Am 12.01.2013 09:11, schrieb J. C. Jones:
The fact that it is not possible to build, say, just applications, or just drivers, without hunting-and-pecking projects in the Solution Workspace, is related to problem
No, it's just a missing cmake command to generate a solution file for applications.
Of course you cannot build applications without building it's dependencies. And since we build all our dependencies (CRT, importlibs, certain headers) ourselves, all of these will be put into a solution for applications.

Having different architectures in the build will most likely never work, since it requires completely different cmake passes. Especially for ARM you need to do a cross build, where you first need to compile the host tools for x86 and then the rest for ARM (I think I made a configure script for that). I also don't see any merit in it. Noone usually switches between architectures on the fly. It's only there, because it's the best way to maintain it in VS project files, if that is how you organize your build. But we don't do that, we use cmake files.

“Wow…800-project solution. Let’s see, x86_32, x86_64, ARM support..nice…both Debug and Release present…good good…looks like Solution Workspace mirrors what is on…#include paths in IDE project settings are relative to root of solution so I can move solution to another disk if I like…appreciate that…IntelliSense seems to be working correctly…and this livecd thing…I guess right-clicking on that and doing Build does minimum operations necessary to generate a live CD. I wonder what happens when I try to execute the livecd project after built. Wow…that is too awesome!!! Ok. Everything makes sense.  I can handle myself from here. Thanks.”

No offence, but a developer that judges a project solely on the fact that it managed to slap 800 modules into a single VS solution, rather than by the code or dozens of other factors, should probably rethink his profession ;-)
I have been workig on a number of different projects, all with different build systems. Some sucked bad (autoconf shit) other were ok. ReactOS has the best build system of all of these. And the key here is simplicity and performance. No manual defining of 100 configuration commands plus 20 minutes over and over repeating test and configuration steps. It's simple. It builds fast. And it supports MSVC (WDK and VS from 2010 to 2012) and GCC and works on Windows/Linux/Mac. VS solution support is just sugar on top of that.
And this is a complete f*cking Operating System and not a shitty browser.

IMO, we should give Amine time to get the ReactOS repository into this state..

Amine already did an awesome job. And delivered. If you need anything more: "We accept patches!"(tm)
Or ... you could get a bunch of skilled devs that all strongly want these features and that might motivate someone to work on this.
There's a lot of things that might be interesting for someone. An ARM port might be interesting, an x64 port might be interesting, a native DirectX might be interesting, support for WDDM drivers might be interesting, .... a working Memory Manager that doesn't crash all the time might be interesting.
And now guess which of these would be considered a priority, and which of these not.
I guess you'd need to convince someone of the demand / importance or take things in your own hands.
