I forget to say this
EDD_SURFACE DxLock expect it is always value 2 in Type
other wise the lock will fail.
here is some of my code it is part of DxLock lock process I am working on.
here is the code  I am working on and some rethinking how GDIOBJHDR
can look like.
Some rethinking why not ?
typedef struct _GDIOBJHDR
    HGDIOBJ     hHmgr;
    union {
                  struct {
                                WORD count;
                  struct {
                                WORD type;
                          } u;
              DWORD Entry;

    ULONG       cExcLock;
    ULONG       Tid;
DxLock(HANDLE hSurface, PDD_LOCKDATA puLockData, HDC hdcClip)
    DD_LOCKDATA LockData;
    PEDD_SURFACE pSurface;
        ProbeForRead(puLockData, sizeof(DD_LOCKDATA), 1);
        RtlCopyMemory(&LockData,puLockData, sizeof(DD_LOCKDATA));
        _SEH_YIELD(return DDERR_GENERIC);
    pSurface = DdHmgLock(hSurface,2,0);
DdHmgLock(HANDLE hObject, WORD GdiObjectType, BOOL AcqurieHmgrSemaphoreAndRelease )
    PGDIOBJHDR pObjhdr = NULL;
    PVOID pRetObjhdr = NULL;
    DWORD position = hObject & 0x1FFFFF;
    /* check see if we need Acqurie Hmgr Semaphore */
    if ( !AcqurieHmgrSemaphoreAndRelease )
    /* Check see if  position we are in range,  gcMaxDdHmgr is our counter how many object we got */
    if (  position < gcMaxDdHmgr   )
        /* Get our Gdi Object */
        pObjhdr = (LPBYTE)gpentDdHmgr + (position * sizeof(GDIOBJHDR) );

        /* Vaildate if we got the object type we wanted */       
        if ( ( pObjhdr->Type == GdiObjectType ) &&
             (( pObjhdr->Entry) == (((DWORD)hObject >> 21) & 0x7FF) ) &&
             (pObjhdr->cExcLock) &&
             (pObjhdr->Tid != PsGetCurrentThread() ) )
            pObjhdr->Tid = PsGetCurrentThread();
            pRetObjhdr = (PVOID) pObjhdr;
    /* check see if we need release Hmgr Semaphore */
    if ( !AcqurieHmgrSemaphoreAndRelease )
    return pRetObjhdr;
Original Message -----
From: Magnus Olsen
To: ReactOS Development List
Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2007 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ros-dev] About GDIOBJHDR header changes

Hi Jim and Timo
I base it on how dxg.sys acts when it lock a
dx object.
rember that DWORD store data diffent
the 2 we see it should be the type
rember that the byte order for DWORD is
casted it mean if it got 2 it is store in the higher part
see memory layout
memory layout
| WORD 00  | bit 0-15   |
| WORD 01  | bit 16-31 |

word 01 and word 00 are swaped when it display as DWORD, in DWORD the word 01 will become bit 0-15, word 00 will become bit 16-31
that expain the value 0,1,2,3 we see in PVOID Entry. if we split it. we will see value 0,1,2,3,4 in Type amd count is often 0.
I have no clude yet what diffent type it exists.
the count is often set to 0
and the type is set to 0, 1, 2, 3 and so on.
Still any unclear why I think it we should Split PVOID into two diffent members ?
----- Original Message -----
From: Timo Kreuzer
To: ReactOS Development List
Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2007 4:24 AM
Subject: Re: [ros-dev] About GDIOBJHDR header changes

James Tabor schrieb:

typedef struct _GDIOBJHDR
    HGDIOBJ     hHmgr;
    PVOID       unknownCount;
    ULONG       cExcLock;
    ULONG       Tid;

I thought PVOID unknownCount was PVOID pEntry which is the pointer
back to the handle table entry. That could have changed since this is
based on Yuan book and w2k. Remember too, that DxDD handles are
different and handled outside normal DC's.
Yuan says it's pEntry, I came to the conclusion it's probably a counter, because it's values are small like 1,2,3..0x200
see http://www.reactos.org/wiki/index.php/Techwiki/win32k/GDIOBJHDR
Has probably changed from 2k to xp.
I agree, DX objects might be different, maybe they have a different header structure, I have never looked at DX object memory, so I don't know how they look...
I just can say that all GDI objects I have dumped the memory of, don't have a type field there, it's always been 0.


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