On Thursday, October 20, 2011 9:23 PM, "Aleksey Bragin"
<aleksey(a)reactos.org> wrote:
I support both 1 and 2. With the only exception that
when we move to
cmake, rosapps will be moved too, so it would still remain a museum, but
a working museum. In fact, rosapps contains quite a bunch of important
stuff too (like all those cmd line utilities).
That would require porting rosapps to cmake (and building it, occasionally). I cannot do
it and i cannot make anyone do that. If there are no volounters
Also I would want indeed 2 screensavers in trunk - one
"simple" and one
"opengl" based. Everything else should go to rosapps as
additional/optional stuff. Which of those - please decide, I don't have
any strong preference myself.
I`m fine with reducing the screensavers to two of them. Which one should be picked apart
from starfield?
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