Ged Murpy <>
 * ARP Rewrite, 90% complete (still in progress)
Modified: trunk/reactos/apps/utils/net/arp/arp.c
Modified: trunk/reactos/apps/utils/net/arp/arp.rc
Modified: trunk/reactos/apps/utils/net/arp/arp.xml

Modified: trunk/reactos/apps/utils/net/arp/arp.c
--- trunk/reactos/apps/utils/net/arp/arp.c	2005-07-05 21:57:55 UTC (rev 16439)
+++ trunk/reactos/apps/utils/net/arp/arp.c	2005-07-05 22:14:07 UTC (rev 16440)
@@ -1,97 +1,461 @@
- * arp - display ARP cache from the IP stack parameters.
+ * COPYRIGHT:   See COPYING in the top level directory
+ * PROJECT:     ReactOS arp utility
+ * FILE:        apps/utils/net/arp/arp.c
+ * PURPOSE:     view and manipulate the ARP cache
+ * PROGRAMMERS: Ged Murphy (
+ *   GM 27/06/05 Created
- * This source code is in the PUBLIC DOMAIN and has NO WARRANTY.
- *
- * Robert Dickenson <>, August 15, 2002.
+#include <windows.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
-#include <windows.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
 #include <tchar.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <iptypes.h>
-#include <ipexport.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <winsock2.h>
 #include <iphlpapi.h>
-#include <snmp.h>
+#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+#define UNICODE
+#define _UNICODE
+ * Globals
+ */ 
+const char SEPERATOR = '-';
+ * function declerations
+ */ 
+INT DisplayArpEntries(PTCHAR pszInetAddr, PTCHAR pszIfAddr);
+INT PrintEntries(PMIB_IPNETROW pIpAddRow);
+INT Addhost(PTCHAR pszInetAddr, PTCHAR pszEthAddr, PTCHAR pszIfAddr);
+INT Deletehost(PTCHAR pszInetAddr, PTCHAR pszIfAddr);
+VOID Usage(VOID);
+ *
+ * Takes optional parameters of an internet address and interface address.
+ * Retrieve all entries in the ARP cache. If an internet address is
+ * specified, display the ARP entry relating to that address. If an
+ * interface address is specified, display all entries relating to
+ * that interface.
+ *
+ */
+/* FIXME: allow user to specify an interface address, via pszIfAddr */
+INT DisplayArpEntries(PTCHAR pszInetAddr, PTCHAR pszIfAddr)
+    INT i, k, iRet;
+    ULONG ulSize = 0;
+    struct in_addr inaddr, inaddr2;
+    DWORD dwSize = 0;
+    PTCHAR pszIpAddr;
+    TCHAR szIntIpAddr[20];
+    /* Return required buffer size */
+    GetIpNetTable(NULL, &ulSize, 0);
+    /* allocate memory for ARP address table */
+    pIpNetTable = (PMIB_IPNETTABLE) malloc(ulSize * sizeof(BYTE));
+    ZeroMemory(pIpNetTable, sizeof(*pIpNetTable));
+    /* get Arp address table */
+    if (pIpNetTable != NULL) {
+        GetIpNetTable(pIpNetTable, &ulSize, TRUE);
+    } else {
+        _tprintf(_T("failed to allocate memory for GetIpNetTable\n"));
+        free(pIpNetTable);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    /* check there are entries in the table */ 
+    if (pIpNetTable->dwNumEntries == 0) {
+        _tprintf(_T("No ARP entires found\n"));
+        free(pIpNetTable);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    /* try doing this in the way it's done above, it's clearer */
+    /* Retrieve the interface-to-ip address mapping
+     * table to get the IP address for adapter */    
+    pIpAddrTable = (MIB_IPADDRTABLE *) malloc(dwSize);
+    GetIpAddrTable(pIpAddrTable, &dwSize, 0);   // NULL ?
-#include "trace.h"
-VOID WINAPI SnmpSvcInitUptime();
-const char szUsage[] = { "\n" \
-    "Displays and modifies the IP Protocol to physical address translation tables\n" \
-    "used by address resolution protocol (ARP).\n" \
-    "\n" \
-    "ARP -s inet_addr eth_addr [if_addr]\n" \
-    "ARP -d inet_addr [if_addr]\n" \
-    "ARP -a [inet_addr] [-N if_addr]\n" \
-    "\n" \
-    "  -a            Displays the active ARP table by querying the current protocol\n" \
-    "                data. If inet_addr is specified, the IP and physical addresses\n" \
-    "                for the specified address are displayed. If more than one\n" \
-    "                network interface is using ARP, each interfaces ARP table is\n" \
-    "                displayed.\n" \
-    "  -g            Indentical to -a.\n" \
-    "  inet_addr     Specifies the IP address.\n" \
-    "  -N if_addr    Displays the ARP table for the specified interface only\n" \
-    "  -d            Deletes the host entry specified by inet_addr. inet_addr may be\n" \
-    "                wildcarded with * to delete all host entries in the ARP table.\n" \
-    "  -s            Adds the host and associates the IP address inet_addr with the\n" \
-    "                physical address eth_addr. The physical address must be specified\n" \
-    "                as 6 hexadecimal characters delimited by hyphens. The new entry\n" \
-    "                will become permanent in the ARP table.\n" \
-    "  eth_addr      Specifies the interface physical address.\n" \
-    "  if_addr       If present, this specifies the IP address of the interface whose\n" \
-    "                address translation table should be modified. If not present, the\n" \
-    "                first applicable interface will be used.\n" \
-    "Example:\n" \
-    "  > arp -s   55-AA-55-01-02-03   .... Static entry creation.\n" \
-    "  > arp -a                                    .... ARP table display.\n" \
-    "  > arp -d *                                  .... Delete all ARP table entries.\n"
-void usage(void)
+    pIpAddrTable = (MIB_IPADDRTABLE *) malloc(dwSize);
+    //ZeroMemory(pIpAddrTable, sizeof(*pIpAddrTable));
+    if ((iRet = GetIpAddrTable(pIpAddrTable, &dwSize, TRUE)) != NO_ERROR) { // NO_ERROR = 0
+        _tprintf(_T("GetIpAddrTable failed: %d\n"), iRet);
+        _tprintf(_T("error: %d\n"), WSAGetLastError());
+    }
+    for (k=0; k < pIpAddrTable->dwNumEntries; k++) {
+        if (pIpNetTable->table[0].dwIndex == pIpAddrTable->table[k].dwIndex) {
+            //printf("printing pIpAddrTable->table[?].dwIndex = %lx\n", pIpNetTable->table[k].dwIndex);
+            inaddr2.s_addr = pIpAddrTable->table[k].dwAddr;
+            pszIpAddr = inet_ntoa(inaddr2);
+            strcpy(szIntIpAddr, pszIpAddr);
+        }
+    }   
+    /* print header, including interface IP address and index number */
+    _tprintf(_T("\nInterface: %s --- 0x%lx \n"), szIntIpAddr, pIpNetTable->table[0].dwIndex);
+    _tprintf(_T("  Internet Address      Physical Address      Type\n"));
+    /* go through all ARP entries */
+    for (i=0; i < pIpNetTable->dwNumEntries; i++) {
+        /* if the user has supplied their own internet addesss *
+         * only print the arp entry which matches that */
+        if (pszInetAddr) {
+            inaddr.S_un.S_addr = pIpNetTable->table[i].dwAddr;        
+            pszIpAddr = inet_ntoa(inaddr);
+            /* check if it matches, print it */
+            if (strcmp(pszIpAddr, pszInetAddr) == 0) {
+                PrintEntries(&pIpNetTable->table[i]);
+            }
+        } else {
+            /* if an address is not supplied, print all entries */
+            PrintEntries(&pIpNetTable->table[i]);
+        }
+    }
+    free(pIpNetTable);
+    free(pIpAddrTable);
+    return 0;
+ *
+ * Takes an ARP entry and prints the IP address,
+ * the MAC address and the entry type to screen
+ *
+ */
+INT PrintEntries(PMIB_IPNETROW pIpAddRow)
-//	fprintf(stderr,"USAGE:\n");
-	fputs(szUsage, stderr);
+    IN_ADDR inaddr;
+    TCHAR cMacAddr[20];
+    /* print IP addresses */
+    inaddr.S_un.S_addr = pIpAddRow->dwAddr;        
+    _tprintf(_T("  %-22s"), inet_ntoa(inaddr));  //error checking
+    /* print MAC address */
+    _stprintf(cMacAddr, _T("%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x"),
+        pIpAddRow->bPhysAddr[0],
+        pIpAddRow->bPhysAddr[1],
+        pIpAddRow->bPhysAddr[2],
+        pIpAddRow->bPhysAddr[3],
+        pIpAddRow->bPhysAddr[4],
+        pIpAddRow->bPhysAddr[5]);
+    _tprintf(_T("%-22s"), cMacAddr);
+    /* print cache type */
+    switch (pIpAddRow->dwType) {
+        case MIB_IPNET_TYPE_DYNAMIC : _tprintf(_T("dynamic\n"));
+                                      break;
+        case MIB_IPNET_TYPE_STATIC : _tprintf(_T("static\n"));
+                                      break;
+        case MIB_IPNET_TYPE_INVALID : _tprintf(_T("invalid\n"));
+                                      break;
+        case MIB_IPNET_TYPE_OTHER : _tprintf(_T("other\n"));
+                                      break;
+    }
+    return 0;
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ *
+ * Takes an internet address, a MAC address and an optional interface
+ * address as arguments and checks their validity.
+ * Fill out an MIB_IPNETROW structure and insert the data into the 
+ * ARP cache as a static entry.
+ *
+ */
+INT Addhost(PTCHAR pszInetAddr, PTCHAR pszEthAddr, PTCHAR pszIfAddr)
-    TCHAR szComputerName[50];
-    DWORD dwSize = 50;
-    int nBytes = 500;
-    BYTE* pCache;
-    if (argc > 1) {
-        usage();
-        return 1;
+    PMIB_IPNETROW pAddHost;
+    DWORD dwIpAddr;
+    DWORD dwSize = 0;
+    INT iRet, i, val;
+    TCHAR c;
+    /* error checking */
+    /* check IP address */
+    if (pszInetAddr != NULL) {
+        if ((dwIpAddr = inet_addr(pszInetAddr)) == INADDR_NONE) {
+            _tprintf(_T("ARP: bad IP address: %s\n"), pszInetAddr);
+            return -1;
+        }
+    } else {
+        Usage();
-    SnmpSvcInitUptime();
-    GetComputerName(szComputerName, &dwSize);
-    _tprintf(_T("ReactOS ARP cache on Computer Name: %s\n"), szComputerName);
-    pCache = (BYTE*)SnmpUtilMemAlloc(nBytes);
-        Sleep(2500);
-    if (pCache != NULL) {
-        DWORD dwUptime = SnmpSvcGetUptime();
-        _tprintf(_T("SNMP uptime: %ld\n"), dwUptime);
-        SnmpUtilMemFree(pCache);
+    /* check MAC address */
+    if (strlen(pszEthAddr) != 17) {
+        _tprintf(_T("ARP: bad argument: %s\n"), pszEthAddr);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    for (i=0; i<17; i++) {
+        if (pszEthAddr[i] == SEPERATOR) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (!isxdigit(pszEthAddr[i])) {
+            _tprintf(_T("ARP: bad argument: %s\n"), pszEthAddr);
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }
+    /* reserve memory on heap and zero */
+    pAddHost = (MIB_IPNETROW *) malloc(sizeof(MIB_IPNETROW));
+    ZeroMemory(pAddHost, sizeof(MIB_IPNETROW));
+    /* set dwIndex field to the index of a local IP address to 
+     * indicate the network on which the ARP entry applies */
+    if (pszIfAddr) {
+        sscanf(pszIfAddr, "%lx", &pAddHost->dwIndex);
     } else {
-        _tprintf(_T("ERROR: call to SnmpUtilMemAlloc() failed\n"));
-        return 1;
+        /* map the IP to the index */  
+        pIpAddrTable = (MIB_IPADDRTABLE *) malloc(dwSize);
+        GetIpAddrTable(pIpAddrTable, &dwSize, 0);
+        pIpAddrTable = (MIB_IPADDRTABLE *) malloc(dwSize);
+        if ((iRet = GetIpAddrTable(pIpAddrTable, &dwSize, TRUE)) != NO_ERROR) { // NO_ERROR = 0
+            _tprintf(_T("GetIpAddrTable failed: %d\n"), iRet);
+            _tprintf(_T("error: %d\n"), WSAGetLastError());
+        }
+        printf("printing pIpAddrTable->table[0].dwIndex = %lx\n", pIpAddrTable->table[0].dwIndex);
+        pAddHost->dwIndex = 4;
-	return 0;
+    /* Set MAC address to 6 bytes (typical) */
+    pAddHost->dwPhysAddrLen = 6;
+    /* Encode bPhysAddr into correct byte array */
+    for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
+        val =0;
+        c = toupper(pszEthAddr[i*3]);
+        c = c - (isdigit(c) ? '0' : ('A' - 10));
+        val += c;
+        val = (val << 4);
+        c = toupper(pszEthAddr[i*3 + 1]);
+        c = c - (isdigit(c) ? '0' : ('A' - 10));
+        val += c;
+        pAddHost->bPhysAddr[i] = val;
+    }
+    /* copy converted IP address */
+    pAddHost->dwAddr = dwIpAddr;
+    /* set type to static */
+    pAddHost->dwType = MIB_IPNET_TYPE_STATIC;
+    /* Add the ARP entry */
+    if ((iRet = SetIpNetEntry(pAddHost)) != NO_ERROR) {
+        _tprintf(_T("The ARP entry addition failed: %d\n"), iRet);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    free(pIpAddrTable);
+    free(pAddHost);
+    return 0;
+ *
+ * Takes an internet address and an optional interface address as 
+ * arguments and checks their validity.
+ * Add the interface number and IP to an MIB_IPNETROW structure 
+ * and remove the entrty from the ARP cache.
+ *
+ */
+INT Deletehost(PTCHAR pszInetAddr, PTCHAR pszIfAddr)
+    PMIB_IPNETROW pDelHost;
+    DWORD dwIpAddr;
+    DWORD dwSize = 0;
+    INT iret;
+    /* error checking */
+    /* check IP address */
+    if (pszInetAddr != NULL) {
+        if ((dwIpAddr = inet_addr(pszInetAddr)) == INADDR_NONE) {
+            _tprintf(_T("ARP: bad IP address: %s\n"), pszInetAddr);
+            return -1;
+        }
+    } else {
+        Usage();
+    }
+     pIpAddrTable = (MIB_IPADDRTABLE*) malloc(sizeof(MIB_IPADDRTABLE));
+     pDelHost = (MIB_IPNETROW *) malloc(sizeof(MIB_IPNETROW));
+     ZeroMemory(pIpAddrTable, sizeof(MIB_IPADDRTABLE));
+     ZeroMemory(pDelHost, sizeof(MIB_IPNETROW));
+    /* set dwIndex field to the index of a local IP address to 
+     * indicate the network on which the ARP entry applies */
+    if (pszIfAddr) {
+        sscanf(pszIfAddr, "%lx", &pDelHost->dwIndex);
+    } else {
+        /* map the IP to the index */
+        if (GetIpAddrTable(pIpAddrTable, &dwSize, 0) == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) {
+            pIpAddrTable = (MIB_IPADDRTABLE *) malloc(dwSize);
+        }
+        if ((iret = GetIpAddrTable(pIpAddrTable, &dwSize, TRUE)) != NO_ERROR) {
+            _tprintf(_T("GetIpAddrTable failed: %d\n"), iret);
+            _tprintf(_T("error: %d\n"), WSAGetLastError());
+        }
+        pDelHost->dwIndex = 4; //pIpAddrTable->table[0].dwIndex;
+    }    
+    /* copy converted IP address */
+    pDelHost->dwAddr = dwIpAddr; 
+    /* Add the ARP entry */
+    if ((iret = DeleteIpNetEntry(pDelHost)) != NO_ERROR) {
+        _tprintf(_T("The ARP entry deletion failed: %d\n"), iret);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    free(pIpAddrTable);
+    free(pDelHost);
+    return 0;
+ *
+ * print program usage to screen
+ *
+ */ 
+    _tprintf(_T("\nDisplays and modifies the IP-to-Physical address translation tables used by\n"
+                "address resolution protocol (ARP).\n"
+                "\n"
+                "ARP -s inet_addr eth_addr [if_addr]\n"
+                "ARP -d inet_addr [if_addr]\n"
+                "ARP -a [inet_addr] [-N if_addr]\n"
+                "\n"
+                "  -a            Displays current ARP entries by interrogating the current\n"
+                "                protocol data.  If inet_addr is specified, the IP and Physical\n"
+                "                addresses for only the specified computer are displayed.  If\n"
+                "                more than one network interface uses ARP, entries for each ARP\n"
+                "                table are displayed.\n"
+                "  -g            Same as -a.\n"
+                "  inet_addr     Specifies an internet address.\n"
+                "  -N if_addr    Displays the ARP entries for the network interface specified\n"
+                "                by if_addr.\n"
+                "  -d            Deletes the host specified by inet_addr. inet_addr may be\n"
+                "                wildcarded with * to delete all hosts.\n"
+                "  -s            Adds the host and associates the Internet address inet_addr\n"
+                "                with the Physical address eth_addr.  The Physical address is\n"
+                "                given as 6 hexadecimal bytes separated by hyphens. The entry\n"
+                "                is permanent.\n"
+                "  eth_addr      Specifies a physical address.\n"
+                "  if_addr       If present, this specifies the Internet address of the\n"
+                "                interface whose address translation table should be modified.\n"
+                "                If not present, the first applicable interface will be used.\n"
+                "Example:\n"
+                "  > arp -s   00-aa-00-62-c6-09  .... Adds a static entry.\n"
+                "  > arp -a                                    .... Displays the arp table.\n\n"));
+ *
+ * Program entry.
+ * Parse command line and call the required function
+ *
+ */
+INT main(int argc, char* argv[])
+    const char N[] = "-N";
+    if ((argc < 2) || (argc > 5)) 
+    {
+       Usage();
+       return FALSE;
+    }
+    if (argv[1][0] == '-') {
+        switch (argv[1][1]) {
+           /* FIX ME */
+           /* need better control for -a, as -N might not be arg 4 */
+           case 'a': if (argc == 2)
+                         DisplayArpEntries(NULL, NULL);
+                     else if (argc == 3)
+                         DisplayArpEntries(argv[2], NULL);
+                     else if ((argc == 5) && ((strcmp(argv[3], N)) == 0))
+                         DisplayArpEntries(argv[2], argv[4]);
+                     else
+                         Usage();
+                     break;
+           case 'g': break;
+           case 'd': if (argc == 3)
+                         Deletehost(argv[2], NULL);
+                     else if (argc == 4)
+                         Deletehost(argv[2], argv[3]);
+                     else
+                         Usage();
+                     break;
+           case 's': if (argc == 4)
+                         Addhost(argv[2], argv[3], NULL);
+                     else if (argc == 5)
+                         Addhost(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]);
+                     else
+                         Usage();
+                     break;
+           default:
+              Usage();
+              return -1;
+        }
+    } else {
+        Usage();
+        return -1;
+    }
+    return 0;

Modified: trunk/reactos/apps/utils/net/arp/arp.rc
--- trunk/reactos/apps/utils/net/arp/arp.rc	2005-07-05 21:57:55 UTC (rev 16439)
+++ trunk/reactos/apps/utils/net/arp/arp.rc	2005-07-05 22:14:07 UTC (rev 16440)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-/* $Id$ */
 #define REACTOS_STR_FILE_DESCRIPTION	"ReactOS TCP/IPv4 Win32 arp\0"
 #include <reactos/version.rc>

Modified: trunk/reactos/apps/utils/net/arp/arp.xml
--- trunk/reactos/apps/utils/net/arp/arp.xml	2005-07-05 21:57:55 UTC (rev 16439)
+++ trunk/reactos/apps/utils/net/arp/arp.xml	2005-07-05 22:14:07 UTC (rev 16440)
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
 	<include base="arp">.</include>
 	<define name="__USE_W32API" />
-	<library>user32</library>
-	<library>snmpapi</library>
+	<library>iphlpapi</library>
+	<library>ws2_32</library>
+	<library>shlwapi</library>