Commit in reactos/ntoskrnl/include/internal/i386 on MAIN
ps.h+284-2841.13 -> 1.14
- Fixed the definition KPCR_SELF and KeGetCurrentKPCR.

ps.h 1.13 -> 1.14
diff -u -r1.13 -r1.14
--- ps.h	17 Oct 2004 05:20:29 -0000	1.13
+++ ps.h	17 Oct 2004 10:53:05 -0000	1.14
@@ -1,284 +1,284 @@
- *  ReactOS kernel
- *  Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 ReactOS Team
- *
- *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- *  (at your option) any later version.
- *
- *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- *  GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- *  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
- * Defines for accessing KPCR and KTHREAD structure members
- */
-#define KTHREAD_INITIAL_STACK     0x18
-#define KTHREAD_STACK_LIMIT       0x1C
-#define KTHREAD_TEB               0x20
-#define KTHREAD_KERNEL_STACK      0x28
-#define KTHREAD_PREVIOUS_MODE     0x137
-#define KTHREAD_TRAP_FRAME        0x128
-#define KTHREAD_CALLBACK_STACK    0x120
-#define KPROCESS_LDT_DESCRIPTOR0      0x20
-#define KPROCESS_LDT_DESCRIPTOR1      0x24
-#define KPROCESS_IOPM_OFFSET          0x30
-#define KPCR_BASE                 0xFF000000
-#define KPCR_EXCEPTION_LIST       0x0
-#define KPCR_SELF                 0x18
-#define KPCR_TSS                  0x40
-#define KPCR_CURRENT_THREAD       0x124	
-#ifndef __ASM__
-#include "fpu.h"
-#pragma pack(push,4)
-// Fixme: Use correct types?
-typedef struct _KPROCESSOR_STATE {
-   PCONTEXT ContextFrame;
-   PVOID SpecialRegisters;
-/* ProcessoR Control Block */ 
-typedef struct _KPRCB {
-	USHORT MinorVersion;
-	USHORT MajorVersion;
-	struct _KTHREAD *CurrentThread;
-	struct _KTHREAD *NextThread;
-	struct _KTHREAD *IdleThread;
-	UCHAR Number;
-	UCHAR Reserved;
-	USHORT BuildType;
-	ULONG SetMember;
-	UCHAR CpuType;
-	USHORT CpuStep;
-	KPROCESSOR_STATE ProcessorState;
-	ULONG KernelReserved[16];
-	ULONG HalReserved[16];
-	UCHAR PrcbPad0[92];
-	PVOID LockQueue[33]; // Used for Queued Spinlocks
-	struct _KTHREAD *NpxThread;
-	ULONG InterruptCount;
-	ULONG KernelTime;
-	ULONG UserTime;
-	ULONG DpcTime;
-	ULONG DebugDpcTime;
-	ULONG InterruptTime;
-	ULONG AdjustDpcThreshold;
-	ULONG PageColor;
-	UCHAR SkipTick;
-	UCHAR DebuggerSavedIRQL;
-	UCHAR Spare1[6];
-	struct _KNODE *ParentNode;
-	ULONG MultiThreadProcessorSet;
-	struct _KPRCB *MultiThreadSetMaster;
-	ULONG ThreadStartCount[2];
-	ULONG CcFastReadNoWait;
-	ULONG CcFastReadWait;
-	ULONG CcFastReadNotPossible;
-	ULONG CcCopyReadNoWait;
-	ULONG CcCopyReadWait;
-	ULONG CcCopyReadNoWaitMiss;
-	ULONG KeAlignmentFixupCount;
-	ULONG SpareCounter0;
-	ULONG KeDcacheFlushCount;
-	ULONG KeExceptionDispatchCount;
-	ULONG KeFirstLevelTbFills;
-	ULONG KeFloatingEmulationCount;
-	ULONG KeIcacheFlushCount;
-	ULONG KeSecondLevelTbFills;
-	ULONG KeSystemCalls;
-	ULONG IoReadOperationCount;
-	ULONG IoWriteOperationCount;
-	ULONG IoOtherOperationCount;
-	LARGE_INTEGER IoReadTransferCount;
-	LARGE_INTEGER IoWriteTransferCount;
-	LARGE_INTEGER IoOtherTransferCount;
-	ULONG SpareCounter1[8];
-	PP_LOOKASIDE_LIST PPLookasideList[16];
-	PP_LOOKASIDE_LIST PPNPagedLookasideList[32];
-	PP_LOOKASIDE_LIST PPPagedLookasideList[32];
-	ULONG PacketBarrier;
-	ULONG ReverseStall;
-	PVOID IpiFrame;
-	UCHAR PrcbPad2[52];
-	PVOID CurrentPacket[3];
-	ULONG TargetSet;
-	ULONG_PTR WorkerRoutine;
-	ULONG IpiFrozen;
-	UCHAR PrcbPad3[40];
-	ULONG RequestSummary;
-	struct _KPRCB *SignalDone;
-	UCHAR PrcbPad4[56];
-	struct _KDPC_DATA DpcData[2];
-	PVOID DpcStack;
-	ULONG MaximumDpcQueueDepth;
-	ULONG DpcRequestRate;
-	ULONG MinimumDpcRate;
-	UCHAR DpcInterruptRequested;
-	UCHAR DpcThreadRequested;
-	UCHAR DpcRoutineActive;
-	UCHAR DpcThreadActive;
-	ULONG PrcbLock;
-	ULONG DpcLastCount;
-	ULONG TimerHand;
-	ULONG TimerRequest;
-	PVOID DpcThread;
-	struct _KEVENT *DpcEvent;
-	UCHAR ThreadDpcEnable;
-	UCHAR QuantumEnd;
-	UCHAR PrcbPad50;
-	UCHAR IdleSchedule;
-	ULONG DpcSetEventRequest;
-	UCHAR PrcbPad5[18];
-	LONG TickOffset;
-	struct _KDPC* CallDpc;
-	ULONG PrcbPad7[8];
-	LIST_ENTRY WaitListHead;
-	ULONG ReadySummary;
-	ULONG SelectNextLast;
-	LIST_ENTRY DispatcherReadyListHead[32];
-	SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY DeferredReadyListHead;
-	ULONG PrcbPad72[11];
-	PVOID ChainedInterruptList;
-	LONG LookasideIrpFloat;
-	LONG MmPageFaultCount;
-	LONG MmCopyOnWriteCount;
-	LONG MmTransitionCount;
-	LONG MmCacheTransitionCount;
-	LONG MmDemandZeroCount;
-	LONG MmPageReadCount;
-	LONG MmPageReadIoCount;
-	LONG MmCacheReadCount;
-	LONG MmCacheIoCount;
-	LONG MmDirtyPagesWriteCount;
-	LONG MmDirtyWriteIoCount;
-	LONG MmMappedPagesWriteCount;
-	LONG MmMappedWriteIoCount;
-	ULONG SpareFields0[1];
-	UCHAR VendorString[13];
-	UCHAR InitialApicId;
-	UCHAR LogicalProcessorsPerPhysicalProcessor;
-	ULONG FeatureBits;
-	LARGE_INTEGER UpdateSignature;
-	LARGE_INTEGER SpareField1;
-	FX_SAVE_AREA NpxSaveArea;
-#pragma pack(pop)
-#ifndef __USE_W32API
-#pragma pack(push,4)
- * Processor Control Region Thread Information Block
- */
-typedef struct _KPCR_TIB {
-  PVOID  ExceptionList;         /* 00 */
-  PVOID  StackBase;             /* 04 */
-  PVOID  StackLimit;            /* 08 */
-  PVOID  SubSystemTib;          /* 0C */
-  union {
-    PVOID  FiberData;           /* 10 */
-    DWORD  Version;             /* 10 */
-  };
-  PVOID  ArbitraryUserPointer;  /* 14 */
-  struct _KPCR_TIB* Self;       /* 18 */
-} KPCR_TIB, *PKPCR_TIB; /* 18 */
- * Processor Control Region
- */
-typedef struct _KPCR {
-  KPCR_TIB  Tib;                /* 00 */
-  struct _KPCR  *Self;          /* 18 */
-  struct _KPRCB  *PCRCB;        /* 1C */
-  KIRQL  Irql;                  /* 20 */
-  ULONG  IRR;                   /* 24 */
-  ULONG  IrrActive;             /* 28 */
-  ULONG  IDR;                   /* 2C */
-  PVOID  KdVersionBlock;        /* 30 */
-  PUSHORT  IDT;                 /* 34 */
-  PUSHORT  GDT;                 /* 38 */
-  struct _KTSS  *TSS;           /* 3C */
-  USHORT  MajorVersion;         /* 40 */
-  USHORT  MinorVersion;         /* 42 */
-  KAFFINITY  SetMember;         /* 44 */
-  ULONG  StallScaleFactor;      /* 48 */
-  UCHAR  DebugActive;           /* 4C */
-  UCHAR  ProcessorNumber;       /* 4D */
-  UCHAR  Reserved;              /* 4E */
-  UCHAR  L2CacheAssociativity;  /* 4F */
-  ULONG  VdmAlert;              /* 50 */
-  ULONG  KernelReserved[14];    /* 54 */
-  ULONG  L2CacheSize;           /* 8C */
-  ULONG  HalReserved[16];       /* 90 */
-  ULONG  InterruptMode;         /* D0 */
-  UCHAR  KernelReserved2[0x48]; /* D4 */
-  KPRCB  PrcbData;              /* 120 */
-#pragma pack(pop)
-#endif /* __USE_W32API */
-#ifndef __USE_W32API
-static inline PKPCR KeGetCurrentKPCR(VOID)
-  ULONG value;
-#if defined(__GNUC__)
-  __asm__ __volatile__ ("movl %%fs:0x18, %0\n\t"
-	  : "=r" (value)
-    : /* no inputs */
-    );
-#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
-  __asm mov eax, fs:0x18;
-  __asm mov value, eax;
-#error Unknown compiler for inline assembler
-  return((PKPCR)value);
-#endif /* __USE_W32API */
-Ki386ContextSwitch(struct _KTHREAD* NewThread, 
-		   struct _KTHREAD* OldThread);
-Ke386InitThread(struct _KTHREAD* Thread, PKSTART_ROUTINE fn, 
-		PVOID StartContext);
-Ke386InitThreadWithContext(struct _KTHREAD* Thread, PCONTEXT Context);
-Ki386ValidateUserContext(PCONTEXT Context);
-#endif /* __ASM__ */
-/* EOF */
+ *  ReactOS kernel
+ *  Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 ReactOS Team
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ */
+ * Defines for accessing KPCR and KTHREAD structure members
+ */
+#define KTHREAD_INITIAL_STACK     0x18
+#define KTHREAD_STACK_LIMIT       0x1C
+#define KTHREAD_TEB               0x20
+#define KTHREAD_KERNEL_STACK      0x28
+#define KTHREAD_PREVIOUS_MODE     0x137
+#define KTHREAD_TRAP_FRAME        0x128
+#define KTHREAD_CALLBACK_STACK    0x120
+#define KPROCESS_LDT_DESCRIPTOR0      0x20
+#define KPROCESS_LDT_DESCRIPTOR1      0x24
+#define KPROCESS_IOPM_OFFSET          0x30
+#define KPCR_BASE                 0xFF000000
+#define KPCR_EXCEPTION_LIST       0x0
+#define KPCR_SELF                 0x1C
+#define KPCR_TSS                  0x40
+#define KPCR_CURRENT_THREAD       0x124	
+#ifndef __ASM__
+#include "fpu.h"
+#pragma pack(push,4)
+// Fixme: Use correct types?
+typedef struct _KPROCESSOR_STATE {
+   PCONTEXT ContextFrame;
+   PVOID SpecialRegisters;
+/* ProcessoR Control Block */ 
+typedef struct _KPRCB {
+	USHORT MinorVersion;
+	USHORT MajorVersion;
+	struct _KTHREAD *CurrentThread;
+	struct _KTHREAD *NextThread;
+	struct _KTHREAD *IdleThread;
+	UCHAR Number;
+	UCHAR Reserved;
+	USHORT BuildType;
+	ULONG SetMember;
+	UCHAR CpuType;
+	USHORT CpuStep;
+	KPROCESSOR_STATE ProcessorState;
+	ULONG KernelReserved[16];
+	ULONG HalReserved[16];
+	UCHAR PrcbPad0[92];
+	PVOID LockQueue[33]; // Used for Queued Spinlocks
+	struct _KTHREAD *NpxThread;
+	ULONG InterruptCount;
+	ULONG KernelTime;
+	ULONG UserTime;
+	ULONG DpcTime;
+	ULONG DebugDpcTime;
+	ULONG InterruptTime;
+	ULONG AdjustDpcThreshold;
+	ULONG PageColor;
+	UCHAR SkipTick;
+	UCHAR DebuggerSavedIRQL;
+	UCHAR Spare1[6];
+	struct _KNODE *ParentNode;
+	ULONG MultiThreadProcessorSet;
+	struct _KPRCB *MultiThreadSetMaster;
+	ULONG ThreadStartCount[2];
+	ULONG CcFastReadNoWait;
+	ULONG CcFastReadWait;
+	ULONG CcFastReadNotPossible;
+	ULONG CcCopyReadNoWait;
+	ULONG CcCopyReadWait;
+	ULONG CcCopyReadNoWaitMiss;
+	ULONG KeAlignmentFixupCount;
+	ULONG SpareCounter0;
+	ULONG KeDcacheFlushCount;
+	ULONG KeExceptionDispatchCount;
+	ULONG KeFirstLevelTbFills;
+	ULONG KeFloatingEmulationCount;
+	ULONG KeIcacheFlushCount;
+	ULONG KeSecondLevelTbFills;
+	ULONG KeSystemCalls;
+	ULONG IoReadOperationCount;
+	ULONG IoWriteOperationCount;
+	ULONG IoOtherOperationCount;
+	LARGE_INTEGER IoReadTransferCount;
+	LARGE_INTEGER IoWriteTransferCount;
+	LARGE_INTEGER IoOtherTransferCount;
+	ULONG SpareCounter1[8];
+	PP_LOOKASIDE_LIST PPLookasideList[16];
+	PP_LOOKASIDE_LIST PPNPagedLookasideList[32];
+	PP_LOOKASIDE_LIST PPPagedLookasideList[32];
+	ULONG PacketBarrier;
+	ULONG ReverseStall;
+	PVOID IpiFrame;
+	UCHAR PrcbPad2[52];
+	PVOID CurrentPacket[3];
+	ULONG TargetSet;
+	ULONG_PTR WorkerRoutine;
+	ULONG IpiFrozen;
+	UCHAR PrcbPad3[40];
+	ULONG RequestSummary;
+	struct _KPRCB *SignalDone;
+	UCHAR PrcbPad4[56];
+	struct _KDPC_DATA DpcData[2];
+	PVOID DpcStack;
+	ULONG MaximumDpcQueueDepth;
+	ULONG DpcRequestRate;
+	ULONG MinimumDpcRate;
+	UCHAR DpcInterruptRequested;
+	UCHAR DpcThreadRequested;
+	UCHAR DpcRoutineActive;
+	UCHAR DpcThreadActive;
+	ULONG PrcbLock;
+	ULONG DpcLastCount;
+	ULONG TimerHand;
+	ULONG TimerRequest;
+	PVOID DpcThread;
+	struct _KEVENT *DpcEvent;
+	UCHAR ThreadDpcEnable;
+	UCHAR QuantumEnd;
+	UCHAR PrcbPad50;
+	UCHAR IdleSchedule;
+	ULONG DpcSetEventRequest;
+	UCHAR PrcbPad5[18];
+	LONG TickOffset;
+	struct _KDPC* CallDpc;
+	ULONG PrcbPad7[8];
+	LIST_ENTRY WaitListHead;
+	ULONG ReadySummary;
+	ULONG SelectNextLast;
+	LIST_ENTRY DispatcherReadyListHead[32];
+	SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY DeferredReadyListHead;
+	ULONG PrcbPad72[11];
+	PVOID ChainedInterruptList;
+	LONG LookasideIrpFloat;
+	LONG MmPageFaultCount;
+	LONG MmCopyOnWriteCount;
+	LONG MmTransitionCount;
+	LONG MmCacheTransitionCount;
+	LONG MmDemandZeroCount;
+	LONG MmPageReadCount;
+	LONG MmPageReadIoCount;
+	LONG MmCacheReadCount;
+	LONG MmCacheIoCount;
+	LONG MmDirtyPagesWriteCount;
+	LONG MmDirtyWriteIoCount;
+	LONG MmMappedPagesWriteCount;
+	LONG MmMappedWriteIoCount;
+	ULONG SpareFields0[1];
+	UCHAR VendorString[13];
+	UCHAR InitialApicId;
+	UCHAR LogicalProcessorsPerPhysicalProcessor;
+	ULONG FeatureBits;
+	LARGE_INTEGER UpdateSignature;
+	LARGE_INTEGER SpareField1;
+	FX_SAVE_AREA NpxSaveArea;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+#ifndef __USE_W32API
+#pragma pack(push,4)
+ * Processor Control Region Thread Information Block
+ */
+typedef struct _KPCR_TIB {
+  PVOID  ExceptionList;         /* 00 */
+  PVOID  StackBase;             /* 04 */
+  PVOID  StackLimit;            /* 08 */
+  PVOID  SubSystemTib;          /* 0C */
+  union {
+    PVOID  FiberData;           /* 10 */
+    DWORD  Version;             /* 10 */
+  };
+  PVOID  ArbitraryUserPointer;  /* 14 */
+  struct _KPCR_TIB* Self;       /* 18 */
+} KPCR_TIB, *PKPCR_TIB; /* 18 */
+ * Processor Control Region
+ */
+typedef struct _KPCR {
+  KPCR_TIB  Tib;                /* 00 */
+  struct _KPCR  *Self;          /* 1C */
+  struct _KPRCB  *PCRCB;        /* 20 */
+  KIRQL  Irql;                  /* 24 */
+  ULONG  IRR;                   /* 28 */
+  ULONG  IrrActive;             /* 2C */
+  ULONG  IDR;                   /* 30 */
+  PVOID  KdVersionBlock;        /* 34 */
+  PUSHORT  IDT;                 /* 38 */
+  PUSHORT  GDT;                 /* 3C */
+  struct _KTSS  *TSS;           /* 40 */
+  USHORT  MajorVersion;         /* 44 */
+  USHORT  MinorVersion;         /* 46 */
+  KAFFINITY  SetMember;         /* 48 */
+  ULONG  StallScaleFactor;      /* 4C */
+  UCHAR  DebugActive;           /* 50 */
+  UCHAR  ProcessorNumber;       /* 51 */
+  UCHAR  Reserved;              /* 52 */
+  UCHAR  L2CacheAssociativity;  /* 53 */
+  ULONG  VdmAlert;              /* 54 */
+  ULONG  KernelReserved[14];    /* 58 */
+  ULONG  L2CacheSize;           /* 90 */
+  ULONG  HalReserved[16];       /* 94 */
+  ULONG  InterruptMode;         /* D4 */
+  UCHAR  KernelReserved2[0x48]; /* D8 */
+  KPRCB  PrcbData;              /* 120 */
+#pragma pack(pop)
+#endif /* __USE_W32API */
+#ifndef __USE_W32API
+static inline PKPCR KeGetCurrentKPCR(VOID)
+  ULONG value;
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+  __asm__ __volatile__ ("movl %%fs:0x1C, %0\n\t"
+	  : "=r" (value)
+    : /* no inputs */
+    );
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+  __asm mov eax, fs:0x1C;
+  __asm mov value, eax;
+#error Unknown compiler for inline assembler
+  return((PKPCR)value);
+#endif /* __USE_W32API */
+Ki386ContextSwitch(struct _KTHREAD* NewThread, 
+		   struct _KTHREAD* OldThread);
+Ke386InitThread(struct _KTHREAD* Thread, PKSTART_ROUTINE fn, 
+		PVOID StartContext);
+Ke386InitThreadWithContext(struct _KTHREAD* Thread, PCONTEXT Context);
+Ki386ValidateUserContext(PCONTEXT Context);
+#endif /* __ASM__ */
+/* EOF */
CVSspam 0.2.8