On Thu, 2 Feb 2006 19:05:28 +0100 Martin Fuchs <fuchs.martin(a)gmail.com>
waved a wand and this message magically appeared:
pretty good, but I disable html because it's a waste of
space and is against all RFC internet standards. Just because Microsoft
lets you do it doesn't mean it's right.
Please carefully re-read RFC2822, RFC2045, RFC2046 and RFC2049 before
posting such predications. MIME encapsulated HTML mails are part of
the standard. However that doesn't mean one should use them on mailing
lists. They are quite handy for birthday greeting cards and so on...
In the past, HTML have been used to insert viruses and attack PCs.
"Honestly, what can I possibly say to get you into my bed?" - Anon.