I suggest the following changes to the current implementation:
1.) Replace the PUSHA in the trap entry code, by a series of MOVs to the
correct stack positions. The same for the trap exit code.
KiTrapFrameFromPushaStack can be removed then. This would result in more
clear, less complex and faster code, with only a few additional
assembly instructions in the trap entry macro. The exit could be done
either by normal call/return or by a jmp to an exit handler.
2.) Segements should be fixed up before entering C code, as not doing so
may introduce possible compiler dependend breakages. It's also much
cleaner and there's no reason to do the same stuff later in inline
assembly instead of direcly in the asm entry point.
The resulting code might looks something like this:
/* Allocate KTRAP_FRAME */
sub esp, KTRAP_FRAME_LENGTH - 10 * 4
/* Save integer registers */
mov [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_EBP], ebp
mov [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_EBX], ebx
mov [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_ESI], esi
mov [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_EDI], edi
mov [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_EAX], eax
mov [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_ECX], ecx
mov [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_EDX], edx
mov [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_EBX], ebx
/* Save segment regs */
mov [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_SEGDS], ds
mov [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_SEGES], es
/* Fixup segment regs */
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax