I know this is a little old, but the thought just occurred to me.....  I seriously doubt that reactos will ever be accepted into this.  The reason for this is pretty simple. Google right now is considered the one company that can "take on" Microsoft. Now this might not hold a lot of weight or it might, but I just don't think that Google wants to be associated with an alternative to a Microsoft OS, that would be able to compete directly with windows. I just don't think that google wants to stir up the headlines, even if it weren't the situation that it actually is.

On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 5:07 PM, Aleksey Bragin <aleksey@reactos.org> wrote:

On Mar 21, 2009, at 11:04 PM, François Revol wrote:

> Hi,
>> I'd like to let you know our application has not been accepted into
>> Google Summer of Code, for the third time in a row. I attached an
>> (autogenerated) reply, which encourages us to reapply for future
>> instances of the program. I would not find a better way to express
>> sarcasm than asking us to reapply in future.
> It's indeed sad to know ReactOS didn't make it.
It was expected though :)

>> Our friendly OS project Haiku gets accepted every year, so being an
>> OS is not a problem.
>> Wine is certainly accepted every year from the beginning, and this
>> year is not an exception. So it's definately not a problem of "legal
>> fear" of Microsoft.
> In the same spirit of sharing from the FOSDEM invitation, I'm sure we
> could find some projects on Haiku that would benefit ReactOS as well.
> Some time ago I talked about the webcam driver I wrote, which could
> likely be made portable. Another developer already started adding UVC
> support to it, so it'd likely be interesting to ROS as well.
Thanks a lot, but this could limit your own participation, since
number of slots is usually very limited. It's really nice to offer
this from your side.

> I'd suggest looking for projects you'd be interested in on
> http://dev.haiku-os.org/wiki/GoogleSummerOfCodeIdeas
> The students pick the ones they want but likely we could put them
> first
> on our wish list.
> An other topic of interest could be the network drivers we ported from
> FreeBSD, likely you could take inspiration from our compatibility
> layer.
Yes, we surely could find something which benefits both of us.

> Also, something that seemed to appeal to Google last year was our
> attempt at extending the allocated GSoC slots by running our own
> funded
> HCD (Haiku Code Drive), to sponsor some more projects.
> see:
> http://www.haiku-os.org/tags/hcd2008_0

We are preparing a similar thing called Community Funded Ideas. It's
not ready for big announcement yet, but we are working towards it.

> Surely running your own event would entice Google to value your own
> investment and reconsider for next year.

Honestly, they exhausted my level of patience. So, I rather see CFI
as a better substitute for GSoC, also it lets community to take part
in decision process.

>> What is the problem then? I leave it to you to decide what's the
>> problem. However, as for me, I see Google Summer of Code is nothing
>> close to supporting free software world, but rather an expensive way
>> of advertising.
> Undoubtedly it gives them a lot of advertising, but I do hope there is
> more to it :)

I was slightly exaggerating certainly :)

> François.

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