I considered that, but it's a bad idea. Try to remember what the hell
it was to merge changes into release branch ("stable"), done since
0.3.3-RC1 was released? And that was only to do a RC2, about 1-2
weeks, and complete hell to merge so it was decided that a rebranch
was easier (and in fact it worked very well).
Aleksey Bragin.
On Oct 3, 2007, at 9:03 PM, Magnus Olsen wrote:
I think we should have something call stable trunk and devloping trunk
The stable trunk getting all changes that are ready and stable and
it will
the release version of trunk.
the devloping trunk is where everyone working in
But the main problem is we do not have any good tools for regress
and we are missing testcase for each api. I am working at moment
testcase for gdi32, I hope this will make lest gdi32 allot more
stable at
then I will start making testcase for win32k later maybe for user32
then start fixing the real bugs and implement things. or working with
everthing same times. we should need a test kit for each api and
test for evertging invaild param, pointers, and real data in all case
I known it is not fun todo but that is what we need to make ReactOS
more stable and less bugs. Testcase for everthing.