On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 5:35 AM, Giannis Adamopoulos <giannis.adamopoulos@reactos.org> wrote:
I don't know how many times I need to send the same link here but let's say that this is the last time:

this is a post about wpf but in the middle there is a paragraph about how win32k in windows processes mouse messages:

And here is the important part:
Which HWND is the mouse over?

The operating system must respond very quickly to mouse movement.  Windows uses a dedicated Raw Input Thread (RIT), running in the kernel, to handle the signals from the mouse hardware.  The RIT quickly scans over the HWND hierarchy to see which window the mouse is over.  Because the system must be responsive, no application code is invoked.  For normal windows, the RIT checks the mouse position against the window's rectangle (or region, if one is set).  But for layered windows, the RIT looks in the bitmap that specifies the content for the window and checks the effective transparency at that location (which can be affected by the constant opacity setting, the color key setting, or the per-pixel alpha channel).  If the pixel is 100% transparent, the RIT skips the window and keeps looking.  Once a window has been located, the mouse move flag is set on the thread that owns the window.  This will cause the thread to receive a WM_MOUSEMOVE message the next time it calls GetMessage() and there are no other higher-priority messages.

Based on new wine test ReactOS is broken, and in the process of getting fixed. Also ReactOS breaks wine to dos in mouse over window while capture.


Now let me explain why a flag is needed. The window manager needs to coalesce mouse move messages. If the mouse moves over a window and the system registers 10 positions over it, if the window doesn't process messages fast enough the unprocessed positions are dropped and only the last is kept. Even if another message gets between these mouse move messages get lost
I've seen more than 7 to one message lost during a fast mouse move.
More info here, https://jira.reactos.org/browse/CORE-8394 on what is going on.
That's why the last mouse position is not stored in a message queue but in a field in the thread info. That's how the window manager worked the last 20 years in windows.
Talking about,,,
/* 0b8 */ POINT               ptLast;
in the threadinfo right? This can be fixed soon.

I'm sick and tired to see readable and correct code to be rewritten by shitty code, that is not readable and has obvious bugs without any reason why the previous implementation was wrong. I just give up. Do whatever you like with this shitty project of yours. I don't care anymore.

Days ago ReactOS had broken mouse move flag (always being set) and the QS bit count never reaching 0. Up X plus count then -1, always incrementing and always set. Best way to fix all of this was r65440 (not pretty), our posting mouse move messages to the queue is about the same as windows.. Synchronization of mouse messages should be fixed (CORE-8394), no more erroneous mouse moves injected while peeking in to see (no more stray bits set and wrong time stamps). Using time stamps would be uglier than r65440.

Question now is, is it posted during peek or before (do this now), is that what ptLast is for, how is it "time stamped", which would be faster post or peek,, ?

This was my best guess on how to fix this, weeks of time, asked for group review and even ran the patch through test bot about a week ago, all in all this was one of the best rants, good ideas are flowing,