It'd be an added feature for the Edit control. If you right-click a select text it offers you a new menu with the ability to spell-check it. I don't think it difficult to implement (i have no idea where is the edit control defined).
However, i'd be better if it were not static. So it loaded cut, copy, paste, select all, menus and then check in the registry for more menus. If they're it adds it, and when you press the button, the DLL associated to that menu gets the control handle and do whatever it wants: modify the text, show a spell-checking window, open a web page about that word.... It'd give you more flexibility. Why only a spell-checker and not a translator? or whatever you want. Apps could install it.
Possible problems/Notes:
    -Menus available only if writing-acces to the textbox. That may be annoying for read-only menus but it should stay for the program stability, unless we stablished two menu-types. Read-only and read-write. (If they say they are read only, write access force to denied). Of course if they are for passwords, not special menus. Not matter how they introduce themselves.
    -The DLL should only be loaded when the menu is pressed. If called when loading the Edit, it wastes memory you may not want and makes the system slower, AND if the DLL is badly made, it can crash the system, as edit controls are used everywhere.
    -The user must be able to add/del entrys easily. I don't want to have when i right-click on a word, options to look it up on google, google news, yahoo, wikipedia, translate with babelfish... I'll add what i want, and delete everything else. Spyware, toolbars, etc. will wish to add themselves. A control panel menu recommended.
----- Original Message -----
From: David Johnson
To: ReactOS Development List
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2005 10:02 PM
Subject: Re: [ros-dev] Security Suite

I think that is great.

I too have an idea.

How about a spell checker that intagrates into all running apps.
i.e. If I install a database I would like to spell check the data even if the app does not have this feiture. The OS should have it. SkyOS has this feiture.