Hello developers,
After building ReactOS and Rostests successfully, I can't debug CoInitialize
function through Visual Studio 2015. It seems Visual Studio thinks I'm using
their CoInitialize of Windows kernel.
Anybody can help me?
Here is the steps I used to compile ReactOS and Rostests:
1. install Build Environment
2. download code to the folder specified when by RosBE during installing
reactOS directory -> E:\Work\reactos
rostests directory -> E:\Work\reactos\modules\rostests
3. generate reactos.sln for Visual Stdio
(a). Open a Windows DDK/WDK/Visual Studio 2015 command prompt.
(b). run the following command in the code root:
configure.cmd VSSolution
4. build the huge solutions
msbuild reactos.sln /m
5. open the 'ole32_winetest.vcxproj'
Set the command arguments 'ole2', set breakpoint at CoInitialize
line, and start beginning by pressing F5, but Visual Studio can't get into
CoInitialize funtion
Best regards
Yonggang Chen