Robert Köpferl wrote:
Sorry guys, but some of you never heared about (lets
say) compiler and
Never, never import generated artifacts into a VCS.
The only thing allowed is doc and code (models). At a generated peace
of code is not worked on (one mustn't). Instead one has to work on
it's model (its source). This sadly implies that the matching tool (a
compiler/transformer) must be available.
As you mentioned: People will start working on generated code (baaaad).
Also I hate projects where establishing a build env. seems like
programming an app. But you can't ascribe everything back to Gcc as a
minimum dominator. Gcc is not the high-level language to produce
parsers. Try to run a make script with gcc :-/
Thus I am for adding bison to our tool list and against importing
generated code (=not source). And think: Bison is litle more C++
affine than a Pascal compiler or the like.
In my sight it's not harder than providing an archive which contains
bison beneath mingw etc.
If you want me to, I'd create that archive.
Have you ever tried compiling projects like Mozilla? If not, please do.
I'm sure that's going to change your mind...
I'm still totally against relying on 3rd party tools like bison. I
prefer the way the ReactOS project has handled that so far.