HP provides resources for WebOS developers[72] and instructions for enrolling in the HP Palm Developer Program.[73]

The latest version of the webOS SDK is version 3.0.4. It can be downloaded directly from HP Palm's development center. With this SDK, developers are able to make applications for a variety of webOS devices including the HP Veer and the HP Touchpad. Included in the SDK is also the PDK, which grants developers access to compilers, coding libraries, scripts, utilities, and documents in that aid in C/C++ development. Applications can also be written in HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS using either the Mojo or Enyo framework.

The HP Palm Development Center also has a quick start guides that help ease the transition from iOS, web, and C/C++ development.


It is important to know for HTML/CSS-developers  that HP webOS uses   WebKit  and V8 as JavaScript-engine in the built in web browser.

11.01.2012, 17:10, "Александр" <art1st-tm@yandex.ru>:
Please think about using parts of webOS as top shell for ReactOS (for tablets and phones).
http://developer.palm.com/blog/2011/12/open-source/  HP webOS goes opensource.
http://opensource.palm.com/packages.html  here you can find parts of webOS source code (still not complete)
webOS provides amazing user expirence.
С наилучшими пожеланиями, Александр.

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С наилучшими пожеланиями, Александр.