From: James Tabor
Started WinObj.exe and got this,
We're talking about winobj.exe from SysInternals, right? Filesize 94208
The problem seems to be caused by the following file:
Technical information:
*** STOP: 0x0000001E (0xc0000005,0x9dc9e095,0x00000000,0x9ef22000)
*** win32k.sys - Address 0x9dc9e095 base at 0x9dc93000,
DateStamp 0x0
Page Fault Exception: 14(2)
Processor: 0 CS:EIP 8:9dc9e095 <win32k.sys:b095
It locked up and was unable to back trace. Also, I tried to
repeat the error and all I get is this,
Endless Loop!
Hmm, I'm unable to reproduce either the crash or the endless loop. What
compile time options did you use, what video driver and what virtual machine
Ge van Geldorp.