Commit in reactos/lib/shell32 on MAIN
enumidlist.h+30added 1.1
cpanel.h+21.1 -> 1.2
cpanelfolder.c+218-11.2 -> 1.3
enumidlist.c+67-3851.4 -> 1.5
pidl.c-571.19 -> 1.20
pidl.h-21.5 -> 1.6
shell32_main.h-81.16 -> 1.17
shfldr_desktop.c+58-61.6 -> 1.7
shfldr_fs.c+5-21.5 -> 1.6
shfldr_mycomp.c+60-21.8 -> 1.9
shlexec.c+1-21.32 -> 1.33
1 added + 10 modified, total 11 files
Merge Wine shell32 commits:

Juan Lang <>
- comment fixes
- improved error checking and conformance with Windows
- remove some spurious error messages
- Move control panel applet enumeration to cpanelfolder.c.
- move CreateMyCompEnumList and CreateDesktopEnumList to their respective files
- rewrite CreateFolderEnumList to only FindFirstFile/FindNextFile once

enumidlist.h added at 1.1
diff -N enumidlist.h
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ enumidlist.h	9 Apr 2004 20:24:24 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ */
+#ifndef __ENUMIDLIST_H__
+#define __ENUMIDLIST_H__
+#include "shlobj.h"
+/* Creates an IEnumIDList; add LPITEMIDLISTs to it with AddToEnumList. */
+LPENUMIDLIST IEnumIDList_Constructor(void);
+BOOL AddToEnumList(IEnumIDList *list, LPITEMIDLIST pidl);
+/* Enumerates the folders and/or files (depending on dwFlags) in lpszPath and
+ * adds them to the already-created list.
+ */
+BOOL CreateFolderEnumList(IEnumIDList *list, LPCSTR lpszPath, DWORD dwFlags);
+#endif /* ndef __ENUMIDLIST_H__ */

cpanel.h 1.1 -> 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- cpanel.h	27 Mar 2004 09:08:10 -0000	1.1
+++ cpanel.h	9 Apr 2004 20:24:24 -0000	1.2
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
+#include "cpl.h"
 typedef struct CPlApplet {
     struct CPlApplet*   next;		/* linked list */
     HWND		hWnd;

cpanelfolder.c 1.2 -> 1.3
diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
--- cpanelfolder.c	7 Apr 2004 20:41:31 -0000	1.2
+++ cpanelfolder.c	9 Apr 2004 20:24:24 -0000	1.3
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
 #include "ole2.h"
 #include "shlguid.h"
+#include "cpanel.h"
+#include "enumidlist.h"
 #include "pidl.h"
 #include "undocshell.h"
 #include "shell32_main.h"
@@ -227,6 +229,219 @@
     return hr;
+static LPITEMIDLIST _ILCreateCPanelApplet(LPCSTR name, LPCSTR displayName,
+ LPCSTR comment, int iconIdx)
+    PIDLCPanelStruct *p;
+    PIDLDATA tmp;
+    int size0 = (char*)&tmp.u.cpanel.szName-(char*)&tmp.u.cpanel;
+    int size = size0;
+    int l;
+    tmp.type = 0;
+    tmp.u.cpanel.dummy = 0;
+    tmp.u.cpanel.iconIdx = iconIdx;
+    l = strlen(name);
+    size += l+1;
+    tmp.u.cpanel.offsDispName = l+1;
+    l = strlen(displayName);
+    size += l+1;
+    tmp.u.cpanel.offsComment = tmp.u.cpanel.offsDispName+1+l;
+    l = strlen(comment);
+    size += l+1;
+    pidl = SHAlloc(size+4);
+    if (!pidl)
+        return NULL;
+    pidl->mkid.cb = size+2;
+    memcpy(pidl->mkid.abID, &tmp, 2+size0);
+    p = &((PIDLDATA*)pidl->mkid.abID)->u.cpanel;
+    strcpy(p->szName, name);
+    strcpy(p->szName+tmp.u.cpanel.offsDispName, displayName);
+    strcpy(p->szName+tmp.u.cpanel.offsComment, comment);
+    *(WORD*)((char*)pidl+(size+2)) = 0;
+    pcheck(pidl);
+    return pidl;
+ *  _ILGetCPanelPointer()
+ * gets a pointer to the control panel struct stored in the pidl
+ */
+static PIDLCPanelStruct* _ILGetCPanelPointer(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl)
+    LPPIDLDATA pdata = _ILGetDataPointer(pidl);
+    if (pdata && pdata->type==0)
+        return (PIDLCPanelStruct*)&(pdata->u.cpanel);
+    return NULL;
+ /**************************************************************************
+ *		ISF_ControlPanel_fnEnumObjects
+ */
+static BOOL SHELL_RegisterCPanelApp(IEnumIDList* list, LPCSTR path)
+    CPlApplet* applet;
+    CPanel panel;
+    CPLINFO info;
+    unsigned i;
+    int iconIdx;
+    char displayName[MAX_PATH];
+    char comment[MAX_PATH];
+    WCHAR wpath[MAX_PATH];
+    MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, path, -1, wpath, MAX_PATH);
+    panel.first = NULL;
+    applet = Control_LoadApplet(0, wpath, &panel);
+    if (applet)
+    {
+        for(i=0; i<applet->count; ++i)
+        {
+            WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, applet->info[i].szName, -1, displayName, MAX_PATH, 0, 0);
+            WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, applet->info[i].szInfo, -1, comment, MAX_PATH, 0, 0);
+            applet->proc(0, CPL_INQUIRE, i, (LPARAM)&info);
+            if (info.idIcon > 0)
+                iconIdx = -info.idIcon; /* negative icon index instead of icon number */
+            else
+                iconIdx = 0;
+            pidl = _ILCreateCPanelApplet(path, displayName, comment, iconIdx);
+            if (pidl)
+                AddToEnumList(list, pidl);
+        }
+        Control_UnloadApplet(applet);
+    }
+    return TRUE;
+static int SHELL_RegisterRegistryCPanelApps(IEnumIDList* list, HKEY hkey_root, LPCSTR szRepPath)
+    char name[MAX_PATH];
+    char value[MAX_PATH];
+    HKEY hkey;
+    int cnt = 0;
+    if (RegOpenKeyA(hkey_root, szRepPath, &hkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
+    {
+        int idx = 0;
+        for(;; ++idx)
+        {
+            DWORD nameLen = MAX_PATH;
+            DWORD valueLen = MAX_PATH;
+            if (RegEnumValueA(hkey, idx, name, &nameLen, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&value, &valueLen) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
+                break;
+            if (SHELL_RegisterCPanelApp(list, value))
+                ++cnt;
+        }
+        RegCloseKey(hkey);
+    }
+    return cnt;
+static int SHELL_RegisterCPanelFolders(IEnumIDList* list, HKEY hkey_root, LPCSTR szRepPath)
+    char name[MAX_PATH];
+    HKEY hkey;
+    int cnt = 0;
+    if (RegOpenKeyA(hkey_root, szRepPath, &hkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
+    {
+        int idx = 0;
+        for(;; ++idx)
+        {
+            if (RegEnumKeyA(hkey, idx, name, MAX_PATH) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
+                break;
+            if (*name == '{')
+            {
+                LPITEMIDLIST pidl = _ILCreateGuidFromStrA(name);
+                if (pidl && AddToEnumList(list, pidl))
+                    ++cnt;
+            }
+        }
+        RegCloseKey(hkey);
+    }
+  return cnt;
+ *  CreateCPanelEnumList()
+ */
+static BOOL CreateCPanelEnumList(
+    IEnumIDList * iface,
+    DWORD dwFlags)
+    CHAR szPath[MAX_PATH];
+    WIN32_FIND_DATAA wfd;
+    HANDLE hFile;
+    TRACE("(%p)->(flags=0x%08lx) \n",iface,dwFlags);
+    /* enumerate control panel folders folders */
+    if (dwFlags & SHCONTF_FOLDERS)
+        SHELL_RegisterCPanelFolders(iface, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\ControlPanel\\NameSpace");
+    /* enumerate the control panel applets */
+    if (dwFlags & SHCONTF_NONFOLDERS)
+    {
+        LPSTR p;
+        GetSystemDirectoryA(szPath, MAX_PATH);
+        p = PathAddBackslashA(szPath);
+        strcpy(p, "*.cpl");
+        TRACE("-- (%p)-> enumerate SHCONTF_NONFOLDERS of %s\n",iface,debugstr_a(szPath));
+        hFile = FindFirstFileA(szPath, &wfd);
+        if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+        {
+            do
+            {
+                if (!(dwFlags & SHCONTF_INCLUDEHIDDEN) && (wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN))
+                    continue;
+                if (!(wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) {
+                    strcpy(p, wfd.cFileName);
+                    SHELL_RegisterCPanelApp((IEnumIDList*)iface, szPath);
+                }
+            } while(FindNextFileA(hFile, &wfd));
+            FindClose(hFile);
+        }
+        SHELL_RegisterRegistryCPanelApps((IEnumIDList*)iface, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Control Panel\\Cpls");
+        SHELL_RegisterRegistryCPanelApps((IEnumIDList*)iface, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Control Panel\\Cpls");
+    }
+    return TRUE;
 *		ISF_ControlPanel_fnEnumObjects
@@ -237,7 +452,9 @@
     TRACE("(%p)->(HWND=%p flags=0x%08lx pplist=%p)\n", This, hwndOwner, dwFlags, ppEnumIDList);
-    *ppEnumIDList = IEnumIDList_Constructor(NULL, dwFlags, EIDL_CPANEL);
+    *ppEnumIDList = IEnumIDList_Constructor();
+    if (*ppEnumIDList)
+        CreateCPanelEnumList(*ppEnumIDList, dwFlags);
     TRACE("--(%p)->(new ID List: %p)\n", This, *ppEnumIDList);

enumidlist.c 1.4 -> 1.5
diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
--- enumidlist.c	7 Apr 2004 20:41:31 -0000	1.4
+++ enumidlist.c	9 Apr 2004 20:24:24 -0000	1.5
@@ -30,12 +30,10 @@
 #include "shlwapi.h"
 #include "winerror.h"
 #include "objbase.h"
-#include <cpl.h>
 #include "pidl.h"
 #include "shlguid.h"
-#include "shell32_main.h"
-#include "cpanel.h"
+#include "enumidlist.h"
@@ -61,7 +59,7 @@
  *  AddToEnumList()
-static BOOL AddToEnumList(
+BOOL AddToEnumList(
 	IEnumIDList * iface,
@@ -70,6 +68,10 @@
+    if (!iface || !pidl)
+        return FALSE;
 	pNew = (LPENUMLIST)SHAlloc(sizeof(ENUMLIST));
@@ -101,351 +103,63 @@
  *  CreateFolderEnumList()
-static BOOL CreateFolderEnumList(
-	IEnumIDList * iface,
+BOOL CreateFolderEnumList(
+	IEnumIDList *list,
 	LPCSTR lpszPath,
 	DWORD dwFlags)
-	ICOM_THIS(IEnumIDListImpl,iface);
-	WIN32_FIND_DATAA stffile;
-	HANDLE hFile;
-	CHAR  szPath[MAX_PATH];
-	TRACE("(%p)->(path=%s flags=0x%08lx) \n",This,debugstr_a(lpszPath),dwFlags);
-	if(!lpszPath || !lpszPath[0]) return FALSE;
-	strcpy(szPath, lpszPath);
-	PathAddBackslashA(szPath);
-	strcat(szPath,"*.*");
-	/*enumerate the folders*/
-	if(dwFlags & SHCONTF_FOLDERS)
-	{
-	  TRACE("-- (%p)-> enumerate SHCONTF_FOLDERS of %s\n",This,debugstr_a(szPath));
-	  hFile = FindFirstFileA(szPath,&stffile);
-	  if( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
-	  {
-	    do
-	    {
-	      if( !(dwFlags & SHCONTF_INCLUDEHIDDEN) && (stffile.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) ) continue;
-	      if( (stffile.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && strcmp (stffile.cFileName, ".") && strcmp (stffile.cFileName, ".."))
-	      {
-		pidl = _ILCreateFromFindDataA (&stffile);
-		if(pidl && AddToEnumList((IEnumIDList*)This, pidl))
-		{
-		  continue;
-		}
-		return FALSE;
-	      }
-	    } while( FindNextFileA(hFile,&stffile));
-	    FindClose (hFile);
-	  }
-	}
+    WIN32_FIND_DATAA stffile;
+    HANDLE hFile;
+    CHAR  szPath[MAX_PATH];
+    BOOL succeeded = TRUE;
+    TRACE("(%p)->(path=%s flags=0x%08lx) \n",list,debugstr_a(lpszPath),dwFlags);
+    if(!lpszPath || !lpszPath[0]) return FALSE;
+    strcpy(szPath, lpszPath);
+    PathAddBackslashA(szPath);
+    strcat(szPath,"*.*");
-	/*enumerate the non-folder items (values) */
-	{
-	  TRACE("-- (%p)-> enumerate SHCONTF_NONFOLDERS of %s\n",This,debugstr_a(szPath));
-	  hFile = FindFirstFileA(szPath,&stffile);
-	  if( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
-	  {
-	    do
-	    {
-	      if( !(dwFlags & SHCONTF_INCLUDEHIDDEN) && (stffile.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) ) continue;
-	      if(! (stffile.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) )
-	      {
-		pidl = _ILCreateFromFindDataA(&stffile);
-		if(pidl && AddToEnumList((IEnumIDList*)This, pidl))
-		{
-		  continue;
-		}
-		return FALSE;
-	      }
-	    } while( FindNextFileA(hFile,&stffile));
-	    FindClose (hFile);
-	  }
-	}
-	return TRUE;
-BOOL SHELL_RegisterCPanelApp(IEnumIDList* list, LPCSTR path)
-    CPlApplet* applet;
-    CPanel panel;
-    CPLINFO info;
-    unsigned i;
-    int iconIdx;
-    char displayName[MAX_PATH];
-    char comment[MAX_PATH];
-    WCHAR wpath[MAX_PATH];
-    MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, path, -1, wpath, MAX_PATH);
-    panel.first = NULL;
-    applet = Control_LoadApplet(0, wpath, &panel);
-    if (applet) {
-	for(i=0; i<applet->count; ++i) {
-	    WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, applet->info[i].szName, -1, displayName, MAX_PATH, 0, 0);
-	    WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, applet->info[i].szInfo, -1, comment, MAX_PATH, 0, 0);
-	    applet->proc(0, CPL_INQUIRE, i, (LPARAM)&info);
-	    if (info.idIcon > 0)
-		iconIdx = -info.idIcon;	/* negative icon index instead of icon number */
-	    else
-		iconIdx = 0;
-	    pidl = _ILCreateCPanel(path, displayName, comment, iconIdx);
-	    if (pidl)
-		AddToEnumList(list, pidl);
-	}
-	Control_UnloadApplet(applet);
-    }
-    return TRUE;
-int SHELL_RegisterRegistryCPanelApps(IEnumIDList* list, HKEY hkey_root, LPCSTR szRepPath)
-  char name[MAX_PATH];
-  char value[MAX_PATH];
-  HKEY hkey;
-  int cnt = 0;
-  if (RegOpenKeyA(hkey_root, szRepPath, &hkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
-  {
-    int idx = 0;
-    for(;; ++idx)
+    hFile = FindFirstFileA(szPath,&stffile);
+    if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
-      DWORD nameLen = MAX_PATH;
-      DWORD valueLen = MAX_PATH;
-      if (RegEnumValueA(hkey, idx, name, &nameLen, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&value, &valueLen) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
-	break;
+        BOOL findFinished = FALSE;
-      if (SHELL_RegisterCPanelApp(list, value))
-        ++cnt;
+        do
+        {
+            if ( !(stffile.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) 
+             || (dwFlags & SHCONTF_INCLUDEHIDDEN) )
+            {
+                if ( (stffile.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) &&
+                 dwFlags & SHCONTF_FOLDERS &&
+                 strcmp (stffile.cFileName, ".") && strcmp (stffile.cFileName, ".."))
+                {
+                    pidl = _ILCreateFromFindDataA(&stffile);
+                    succeeded = succeeded && AddToEnumList(list, pidl);
+                }
+                else if (!(stffile.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
+                 && dwFlags & SHCONTF_NONFOLDERS)
+                {
+                    pidl = _ILCreateFromFindDataA(&stffile);
+                    succeeded = succeeded && AddToEnumList(list, pidl);
+                }
+            }
+            if (succeeded)
+            {
+                if (!FindNextFileA(hFile, &stffile))
+                {
+                    if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)
+                        findFinished = TRUE;
+                    else
+                        succeeded = FALSE;
+                }
+            }
+        } while (succeeded && !findFinished);
+        FindClose(hFile);
-    RegCloseKey(hkey);
-  }
-  return cnt;
-int SHELL_RegisterCPanelFolders(IEnumIDList* list, HKEY hkey_root, LPCSTR szRepPath)
-  char name[MAX_PATH];
-  HKEY hkey;
-  int cnt = 0;
-  if (RegOpenKeyA(hkey_root, szRepPath, &hkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
-  {
-    int idx = 0;
-    for(;; ++idx)
-    {
-      if (RegEnumKeyA(hkey, idx, name, MAX_PATH) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
-	break;
-      if (*name == '{') {
-	LPITEMIDLIST pidl = _ILCreateGuidFromStrA(name);
-	if (pidl && AddToEnumList(list, pidl))
-	    ++cnt;
-      }
-    }
-    RegCloseKey(hkey);
-  }
-  return cnt;
- *  CreateCPanelEnumList()
- */
-static BOOL CreateCPanelEnumList(
-	IEnumIDList * iface,
-	DWORD dwFlags)
-	ICOM_THIS(IEnumIDListImpl,iface);
-	CHAR szPath[MAX_PATH];
-	HANDLE hFile;
-	TRACE("(%p)->(flags=0x%08lx) \n",This,dwFlags);
-	/* enumerate control panel folders folders */
-	if (dwFlags & SHCONTF_FOLDERS)
-	  SHELL_RegisterCPanelFolders((IEnumIDList*)This, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\ControlPanel\\NameSpace");
-	/* enumerate the control panel applets */
-	{
-	  LPSTR p;
-	  GetSystemDirectoryA(szPath, MAX_PATH);
-	  p = PathAddBackslashA(szPath);
-	  strcpy(p, "*.cpl");
-	  TRACE("-- (%p)-> enumerate SHCONTF_NONFOLDERS of %s\n",This,debugstr_a(szPath));
-	  hFile = FindFirstFileA(szPath, &wfd);
-	  if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
-	  {
-	    do
-	    {
-	      if (!(dwFlags & SHCONTF_INCLUDEHIDDEN) && (wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN))
-		continue;
-	      if (!(wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) {
-		strcpy(p, wfd.cFileName);
-	      	SHELL_RegisterCPanelApp((IEnumIDList*)This, szPath);
-	      }
-	    } while(FindNextFileA(hFile, &wfd));
-	    FindClose(hFile);
-	  }
-	  SHELL_RegisterRegistryCPanelApps((IEnumIDList*)This, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Control Panel\\Cpls");
-	  SHELL_RegisterRegistryCPanelApps((IEnumIDList*)This, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Control Panel\\Cpls");
-	}
-	return TRUE;
- *  CreateDesktopEnumList()
- */
-static BOOL CreateDesktopEnumList(
-	IEnumIDList * iface,
-	DWORD dwFlags)
-	ICOM_THIS(IEnumIDListImpl,iface);
-	HKEY	hkey;
-	char	szPath[MAX_PATH];
-	TRACE("(%p)->(flags=0x%08lx) \n",This,dwFlags);
-	/*enumerate the root folders */
-	if(dwFlags & SHCONTF_FOLDERS)
-	{
-	  /*create the pidl for This item */
-	  pidl = _ILCreateMyComputer();
-	  if(pidl)
-	  {
-	    if(!AddToEnumList((IEnumIDList*)This, pidl))
-	      return FALSE;
-	  }
-	  if(! RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\explorer\\desktop\\NameSpace", 0, KEY_READ, &hkey))
-	  {
-	    char iid[50];
-	    int i=0;
-	    while (1)
-	    {
-	      DWORD size = sizeof (iid);
-	      if(ERROR_SUCCESS!=RegEnumKeyExA(hkey, i, iid, &size, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL))
-	        break;
-	      pidl = _ILCreateGuidFromStrA(iid);
-	      if(pidl)
-	        AddToEnumList((IEnumIDList*)This, pidl);
-	      i++;
-	    }
-	    RegCloseKey(hkey);
-	  }
-	}
-	/*enumerate the elements in %windir%\desktop */
-	SHGetSpecialFolderPathA(0, szPath, CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY, FALSE);
-    /*FIXME: hide icons for classes in SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\explorer\\HideDesktopIcons\\ClassicStartMenu
-	-> alter attributes in IDLDATA.folder.uFileAttribs ?
-    */
-	CreateFolderEnumList( (IEnumIDList*)This, szPath, dwFlags);
-	return TRUE;
- *  CreateMyCompEnumList()
- */
-static BOOL CreateMyCompEnumList(
-	IEnumIDList * iface,
-	DWORD dwFlags)
-	ICOM_THIS(IEnumIDListImpl,iface);
-	DWORD		dwDrivemap;
-	CHAR		szDriveName[4];
-	HKEY		hkey;
-	TRACE("(%p)->(flags=0x%08lx) \n",This,dwFlags);
-	/*enumerate the folders*/
-	if(dwFlags & SHCONTF_FOLDERS)
-	{
-	  dwDrivemap = GetLogicalDrives();
-	  strcpy (szDriveName,"A:\\");
-	  while (szDriveName[0]<='Z')
-	  {
-	    if(dwDrivemap & 0x00000001L)
-	    {
-	      pidl = _ILCreateDrive(szDriveName);
-	      if(pidl)
-	      {
-		if(!AddToEnumList((IEnumIDList*)This, pidl))
-	          return FALSE;
-	      }
-	    }
-	    szDriveName[0]++;
-	    dwDrivemap = dwDrivemap >> 1;
-	  }
-	  TRACE("-- (%p)-> enumerate (mycomputer shell extensions)\n",This);
-	  if(! RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\explorer\\mycomputer\\NameSpace", 0, KEY_READ, &hkey))
-	  {
-	    char iid[50];
-	    int i=0;
-	    while (1)
-	    {
-	      DWORD size = sizeof (iid);
-	      if(ERROR_SUCCESS!=RegEnumKeyExA(hkey, i, iid, &size, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL))
-	        break;
-	      pidl = _ILCreateGuidFromStrA(iid);
-	      if(pidl)
-	        AddToEnumList((IEnumIDList*)This, pidl);
-	      i++;
-	    }
-	    RegCloseKey(hkey);
-	  }
-	}
-	return TRUE;
+    return succeeded;
@@ -475,51 +189,19 @@
-IEnumIDList * IEnumIDList_Constructor(
-	LPCSTR lpszPath,
-	DWORD dwFlags,
-	DWORD dwKind)
+IEnumIDList * IEnumIDList_Constructor(void)
-	IEnumIDListImpl*	lpeidl;
-	BOOL			ret = FALSE;
-	TRACE("()->(%s flags=0x%08lx kind=0x%08lx)\n",debugstr_a(lpszPath),dwFlags, dwKind);
+    IEnumIDListImpl *lpeidl = (IEnumIDListImpl*)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),
+     HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(IEnumIDListImpl));
-	lpeidl = (IEnumIDListImpl*)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(IEnumIDListImpl));
-	if(lpeidl)
-	{
-	  lpeidl->ref = 1;
-	  lpeidl->lpVtbl = &eidlvt;
-	  switch (dwKind)
-	  {
-	    case EIDL_DESK:
-	      ret = CreateDesktopEnumList((IEnumIDList*)lpeidl, dwFlags);
-	      break;
-	    case EIDL_MYCOMP:
-	      ret = CreateMyCompEnumList((IEnumIDList*)lpeidl, dwFlags);
-	      break;
-	    case EIDL_FILE:
-	      ret = CreateFolderEnumList((IEnumIDList*)lpeidl, lpszPath, dwFlags);
-	      break;
-	    case EIDL_CPANEL:
-	      ret = CreateCPanelEnumList((IEnumIDList*)lpeidl, dwFlags);
-	      break;
-	  }
-	    if(!ret) {
-	        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,lpeidl);
-	        lpeidl = NULL;
-	    }
-	}
-	TRACE("-- (%p)->()\n",lpeidl);
+    if (lpeidl)
+    {
+        lpeidl->ref = 1;
+        lpeidl->lpVtbl = &eidlvt;
+    }
+    TRACE("-- (%p)->()\n",lpeidl);
-	return (IEnumIDList*)lpeidl;
+    return (IEnumIDList*)lpeidl;
@@ -573,7 +255,7 @@
-	if(!--(This->ref)) {
+	if (!--(This->ref)) {
 	  TRACE(" destroying IEnumIDList(%p)\n",This);

pidl.c 1.19 -> 1.20
diff -u -r1.19 -r1.20
--- pidl.c	7 Apr 2004 20:41:31 -0000	1.19
+++ pidl.c	9 Apr 2004 20:24:24 -0000	1.20
@@ -1644,49 +1644,6 @@
     return pidlOut;
-LPITEMIDLIST _ILCreateCPanel(LPCSTR name, LPCSTR displayName, LPCSTR comment, int iconIdx)
-    PIDLCPanelStruct *p;
-    PIDLDATA tmp;
-    int size0 = (char*)&tmp.u.cpanel.szName-(char*)&tmp.u.cpanel;
-    int size = size0;
-    int l;
-    tmp.type = 0;
-    tmp.u.cpanel.dummy = 0;
-    tmp.u.cpanel.iconIdx = iconIdx;
-    l = strlen(name);
-    size += l+1;
-    tmp.u.cpanel.offsDispName = l+1;
-    l = strlen(displayName);
-    size += l+1;
-    tmp.u.cpanel.offsComment = tmp.u.cpanel.offsDispName+1+l;
-    l = strlen(comment);
-    size += l+1;
-    pidl = SHAlloc(size+4);
-    if (!pidl)
-	return NULL;
-    pidl->mkid.cb = size+2;
-    memcpy(pidl->mkid.abID, &tmp, 2+size0);
-    p = &((PIDLDATA*)pidl->mkid.abID)->u.cpanel;
-    strcpy(p->szName, name);
-    strcpy(p->szName+tmp.u.cpanel.offsDispName, displayName);
-    strcpy(p->szName+tmp.u.cpanel.offsComment, comment);
-    *(WORD*)((char*)pidl+(size+2)) = 0;
-    pcheck(pidl);
-    return pidl;
  *  _ILGetDrive()
@@ -1990,20 +1947,6 @@
 	return NULL;
- *  _ILGetCPanelPointer()
- * gets a pointer to the control panel struct stored in the pidl
- */
-PIDLCPanelStruct* _ILGetCPanelPointer(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl)
-    LPPIDLDATA pdata = _ILGetDataPointer(pidl);
-    if (pdata && pdata->type==0)
-	return (PIDLCPanelStruct*)&(pdata->u.cpanel);
-    return NULL;
  * _ILGetFileDateTime

pidl.h 1.5 -> 1.6
diff -u -r1.5 -r1.6
--- pidl.h	7 Apr 2004 20:41:31 -0000	1.5
+++ pidl.h	9 Apr 2004 20:24:24 -0000	1.6
@@ -209,7 +209,6 @@
 LPITEMIDLIST	_ILCreateNetwork	(void);
 LPITEMIDLIST	_ILCreateBitBucket	(void);
-LPITEMIDLIST	_ILCreateCPanel		(LPCSTR name, LPCSTR displayName, LPCSTR comment, int iconIdx);
  * helper functions (getting struct-pointer)
@@ -218,7 +217,6 @@
-PIDLCPanelStruct* _ILGetCPanelPointer	(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl);
  * debug helper

shell32_main.h 1.16 -> 1.17
diff -u -r1.16 -r1.17
--- shell32_main.h	22 Mar 2004 21:40:12 -0000	1.16
+++ shell32_main.h	9 Apr 2004 20:24:24 -0000	1.17
@@ -97,14 +97,6 @@
 HRESULT WINAPI CPanel_ExtractIconA(LPITEMIDLIST pidl, LPCSTR pszFile, UINT nIconIndex, HICON *phiconLarge, HICON *phiconSmall, UINT nIconSize);
 HRESULT WINAPI CPanel_ExtractIconW(LPITEMIDLIST pidl, LPCWSTR pszFile, UINT nIconIndex, HICON *phiconLarge, HICON *phiconSmall, UINT nIconSize);
-/* kind of enumidlist */
-#define EIDL_DESK	0
-#define EIDL_MYCOMP	1
-#define EIDL_FILE	2
-#define EIDL_CPANEL	3
 HRESULT		CreateStreamOnFile (LPCWSTR pszFilename, DWORD grfMode, IStream ** ppstm);

shfldr_desktop.c 1.6 -> 1.7
diff -u -r1.6 -r1.7
--- shfldr_desktop.c	7 Apr 2004 20:41:31 -0000	1.6
+++ shfldr_desktop.c	9 Apr 2004 20:24:24 -0000	1.7
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
 #include "ole2.h"
 #include "shlguid.h"
+#include "enumidlist.h"
 #include "pidl.h"
 #include "undocshell.h"
 #include "shell32_main.h"
@@ -260,6 +261,59 @@
+ *  CreateDesktopEnumList()
+ */
+static BOOL CreateDesktopEnumList(IEnumIDList *list, DWORD dwFlags)
+    BOOL ret = TRUE;
+    char szPath[MAX_PATH];
+    TRACE("(%p)->(flags=0x%08lx) \n",list,dwFlags);
+    /*enumerate the root folders */
+    if(dwFlags & SHCONTF_FOLDERS)
+    {
+        HKEY hkey;
+        /*create the pidl for This item */
+        ret = AddToEnumList(list, _ILCreateMyComputer());
+        if (ret && !RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
+         "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\explorer\\desktop\\NameSpace",
+         0, KEY_READ, &hkey))
+        {
+            char iid[50];
+            int i=0;
+            BOOL moreKeys = TRUE;
+            while (ret && moreKeys)
+            {
+                DWORD size = sizeof (iid);
+                LONG apiRet = RegEnumKeyExA(hkey, i, iid, &size, 0, NULL, NULL,
+                 NULL);
+                if (ERROR_SUCCESS == apiRet)
+                {
+                    ret = AddToEnumList(list, _ILCreateGuidFromStrA(iid));
+                    i++;
+                }
+                else if (ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS == apiRet)
+                    moreKeys = FALSE;
+                else
+                    ret = FALSE;
+            }
+            RegCloseKey(hkey);
+        }
+    }
+    /*enumerate the elements in %windir%\desktop */
+    SHGetSpecialFolderPathA(0, szPath, CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY, FALSE);
+    ret = ret && CreateFolderEnumList(list, szPath, dwFlags);
+    return ret;
 *		ISF_Desktop_fnEnumObjects
 static HRESULT WINAPI ISF_Desktop_fnEnumObjects (IShellFolder2 * iface,
@@ -269,15 +323,13 @@
     TRACE ("(%p)->(HWND=%p flags=0x%08lx pplist=%p)\n", This, hwndOwner, dwFlags, ppEnumIDList);
-    *ppEnumIDList = NULL;
-    *ppEnumIDList = IEnumIDList_Constructor (NULL, dwFlags, EIDL_DESK);
+    *ppEnumIDList = IEnumIDList_Constructor();
+    if (*ppEnumIDList)
+        CreateDesktopEnumList(*ppEnumIDList, dwFlags);
     TRACE ("-- (%p)->(new ID List: %p)\n", This, *ppEnumIDList);
-    if (!*ppEnumIDList)
-    return S_OK;
+    return *ppEnumIDList ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY;

shfldr_fs.c 1.5 -> 1.6
diff -u -r1.5 -r1.6
--- shfldr_fs.c	17 Jan 2004 16:08:38 -0000	1.5
+++ shfldr_fs.c	9 Apr 2004 20:24:24 -0000	1.6
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
 #include "ole2.h"
 #include "shlguid.h"
+#include "enumidlist.h"
 #include "pidl.h"
 #include "undocshell.h"
 #include "shell32_main.h"
@@ -391,7 +392,9 @@
     TRACE ("(%p)->(HWND=%p flags=0x%08lx pplist=%p)\n", This, hwndOwner, dwFlags, ppEnumIDList);
-    *ppEnumIDList = IEnumIDList_Constructor (This->sPathTarget, dwFlags, EIDL_FILE);
+    *ppEnumIDList = IEnumIDList_Constructor();
+    if (*ppEnumIDList)
+        CreateFolderEnumList(*ppEnumIDList, This->sPathTarget, dwFlags);
     TRACE ("-- (%p)->(new ID List: %p)\n", This, *ppEnumIDList);
@@ -656,7 +659,7 @@
     int len = 0;
     BOOL bSimplePidl;
-	*szPath = '\0';
+    *szPath = '\0';
     TRACE ("(%p)->(pidl=%p,0x%08lx,%p)\n", This, pidl, dwFlags, strRet);
     pdump (pidl);

shfldr_mycomp.c 1.8 -> 1.9
diff -u -r1.8 -r1.9
--- shfldr_mycomp.c	7 Apr 2004 20:41:31 -0000	1.8
+++ shfldr_mycomp.c	9 Apr 2004 20:24:24 -0000	1.9
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 #include "wingdi.h"
 #include "pidl.h"
 #include "shlguid.h"
+#include "enumidlist.h"
 #include "undocshell.h"
 #include "shell32_main.h"
 #include "shresdef.h"
@@ -238,6 +238,62 @@
+ *  CreateMyCompEnumList()
+ */
+static BOOL CreateMyCompEnumList(IEnumIDList *list, DWORD dwFlags)
+    BOOL ret = TRUE;
+    TRACE("(%p)->(flags=0x%08lx) \n",list,dwFlags);
+    /*enumerate the folders*/
+    if(dwFlags & SHCONTF_FOLDERS)
+    {
+        CHAR szDriveName[] = "A:\\";
+        DWORD dwDrivemap = GetLogicalDrives();
+        HKEY hkey;
+        while (ret && szDriveName[0]<='Z')
+        {
+            if(dwDrivemap & 0x00000001L)
+                ret = AddToEnumList(list, _ILCreateDrive(szDriveName));
+            szDriveName[0]++;
+            dwDrivemap = dwDrivemap >> 1;
+        }
+        TRACE("-- (%p)-> enumerate (mycomputer shell extensions)\n",list);
+        if (ret && !RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
+         "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\explorer\\mycomputer\\NameSpace",
+         0, KEY_READ, &hkey))
+        {
+            char iid[50];
+            int i=0;
+            while (ret)
+            {
+                DWORD size = sizeof (iid);
+                LONG apiRet = RegEnumKeyExA(hkey, i, iid, &size, 0, NULL, NULL,
+                 NULL);
+                if (ERROR_SUCCESS == apiRet)
+                {
+                    /* FIXME: shell extensions, shouldn't the type be
+                     * PT_SHELLEXT? */
+                    ret = AddToEnumList(list, _ILCreateGuidFromStrA(iid));
+                    i++;
+                }
+                else if (ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS == apiRet)
+                    break;
+                else
+                    ret = FALSE;
+            }
+            RegCloseKey(hkey);
+        }
+    }
+    return ret;
 *		ISF_MyComputer_fnEnumObjects
@@ -247,7 +303,9 @@
     TRACE ("(%p)->(HWND=%p flags=0x%08lx pplist=%p)\n", This, hwndOwner, dwFlags, ppEnumIDList);
-    *ppEnumIDList = IEnumIDList_Constructor (NULL, dwFlags, EIDL_MYCOMP);
+    *ppEnumIDList = IEnumIDList_Constructor();
+    if (*ppEnumIDList)
+        CreateMyCompEnumList(*ppEnumIDList, dwFlags);
     TRACE ("-- (%p)->(new ID List: %p)\n", This, *ppEnumIDList);

shlexec.c 1.32 -> 1.33
diff -u -r1.32 -r1.33
--- shlexec.c	7 Apr 2004 20:41:31 -0000	1.32
+++ shlexec.c	9 Apr 2004 20:24:24 -0000	1.33
@@ -537,11 +537,10 @@
     TRACE("%s\n", (lpFile != NULL) ? debugstr_w(lpFile) : "-");
+    xlpFile[0] = '\0';
     lpResult[0] = '\0'; /* Start off with an empty return string */
     if (key) *key = '\0';
-    xlpFile[0] = '\0';
     /* trap NULL parameters on entry */
     if ((lpFile == NULL) || (lpResult == NULL))
CVSspam 0.2.8