Hey all,
Just a second thought about the website that ReactOS is planning on
updating. There are several ideas out there and several layouts. Here are my
Fedora Core 4
OpenLDAP for user information and Login functions
Perl and PHP
Apache 2.0.xx
POP3 and Imap4 email access
NNTP service
MySQL for CMS, Wiki, Portal
Postgresql for CMS, Portal, Wiki
I also believe in sticking with a header, and a three column layout, as well
as a footer. The site should be updateable by either database (MySQL or
Postgresql) or XML. Should provide login credential system that will allow
admins to add news and features.
I think users should be allowed or have access to giving detailed system
data to allow developers to focus on certain devices, drivers, and
applications. This would allow a user to also check the status on a new
optimized driver or binary, or any updates that React my want to distribute
for download. Later
ReactOS.com should integrate with the currently
installed software on the users system to alert them of new releases,
patches, updates, and information; much like windows update. I also think
that the portal system should allow users to check @reactos.com email or
provide it in attempts to raise money for the site.
Another great thing that I know major OS manufacturers include is a
development library/ I think that we should list the source code and allow
users to browse it much like webCVS but also to annotate it, and allow a
user to chat in a forum type environment if they don't understand a line of
the code.
Just a few thoughts on color: KISS (Keep it simple stupid). Keep color usage
minimal and allow the user to customize it to their liking with templates.