While attempting to guess the location isn't going
be successful
of the time, it would probably be better then the 99%
incorrect that
get with always defaulting to 1 set zone.
Also, are there any other user-set preferences that
come before the
date/time page (How do you call the different parts
of >Setup?) that
might help determining location?
It seems a pain in the @ss to code the whole thing,
taking in acount ALL the countries and their probable
timezones(countries with diferent timezone areas) for
something as easy to the user as to look at his watch
and set the time. I dont mind what standard (if GMT -8
or GMT 0) you chose, but i believe that making it more
elaborate does not worth today when many other things,
quite more important, are waiting to be implemented
(like Networking). I am sure that time will come for
those details.
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