I have been reading the mailing list for a long time now, and i have to say, i have recently noticed a building up of this childish crap. I was thinkin of tryin to work on the project a little, maybe even submitt a patch, but after reading all of this today (i haven't checked my mail in a while), im not sure i will.
This isn't because of Alex. In my opinion, one dev shouldn't be the reason for a new dev beeing turned away from a project. I haven't seen everything that goes on, but from the way i have seen things, the lintch mob has been sent out jus because everyone doesn't always agree w/ one dev. An atitude of arragance may be hard to deal w/ at times, but when you make a big fuss about it, as it seems everyone has, your'e justifying it. Honestly, if there is going to be a big fuss about how he gets stuff done, why don't how everyone does things get brought into question?
So Alex, how do you feel about how the other devs do things?