> I
haven't seen ROS joining this initiative :( It had been a good push-up!
According to the FAQ its closed to new projects joining. I suggest submitting ideas under
the Wine
project for Win32 code that both ReactOS and Wine can share.
If I understood it correctly it's up to the Organiziations what they
except and what not. Maybe they would even except some Reactos stuff.
They even had an advantage of it because they would get the 500 bucks.
(Is there a limit on how many apps they may except ?)
Another thing is the "other" field. Google sais:
What is the 'other' group for?
If you have an outstanding need for an alternate mentor. For instance,
suppose you are working in a cryogenics lab and the only ones really
qualified to judge your work writing profilers for liquid nitrogen
delivery systems are other cryogenicists, then hit other and describe
who you would like to oversee your work. *Have them email us.*
I think it's worth a try.
Maarten Bosma