If there are some people ready to help me with GIT (thing which is totally new for me), I would be glad to switch "my" branch. Inconsistent line endings start pissing me off!
P. Schweitzer

> To: ros-dev@reactos.org
> From: aleksey@reactos.org
> Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 17:09:35 +0300
> Subject: [ros-dev] GIT mirror
> Since Arty just mentioned GIT, I think it's about time to uncover a
> ReactOS GIT mirror I've been setting up recent couple of weeks.
> It works pretty good so far, autoupdates every 10 minutes, so it
> stays quite up-to-date.
> URLs:
> git://git.reactos.org/ - for git cloning.
> http://git.reactos.org - for web viewing.
> As for branches, it was actually my main intention in using a DVCS,
> because SVN branches are greatly uncomfortable to develop anything
> because of the need to keep the branch up-to-date.
> But, to prevent any gossips, SVN stays as our main repository, and
> GIT mirror is just for exploration of new possibilities, and for
> comfortability of working with branches - if someone wants to try
> that out. Usual SVN branches are still permitted.
> WBR,
> Aleksey Bragin.
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