Am 12.07.2017 um 09:27 schrieb Alexander Sh.:> 1. It is GPLv3. Is it
compatible with ROS license? Can I use them?
That would require all developers of RAPPS to agree to a license change
to GPLv3. Doing a
svn log
--xml | sed 's@</author>@\n</author>@' | xmllint --xpath
'/log/logentry/author/text()' - | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
(from yields the following
authors and their number of commits:
158 dreimer
65 akhaldi
21 osiejka
19 tfaber
19 hbelusca
17 dgorbachev
14 dchapyshev
13 pschweitzer
12 mkupfer
9 khornicek
8 fireball
7 cwittich
7 cfinck
6 zguo
6 rharabien
4 tkreuzer
3 rnaumann
3 mjansen
3 gschneider
3 ekohl
3 dquintana
2 spetreolle
2 janderwald
2 ilardig
2 cgutman
1 sginsberg
1 jgardou
1 gedmurphy
1 gadamopoulos
Note that this may include people who have committed in the past, but
whose code has been rewritten over the time. An "svn blame" on the
current rapps source files should give a more accurate list.
It does not include people though, who have no commit access.
Looking at the source file headers, the main people to ask seem to be
Dmitry Chapyshev (dmitry(a) and Ismael Ferreras Morezuelas
(swyterzone+ros(a) If you're reading this, please speak up
whether you would be okay with relicensing your code as GPLv3.
Looking at atlex, this library seems to be very new and small though.
Maybe it's easier asking the author if he can relicense his library as
GPLv2 or any later version :)
2. If I can, where to place it in the source folders?
reactos/sdk/lib/3rdparty/atlex sounds like the best place to me.