Unfortunately, I just tested it into the latest working SVN build under QEMU
(livecd-26665-rel) and this bug it is still into the CRT library.
I also read the source code with SVN-WEB and it's still the same of 0.3.1.
BTW, from livecd-26771-rel, a bad thing happens with QEMU: immediately after starting the
boot, a blu screen appear with errors and everything is dead.
Carlo Bramini
This bug have already been fixed by me.
log time ago. some time after 0.3.1 was relase or under 0.3.1 release process.
plese use svn source code, and try make own build of reactos as well. the trunk is changes
so fast, the code in 0.3.1 is already outdated in many areas.
Citerar "carlo\\.bramix" <carlo.bramix at libero.it>:
While I was doing the final tests with ReactOS Calc
before releasing the new
version, I discovered that it didn't work because a bug into log10 function.
This happens because the two operands are swapped into:
I attached the patch.
Carlo Bramini.
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