Test KVM AHK is back on its feet.
After a fight with the package update manager (bug in dnf) and a problem with the primary monitor setting,
its building and testing the last push from AmineKhaldi *:) Heureux

Kind regards, Sylvain Petreolle

Le Mardi 28 novembre 2017 23h06, Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@yahoo.fr> a écrit :

The AHK bot crashes often these days.

I uploaded a crash dump to Fedora and discovered that these crashes are due to the network emulation (SLIRP) used in KVM.
For reference, here is the opened issue : https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1509589
Since bugs with previous versions of Fedora take time to be resolved, I'm upgrading the bot to Fedora 27.

Ideas to overcome the SLIRP problems are welcome.

After all, if it crashes the virtual machine, it could also be at the source of other problems.
The AHK tests show randomness in the tests that require network,
related to nonblocking mode not working, but it could involve KVM too.
Kind regards, Sylvain Petreolle