Maybe the devs could propose some topics and the newsletter author could
search for more information on these topics.
This way he wouldn't have to follow every devs moves, but could still
create a newsletter, that contains important and interesting topics.
This would of course require the devs to start talking on the ros-dev
mailinglist a bit more regularly and fill the wiki with more
information, as it's very hard to separate the important things from all
the off topic talk in #ReactOS.
If it was done this way, I would be able to create a newsletter. Maybe
not weekly, but I would definitely be able to create two issues per month.
Just my thoughts on this topic...
David Hinz
Ged Murphy schrieb:
Klemens Friedl wrote:
Here are requirements for an author:
I would like to see a more technical newsletter.
Something similar to what Wine have.
Ros-dev mailing list