"Why should I care if my document is in correct HTML? It displays all
right on my browser.
All browsers know how to deal with correct HTML. However, if it is
incorrect, the browser has to repair the document, and since not all
browsers repair documents in the same way, this introduces differences,
so that your document may look and work differently on different
browsers. Since there are hundreds of different browsers, and more
coming all the time (not only on PCs, but also on PDAs, mobile phones,
televisions, printers, even refrigerators), it is impossible to test
your document on every browser. If you use incorrect HTML and your
document doesn't work on a particular browser, it is your fault; if you
use correct HTML and it doesn't work, it is a bug in the browser."
[ simon.cpu ]
Reuben Perelman wrote:
I don't really care as long as it has a working
Also, it should be HTML 4. What the hell is XHTML about? You end the
tags with a slash for no apperent reason., other than to be correct XML
And /usr/games/fortune futurama says:
Fry: "Maybe he has a parasite."
Hermes: "Maybe he is a parasite."