Re: [ros-dev] [ros-diffs] [sir_richard] 45052: Patch that fixes VMWare boot (and should fix QEMu/KVM boot on the testbot): [NTOS]: A trap can get us into a state where DS/ES are invalid, making any pointer dereference (on DS/ES segmented memory, not SS, the stack) crash (and probably double-fault). Therefore, we have to be careful to switch to a good DS/ES before touching the TrapFrame pointer, which we don't have in ESP like the ASM code, but in a DS/ES-segmented register. For V8086 traps we can switch to

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  • Aleksey Bragin
  • Daniel Reimer
  • Javier Agustìn Fernàndez Arroyo
  • Jose Catena
  • Olaf Siejka
  • Ros Arm
  • Steven Edwards
  • Timo Kreuzer