmx/guestTools/versionStatus/ and value=notAvailable: (-11) Type mismatch
Jan 09 14:44:38: vmx| Vmdb_Set: Failed to set /vm/#feba309633015371/vmx/guestTools/versionStatus/ to notAvailable (Type mismatch)
Jan 09 14:44:38: vmx| VMXVmdb_SetToolsVersionState failed. ret = Type mismatch
Jan 09 16:21:38: mks| MKS set guest selection request with invalid state 2
Jan 09 16:21:49: vcpu-0| CPU reset: soft
Jan 09 16:21:50: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering IOSpace at 0x1400 (0x1400)
Jan 09 16:21:50: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xf0000000(0xf0000000) and 0xec000000(0xec000000)
Jan 09 16:21:50: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xf0000000(0xf0000000) and 0xe8000000(0xec000000)
Jan 09 16:21:50: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xf0000000(0xf0000000) and 0xe8000000(0xe8000000)
Jan 09 16:21:50: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xf0000000(0xf0000000) and 0xe8000000(0xe8000000)
Jan 09 16:21:50: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xf0000000(0xf0000000) and 0xe8000000(0xe8000000)
Jan 09 16:21:50: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering IOSpace at 0x1400 (0x0)
Jan 09 16:21:50: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xf0000000(0xf0000000) and 0xe8000000(0xe8000000)
Jan 09 16:21:50: mks| VNCENCODE 1 encoding mode change: (640x480x16depth,16bpp)
Jan 09 16:21:51: mks| SOCKET 1 new update req with non-empty pending: logical error on server/client?
Jan 09 16:21:51: vcpu-0| VIDE: Curr CHS info cyls: 17475 heads: 15 sects: 63 lba_cap: 16777216
Jan 09 16:21:53: vcpu-0| BIOS-UUID is 56 4d c8 6f 74 47 6f fb-bf fd 87 d9 7f 61 2d 9f
Jan 09 16:21:53: vcpu-0| DISKUTIL: ide0:0 : toolsVersion = 0
Jan 09 16:21:53: vcpu-0| DISKUTIL: Offline toolsVersion = 0
Jan 09 16:21:53: mks| VNCENCODE 1 encoding mode change: (720x400x16depth,16bpp

On 1/9/07, Muguntharaj Subramanian <> wrote:
Hi All,
I checked out the source again yesterday and built a fresh iso (bootcd). And again i find the same issue i.e "partition signature != 55AA" error while trying out the created iso with VMware.

Has anybody else tried the same way? My objective is to compile the reactos iso from source first. Then plan to add applications and try to fix some bugs in my free time. For that i feel its better  to use VMware instead of running fresh install (also i dont have spare machine to do fresh installation).

Is the current builds working in QEMU? 


On 1/8/07, Mikhail Y. Zvyozdochkin < > wrote:
Felipe Villarroel wrote:

>On 1/5/07, Muguntharaj Subramanian <> wrote:
>>partition signature != 55AA
>You have a corrupted MBR or partition table. Reinstall ReactOS and do
>proper partitioning.
Hm, Hm... It's not so simply.
I got same error with _fresh-installed_ ReactOS.

WBR, DarkHobbit

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