gnu make 3.7x will not work - give users an early and clear error message stating as much
Modified: trunk/reactos/Makefile

Modified: trunk/reactos/Makefile
--- trunk/reactos/Makefile	2005-11-26 03:33:07 UTC (rev 19606)
+++ trunk/reactos/Makefile	2005-11-26 03:37:37 UTC (rev 19607)
@@ -106,6 +106,11 @@
 #            -mi          Let make handle creation of install directories. Rbuild will not generate the directories.
 #            -ps          Generate proxy makefiles in source tree instead of the output tree.
+# check for versions of make that don't have features we need...
+ifneq ($(filter 3.7%, $(shell $(MAKE) -v)),)
+$(error GNU Make $(filter 3.7%, $(shell $(MAKE) -v)) WILL NOT WORK - UPGRADE TO 3.80+)
 .PHONY: all
 .PHONY: clean