How could I
debug this error?
You can use the map files to find out where things went wrong. On the BSOD
you attached you can find that the kernel crashed at <win32k.sys: 142f8>.
you can go to subsys/win32k/win32k.map and find (relative) address 142f8.
you compiled with DBG := 1 in your config file this should give you the
exact source line where the crash occurred.
If you need a stack backtrace, use the values on the "Frames:" line in the
same way.
Gé van Geldorp.
thank's for the hint Ge. The patch below should fix this issue. Who will
apply this patch to cvs and has it the right format?
cvs -z9 diff desktop.c (in directory
Index: desktop.c
RCS file: /CVS/ReactOS/reactos/subsys/win32k/ntuser/desktop.c,v
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -r1.22 desktop.c
< *((DWORD*)Context) = *(DWORD*)ValueData;
*((DWORD*)EntryContext) = *(DWORD*)ValueData;
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