Alex Ionescu <>
Various bugcheck code improvements:
- Fix bugcheck code and make debugging easier for unhandled exceptions/spinlocks.
- Fix a race condition with TAB+B,
- Fix irql to be high_level.
- Fix calling unsafe function by caching bugcode data.
- Fix support for smp by using IPI.
- Fix not-breakpointing when no debugger is there.
- Implement KeBugCheck callbacks with reason.
- Fix callbacks not being called.
- Fix proper breakpoint during bugcheck.
Filip Navara <>
- Move the bugcheck initialization code into Ke (was in Ex on Alex's branch).
Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/include/internal/debug.h
Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/include/internal/ke.h
Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/bug.c
Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/catch.c
Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/brkpoint.c
Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/kernel.c
Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/spinlock.c

Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/include/internal/debug.h
--- trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/include/internal/debug.h	2005-03-12 14:15:49 UTC (rev 13968)
+++ trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/include/internal/debug.h	2005-03-12 16:01:30 UTC (rev 13969)
@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@
 /* Assert only on "checked" version */
 #ifndef NASSERT
 #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-#define assert(x) if (!(x)) {DbgPrint("Assertion "#x" failed at %s:%d for CPU%d\n", __FILE__,__LINE__, KeGetCurrentKPCR()->ProcessorNumber), KeBugCheck(0); }
-#define ASSERT(x) if (!(x)) {DbgPrint("Assertion "#x" failed at %s:%d for CPU%d\n", __FILE__,__LINE__, KeGetCurrentKPCR()->ProcessorNumber), KeBugCheck(0); }
+#define assert(x) if (!(x)) {DbgPrint("Assertion "#x" failed at %s:%d for CPU%d\n", __FILE__,__LINE__, KeGetCurrentKPCR()->ProcessorNumber), DbgBreakPoint(); }
+#define ASSERT(x) if (!(x)) {DbgPrint("Assertion "#x" failed at %s:%d for CPU%d\n", __FILE__,__LINE__, KeGetCurrentKPCR()->ProcessorNumber), DbgBreakPoint(); }
-#define assert(x) if (!(x)) {DbgPrint("Assertion "#x" failed at %s:%d\n", __FILE__,__LINE__); KeBugCheck(0); }
-#define ASSERT(x) if (!(x)) {DbgPrint("Assertion "#x" failed at %s:%d\n", __FILE__,__LINE__); KeBugCheck(0); }
+#define assert(x) if (!(x)) {DbgPrint("Assertion "#x" failed at %s:%d\n", __FILE__,__LINE__); DbgBreakPoint(); }
+#define ASSERT(x) if (!(x)) {DbgPrint("Assertion "#x" failed at %s:%d\n", __FILE__,__LINE__); DbgBreakPoint(); }
 #define assertmsg(_c_, _m_) \

Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/include/internal/ke.h
--- trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/include/internal/ke.h	2005-03-12 14:15:49 UTC (rev 13968)
+++ trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/include/internal/ke.h	2005-03-12 16:01:30 UTC (rev 13969)
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
 VOID KeInitDispatcher(VOID);
 VOID KeInitializeDispatcher(VOID);
 VOID KiInitializeSystemClock(VOID);
-VOID KeInitializeBugCheck(VOID);
+VOID KiInitializeBugCheck(VOID);
 VOID Phase1Initialization(PVOID Context);
 VOID KeInit1(PCHAR CommandLine, PULONG LastKernelAddress);

Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/bug.c
--- trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/bug.c	2005-03-12 14:15:49 UTC (rev 13968)
+++ trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/bug.c	2005-03-12 16:01:30 UTC (rev 13969)
@@ -1,200 +1,445 @@
-/* $Id$
- *
  * COPYRIGHT:       See COPYING in the top level directory
  * PROJECT:         ReactOS kernel
  * FILE:            ntoskrnl/ke/bug.c
  * PURPOSE:         Graceful system shutdown if a bug is detected
- * PROGRAMMERS:     David Welch (
+ * PROGRAMMERS:     Alex Ionescu - Rewrote Bugcheck Routines and implemented Reason Callbacks.
+ *                  David Welch (
  *                  Phillip Susi
 /* INCLUDES *****************************************************************/
 #include <ntoskrnl.h>
-#include <ntos/bootvid.h>
+#define NDEBUG
 #include <internal/debug.h>
-#include "../../hal/halx86/include/hal.h"
 /* GLOBALS ******************************************************************/
 static LIST_ENTRY BugcheckCallbackListHead = {NULL,NULL};
+static LIST_ENTRY BugcheckReasonCallbackListHead = {NULL,NULL};
 static ULONG InBugCheck;
+static ULONG KeBugCheckCount = 1;
 /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/
-  InitializeListHead(&BugcheckCallbackListHead);
-  InBugCheck = 0;
+    LDR_RESOURCE_INFO ResourceInfo;
+    NTSTATUS Status;
+    /* Initialize Callbadk Listhead and State */
+    InitializeListHead(&BugcheckCallbackListHead);
+    InitializeListHead(&BugcheckReasonCallbackListHead);
+    InBugCheck = 0;
+    /* Cache the Bugcheck Message Strings. Prepare the Lookup Data */
+    ResourceInfo.Type = 11;
+    ResourceInfo.Name = 1;
+    ResourceInfo.Language = 9;
+    /* Do the lookup. */
+    Status = LdrFindResource_U((PVOID)KERNEL_BASE,
+                               &ResourceInfo,
+                               RESOURCE_DATA_LEVEL,
+                               &ResourceDataEntry);
+    /* Make sure it worked */
+    if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
+        DPRINT1("Found Bugcheck Resource Data!\n");
+        /* Now actually get a pointer to it */
+        Status = LdrAccessResource((PVOID)KERNEL_BASE,
+                                   ResourceDataEntry,
+                                   (PVOID*)&BugCheckData,
+                                   NULL);
+        /* Make sure it worked */
+        if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
+            DPRINT1("Got Pointer to Bugcheck Resource Data!\n");
+            KiBugCodeMessages = BugCheckData;
+        }
+    }
  * @implemented
 KeDeregisterBugCheckCallback(PKBUGCHECK_CALLBACK_RECORD CallbackRecord)
-	/* Check the Current State */
-	if (CallbackRecord->State == BufferInserted) {
-		CallbackRecord->State = BufferEmpty;
-		RemoveEntryList(&CallbackRecord->Entry);
-		return TRUE;
-	}
-	/* The callback wasn't registered */
-	return FALSE;
+    KIRQL OldIrql;
+    BOOLEAN Status = FALSE;
+    /* Raise IRQL to High */
+    KeRaiseIrql(HIGH_LEVEL, &OldIrql);
+    /* Check the Current State */
+    if (CallbackRecord->State == BufferInserted) {
+        /* Reset state and remove from list */
+        CallbackRecord->State = BufferEmpty;
+        RemoveEntryList(&CallbackRecord->Entry);
+        Status = TRUE;
+    }
+    /* Lower IRQL and return */
+    KeLowerIrql(OldIrql);
+    return Status;
  * @implemented
+KeDeregisterBugCheckReasonCallback(IN PKBUGCHECK_REASON_CALLBACK_RECORD CallbackRecord)
+    KIRQL OldIrql;
+    BOOLEAN Status = FALSE;
+    /* Raise IRQL to High */
+    KeRaiseIrql(HIGH_LEVEL, &OldIrql);
+    /* Check the Current State */
+    if (CallbackRecord->State == BufferInserted) {
+        /* Reset state and remove from list */
+        CallbackRecord->State = BufferEmpty;
+        RemoveEntryList(&CallbackRecord->Entry);
+        Status = TRUE;
+    }
+    /* Lower IRQL and return */
+    KeLowerIrql(OldIrql);
+    return Status;
+ * @implemented
+ */
 KeRegisterBugCheckCallback(PKBUGCHECK_CALLBACK_RECORD CallbackRecord,
-			   PVOID Buffer,
-			   ULONG Length,
-			   PUCHAR Component)
+                           PKBUGCHECK_CALLBACK_ROUTINE	CallbackRoutine,
+                           PVOID Buffer,
+                           ULONG Length,
+                           PUCHAR Component)
+    KIRQL OldIrql;
+    BOOLEAN Status = FALSE;
+    /* Raise IRQL to High */
+    KeRaiseIrql(HIGH_LEVEL, &OldIrql);
+    /* Check the Current State first so we don't double-register */
+    if (CallbackRecord->State == BufferEmpty) {
+        /* Set the Callback Settings and insert into the list */
+        CallbackRecord->Length = Length;
+        CallbackRecord->Buffer = Buffer;
+        CallbackRecord->Component = Component;
+        CallbackRecord->CallbackRoutine = CallbackRoutine;
+        CallbackRecord->State = BufferInserted;
+        InsertTailList(&BugcheckCallbackListHead, &CallbackRecord->Entry);
+        Status = TRUE;
+    }
-	/* Check the Current State first so we don't double-register */
-	if (CallbackRecord->State == BufferEmpty) {
-		CallbackRecord->Length = Length;
-		CallbackRecord->Buffer = Buffer;
-		CallbackRecord->Component = Component;
-		CallbackRecord->CallbackRoutine = CallbackRoutine;
-		CallbackRecord->State = BufferInserted;
-		InsertTailList(&BugcheckCallbackListHead, &CallbackRecord->Entry);
-		return TRUE;
-	}
-	/* The Callback was already registered */
-	return(FALSE);
+    /* Lower IRQL and return */
+    KeLowerIrql(OldIrql);
+    return Status;
-KeBugCheckWithTf(ULONG BugCheckCode, 	     
-		 ULONG BugCheckParameter1,
-		 ULONG BugCheckParameter2,
-		 ULONG BugCheckParameter3,
-		 ULONG BugCheckParameter4,
+ * @implemented
+ */
+KeRegisterBugCheckReasonCallback(IN PKBUGCHECK_REASON_CALLBACK_RECORD CallbackRecord,
+                                 IN PKBUGCHECK_REASON_CALLBACK_ROUTINE CallbackRoutine,
+                                 IN KBUGCHECK_CALLBACK_REASON Reason,
+                                 IN PUCHAR Component)
-  NTSTATUS Status;
-  ULONG Mask;
-  KIRQL OldIrql;
+    KIRQL OldIrql;
+    BOOLEAN Status = FALSE;
+    /* Raise IRQL to High */
+    KeRaiseIrql(HIGH_LEVEL, &OldIrql);
+    /* Check the Current State first so we don't double-register */
+    if (CallbackRecord->State == BufferEmpty) {
+        /* Set the Callback Settings and insert into the list */
+        CallbackRecord->Component = Component;
+        CallbackRecord->CallbackRoutine = CallbackRoutine;
+        CallbackRecord->State = BufferInserted;
+        CallbackRecord->Reason = Reason;
+        InsertTailList(&BugcheckReasonCallbackListHead, &CallbackRecord->Entry);
+        Status = TRUE;
+    }
-  /* Make sure we're switching back to the blue screen and print messages on it */
-  HalReleaseDisplayOwnership();
-  if (0 == (KdDebugState & KD_DEBUG_GDB))
-    {
-      KdDebugState |= KD_DEBUG_SCREEN;
+    /* Lower IRQL and return */
+    KeLowerIrql(OldIrql);
+    return Status;
+KeGetBugMessageText(ULONG BugCheckCode, PANSI_STRING OutputString)
+    ULONG i;
+    ULONG IdOffset;
+    ULONG_PTR MessageEntry;
+    PCHAR BugCode;
+    /* Find the message. This code is based on RtlFindMesssage -- Alex */
+    for (i = 0; i < KiBugCodeMessages->NumberOfBlocks; i++)  {
+        /* Check if the ID Matches */
+        if ((BugCheckCode >= KiBugCodeMessages->Blocks[i].LowId) &&
+            (BugCheckCode <= KiBugCodeMessages->Blocks[i].HighId)) {
+            /* Get Offset to Entry */
+            MessageEntry = (ULONG_PTR)KiBugCodeMessages + KiBugCodeMessages->Blocks[i].OffsetToEntries;
+            IdOffset = BugCheckCode - KiBugCodeMessages->Blocks[i].LowId;
+            /* Get offset to ID */
+            for (i = 0; i < IdOffset; i++) {
+                /* Advance in the Entries */   
+                MessageEntry += ((PRTL_MESSAGE_RESOURCE_ENTRY)MessageEntry)->Length;
+            }
+            /* Get the final Code */
+            BugCode = ((PRTL_MESSAGE_RESOURCE_ENTRY)MessageEntry)->Text;
+            /* Return it in the OutputString */
+            if (OutputString) {
+                OutputString->Buffer = BugCode;
+                OutputString->Length = strlen(BugCode) + 1;
+                OutputString->MaximumLength = strlen(BugCode) + 1;
+            } else {
+                /* Direct Output to Screen */
+                DbgPrint("%s\n", BugCode);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
-  Ke386DisableInterrupts();
-  DebugLogDumpMessages();
+    PLIST_ENTRY ListHead;
+    PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry;
+    /* FIXME: Check Checksum and add support for WithReason Callbacks */
+    /* First make sure that the list is Initialized... it might not be */
+    ListHead = &BugcheckCallbackListHead;
+    if (ListHead->Flink && ListHead->Blink) {
+        /* Loop the list */
+        NextEntry = ListHead->Flink;
+        while (NextEntry != ListHead) {
+            /* Get the Callback Record */
+            CurrentRecord = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, 
+                                              KBUGCHECK_CALLBACK_RECORD,
+                                              Entry);
+            /* Make sure it's inserted */
+            if (CurrentRecord->State == BufferInserted) {
+                /* Call the routine */
+                CurrentRecord->State = BufferStarted;
+                (CurrentRecord->CallbackRoutine)(CurrentRecord->Buffer, 
+                                                 CurrentRecord->Length);
+                CurrentRecord->State = BufferFinished;
+            }
+            /* Move to next Entry */
+            NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink;
+        }
+    }
-  if (MmGetKernelAddressSpace()->Lock.Owner == KeGetCurrentThread())
-    {
-      MmUnlockAddressSpace(MmGetKernelAddressSpace());
+KeBugCheckWithTf(ULONG BugCheckCode,
+                 ULONG BugCheckParameter1,
+                 ULONG BugCheckParameter2,
+                 ULONG BugCheckParameter3,
+                 ULONG BugCheckParameter4,
+                 PKTRAP_FRAME Tf)
+    KIRQL OldIrql;
+    BOOLEAN GotExtendedCrashInfo = FALSE;
+    PVOID Address = 0;
+    PLIST_ENTRY CurrentEntry;
+    MODULE_TEXT_SECTION* CurrentSection = NULL;
+    extern LIST_ENTRY ModuleTextListHead;
+    /* Make sure we're switching back to the blue screen and print messages on it */
+    HalReleaseDisplayOwnership();
+    if (0 == (KdDebugState & KD_DEBUG_GDB)) KdDebugState |= KD_DEBUG_SCREEN;
+    /* Try to find out who did this. For this, we need a Trap Frame.
+     * Note: Some special BSODs pass the Frame/EIP as a Param. MSDN has the
+     * info so it eventually needs to be supported. 
+     */
+    if (Tf) {
+        /* For now, get Address from EIP */
+        Address = (PVOID)Tf->Eip;
+        /* Try to get information on the module */
+        CurrentEntry = ModuleTextListHead.Flink;
+        while (CurrentEntry != &ModuleTextListHead && CurrentEntry != NULL) {
+            /* Get the current Section */
+            CurrentSection = CONTAINING_RECORD(CurrentEntry, 
+                                               MODULE_TEXT_SECTION, 
+                                               ListEntry);
+            /* Check if this is the right one */
+            if ((Address != NULL && (Address >= (PVOID)CurrentSection->Base &&
+                 Address < (PVOID)(CurrentSection->Base + CurrentSection->Length)))) {
+                /* We got it */            
+                GotExtendedCrashInfo = TRUE;
+                break;
+            }
+            /* Loop again */
+            CurrentEntry = CurrentEntry->Flink;
+        }
+    /* Raise IRQL to HIGH_LEVEL */
+    Ke386DisableInterrupts();
+    KeRaiseIrql(HIGH_LEVEL, &OldIrql);
-  if (KeGetCurrentIrql() < DISPATCH_LEVEL)
-    {
-      KeRaiseIrql(DISPATCH_LEVEL, &OldIrql);
+    /* Disable Interrupts, Dump Debug Messages */
+    DebugLogDumpMessages();
+    /* Unload the Kernel Adress Space if we own it */
+    if (MmGetKernelAddressSpace()->Lock.Owner == KeGetCurrentThread())
+        MmUnlockAddressSpace(MmGetKernelAddressSpace());
+    /* FIXMEs: Use inbv to clear, fill and write to screen. */
+    /* Show the STOP Message */
+    DbgPrint("A problem has been detected and ReactOS has been shut down to prevent "
+             "damage to your computer.\n\n");
+    /* Show the module name of who caused this */
+    if (GotExtendedCrashInfo) {
+        DbgPrint("The problem seems to be caused by the following file: %S\n\n", CurrentSection->Name);
-  DbgPrint("Bug detected (code %x param %x %x %x %x)\n",
-	   BugCheckCode,
-	   BugCheckParameter1,
-	   BugCheckParameter2,
-	   BugCheckParameter3,
-	   BugCheckParameter4);
-  Status = RtlFindMessage((PVOID)KERNEL_BASE, //0xC0000000,
-			  11, //RT_MESSAGETABLE,
-			  0x09, //0x409,
-			  BugCheckCode,
-			  &Message);
-  if (NT_SUCCESS(Status))
-    {
-      if (Message->Flags == 0)
-	DbgPrint("  %s\n", Message->Text);
-      else
-	DbgPrint("  %S\n", (PWSTR)Message->Text);
+    /* Find the Bug Code String */
+    KeGetBugMessageText(BugCheckCode, NULL);
+    /* Show the techincal Data */
+    DbgPrint("Technical information:\n\n*** STOP: 0x%08lX (0x%p,0x%p,0x%p,0x%p)\n\n",
+             BugCheckCode,
+             BugCheckParameter1,
+             BugCheckParameter2,
+             BugCheckParameter3,
+             BugCheckParameter4);
+    /* Show the module name and more data of who caused this */
+    if (GotExtendedCrashInfo) {
+        DbgPrint("***    %S - Address 0x%p base at 0x%p, DateStamp 0x%x\n\n", 
+                 CurrentSection->Name,
+                 Address,
+                 CurrentSection->Base,
+                 0);
-  else
-    {
-      DbgPrint("  No message text found!\n\n");
-    }
-  Mask = 1 << KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber();
-  if (InBugCheck & Mask)
-    {
-#ifdef MP
-      DbgPrint("Recursive bug check on CPU%d, halting now\n", KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber());
-      /*
-       * FIXME:
-       *   Send an ipi to all other processors which halt them too.
-       */
-      DbgPrint("Recursive bug check halting now\n");
+    /* There can only be one Bugcheck per Bootup */
+    if (!InterlockedDecrement(&KeBugCheckCount)) {
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+        ULONG i;
+        /* Freeze the other CPUs */
+        for (i = 0; i < KeNumberProcessors; i++) {    
+            if (i != KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber()) {
+                /* Send the IPI and give them one second to catch up */
+                KiIpiSendRequest(1 << i, IPI_REQUEST_FREEZE);
+                KeStallExecutionProcessor(1000000);
+            }
+        }
-      Ke386HaltProcessor();
-    }
-  /* 
-   * FIXME:
-   *   Use InterlockedOr or InterlockedBitSet.
-   */
-  InBugCheck |= Mask;
-  if (Tf != NULL)
-    {
-      KiDumpTrapFrame(Tf, BugCheckParameter1, BugCheckParameter2);
-    }
-  else
-    {
+        /* Check if we got a Trap Frame */
+        if (Tf) {
+            /* Dump it */
+            KiDumpTrapFrame(Tf, BugCheckParameter1, BugCheckParameter2);
+        } else {
+            /* We can only dump the frames */
 #if defined(__GNUC__)
-      KeDumpStackFrames((PULONG)__builtin_frame_address(0));
+            KeDumpStackFrames((PULONG)__builtin_frame_address(0));
 #elif defined(_MSC_VER)
-      __asm push ebp
-      __asm call KeDumpStackFrames
-      __asm add esp, 4
+            __asm push ebp
+            __asm call KeDumpStackFrames
+            __asm add esp, 4
 #error Unknown compiler for inline assembler
-    }
-  MmDumpToPagingFile(BugCheckCode, BugCheckParameter1, 
-		     BugCheckParameter2, BugCheckParameter3,
-		     BugCheckParameter4, Tf);
+        }
+        /* Call the Callbacks */;
+        KiDoBugCheckCallbacks();
-  if (KdDebuggerEnabled)
-    {
-      Ke386EnableInterrupts();
-      DbgBreakPointNoBugCheck();
-      Ke386DisableInterrupts();
+        /* Dump the BSOD to the Paging File */
+        MmDumpToPagingFile(BugCheckCode, 
+                           BugCheckParameter1, 
+                           BugCheckParameter2, 
+                           BugCheckParameter3,
+                           BugCheckParameter4, 
+                           Tf);
+        /* Wake up the Debugger */
+        if (KdDebuggerEnabled) {
+            Ke386EnableInterrupts();
+            DbgBreakPointWithStatus(DBG_STATUS_BUGCHECK_SECOND);
+            Ke386DisableInterrupts();
+        }
-  for (;;)
-    {
-      /*
-       * FIXME:
-       *   Send an ipi to all other processors which halt them too.
-       */
-      Ke386HaltProcessor();
-    }
+    /* Halt this CPU now */
+    for (;;) Ke386HaltProcessor();
  * @implemented
- */
-KeBugCheckEx(ULONG BugCheckCode,
-	     ULONG BugCheckParameter1,
-	     ULONG BugCheckParameter2,
-	     ULONG BugCheckParameter3,
-	     ULONG BugCheckParameter4)
+ *
  * FUNCTION: Brings the system down in a controlled manner when an 
  * inconsistency that might otherwise cause corruption has been detected
@@ -202,23 +447,34 @@
  *           BugCheckParameter[1-4] = Additional information about bug
  * RETURNS: Doesn't
+KeBugCheckEx(ULONG BugCheckCode,
+             ULONG BugCheckParameter1,
+             ULONG BugCheckParameter2,
+             ULONG BugCheckParameter3,
+             ULONG BugCheckParameter4)
-  KeBugCheckWithTf(BugCheckCode, BugCheckParameter1, BugCheckParameter2,
-		   BugCheckParameter3, BugCheckParameter4, NULL);
+    /* Call the Trap Frame version without a Trap Frame */
+    KeBugCheckWithTf(BugCheckCode, 
+                     BugCheckParameter1, 
+                     BugCheckParameter2,
+                     BugCheckParameter3, 
+                     BugCheckParameter4, 
+                     NULL);
  * @implemented
- */
-KeBugCheck(ULONG BugCheckCode)
+ *
  * FUNCTION: Brings the system down in a controlled manner when an 
  * inconsistency that might otherwise cause corruption has been detected
  *           BugCheckCode = Specifies the reason for the bug check
  * RETURNS: Doesn't
+KeBugCheck(ULONG BugCheckCode)
   KeBugCheckEx(BugCheckCode, 0, 0, 0, 0);

Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/catch.c
--- trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/catch.c	2005-03-12 14:15:49 UTC (rev 13968)
+++ trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/catch.c	2005-03-12 16:01:30 UTC (rev 13969)
@@ -260,19 +260,6 @@
  * @unimplemented
-    )
-	return FALSE;
- * @unimplemented
- */
@@ -283,20 +270,4 @@
 	return 0;
- * @unimplemented
- */
-    IN PUCHAR Component
-    )
-	return FALSE;
 /* EOF */

Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/brkpoint.c
--- trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/brkpoint.c	2005-03-12 14:15:49 UTC (rev 13968)
+++ trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/brkpoint.c	2005-03-12 16:01:30 UTC (rev 13969)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $Id:$
+/* $Id$
  * COPYRIGHT:       See COPYING in the top level directory
  * PROJECT:         ReactOS kernel
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@
  * @implemented
 #if defined(__GNUC__)
-__asm__(".globl _DbgBreakPointNoBugCheck@0\n\t"
-	"_DbgBreakPointNoBugCheck@0:\n\t"
-	"int $3\n\t"
-	"ret\n\t");
+ __asm__(".globl _DbgBreakPointNoBugCheck@0\n\t"
+         "_DbgBreakPointNoBugCheck@0:\n\t"
+         "int $3\n\t"
+         "ret\n\t");

Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/kernel.c
--- trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/kernel.c	2005-03-12 14:15:49 UTC (rev 13968)
+++ trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/kernel.c	2005-03-12 16:01:30 UTC (rev 13969)
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@
    PKPCR Pcr = KeGetCurrentKPCR();
-   KeInitializeBugCheck();
+   KiInitializeBugCheck();

Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/spinlock.c
--- trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/spinlock.c	2005-03-12 14:15:49 UTC (rev 13968)
+++ trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/spinlock.c	2005-03-12 16:01:30 UTC (rev 13969)
@@ -178,11 +178,7 @@
    * FIXME: This depends on gcc assembling this test to a single load from
    * the spinlock's value.
-  if (*SpinLock >= 2)
-  {
-    DbgPrint("Lock %x has bad value %x\n", SpinLock, *SpinLock);
-  }
+  ASSERT(*SpinLock == 0 || 1);
   while ((i = InterlockedExchangeUL(SpinLock, 1)) == 1)
@@ -199,7 +195,7 @@
     DbgPrint("Spinning on spinlock %x current value %x\n", SpinLock, i);
 #endif /* CONFIG_SMP */
@@ -227,7 +223,7 @@
   if (*SpinLock != 1)
     DbgPrint("Releasing unacquired spinlock %x\n", SpinLock);
   (void)InterlockedExchangeUL(SpinLock, 0);