add some of the shlwapi tests
Added: trunk/reactos/regtests/winetests/shlwapi/
Added: trunk/reactos/regtests/winetests/shlwapi/.cvsignore
Added: trunk/reactos/regtests/winetests/shlwapi/clist.c
Added: trunk/reactos/regtests/winetests/shlwapi/clsid.c
Added: trunk/reactos/regtests/winetests/shlwapi/generated.c
Added: trunk/reactos/regtests/winetests/shlwapi/ordinal.c
Added: trunk/reactos/regtests/winetests/shlwapi/path.c
Added: trunk/reactos/regtests/winetests/shlwapi/shlwapi_test.xml
Added: trunk/reactos/regtests/winetests/shlwapi/shreg.c
Added: trunk/reactos/regtests/winetests/shlwapi/string.c
Added: trunk/reactos/regtests/winetests/shlwapi/testlist.c

Added: trunk/reactos/regtests/winetests/shlwapi/.cvsignore
--- trunk/reactos/regtests/winetests/shlwapi/.cvsignore	2005-08-06 23:41:45 UTC (rev 17125)
+++ trunk/reactos/regtests/winetests/shlwapi/.cvsignore	2005-08-06 23:58:36 UTC (rev 17126)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Property changes on: trunk/reactos/regtests/winetests/shlwapi/.cvsignore
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/reactos/regtests/winetests/shlwapi/clist.c
--- trunk/reactos/regtests/winetests/shlwapi/clist.c	2005-08-06 23:41:45 UTC (rev 17125)
+++ trunk/reactos/regtests/winetests/shlwapi/clist.c	2005-08-06 23:58:36 UTC (rev 17126)
@@ -0,0 +1,643 @@
+/* Unit test suite for SHLWAPI Compact List and IStream ordinal functions
+ *
+ * Copyright 2002 Jon Griffiths
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ */
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include "wine/test.h"
+#include "windef.h"
+#include "winbase.h"
+#include "objbase.h"
+typedef struct tagSHLWAPI_CLIST
+  ULONG ulSize;
+  ULONG ulId;
+/* Items to add */
+static const SHLWAPI_CLIST SHLWAPI_CLIST_items[] =
+  {4, 1},
+  {8, 3},
+  {12, 2},
+  {16, 8},
+  {20, 9},
+  {3, 11},
+  {9, 82},
+  {33, 16},
+  {32, 55},
+  {24, 100},
+  {39, 116},
+  { 0, 0}
+/* Dummy IStream object for testing calls */
+typedef struct
+  void* lpVtbl;
+  LONG  ref;
+  int   readcalls;
+  BOOL  failreadcall;
+  BOOL  failreadsize;
+  BOOL  readbeyondend;
+  BOOL  readreturnlarge;
+  int   writecalls;
+  BOOL  failwritecall;
+  BOOL  failwritesize;
+  int   seekcalls;
+  int   statcalls;
+  BOOL  failstatcall;
+} _IDummyStream;
+HRESULT WINAPI QueryInterface(_IDummyStream *This,REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppvObj)
+  return S_OK;
+static ULONG WINAPI AddRef(_IDummyStream *This)
+  return InterlockedIncrement(&This->ref);
+static ULONG WINAPI Release(_IDummyStream *This)
+  return InterlockedDecrement(&This->ref);
+static HRESULT WINAPI Read(_IDummyStream* This, LPVOID lpMem, ULONG ulSize,
+                           PULONG lpRead)
+  HRESULT hRet = S_OK;
+  ++This->readcalls;
+  if (This->failreadcall)
+  {
+  }
+  else if (This->failreadsize)
+  {
+    *lpRead = ulSize + 8;
+    return S_OK;
+  }
+  else if (This->readreturnlarge)
+  {
+    *((ULONG*)lpMem) = 0xffff01;
+    *lpRead = ulSize;
+    This->readreturnlarge = FALSE;
+    return S_OK;
+  }
+  if (ulSize == sizeof(ULONG))
+  {
+    /* Read size of item */
+    *((ULONG*)lpMem) = This->item->ulSize ? This->item->ulSize + sizeof(SHLWAPI_CLIST) : 0;
+    *lpRead = ulSize;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    unsigned int i;
+    char* buff = (char*)lpMem;
+    /* Read item data */
+    if (!This->item->ulSize)
+    {
+      This->readbeyondend = TRUE;
+      *lpRead = 0;
+      return E_FAIL; /* Should never happen */
+    }
+    *((ULONG*)lpMem) = This->item->ulId;
+    *lpRead = ulSize;
+    for (i = 0; i < This->item->ulSize; i++)
+      buff[4+i] = i*2;
+    This->item++;
+  }
+  return hRet;
+static HRESULT WINAPI Write(_IDummyStream* This, LPVOID lpMem, ULONG ulSize,
+                            PULONG lpWritten)
+  HRESULT hRet = S_OK;
+  ++This->writecalls;
+  if (This->failwritecall)
+  {
+  }
+  else if (This->failwritesize)
+  {
+    *lpWritten = 0;
+  }
+  else
+    *lpWritten = ulSize;
+  return hRet;
+static HRESULT WINAPI Seek(_IDummyStream* This, LARGE_INTEGER dlibMove,
+                           DWORD dwOrigin, ULARGE_INTEGER* plibNewPosition)
+  ++This->seekcalls;
+  This->pos.QuadPart = dlibMove.QuadPart;
+  if (plibNewPosition)
+    plibNewPosition->QuadPart = dlibMove.QuadPart;
+  return S_OK;
+static HRESULT WINAPI Stat(_IDummyStream* This, STATSTG* pstatstg,
+                           DWORD grfStatFlag)
+  ++This->statcalls;
+  if (This->failstatcall)
+    return E_FAIL;
+  if (pstatstg)
+    pstatstg->cbSize.QuadPart = This->pos.QuadPart;
+  return S_OK;
+/* VTable */
+static void* iclvt[] =
+  QueryInterface,
+  AddRef,
+  Release,
+  Read,
+  Write,
+  Seek,
+  NULL, /* SetSize */
+  NULL, /* CopyTo */
+  NULL, /* Commit */
+  NULL, /* Revert */
+  NULL, /* LockRegion */
+  NULL, /* UnlockRegion */
+  Stat,
+  NULL  /* Clone */
+/* Function ptrs for ordinal calls */
+static HMODULE SHLWAPI_hshlwapi = 0;
+static BOOL    (WINAPI *pSHLWAPI_166)(_IDummyStream*);
+static HRESULT (WINAPI *pSHLWAPI_184)(_IDummyStream*,LPVOID,ULONG);
+static HRESULT (WINAPI *pSHLWAPI_213)(_IDummyStream*);
+static void InitFunctionPtrs(void)
+  SHLWAPI_hshlwapi = LoadLibraryA("shlwapi.dll");
+  ok(SHLWAPI_hshlwapi != 0, "LoadLibrary failed\n");
+  if (SHLWAPI_hshlwapi)
+  {
+    pSHLWAPI_17 = (void *)GetProcAddress( SHLWAPI_hshlwapi, (LPSTR)17);
+    ok(pSHLWAPI_17 != 0, "No Ordinal 17\n");
+    pSHLWAPI_18 = (void *)GetProcAddress( SHLWAPI_hshlwapi, (LPSTR)18);
+    ok(pSHLWAPI_18 != 0, "No Ordinal 18\n");
+    pSHLWAPI_19 = (void *)GetProcAddress( SHLWAPI_hshlwapi, (LPSTR)19);
+    ok(pSHLWAPI_19 != 0, "No Ordinal 19\n");
+    pSHLWAPI_20 = (void *)GetProcAddress( SHLWAPI_hshlwapi, (LPSTR)20);
+    ok(pSHLWAPI_20 != 0, "No Ordinal 20\n");
+    pSHLWAPI_21 = (void *)GetProcAddress( SHLWAPI_hshlwapi, (LPSTR)21);
+    ok(pSHLWAPI_21 != 0, "No Ordinal 21\n");
+    pSHLWAPI_22 = (void *)GetProcAddress( SHLWAPI_hshlwapi, (LPSTR)22);
+    ok(pSHLWAPI_22 != 0, "No Ordinal 22\n");
+    pSHLWAPI_166 = (void *)GetProcAddress( SHLWAPI_hshlwapi, (LPSTR)166);
+    ok(pSHLWAPI_166 != 0, "No Ordinal 166\n");
+    pSHLWAPI_184 = (void *)GetProcAddress( SHLWAPI_hshlwapi, (LPSTR)184);
+    ok(pSHLWAPI_184 != 0, "No Ordinal 184\n");
+    pSHLWAPI_212 = (void *)GetProcAddress( SHLWAPI_hshlwapi, (LPSTR)212);
+    ok(pSHLWAPI_212 != 0, "No Ordinal 212\n");
+    pSHLWAPI_213 = (void *)GetProcAddress( SHLWAPI_hshlwapi, (LPSTR)213);
+    ok(pSHLWAPI_213 != 0, "No Ordinal 213\n");
+    pSHLWAPI_214 = (void *)GetProcAddress( SHLWAPI_hshlwapi, (LPSTR)214);
+    ok(pSHLWAPI_214 != 0, "No Ordinal 214\n");
+  }
+static void InitDummyStream(_IDummyStream* iface)
+  iface->lpVtbl = (void*)iclvt;
+  iface->ref = 1;
+  iface->readcalls = 0;
+  iface->failreadcall = FALSE;
+  iface->failreadsize = FALSE;
+  iface->readbeyondend = FALSE;
+  iface->readreturnlarge = FALSE;
+  iface->writecalls = 0;
+  iface->failwritecall = FALSE;
+  iface->failwritesize = FALSE;
+  iface->seekcalls = 0;
+  iface->statcalls = 0;
+  iface->failstatcall = FALSE;
+  iface->item = SHLWAPI_CLIST_items;
+  iface->pos.QuadPart = 0;
+static void test_CList(void)
+  _IDummyStream streamobj;
+  HRESULT hRet;
+  LPSHLWAPI_CLIST inserted;
+  BYTE buff[64];
+  unsigned int i;
+  if (!pSHLWAPI_17 || !pSHLWAPI_18 || !pSHLWAPI_19 || !pSHLWAPI_20 ||
+      !pSHLWAPI_21 || !pSHLWAPI_22)
+    return;
+  /* Populate a list and test the items are added correctly */
+  while (item->ulSize)
+  {
+    /* Create item and fill with data */
+    inserted = (LPSHLWAPI_CLIST)buff;
+    inserted->ulSize = item->ulSize + sizeof(SHLWAPI_CLIST);
+    inserted->ulId = item->ulId;
+    for (i = 0; i < item->ulSize; i++)
+      buff[sizeof(SHLWAPI_CLIST)+i] = i*2;
+    /* Add it */
+    hRet = pSHLWAPI_20(&list, inserted);
+    ok(hRet > S_OK, "failed list add\n");
+    if (hRet > S_OK)
+    {
+      ok(list && list->ulSize, "item not added\n");
+      /* Find it */
+      inserted = pSHLWAPI_22(list, item->ulId);
+      ok(inserted != NULL, "lost after adding\n");
+      ok(!inserted || inserted->ulId != ~0UL, "find returned a container\n");
+      /* Check size */
+      if (inserted && inserted->ulSize & 0x3)
+      {
+        /* Contained */
+        ok(inserted[-1].ulId == ~0UL, "invalid size is not countained\n");
+        ok(inserted[-1].ulSize > inserted->ulSize+sizeof(SHLWAPI_CLIST),
+           "container too small\n");
+      }
+      else if (inserted)
+      {
+        ok(inserted->ulSize==item->ulSize+sizeof(SHLWAPI_CLIST),
+           "id %ld size wrong (%ld!=%ld)\n", inserted->ulId, inserted->ulSize,
+           item->ulSize+sizeof(SHLWAPI_CLIST));
+      }
+      if (inserted)
+      {
+        BOOL bDataOK = TRUE;
+        LPBYTE bufftest = (LPBYTE)inserted;
+        for (i = 0; i < inserted->ulSize - sizeof(SHLWAPI_CLIST); i++)
+          if (bufftest[sizeof(SHLWAPI_CLIST)+i] != i*2)
+            bDataOK = FALSE;
+        ok(bDataOK == TRUE, "data corrupted on insert\n");
+      }
+      ok(!inserted || inserted->ulId==item->ulId, "find got wrong item\n");
+    }
+    item++;
+  }
+  /* Write the list */
+  InitDummyStream(&streamobj);
+  hRet = pSHLWAPI_17(&streamobj, list);
+  ok(hRet == S_OK, "write failed\n");
+  if (hRet == S_OK)
+  {
+    /* 1 call for each element, + 1 for OK (use our null element for this) */
+    ok(streamobj.writecalls == sizeof(SHLWAPI_CLIST_items)/sizeof(SHLWAPI_CLIST),
+       "wrong call count\n");
+    ok(streamobj.readcalls == 0,"called Read() in write\n");
+    ok(streamobj.seekcalls == 0,"called Seek() in write\n");
+  }
+  /* Failure cases for writing */
+  InitDummyStream(&streamobj);
+  streamobj.failwritecall = TRUE;
+  hRet = pSHLWAPI_17(&streamobj, list);
+  ok(hRet == STG_E_ACCESSDENIED, "changed object failure return\n");
+  ok(streamobj.writecalls == 1, "called object after failure\n");
+  ok(streamobj.readcalls == 0,"called Read() after failure\n");
+  ok(streamobj.seekcalls == 0,"called Seek() after failure\n");
+  InitDummyStream(&streamobj);
+  streamobj.failwritesize = TRUE;
+  hRet = pSHLWAPI_17(&streamobj, list);
+  ok(hRet == STG_E_MEDIUMFULL, "changed size failure return\n");
+  ok(streamobj.writecalls == 1, "called object after size failure\n");
+  ok(streamobj.readcalls == 0,"called Read() after failure\n");
+  ok(streamobj.seekcalls == 0,"called Seek() after failure\n");
+  /* Invalid inputs for adding */
+  inserted = (LPSHLWAPI_CLIST)buff;
+  inserted->ulSize = sizeof(SHLWAPI_CLIST) -1;
+  inserted->ulId = 33;
+  hRet = pSHLWAPI_20(&list, inserted);
+  /* The call succeeds but the item is not inserted, except on some early
+   * versions which return failure. Wine behaves like later versions.
+   */
+#if 0
+  ok(hRet == S_OK, "failed bad element size\n");
+  inserted = pSHLWAPI_22(list, 33);
+  ok(inserted == NULL, "inserted bad element size\n");
+  inserted = (LPSHLWAPI_CLIST)buff;
+  inserted->ulSize = 44;
+  inserted->ulId = ~0UL;
+  hRet = pSHLWAPI_20(&list, inserted);
+  /* See comment above, some early versions fail this call */
+#if 0
+  ok(hRet == S_OK, "failed adding a container\n");
+  item = SHLWAPI_CLIST_items;
+  /* Look for nonexistent item in populated list */
+  inserted = pSHLWAPI_22(list, 99999999);
+  ok(inserted == NULL, "found a nonexistent item\n");
+  while (item->ulSize)
+  {
+    /* Delete items */
+    BOOL bRet = pSHLWAPI_21(&list, item->ulId);
+    ok(bRet == TRUE, "couldn't find item to delete\n");
+    item++;
+  }
+  /* Look for nonexistent item in empty list */
+  inserted = pSHLWAPI_22(list, 99999999);
+  ok(inserted == NULL, "found an item in empty list\n");
+  /* Create a list by reading in data */
+  InitDummyStream(&streamobj);
+  hRet = pSHLWAPI_18(&streamobj, &list);
+  ok(hRet == S_OK, "failed create from Read()\n");
+  if (hRet == S_OK)
+  {
+    ok(streamobj.readbeyondend == FALSE, "read beyond end\n");
+    /* 2 calls per item, but only 1 for the terminator */
+    ok(streamobj.readcalls == sizeof(SHLWAPI_CLIST_items)/sizeof(SHLWAPI_CLIST)*2-1,
+       "wrong call count\n");
+    ok(streamobj.writecalls == 0, "called Write() from create\n");
+    ok(streamobj.seekcalls == 0,"called Seek() from create\n");
+    item = SHLWAPI_CLIST_items;
+    /* Check the items were added correctly */
+    while (item->ulSize)
+    {
+      inserted = pSHLWAPI_22(list, item->ulId);
+      ok(inserted != NULL, "lost after adding\n");
+      ok(!inserted || inserted->ulId != ~0UL, "find returned a container\n");
+      /* Check size */
+      if (inserted && inserted->ulSize & 0x3)
+      {
+        /* Contained */
+        ok(inserted[-1].ulId == ~0UL, "invalid size is not countained\n");
+        ok(inserted[-1].ulSize > inserted->ulSize+sizeof(SHLWAPI_CLIST),
+           "container too small\n");
+      }
+      else if (inserted)
+      {
+        ok(inserted->ulSize==item->ulSize+sizeof(SHLWAPI_CLIST),
+           "id %ld size wrong (%ld!=%ld)\n", inserted->ulId, inserted->ulSize,
+           item->ulSize+sizeof(SHLWAPI_CLIST));
+      }
+      ok(!inserted || inserted->ulId==item->ulId, "find got wrong item\n");
+      if (inserted)
+      {
+        BOOL bDataOK = TRUE;
+        LPBYTE bufftest = (LPBYTE)inserted;
+        for (i = 0; i < inserted->ulSize - sizeof(SHLWAPI_CLIST); i++)
+          if (bufftest[sizeof(SHLWAPI_CLIST)+i] != i*2)
+            bDataOK = FALSE;
+        ok(bDataOK == TRUE, "data corrupted on insert\n");
+      }
+      item++;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Failure cases for reading */
+  InitDummyStream(&streamobj);
+  streamobj.failreadcall = TRUE;
+  hRet = pSHLWAPI_18(&streamobj, &list);
+  ok(hRet == STG_E_ACCESSDENIED, "changed object failure return\n");
+  ok(streamobj.readbeyondend == FALSE, "read beyond end\n");
+  ok(streamobj.readcalls == 1, "called object after read failure\n");
+  ok(streamobj.writecalls == 0,"called Write() after read failure\n");
+  ok(streamobj.seekcalls == 0,"called Seek() after read failure\n");
+  /* Read returns large object */
+  InitDummyStream(&streamobj);
+  streamobj.readreturnlarge = TRUE;
+  hRet = pSHLWAPI_18(&streamobj, &list);
+  ok(hRet == S_OK, "failed create from Read() with large item\n");
+  ok(streamobj.readbeyondend == FALSE, "read beyond end\n");
+  ok(streamobj.readcalls == 1,"wrong call count\n");
+  ok(streamobj.writecalls == 0,"called Write() after read failure\n");
+  ok(streamobj.seekcalls == 2,"wrong Seek() call count (%d)\n", streamobj.seekcalls);
+  pSHLWAPI_19(list);
+static BOOL test_SHLWAPI_166(void)
+  _IDummyStream streamobj;
+  BOOL bRet;
+  if (!pSHLWAPI_166)
+    return FALSE;
+  InitDummyStream(&streamobj);
+  bRet = pSHLWAPI_166(&streamobj);
+  if (bRet != TRUE)
+    return FALSE; /* This version doesn't support stream ops on clists */
+  ok(streamobj.readcalls == 0, "called Read()\n");
+  ok(streamobj.writecalls == 0, "called Write()\n");
+  ok(streamobj.seekcalls == 0, "called Seek()\n");
+  ok(streamobj.statcalls == 1, "wrong call count\n");
+  streamobj.statcalls = 0;
+  streamobj.pos.QuadPart = 50001;
+  bRet = pSHLWAPI_166(&streamobj);
+  ok(bRet == FALSE, "failed after seek adjusted\n");
+  ok(streamobj.readcalls == 0, "called Read()\n");
+  ok(streamobj.writecalls == 0, "called Write()\n");
+  ok(streamobj.seekcalls == 0, "called Seek()\n");
+  ok(streamobj.statcalls == 1, "wrong call count\n");
+  /* Failure cases */
+  InitDummyStream(&streamobj);
+  streamobj.pos.QuadPart = 50001;
+  streamobj.failstatcall = TRUE; /* 1: Stat() Bad, Read() OK */
+  bRet = pSHLWAPI_166(&streamobj);
+  ok(bRet == FALSE, "should be FALSE after read is OK\n");
+  ok(streamobj.readcalls == 1, "wrong call count\n");
+  ok(streamobj.writecalls == 0, "called Write()\n");
+  ok(streamobj.seekcalls == 1, "wrong call count\n");
+  ok(streamobj.statcalls == 1, "wrong call count\n");
+  ok(streamobj.pos.QuadPart == 0, "Didn't seek to start\n");
+  InitDummyStream(&streamobj);
+  streamobj.pos.QuadPart = 50001;
+  streamobj.failstatcall = TRUE;
+  streamobj.failreadcall = TRUE; /* 2: Stat() Bad, Read() Bad Also */
+  bRet = pSHLWAPI_166(&streamobj);
+  ok(bRet == TRUE, "Should be true after read fails\n");
+  ok(streamobj.readcalls == 1, "wrong call count\n");
+  ok(streamobj.writecalls == 0, "called Write()\n");
+  ok(streamobj.seekcalls == 0, "Called Seek()\n");
+  ok(streamobj.statcalls == 1, "wrong call count\n");
+  ok(streamobj.pos.QuadPart == 50001, "called Seek() after read failed\n");
+  return TRUE;
+static void test_SHLWAPI_184(void)
+  _IDummyStream streamobj;
+  char buff[256];
+  HRESULT hRet;
+  if (!pSHLWAPI_184)
+    return;
+  InitDummyStream(&streamobj);
+  hRet = pSHLWAPI_184(&streamobj, buff, sizeof(buff));
+  ok(hRet == S_OK, "failed Read()\n");
+  ok(streamobj.readcalls == 1, "wrong call count\n");
+  ok(streamobj.writecalls == 0, "called Write()\n");
+  ok(streamobj.seekcalls == 0, "called Seek()\n");
+static void test_SHLWAPI_212(void)
+  _IDummyStream streamobj;
+  char buff[256];
+  HRESULT hRet;
+  if (!pSHLWAPI_212)
+    return;
+  InitDummyStream(&streamobj);
+  hRet = pSHLWAPI_212(&streamobj, buff, sizeof(buff));
+  ok(hRet == S_OK, "failed Write()\n");
+  ok(streamobj.readcalls == 0, "called Read()\n");
+  ok(streamobj.writecalls == 1, "wrong call count\n");
+  ok(streamobj.seekcalls == 0, "called Seek()\n");
+static void test_SHLWAPI_213(void)
+  _IDummyStream streamobj;
+  HRESULT hRet;
+  if (!pSHLWAPI_213 || !pSHLWAPI_214)
+    return;
+  InitDummyStream(&streamobj);
+  ll.QuadPart = 5000l;
+  Seek(&streamobj, ll, 0, NULL); /* Seek to 5000l */
+  streamobj.seekcalls = 0;
+  pSHLWAPI_213(&streamobj); /* Should rewind */
+  ok(streamobj.statcalls == 0, "called Stat()\n");
+  ok(streamobj.readcalls == 0, "called Read()\n");
+  ok(streamobj.writecalls == 0, "called Write()\n");
+  ok(streamobj.seekcalls == 1, "wrong call count\n");
+  ul.QuadPart = 50001;
+  hRet = pSHLWAPI_214(&streamobj, &ul);
+  ok(hRet == S_OK, "failed Stat()\n");
+  ok(ul.QuadPart == 0, "213 didn't rewind stream\n");
+static void test_SHLWAPI_214(void)
+  _IDummyStream streamobj;
+  HRESULT hRet;
+  if (!pSHLWAPI_214)
+    return;
+  InitDummyStream(&streamobj);
+  ll.QuadPart = 5000l;
+  Seek(&streamobj, ll, 0, NULL);
+  ul.QuadPart = 0;
+  streamobj.seekcalls = 0;
+  hRet = pSHLWAPI_214(&streamobj, &ul);
+  ok(hRet == S_OK, "failed Stat()\n");
+  ok(streamobj.statcalls == 1, "wrong call count\n");
+  ok(streamobj.readcalls == 0, "called Read()\n");
+  ok(streamobj.writecalls == 0, "called Write()\n");
+  ok(streamobj.seekcalls == 0, "called Seek()\n");
+  ok(ul.QuadPart == 5000l, "Stat gave wrong size\n");
+  InitFunctionPtrs();
+  test_CList();
+  /* Test streaming if this version supports it */
+  if (test_SHLWAPI_166())
+  {
+    test_SHLWAPI_184();
+    test_SHLWAPI_212();
+    test_SHLWAPI_213();
+    test_SHLWAPI_214();
+  }
+  if (SHLWAPI_hshlwapi)
+    FreeLibrary(SHLWAPI_hshlwapi);
Property changes on: trunk/reactos/regtests/winetests/shlwapi/clist.c
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/reactos/regtests/winetests/shlwapi/clsid.c
--- trunk/reactos/regtests/winetests/shlwapi/clsid.c	2005-08-06 23:41:45 UTC (rev 17125)
+++ trunk/reactos/regtests/winetests/shlwapi/clsid.c	2005-08-06 23:58:36 UTC (rev 17126)
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+/* Unit test suite for SHLWAPI Class ID functions
+ *
+ * Copyright 2003 Jon Griffiths
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define INITGUID
+#include "wine/test.h"
+#include "winbase.h"
+#include "winerror.h"
+#include "winnls.h"
+#include "winuser.h"
+#include "shlguid.h"
+#include "wine/shobjidl.h"
+/* Function ptrs for ordinal calls */
+static HMODULE hShlwapi = 0;
+static BOOL (WINAPI *pSHLWAPI_269)(LPCSTR, CLSID *) = 0;
+/* GUIDs to test */
+const GUID * TEST_guids[] = {
+  &CLSID_ShellDesktop,
+  &CLSID_ShellLink,
+  &CATID_BrowsableShellExt,
+  &CATID_BrowseInPlace,
+  &CATID_DeskBand,
+  &CATID_InfoBand,
+  &CATID_CommBand,
+  &FMTID_Intshcut,
+  &FMTID_InternetSite,
+  &CGID_Explorer,
+  &CGID_ShellDocView,
+  &CGID_ShellServiceObject,
+  &CGID_ExplorerBarDoc,
+  &IID_INewShortcutHookA,
+  &IID_IShellIcon,
+  &IID_IShellFolder,
+  &IID_IShellExtInit,
+  &IID_IShellPropSheetExt,
+  &IID_IPersistFolder,
+  &IID_IExtractIconA,
+  &IID_IShellDetails,
+  &IID_IDelayedRelease,
+  &IID_IShellLinkA,
+  &IID_IShellCopyHookA,
+  &IID_IFileViewerA,
+  &IID_ICommDlgBrowser,
+  &IID_IEnumIDList,
+  &IID_IFileViewerSite,
+  &IID_IContextMenu2,
+  &IID_IShellExecuteHookA,
+  &IID_IPropSheetPage,
+  &IID_INewShortcutHookW,
+  &IID_IFileViewerW,
+  &IID_IShellLinkW,
+  &IID_IExtractIconW,
+  &IID_IShellExecuteHookW,
+  &IID_IShellCopyHookW,
+  &IID_IRemoteComputer,
+  &IID_IQueryInfo,
+  &IID_IDockingWindow,
+  &IID_IDockingWindowSite,
+  &CLSID_NetworkPlaces,
+  &CLSID_NetworkDomain,
+  &CLSID_NetworkServer,
+  &CLSID_NetworkShare,
+  &CLSID_MyComputer,
+  &CLSID_Internet,
+  &CLSID_ShellFSFolder,
+  &CLSID_RecycleBin,
+  &CLSID_ControlPanel,
+  &CLSID_Printers,
+  &CLSID_MyDocuments,
+DEFINE_GUID(IID_Endianess, 0x01020304, 0x0506, 0x0708, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B,
+            0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F, 0x0A);
+static void test_ClassIDs(void)
+  const GUID **guids = TEST_guids;
+  char szBuff[256];
+  GUID guid;
+  DWORD dwLen;
+  BOOL bRet;
+  int i = 0;
+  if (!pSHLWAPI_269 || !pSHLWAPI_23)
+    return;
+  while (*guids)
+  {
+    dwLen = pSHLWAPI_23(*guids, szBuff, 256);
+    ok(dwLen == 39, "wrong size for id %d\n", i);
+    bRet = pSHLWAPI_269(szBuff, &guid);
+    ok(bRet != FALSE, "created invalid string '%s'\n", szBuff);
+    if (bRet)
+      ok(IsEqualGUID(*guids, &guid), "GUID created wrong %d\n", i);
+    guids++;
+    i++;
+  }
+  /* Test endianess */
+  dwLen = pSHLWAPI_23(&IID_Endianess, szBuff, 256);
+  ok(dwLen == 39, "wrong size for IID_Endianess\n");
+  ok(!strcmp(szBuff, "{01020304-0506-0708-090A-0B0C0D0E0F0A}"),
+     "Endianess Broken, got '%s'\n", szBuff);
+  /* test lengths */
+  szBuff[0] = ':';
+  dwLen = pSHLWAPI_23(&IID_Endianess, szBuff, 0);
+  ok(dwLen == 0, "accepted bad length\n");
+  ok(szBuff[0] == ':', "wrote to buffer with no length\n");
+  szBuff[0] = ':';
+  dwLen = pSHLWAPI_23(&IID_Endianess, szBuff, 38);
+  ok(dwLen == 0, "accepted bad length\n");
+  ok(szBuff[0] == ':', "wrote to buffer with no length\n");
+  szBuff[0] = ':';
+  dwLen = pSHLWAPI_23(&IID_Endianess, szBuff, 39);
+  ok(dwLen == 39, "rejected ok length\n");
+  ok(szBuff[0] == '{', "Didn't write to buffer with ok length\n");
+  /* Test string */
+  strcpy(szBuff, "{xxx-");
+  bRet = pSHLWAPI_269(szBuff, &guid);
+  ok(bRet == FALSE, "accepted invalid string\n");
+  dwLen = pSHLWAPI_23(&IID_Endianess, szBuff, 39);
+  ok(dwLen == 39, "rejected ok length\n");
+  ok(szBuff[0] == '{', "Didn't write to buffer with ok length\n");
+  hShlwapi = LoadLibraryA("shlwapi.dll");
+  ok(hShlwapi != 0, "LoadLibraryA failed\n");
+  if (hShlwapi)
+  {
+    pSHLWAPI_269 = (void*)GetProcAddress(hShlwapi, (LPSTR)269);
+    pSHLWAPI_23 = (void*)GetProcAddress(hShlwapi, (LPSTR)23);
+  }
+  test_ClassIDs();
+  if (hShlwapi)
+    FreeLibrary(hShlwapi);
Property changes on: trunk/reactos/regtests/winetests/shlwapi/clsid.c
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/reactos/regtests/winetests/shlwapi/generated.c
--- trunk/reactos/regtests/winetests/shlwapi/generated.c	2005-08-06 23:41:45 UTC (rev 17125)
+++ trunk/reactos/regtests/winetests/shlwapi/generated.c	2005-08-06 23:58:36 UTC (rev 17126)
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+/* File generated automatically from tools/winapi/test.dat; do not edit! */
+/* This file can be copied, modified and distributed without restriction. */
+ * Unit tests for data structure packing
+ */
+#define WINVER 0x0501
+#define _WIN32_IE 0x0501
+#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include "windef.h"
+#include "winbase.h"
+#include "wtypes.h"
+#include "winreg.h"
+#include "shlwapi.h"
+#include "wine/test.h"
+ * Compability macros
+ */
+ * Windows API extension
+ */
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1300) && defined(__cplusplus)
+# define FIELD_ALIGNMENT(type, field) __alignof(((type*)0)->field)
+#elif defined(__GNUC__)
+# define FIELD_ALIGNMENT(type, field) __alignof__(((type*)0)->field)
+/* FIXME: Not sure if is possible to do without compiler extension */
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1300) && defined(__cplusplus)
+# define _TYPE_ALIGNMENT(type) __alignof(type)
+#elif defined(__GNUC__)
+# define _TYPE_ALIGNMENT(type) __alignof__(type)
+ * FIXME: Not sure if is possible to do without compiler extension
+ *        (if type is not just a name that is, if so the normal)
+ *         TYPE_ALIGNMENT can be used)
+ */
+#if defined(TYPE_ALIGNMENT) && defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 800 && !defined(__cplusplus)
+#pragma warning(disable:4116)
+#if !defined(TYPE_ALIGNMENT) && defined(_TYPE_ALIGNMENT)
+ * Test helper macros
+ */
+# define TEST_FIELD_ALIGNMENT(type, field, align) \
+   ok(FIELD_ALIGNMENT(type, field) == align, \
+       "FIELD_ALIGNMENT(" #type ", " #field ") == %d (expected " #align ")\n", \
+           (int)FIELD_ALIGNMENT(type, field))
+# define TEST_FIELD_ALIGNMENT(type, field, align) do { } while (0)
+#define TEST_FIELD_OFFSET(type, field, offset) \
+    ok(FIELD_OFFSET(type, field) == offset, \
+        "FIELD_OFFSET(" #type ", " #field ") == %ld (expected " #offset ")\n", \
+             (long int)FIELD_OFFSET(type, field))
+#define TEST__TYPE_ALIGNMENT(type, align) \
+    ok(_TYPE_ALIGNMENT(type) == align, "TYPE_ALIGNMENT(" #type ") == %d (expected " #align ")\n", (int)_TYPE_ALIGNMENT(type))
+# define TEST__TYPE_ALIGNMENT(type, align) do { } while (0)
+#define TEST_TYPE_ALIGNMENT(type, align) \
+    ok(TYPE_ALIGNMENT(type) == align, "TYPE_ALIGNMENT(" #type ") == %d (expected " #align ")\n", (int)TYPE_ALIGNMENT(type))
+# define TEST_TYPE_ALIGNMENT(type, align) do { } while (0)
+#define TEST_TYPE_SIZE(type, size) \
+    ok(sizeof(type) == size, "sizeof(" #type ") == %d (expected " #size ")\n", ((int) sizeof(type)))
+ * Test macros
+ */
+#define TEST_FIELD(type, field_type, field_name, field_offset, field_size, field_align) \
+  TEST_TYPE_SIZE(field_type, field_size); \
+  TEST_FIELD_ALIGNMENT(type, field_name, field_align); \
+  TEST_FIELD_OFFSET(type, field_name, field_offset); \
+#define TEST_TYPE(type, size, align) \
+  TEST_TYPE_ALIGNMENT(type, align); \
+  TEST_TYPE_SIZE(type, size)
+#define TEST_TYPE_POINTER(type, size, align) \
+    TEST__TYPE_ALIGNMENT(*(type)0, align); \
+    TEST_TYPE_SIZE(*(type)0, size)
+#define TEST_TYPE_SIGNED(type) \
+    ok((type) -1 < 0, "(" #type ") -1 < 0\n");
+#define TEST_TYPE_UNSIGNED(type) \
+     ok((type) -1 > 0, "(" #type ") -1 > 0\n");
+static void test_pack_ASSOCF(void)
+    /* ASSOCF */
+    TEST_TYPE(ASSOCF, 4, 4);
+static void test_pack_DLLGETVERSIONPROC(void)
+static void test_pack_DLLVERSIONINFO(void)
+    /* DLLVERSIONINFO (pack 8) */
+    TEST_FIELD(DLLVERSIONINFO, DWORD, dwMajorVersion, 4, 4, 4);
+    TEST_FIELD(DLLVERSIONINFO, DWORD, dwMinorVersion, 8, 4, 4);
+    TEST_FIELD(DLLVERSIONINFO, DWORD, dwBuildNumber, 12, 4, 4);
+    TEST_FIELD(DLLVERSIONINFO, DWORD, dwPlatformID, 16, 4, 4);
+static void test_pack_DLLVERSIONINFO2(void)
[truncated at 1000 lines; 2370 more skipped]