I recently decided to give a hand on the project. So I joined the IRC
channel and asked for ideas of applications I could make for ReactOS,
in order to make it more "complete". Alex Ionescu suggested, among
other ideas, an implementation of MMC.
So, I decided to jump on the idea. However, I have minimal knowledge
of COM programming in C and minimal knowledge of C++. Although, I have
good knowledge of assembly (x86), C in general, as well as VB6.
So, I decided to look at how MMC works. I quickly realized that I
would need to implement some interfaces (like IUnknown, for a simple
one). MingW doesn't seem to handle COM development very well. However,
I read in some places that it could support COM development when doing
pure C programming. I like the idea since I do know C much better than
C++... so I read the following tutorial:
That was interesting until I tried to do that with MingW. No succes.
So, I'd like to know if someone managed to do that yet (ie a COM
"component", which implements interfaces).
Jacques Mony