So getting down to business. The UI team is recruiting two kinds of people.
Primarily: Programmers who have sufficient knowledge to hack other people's
code, even if said code is rooted deeply in system libraries. Skill in
writing user interfaces and piecing together dialog resources. No advanced
skills beyond that required. This is most important, since developers in
this category can get straight to business and get started on improving
Clearly outline the change desired, and file a enhancement bug on it,
you can point people to it that may be interested, and you may have
someone from another skill set implement it. I think this is the best
method possible. Keep in mind that Martin Fuchs is the maintainer of
explorer, so he may have a say on changes. I would even recommend a
Secondarily: Interface concept designers who have
advanced knowledge of
human interfacing, easy access, logical positioning, and the creativity to
improve and expand on existing ideas. This is a secondary category because
a) right now there is little to do in this respect, b) there are already two
(counting Mikko?) of these people in ReactOS, and c) for every 1 concept
designer, there can be up to 10 implementing developers.
Even more appreciated, would be someone who fits both gloves and can write
code AND design interfaces. Sadly, experience proves that these two traits
don't usually come together in one person.
And! Just as important, though not actively recruited, I welcome icon
designers, graphic designers, font designers (that includes you, wierd_w!),
sound effect samplers, and programmers willing to implement missing UI
features (think of things such as extended cursor/icon support, alpha
blitting, runtime freetype configuration, recycle bin functionality, control
panel, autorun support, etc), on individual application (mail me at
Come up with a list of things needed, and put them on the wiki. You
never know who will help, but it needs to be publicly documented.
The plan(tm) to kickstart the UI team is as follows:
Our first goal will be to make the surface experience of ReactOS familiar.
Surface in this context means the things a user will see during and after
bootup. This mainly involves modifying explorer; to display a consistent and
familiar start menu, and to show a friendly explorer when My Computer or the
Explore link is opened. This means making all the surface icons consistent
(my task), modifying explorer's interface (the 'programmer' category), and
figuring out the best layout for the start menu (the 'designer' category).
There is no plan past this first task, because I cannot predict how small or
big the team is going to be, what feedback we are going to get, and how fast
things will move.
You need to have a documented plan in an asynchronous environment,
such as this. I'm learning this as the Testing Coordinator.
<arty> don't question it ... it's clearly an optimization