Set svn:eol-style=native
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/XML.cpp
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/XML.h
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/automaticdependency.cpp
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/backend/backend.cpp
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/backend/backend.h
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/backend/devcpp/devcpp.cpp
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/backend/devcpp/devcpp.h
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/backend/mingw/mingw.cpp
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/backend/mingw/mingw.h
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/backend/mingw/modulehandler.cpp
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/backend/mingw/modulehandler.h
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/backend/mingw/pipe_detection.c
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/bootstrap.cpp
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/cdfile.cpp
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/compilerflag.cpp
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/define.cpp
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/exception.cpp
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/exception.h
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/include.cpp
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/installfile.cpp
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/linkerflag.cpp
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/module.cpp
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/pch.h
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/project.cpp
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/rbuild.cpp
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/rbuild.h
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/rbuild.mak
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/rbuild.txt
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/ssprintf.cpp
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/ssprintf.h
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/stubbedcomponent.cpp
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/test.h
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/alltests.cpp
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/cdfiletest.cpp
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/data/automaticdependency.xml
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/data/automaticdependency_include.xml
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/data/cdfile.xml
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/data/define.xml
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/data/if.xml
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/data/include.xml
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/data/invoke.xml
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/data/linkerflag.xml
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/data/module.xml
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/data/project.xml
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/data/sourcefile1/sourcefile1_header3.h
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/data/sourcefile1/sourcefile_includenext.h
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/data/sourcefile1.c
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/data/sourcefile1_header1.h
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/data/sourcefile1_header2.h
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/data/sourcefile1_recurse.h
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/data/sourcefile_include.c
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/data/sourcefile_include.h
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/data/sourcefile_includenext.h
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/data/symbol.xml
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/definetest.cpp
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/functiontest.cpp
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/iftest.cpp
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/includetest.cpp
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/invoketest.cpp
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/linkerflagtest.cpp
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/moduletest.cpp
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/projecttest.cpp
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/sourcefiletest.cpp
Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/tests/symboltest.cpp

Modified: branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/XML.cpp
--- branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/XML.cpp	2005-05-06 10:17:43 UTC (rev 15034)
+++ branches/xmlbuildsystem/reactos/tools/rbuild/XML.cpp	2005-05-06 10:38:30 UTC (rev 15035)
@@ -1,741 +1,741 @@
-// XML.cpp
-#include "pch.h"
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#ifdef WIN32
-#	include <direct.h>
-#	include <io.h>
-#	include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "XML.h"
-#include "exception.h"
-#include "ssprintf.h"
-using std::string;
-using std::vector;
-#ifdef WIN32
-#define getcwd _getcwd
-static const char* WS = " \t\r\n";
-static const char* WSEQ = " =\t\r\n";
-string working_directory;
-	for ( size_t i = 0; i < this->size(); i++ )
-		delete (*this)[i];
-	// store the current directory for path calculations
-	working_directory.resize ( _MAX_PATH );
-	working_directory[0] = 0;
-	getcwd ( &working_directory[0], working_directory.size() );
-	working_directory.resize ( strlen ( working_directory.c_str() ) );
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-unsigned __int64
-unsigned long long
-filelen ( FILE* f )
-#ifdef WIN32
-	return _filelengthi64 ( _fileno(f) );
-	struct stat64 file_stat;
-	if ( fstat64(fileno(f), &file_stat) != 0 )
-		return 0;
-	return file_stat.st_size;
-	if ( !working_directory.size() )
-		InitWorkingDirectory();
-	string s ( working_directory );
-	const char* p = strtok ( &s[0], "/\\" );
-	while ( p )
-	{
-		if ( *p )
-			path.push_back ( p );
-		p = strtok ( NULL, "/\\" );
-	}
-Path::Path ( const Path& cwd, const string& file )
-	string s ( cwd.Fixup ( file, false ) );
-	const char* p = strtok ( &s[0], "/\\" );
-	while ( p )
-	{
-		if ( *p )
-			path.push_back ( p );
-		p = strtok ( NULL, "/\\" );
-	}
-Path::Fixup ( const string& file, bool include_filename ) const
-	if ( strchr ( "/\\", file[0] )
-#ifdef WIN32
-		// this squirreliness is b/c win32 has drive letters and *nix doesn't...
-		|| file[1] == ':'
-		)
-	{
-		return file;
-	}
-	vector<string> pathtmp ( path );
-	string tmp ( file );
-	const char* prev = strtok ( &tmp[0], "/\\" );
-	const char* p = strtok ( NULL, "/\\" );
-	while ( p )
-	{
-		if ( !strcmp ( prev, "." ) )
-			; // do nothing
-		else if ( !strcmp ( prev, ".." ) )
-		{
-			// this squirreliness is b/c win32 has drive letters and *nix doesn't...
-#ifdef WIN32
-			if ( pathtmp.size() > 1 )
-			if ( pathtmp.size() )
-				pathtmp.resize ( pathtmp.size() - 1 );
-		}
-		else
-			pathtmp.push_back ( prev );
-		prev = p;
-		p = strtok ( NULL, "/\\" );
-	}
-	if ( include_filename )
-		pathtmp.push_back ( prev );
-	// reuse tmp variable to return recombined path
-	tmp.resize(0);
-	for ( size_t i = 0; i < pathtmp.size(); i++ )
-	{
-		// this squirreliness is b/c win32 has drive letters and *nix doesn't...
-#ifdef WIN32
-		if ( i ) tmp += "/";
-		tmp += "/";
-		tmp += pathtmp[i];
-	}
-	return tmp;
-Path::RelativeFromWorkingDirectory ()
-	string out = "";
-	for ( size_t i = 0; i < path.size(); i++ )
-	{
-		out += "/" + path[i];
-	}
-	return RelativeFromWorkingDirectory ( out );
-Path::RelativeFromWorkingDirectory ( const string& path )
-	vector<string> vwork, vpath, vout;
-	Path::Split ( vwork, working_directory, true );
-	Path::Split ( vpath, path, true );
-#ifdef WIN32
-	// this squirreliness is b/c win32 has drive letters and *nix doesn't...
-	// not possible to do relative across different drive letters
-	if ( vwork[0] != vpath[0] )
-		return path;
-	size_t i = 0;
-	while ( i < vwork.size() && i < vpath.size() && vwork[i] == vpath[i] )
-		++i;
-	if ( i < vwork.size() )
-	{
-		// path goes above our working directory, we will need some ..'s
-		for ( size_t j = 0; j < i; j++ )
-			vout.push_back ( ".." );
-	}
-	while ( i < vpath.size() )
-		vout.push_back ( vpath[i++] );
-	// now merge vout into a string again
-	string out = vout[0];
-	for ( i = 1; i < vout.size(); i++ )
-	{
-		out += "/" + vout[i];
-	}
-	return out;
-Path::Split ( vector<string>& out,
-              const string& path,
-              bool include_last )
-	string s ( path );
-	const char* prev = strtok ( &s[0], "/\\" );
-	const char* p = strtok ( NULL, "/\\" );
-	out.resize ( 0 );
-	while ( p )
-	{
-		out.push_back ( prev );
-		prev = p;
-		p = strtok ( NULL, "/\\" );
-	}
-	if ( include_last )
-		out.push_back ( prev );
-	_buf.resize(0);
-	_p = _end = NULL;
-XMLFile::open(const string& filename_)
-	close();
-	FILE* f = fopen ( filename_.c_str(), "rb" );
-	if ( !f )
-		return false;
-	unsigned long len = (unsigned long)filelen(f);
-	_buf.resize ( len );
-	fread ( &_buf[0], 1, len, f );
-	fclose ( f );
-	_p = _buf.c_str();
-	_end = _p + len;
-	_filename = filename_;
-	next_token();
-	return true;
-// next_token() moves the pointer to next token, which may be
-// an xml element or a text element, basically it's a glorified
-// skipspace, normally the user of this class won't need to call
-// this function
-	_p += strspn ( _p, WS );
-	return *_p != '<';
-	return _p != _end;
-// get_token() is used to return a token, and move the pointer
-// past the token
-XMLFile::get_token(string& token)
-	const char* tokend;
-	if ( !strncmp ( _p, "<!--", 4 ) )
-	{
-		tokend = strstr ( _p, "-->" );
-		if ( !tokend )
-			tokend = _end;
-		else
-			tokend += 3;
-	}
-	else if ( !strncmp ( _p, "<?", 2 ) )
-	{
-		tokend = strstr ( _p, "?>" );
-		if ( !tokend )
-			tokend = _end;
-		else
-			tokend += 2;
-	}
-	else if ( *_p == '<' )
-	{
-		tokend = strchr ( _p, '>' );
-		if ( !tokend )
-			tokend = _end;
-		else
-			++tokend;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		tokend = strchr ( _p, '<' );
-		if ( !tokend )
-			tokend = _end;
-		while ( tokend > _p && isspace(tokend[-1]) )
-			--tokend;
-	}
-	if ( tokend == _p )
-		return false;
-	token = string ( _p, tokend-_p );
-	_p = tokend;
-	next_token();
-	return true;
-XMLFile::Location() const
-	int line = 1;
-	const char* p = strchr ( _buf.c_str(), '\n' );
-	while ( p && p < _p )
-	{
-		++line;
-		p = strchr ( p+1, '\n' );
-	}
-	return ssprintf ( "%s(%i)",_filename.c_str(), line );
-XMLAttribute::XMLAttribute(const string& name_,
-                           const string& value_)
-	: name(name_), value(value_)
-XMLAttribute::XMLAttribute ( const XMLAttribute& src )
-	: name(, value(src.value)
-XMLAttribute& XMLAttribute::operator = ( const XMLAttribute& src )
-	name =;
-	value = src.value;
-	return *this;
-XMLElement::XMLElement ( XMLFile* xmlFile,
-                         const string& location )
-	: xmlFile ( xmlFile ),
-	  location ( location ),
-	  parentElement ( NULL )
-	size_t i;
-	for ( i = 0; i < attributes.size(); i++ )
-		delete attributes[i];
-	for ( i = 0; i < subElements.size(); i++ )
-		delete subElements[i];
-XMLElement::AddSubElement ( XMLElement* e )
-	subElements.push_back ( e );
-	e->parentElement = this;
-// Parse()
-// This function takes a single xml tag ( i.e. beginning with '<' and
-// ending with '>', and parses out it's tag name and constituent
-// attributes.
-// Return Value: returns true if you need to look for a </tag> for
-// the one it just parsed...
-XMLElement::Parse(const string& token,
-                  bool& end_tag)
-	const char* p = token.c_str();
-	assert ( *p == '<' );
-	++p;
-	p += strspn ( p, WS );
-	// check if this is a comment
-	if ( !strncmp ( p, "!--", 3 ) )
-	{
-		name = "!--";
-		end_tag = false;
-		return false; // never look for end tag to a comment
-	}
-	end_tag = ( *p == '/' );
-	if ( end_tag )
-	{
-		++p;
-		p += strspn ( p, WS );
-	}
-	const char* end = strpbrk ( p, WS );
-	if ( !end )
-	{
-		end = strpbrk ( p, "/>" );
-		assert ( end );
-	}
-	name = string ( p, end-p );
-	p = end;
-	p += strspn ( p, WS );
-	while ( *p != '>' && *p != '/' )
-	{
-		end = strpbrk ( p, WSEQ );
-		if ( !end )
-		{
-			end = strpbrk ( p, "/>" );
-			assert ( end );
-		}
-		string attribute ( p, end-p ), value;
-		p = end;
-		p += strspn ( p, WS );
-		if ( *p == '=' )
-		{
-			++p;
-			p += strspn ( p, WS );
-			char quote = 0;
-			if ( strchr ( "\"'", *p ) )
-			{
-				quote = *p++;
-				end = strchr ( p, quote );
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				end = strpbrk ( p, WS );
-			}
-			if ( !end )
-			{
-				end = strchr ( p, '>' );
-				assert(end);
-				if ( end[-1] == '/' )
-					end--;
-			}
-			value = string ( p, end-p );
-			p = end;
-			if ( quote && *p == quote )
-				p++;
-			p += strspn ( p, WS );
-		}
-		else if ( name[0] != '!' )
-		{
-			throw XMLSyntaxErrorException ( location,
-			                                "attributes must have values" );
-		}
-		attributes.push_back ( new XMLAttribute ( attribute, value ) );
-	}
-	return !( *p == '/' ) && !end_tag;
-XMLElement::GetAttribute ( const string& attribute,
-                           bool required )
-	// this would be faster with a tree-based container, but our attribute
-	// lists are likely to stay so short as to not be an issue.
-	for ( size_t i = 0; i < attributes.size(); i++ )
-	{
-		if ( attribute == attributes[i]->name )
-			return attributes[i];
-	}
-	if ( required )
-	{
-		throw RequiredAttributeNotFoundException ( location,
-		                                           attribute,
-		                                           name );
-	}
-	return NULL;
-const XMLAttribute*
-XMLElement::GetAttribute ( const string& attribute,
-                           bool required ) const
-	// this would be faster with a tree-based container, but our attribute
-	// lists are likely to stay so short as to not be an issue.
-	for ( size_t i = 0; i < attributes.size(); i++ )
-	{
-		if ( attribute == attributes[i]->name )
-			return attributes[i];
-	}
-	if ( required )
-	{
-		throw RequiredAttributeNotFoundException ( location,
-		                                           attribute,
-		                                           name );
-	}
-	return NULL;
-// XMLParse()
-// This function reads a "token" from the file loaded in XMLFile
-// if it finds a tag that is non-singular, it parses sub-elements and/or
-// inner text into the XMLElement that it is building to return.
-// Return Value: an XMLElement allocated via the new operator that contains
-// it's parsed data. Keep calling this function until it returns NULL
-// (no more data)
-XMLParse ( XMLFile& f,
-           XMLIncludes* includes,
-           const Path& path,
-           bool* pend_tag = NULL )
-	string token;
-	if ( !f.get_token(token) )
-		return NULL;
-	bool end_tag, is_include = false;
-	while ( token[0] != '<'
-	        || !strncmp ( token.c_str (), "<!--", 4 )
-	        || !strncmp ( token.c_str (), "<?", 2 ) )
-	{
-		if ( token[0] != '<' )
-			throw XMLSyntaxErrorException ( f.Location (),
-			                                "expecting xml tag, not '%s'",
-			                                token.c_str () );
-		if ( !f.get_token(token) )
-			return NULL;
-	}
-	XMLElement* e = new XMLElement ( &f,
-	                                 f.Location () );
-	bool bNeedEnd = e->Parse ( token, end_tag );
-	if ( e->name == "xi:include" && includes )
-	{
-		XMLAttribute* att;
-		att = e->GetAttribute ( "href", true );
-		assert ( att );
-		string includeFile ( path.Fixup ( att->value, true ) );
-		string topIncludeFile ( Path::RelativeFromWorkingDirectory ( includeFile ) );
-		includes->push_back ( new XMLInclude ( e, path, topIncludeFile ) );
-		is_include = true;
-	}
-	if ( !bNeedEnd )
-	{
-		if ( pend_tag )
-			*pend_tag = end_tag;
-		else if ( end_tag )
-		{
-			delete e;
-			throw XMLSyntaxErrorException ( f.Location (),
-			                                "end tag '%s' not expected",
-			                                token.c_str() );
-			return NULL;
-		}
-		return e;
-	}
-	bool bThisMixingErrorReported = false;
-	while ( f.more_tokens () )
-	{
-		if ( f.next_is_text () )
-		{
-			if ( !f.get_token ( token ) || token.size () == 0 )
-			{
-				throw InvalidBuildFileException (
-					f.Location(),
-					"internal tool error - get_token() failed when more_tokens() returned true" );
-				break;
-			}
-			if ( e->subElements.size() && !bThisMixingErrorReported )
-			{
-				throw XMLSyntaxErrorException ( f.Location (),
-				                                "mixing of inner text with sub elements" );
-				bThisMixingErrorReported = true;
-			}
-			if ( strchr ( token.c_str (), '>' ) )
-			{
-				throw XMLSyntaxErrorException ( f.Location (),
-				                                "invalid symbol '>'" );
-			}
-			if ( e->value.size() > 0 )
-			{
-				throw XMLSyntaxErrorException ( f.Location (),
-				                                "multiple instances of inner text" );
-				e->value += " " + token;
-			}
-			else
-				e->value = token;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			XMLElement* e2 = XMLParse ( f, is_include ? NULL : includes, path, &end_tag );
-			if ( !e2 )
-			{
-				throw InvalidBuildFileException (
-					e->location,
-					"end of file found looking for end tag" );
-				break;
-			}
-			if ( end_tag )
-			{
-				if ( e->name != e2->name )
-				{
-					delete e2;
-					throw XMLSyntaxErrorException ( f.Location (),
-					                                "end tag name mismatch" );
-					break;
-				}
-				delete e2;
-				break;
-			}
-			if ( e->value.size () > 0 && !bThisMixingErrorReported )
-			{
-				throw XMLSyntaxErrorException ( f.Location (),
-				                                "mixing of inner text with sub elements" );
-				bThisMixingErrorReported = true;
-			}
-			e->AddSubElement ( e2 );
-		}
-	}
-	return e;
-XMLReadFile ( XMLFile& f, XMLElement& head, XMLIncludes& includes, const Path& path )
-	for ( ;; )
-	{
-		XMLElement* e = XMLParse ( f, &includes, path );
-		if ( !e )
-			return;
-		head.AddSubElement ( e );
-	}
-XMLLoadInclude ( XMLInclude& include,
-	             XMLIncludes& includes )
-	XMLAttribute* att;
-	att = include.e->GetAttribute("href", true);
-	assert(att);
-	string file ( include.path.Fixup(att->value, true) );
-	string top_file ( Path::RelativeFromWorkingDirectory ( file ) );
-	include.e->attributes.push_back ( new XMLAttribute ( "top_href", top_file ) );
-	XMLFile* fInc = new XMLFile();
-	if ( !fInc->open ( file ) )
-	{
-		include.fileExists = false;
-		// look for xi:fallback element
-		for ( size_t i = 0; i < include.e->subElements.size (); i++ )
-		{
-			XMLElement* e2 = include.e->subElements[i];
-			if ( e2->name == "xi:fallback" )
-			{
-				// now look for xi:include below...
-				for ( i = 0; i < e2->subElements.size (); i++ )
-				{
-					XMLElement* e3 = e2->subElements[i];
-					if ( e3->name == "xi:include" )
-					{
-						att = e3->GetAttribute ( "href", true );
-						assert ( att );
-						string includeFile ( include.path.Fixup ( att->value, true ) );
-						string topIncludeFile ( Path::RelativeFromWorkingDirectory ( includeFile ) );
-						XMLInclude* fallbackInclude = new XMLInclude ( e3, include.path, topIncludeFile );
-						return XMLLoadInclude ( *fallbackInclude, includes );
-					}
-				}
-				throw InvalidBuildFileException (
-					e2->location,
-					"<xi:fallback> must have a <xi:include> sub-element" );
-				return NULL;
-			}
-		}
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		include.fileExists = true;
-		XMLElement* new_e = new XMLElement ( fInc,
-		                                     include.e->location );
-		new_e->name = "xi:included";
-		Path path2 ( include.path, att->value );
-		XMLReadFile ( *fInc, *new_e, includes, path2 );
-		return new_e;
-	}
-XMLLoadFile ( const string& filename,
-	          const Path& path,
-	          XMLIncludes& includes )
-	XMLFile* f = new XMLFile();
-	if ( !f->open ( filename ) )
-		throw FileNotFoundException ( filename );
-	XMLElement* head = new XMLElement ( f,
-	                                    "(virtual)" );
-	XMLReadFile ( *f, *head, includes, path );
-	for ( size_t i = 0; i < includes.size (); i++ )
-	{
-		XMLElement* e = includes[i]->e;
-		XMLElement* e2 = XMLLoadInclude ( *includes[i], includes );
-		if ( !e2 )
-		{
-			throw FileNotFoundException (
-				ssprintf ( "%s (referenced from %s)",
-					e->GetAttribute ( "top_href", true )->value.c_str (),
-					f->Location ().c_str () ) );
-		}
-		XMLElement* parent = e->parentElement;
-		XMLElement** parent_container = NULL;
-		if ( !parent )
-		{
-			delete e;
-			throw Exception ( "internal tool error: xi:include doesn't have a parent" );
-			return NULL;
-		}
-		for ( size_t j = 0; j < parent->subElements.size (); j++ )
-		{
-			if ( parent->subElements[j] == e )
-			{
-				parent_container = &parent->subElements[j];
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		if ( !parent_container )
-		{
-			delete e;
-			throw Exception ( "internal tool error: couldn't find xi:include in parent's sub-elements" );
-			return NULL;
-		}
-		// replace inclusion tree with the imported tree
-		e2->parentElement = e->parentElement;
-		e2->name = e->name;
-		e2->attributes = e->attributes;
-		*parent_container = e2;
-		e->attributes.resize ( 0 );
-		delete e;
-	}
-	return head;
+// XML.cpp
+#include "pch.h"
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#ifdef WIN32
+#	include <direct.h>
+#	include <io.h>
+#	include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "XML.h"
+#include "exception.h"
+#include "ssprintf.h"
+using std::string;
+using std::vector;
+#ifdef WIN32
+#define getcwd _getcwd
+static const char* WS = " \t\r\n";
+static const char* WSEQ = " =\t\r\n";
+string working_directory;
+	for ( size_t i = 0; i < this->size(); i++ )
+		delete (*this)[i];
+	// store the current directory for path calculations
+	working_directory.resize ( _MAX_PATH );
+	working_directory[0] = 0;
+	getcwd ( &working_directory[0], working_directory.size() );
+	working_directory.resize ( strlen ( working_directory.c_str() ) );
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+unsigned __int64
+unsigned long long
+filelen ( FILE* f )
+#ifdef WIN32
+	return _filelengthi64 ( _fileno(f) );
+	struct stat64 file_stat;
+	if ( fstat64(fileno(f), &file_stat) != 0 )
+		return 0;
+	return file_stat.st_size;
+	if ( !working_directory.size() )
+		InitWorkingDirectory();
+	string s ( working_directory );
+	const char* p = strtok ( &s[0], "/\\" );
+	while ( p )
+	{
+		if ( *p )
+			path.push_back ( p );
+		p = strtok ( NULL, "/\\" );
+	}
+Path::Path ( const Path& cwd, const string& file )
+	string s ( cwd.Fixup ( file, false ) );
+	const char* p = strtok ( &s[0], "/\\" );
+	while ( p )
+	{
+		if ( *p )
+			path.push_back ( p );
+		p = strtok ( NULL, "/\\" );
+	}
+Path::Fixup ( const string& file, bool include_filename ) const
+	if ( strchr ( "/\\", file[0] )
+#ifdef WIN32
+		// this squirreliness is b/c win32 has drive letters and *nix doesn't...
+		|| file[1] == ':'
+		)
+	{
+		return file;
+	}
+	vector<string> pathtmp ( path );
+	string tmp ( file );
+	const char* prev = strtok ( &tmp[0], "/\\" );
+	const char* p = strtok ( NULL, "/\\" );
+	while ( p )
+	{
+		if ( !strcmp ( prev, "." ) )
+			; // do nothing
+		else if ( !strcmp ( prev, ".." ) )
+		{
+			// this squirreliness is b/c win32 has drive letters and *nix doesn't...
+#ifdef WIN32
+			if ( pathtmp.size() > 1 )
+			if ( pathtmp.size() )
+				pathtmp.resize ( pathtmp.size() - 1 );
+		}
+		else
+			pathtmp.push_back ( prev );
+		prev = p;
+		p = strtok ( NULL, "/\\" );
+	}
+	if ( include_filename )
+		pathtmp.push_back ( prev );
+	// reuse tmp variable to return recombined path
+	tmp.resize(0);
+	for ( size_t i = 0; i < pathtmp.size(); i++ )
+	{
+		// this squirreliness is b/c win32 has drive letters and *nix doesn't...
+#ifdef WIN32
+		if ( i ) tmp += "/";
+		tmp += "/";
+		tmp += pathtmp[i];
+	}
+	return tmp;
+Path::RelativeFromWorkingDirectory ()
+	string out = "";
+	for ( size_t i = 0; i < path.size(); i++ )
+	{
+		out += "/" + path[i];
+	}
+	return RelativeFromWorkingDirectory ( out );
+Path::RelativeFromWorkingDirectory ( const string& path )
+	vector<string> vwork, vpath, vout;
+	Path::Split ( vwork, working_directory, true );
+	Path::Split ( vpath, path, true );
+#ifdef WIN32
+	// this squirreliness is b/c win32 has drive letters and *nix doesn't...
+	// not possible to do relative across different drive letters
+	if ( vwork[0] != vpath[0] )
+		return path;
+	size_t i = 0;
+	while ( i < vwork.size() && i < vpath.size() && vwork[i] == vpath[i] )
+		++i;
+	if ( i < vwork.size() )
+	{
+		// path goes above our working directory, we will need some ..'s
+		for ( size_t j = 0; j < i; j++ )
+			vout.push_back ( ".." );
+	}
+	while ( i < vpath.size() )
+		vout.push_back ( vpath[i++] );
+	// now merge vout into a string again
+	string out = vout[0];
+	for ( i = 1; i < vout.size(); i++ )
+	{
+		out += "/" + vout[i];
+	}
+	return out;
+Path::Split ( vector<string>& out,
+              const string& path,
+              bool include_last )
+	string s ( path );
+	const char* prev = strtok ( &s[0], "/\\" );
+	const char* p = strtok ( NULL, "/\\" );
+	out.resize ( 0 );
+	while ( p )
+	{
+		out.push_back ( prev );
+		prev = p;
+		p = strtok ( NULL, "/\\" );
+	}
+	if ( include_last )
+		out.push_back ( prev );
+	_buf.resize(0);
+	_p = _end = NULL;
+XMLFile::open(const string& filename_)
+	close();
+	FILE* f = fopen ( filename_.c_str(), "rb" );
+	if ( !f )
+		return false;
+	unsigned long len = (unsigned long)filelen(f);
+	_buf.resize ( len );
+	fread ( &_buf[0], 1, len, f );
+	fclose ( f );
+	_p = _buf.c_str();
+	_end = _p + len;
+	_filename = filename_;
+	next_token();
+	return true;
+// next_token() moves the pointer to next token, which may be
+// an xml element or a text element, basically it's a glorified
+// skipspace, normally the user of this class won't need to call
+// this function
+	_p += strspn ( _p, WS );
+	return *_p != '<';
[truncated at 1000 lines; 24330 more skipped]