Radical idea: Start a kickstarter to "bring ReactOS into beta", needing a certain amount. That could get us a lot more publicity and money.

On Jun 6, 2012 10:23 AM, "Aleksey Bragin" <aleksey@reactos.org> wrote:
>From the bright side, it's not that simple to raise almost 5k euros within a few weeks.

What's important is that there is absolutely no need to wait till magical figure of 30k to start hiring devs for contracts. We are already working on preparing devs contracts and as soon as we settle things down and agree on specific contract/developer tasks we proceed and implement them.

Yes, ReactOS needs it indeed! :)


On 06.06.2012 11:47, Javier Agustìn Fernàndez Arroyo wrote:

I can see donations have slowed down too much.... so, reaching 30,000 € goal seems ... quite impossible at the short-term...

So, i wanted to ask... what about hiring devs for months? i know its a short period of time, but i feel ReactOS needs it ( and them, also, speaking about devs) asap :)

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