Yes, why is there not a bug report for this on BugZilla, and why are
the developers screaming murder against the portable group when
they've uncovered a major PSEH fault?
Reverting their commit, while, yes, 'unbreaking' trunk (and only only
on the test server anyway), would've caused this issue to go unnoticed
and perhaps cause headaches later on (without the DPRINT there this
would've been hard to catch).
On 7-Jul-09, at 5:48 AM, Aleksey Bragin wrote:
If it would be said so (in a commit message, in a bug
report), it
wouldn't provide so big frustration among developers. Otherwise we'll
end up communicating in C code rather than in human readable
language :)
On Jul 7, 2009, at 11:52 AM, Dmitry Gorbachev wrote:
Yes, it's a bug in PSEH2, unnoticed. More
testcases are needed in
Ros-dev mailing list
Best regards,
Alex Ionescu