Hey, thanks. I ended up figuring out how to approach it. Only took me 4 hours to commit a fix. :P

On Thu, 30 Aug 2018 at 12:43, Mark Jansen <mark.jansen@reactos.org> wrote:

Check out sdk/tools/gen_baseaddress.py

Basically, create the build you want to fix (msvc, gcc with or without dwarf)
Run this script with the build output folder as command line argument, and it will give you data to paste into the baseaddress.cmake


Op 30 aug. 2018 00:55 schreef "David Quintana (gigaherz)" <gigaherz@gmail.com>:
I believe from the testbot log, that my commit made some DLLs grow out of their assigned memory allocation, but I don't know how to update the dll address mappings. Help appreciated.

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