From: Thomas Larsen
Its a long time ago now Geldorp i no longer got the source
code yes i look at it but only because some drivers and shell
code where extreme close to microsofts old ones and i dident
want to work on a project if it gets closed but now i know
you and wine dident.. still sry for the accousing but i can
do anything execpt saying that im sry
And i could have changed e-mail and called me bob if it where
that but i dident just to give you some to think about..
Im not mad or angry i where not clear about the policy back
their and it where just to help you and reactos..
For those of you who are wondering what this is all about, I sent Thomas
Larsen a private email. Since Thomas doesn't seem to have a problem
discussing this in public, I'm including the email below.
Ge van Geldorp.
--- start of privately sent email
I've started committing some of your patches. However, I have a big problem:
you said you compared ReactOS code with the leaked Windows source code. That
must mean you have looked at the leaked code. Now, our IP policy document
l) clearly states (under 8b) that we cannot accept contributions from
developers who have access to the leaked code. Now, I think that the leaked
code didn't include any utilities and usermode apps, so if you submit stuff
in that area I'll look at it and if it seems ok commit (that is, if Jason
and Steven agree with me on this point). However, committing "core" stuff is
out of the question as far as I'm concerned. I do appreciate the time you're
investing in ReactOS and I fully understand you're not going to be happy
about this, but we do have the future of the project at stake here.