Commit in reactos on MAIN
ChangeLog+71.281 -> 1.282
lib/freetype/rosglue.c+8-81.3 -> 1.4
drivers/lib/bzip2/sample2.ref[binary]1.1 -> 1.2
lib/freetype/builds/mac/ftlib.prj[binary]1.1 -> 1.2
apps/utils/net/telnet/src/tnmsg.h+108-1081.1 -> 1.2
5 modified files
2004-12-14  Casper S. Hornstrup  <>

	* lib/freetype/rosglue.c: Use native line-endings.
	* drivers/lib/bzip2/sample2.ref: Ditto.
	* lib/freetype/builds/mac/ftlib.prj: Ditto.
	* apps/utils/net/telnet/src/tnmsg.h: Ditto.

ChangeLog 1.281 -> 1.282
diff -u -r1.281 -r1.282
--- ChangeLog	27 Nov 2004 00:56:27 -0000	1.281
+++ ChangeLog	14 Dec 2004 22:57:32 -0000	1.282
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+2004-12-14  Casper S. Hornstrup  <>
+	* lib/freetype/rosglue.c: Use native line-endings.
+	* drivers/lib/bzip2/sample2.ref: Ditto.
+	* lib/freetype/builds/mac/ftlib.prj: Ditto.
+	* apps/utils/net/telnet/src/tnmsg.h: Ditto.
 2004-11-27  WaxDragon  <>
 	* bootdata/packages/reactos.dff: Add dnsapi.dll, iphlpapi.dll,

rosglue.c 1.3 -> 1.4
diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
--- rosglue.c	18 Nov 2004 22:22:46 -0000	1.3
+++ rosglue.c	14 Dec 2004 22:57:35 -0000	1.4
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-/* $Id: rosglue.c,v 1.3 2004/11/18 22:22:46 navaraf Exp $
- *
- * COPYRIGHT:         See COPYING in the top level directory
- * PROJECT:           FreeType implementation for ReactOS
- * PURPOSE:           Glue functions between FreeType
- * FILE:              thirdparty/freetype/rosglue.c
- * PROGRAMMER:        Ge van Geldorp (
- * NOTES:
+/* $Id: rosglue.c,v 1.4 2004/12/14 22:57:35 chorns Exp $
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT:         See COPYING in the top level directory
+ * PROJECT:           FreeType implementation for ReactOS
+ * PURPOSE:           Glue functions between FreeType
+ * FILE:              thirdparty/freetype/rosglue.c
+ * PROGRAMMER:        Ge van Geldorp (
+ * NOTES:
 #include <ddk/ntddk.h>

tnmsg.h 1.1 -> 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- tnmsg.h	21 Nov 2004 22:24:56 -0000	1.1
+++ tnmsg.h	14 Dec 2004 22:57:35 -0000	1.2
@@ -1,108 +1,108 @@
-// Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
-// Used by Tnmsg.rc
-#define MSG_COPYRIGHT                   0x01
-#define MSG_COPYRIGHT_1                 0x02
-#define MSG_USAGE                       0x03
-#define MSG_USAGE_1                     0x04
-#define MSG_HELP                        0x05
-#define MSG_HELP_1                      0x06
-#define MSG_INVCMD                      0x07
-#define MSG_ERROR                       0x08
-#define MSG_INFO                        0x09
-#define MSG_WARNING                     0x0a
-#define MSG_TRYING                      0x0b
-#define MSG_CONNECTED                   0x0c
-#define MSG_TERMBYREM                   0x0d
-#define MSG_KEYMAP                      0x0e
-#define MSG_ERRKEYMAP                   0x0f
-#define MSG_DUMPFILE                    0x10
-#define MSG_CONFIG                      0x11
-#define MSG_NOINI                       0x12
-#define MSG_BADVAL                      0x13
-#define MSG_NOSPAWN                     0x14
-#define MSG_RESOLVING					0x15
-#define MSG_NOSERVICE					0x16
-#define MSG_SIZEALIAS					0x17
-#define MSG_ERRPIPE						0x18
-#define MSG_BADUSAGE					0x19
-#define MSG_KEYNOVAL                    1001
-#define MSG_KEYBADVAL                   1002
-#define MSG_KEYBADSTRUCT                1003
-#define MSG_KEYBADCHARS                 1004
-#define MSG_KEYUNEXPLINE                1005
-#define MSG_KEYUNEXPEOF                 1006
-#define MSG_KEYUNEXPTOK                 1007
-#define MSG_KEYUNEXPTOKIN               1008
-#define MSG_KEYUNEXP                    1009
-#define MSG_KEYNOGLOBAL                 1010
-#define MSG_KEYNOCONFIG                 1011
-#define MSG_KEYUSECONFIG                1012
-#define MSG_KEYNOSWKEY                  1013
-#define MSG_KEYCANNOTDEF                1014
-#define MSG_KEYDUPSWKEY                 1015
-#define MSG_KEYUNKNOWNMAP               1016
-#define MSG_KEYNOCHARMAPS               1017
-#define MSG_KEYNOKEYMAPS                1018
-#define MSG_KEYNUMMAPS                  1019
-#define MSG_KEYBADMAP					1020
-#define MSG_KEYMAPSWITCHED				1021
-#define MSG_WSAEINTR                    0x2714
-#define MSG_WSAEBADF                    0x2719
-#define MSG_WSAEACCESS                  0x271D
-#define MSG_WSAEDEFAULT                 0x271E
-#define MSG_WSAEINVAL                   0x2726
-#define MSG_WSAEMFILE                   0x2728
-#define MSG_WSAEWOULDBLOCK              0x2733
-#define MSG_WSAEINPROGRESS              0x2734
-#define MSG_WSAEALREADY                 0x2735
-#define MSG_WSAENOTSOCK                 0x2736
-#define MSG_WSAEDESTADDRREQ             0x2737
-#define MSG_WSAEMSGSIZE                 0x2738
-#define MSG_WSAEPROTOTYPE               0x2739
-#define MSG_WSAENOPROTOOPT              0x273A
-#define MSG_WSAEPROTONOTSUPPORT         0x273B
-#define MSG_WSAESOCKNOTSUPPORT          0x273C
-#define MSG_WSAEOPNOTSUPP               0x273D
-#define MSG_WSAEPFNOTSUPPORT            0x273E
-#define MSG_WSAEAFNOTSUPPORT            0x273F
-#define MSG_WSAEADDRINUSE               0x2740
-#define MSG_WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL            0x2741
-#define MSG_WSAENETDOWN                 0x2742
-#define MSG_WSAENETUNREACH              0x2743
-#define MSG_WSAENETRESET                0x2744
-#define MSG_WSAECONNABORTED             0x2745
-#define MSG_WSAECONNRESET               0x2746
-#define MSG_WSAENOBUFS                  0x2747
-#define MSG_WSAEISCONN                  0x2748
-#define MSG_WSAENOTCONN                 0x2749
-#define MSG_WSAESHUTDOWN                0x274A
-#define MSG_WSAETOOMANYREFS             0x274B
-#define MSG_WSAETIMEDOUT                0x274C
-#define MSG_WSAECONNREFUSED             0x274D
-#define MSG_WSAELOOP                    0x274E
-#define MSG_WSAENAMETOOLONG             0x274F
-#define MSG_WSAEHOSTDOWN                0x2750
-#define MSG_WSAEHOSTUNREACH             0x2751
-#define MSG_WSAESYSNOTREADY             0x276B
-#define MSG_WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED          0x276C
-#define MSG_WSANOTINITIALISED           0x276D
-#define MSG_WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND           0x2AF9
-#define MSG_WSATRY_AGAIN                0x2AFA
-#define MSG_WSANO_RECOVERY              0x2AFB
-#define MSG_WSANO_DATA                  0x2AFC
-// Next default values for new objects
-#define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        101
-#define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         40001
-#define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         1000
-#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           101
+// Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
+// Used by Tnmsg.rc
+#define MSG_COPYRIGHT                   0x01
+#define MSG_COPYRIGHT_1                 0x02
+#define MSG_USAGE                       0x03
+#define MSG_USAGE_1                     0x04
+#define MSG_HELP                        0x05
+#define MSG_HELP_1                      0x06
+#define MSG_INVCMD                      0x07
+#define MSG_ERROR                       0x08
+#define MSG_INFO                        0x09
+#define MSG_WARNING                     0x0a
+#define MSG_TRYING                      0x0b
+#define MSG_CONNECTED                   0x0c
+#define MSG_TERMBYREM                   0x0d
+#define MSG_KEYMAP                      0x0e
+#define MSG_ERRKEYMAP                   0x0f
+#define MSG_DUMPFILE                    0x10
+#define MSG_CONFIG                      0x11
+#define MSG_NOINI                       0x12
+#define MSG_BADVAL                      0x13
+#define MSG_NOSPAWN                     0x14
+#define MSG_RESOLVING					0x15
+#define MSG_NOSERVICE					0x16
+#define MSG_SIZEALIAS					0x17
+#define MSG_ERRPIPE						0x18
+#define MSG_BADUSAGE					0x19
+#define MSG_KEYNOVAL                    1001
+#define MSG_KEYBADVAL                   1002
+#define MSG_KEYBADSTRUCT                1003
+#define MSG_KEYBADCHARS                 1004
+#define MSG_KEYUNEXPLINE                1005
+#define MSG_KEYUNEXPEOF                 1006
+#define MSG_KEYUNEXPTOK                 1007
+#define MSG_KEYUNEXPTOKIN               1008
+#define MSG_KEYUNEXP                    1009
+#define MSG_KEYNOGLOBAL                 1010
+#define MSG_KEYNOCONFIG                 1011
+#define MSG_KEYUSECONFIG                1012
+#define MSG_KEYNOSWKEY                  1013
+#define MSG_KEYCANNOTDEF                1014
+#define MSG_KEYDUPSWKEY                 1015
+#define MSG_KEYUNKNOWNMAP               1016
+#define MSG_KEYNOCHARMAPS               1017
+#define MSG_KEYNOKEYMAPS                1018
+#define MSG_KEYNUMMAPS                  1019
+#define MSG_KEYBADMAP					1020
+#define MSG_KEYMAPSWITCHED				1021
+#define MSG_WSAEINTR                    0x2714
+#define MSG_WSAEBADF                    0x2719
+#define MSG_WSAEACCESS                  0x271D
+#define MSG_WSAEDEFAULT                 0x271E
+#define MSG_WSAEINVAL                   0x2726
+#define MSG_WSAEMFILE                   0x2728
+#define MSG_WSAEWOULDBLOCK              0x2733
+#define MSG_WSAEINPROGRESS              0x2734
+#define MSG_WSAEALREADY                 0x2735
+#define MSG_WSAENOTSOCK                 0x2736
+#define MSG_WSAEDESTADDRREQ             0x2737
+#define MSG_WSAEMSGSIZE                 0x2738
+#define MSG_WSAEPROTOTYPE               0x2739
+#define MSG_WSAENOPROTOOPT              0x273A
+#define MSG_WSAEPROTONOTSUPPORT         0x273B
+#define MSG_WSAESOCKNOTSUPPORT          0x273C
+#define MSG_WSAEOPNOTSUPP               0x273D
+#define MSG_WSAEPFNOTSUPPORT            0x273E
+#define MSG_WSAEAFNOTSUPPORT            0x273F
+#define MSG_WSAEADDRINUSE               0x2740
+#define MSG_WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL            0x2741
+#define MSG_WSAENETDOWN                 0x2742
+#define MSG_WSAENETUNREACH              0x2743
+#define MSG_WSAENETRESET                0x2744
+#define MSG_WSAECONNABORTED             0x2745
+#define MSG_WSAECONNRESET               0x2746
+#define MSG_WSAENOBUFS                  0x2747
+#define MSG_WSAEISCONN                  0x2748
+#define MSG_WSAENOTCONN                 0x2749
+#define MSG_WSAESHUTDOWN                0x274A
+#define MSG_WSAETOOMANYREFS             0x274B
+#define MSG_WSAETIMEDOUT                0x274C
+#define MSG_WSAECONNREFUSED             0x274D
+#define MSG_WSAELOOP                    0x274E
+#define MSG_WSAENAMETOOLONG             0x274F
+#define MSG_WSAEHOSTDOWN                0x2750
+#define MSG_WSAEHOSTUNREACH             0x2751
+#define MSG_WSAESYSNOTREADY             0x276B
+#define MSG_WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED          0x276C
+#define MSG_WSANOTINITIALISED           0x276D
+#define MSG_WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND           0x2AF9
+#define MSG_WSATRY_AGAIN                0x2AFA
+#define MSG_WSANO_RECOVERY              0x2AFB
+#define MSG_WSANO_DATA                  0x2AFC
+// Next default values for new objects
+#define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        101
+#define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         40001
+#define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         1000
+#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           101
CVSspam 0.2.8