removed rules.mak and outdated entries from readme.txt
Modified: trunk/rosapps/readme.txt
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/rules.mak

Modified: trunk/rosapps/readme.txt
--- trunk/rosapps/readme.txt	2005-06-15 17:37:14 UTC (rev 15921)
+++ trunk/rosapps/readme.txt	2005-06-15 17:42:12 UTC (rev 15922)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-$Id: readme.txt,v 1.5 2004/04/06 21:04:42 sedwards Exp $
 This directory contains extra applicatons for ReactOS.
 Make sure you also have a copy of the rest of the ReactOS
@@ -7,13 +7,11 @@
 The following is a short decription of each.  Check for a
 readme.txt under each application for more details.
-CALC	: A clone of calc
 CMDUTILS: External commands for CMD.
 DEVUTILS: Extra developer tools.
 DFLAT32 : Console text editor
 GAMES	: The start of the ReactOS games collection
 MC	: Midnight Commander
-NET	: Network tools: Arp, finger, Ping, Ncftp, Telnet, etc...
-NOTEPAD	: Notepad clone.
+NET	: Network tools: Ncftp, etc...
 NOTEVIL : ReactOS Coders Console Parade.
 SYSUTILS: System Utilities.

Deleted: trunk/rosapps/rules.mak
--- trunk/rosapps/rules.mak	2005-06-15 17:37:14 UTC (rev 15921)
+++ trunk/rosapps/rules.mak	2005-06-15 17:42:12 UTC (rev 15922)
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-# Important
-# Select your host
-#HOST = mingw32-windows
-#HOST = mingw32-linux
-# Windows is default host environment
-ifeq ($(HOST),)
-HOST = mingw32-windows
-ifeq ($(HOST),mingw32-linux)
-TOPDIR := $(shell if [ "$$PWD" != "" ]; then echo $$PWD; else pwd; fi)
-W32API_PATH = $(PATH_TO_TOP)/../reactos/w32api
-# Choose various options
-ifeq ($(HOST),mingw32-linux)
-PREFIX = mingw32-
-CP = cp
-DLLTOOL = $(PREFIX)dlltool --as=$(PREFIX)as
-RM = rm
-DOSCLI = no
-FLOPPY_DIR = /mnt/floppy
-# DIST_DIR should be relative from the top of the tree
-DIST_DIR = dist
-SEP = /
-ifeq ($(HOST),mingw32-windows)
-CP = copy
-DLLTOOL = $(PREFIX)dlltool --as=$(PREFIX)as
-RM = del
-DOSCLI = yes
-# DIST_DIR should be relative from the top of the tree
-DIST_DIR = dist
-# Set INSTALL_DIR to default value if not already set
-# ifeq ($(INSTALL_DIR),)
-# endif
-# Create variables for all the compiler tools 
-ifeq ($(WITH_DEBUGGING),yes)
-ifeq ($(WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS),yes)
-ifeq ($(WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN),yes)
-CXX = $(PREFIX)g++
-CC = $(PREFIX)gcc
-NATIVE_CC = gcc
-	-pipe \
-	-O2 \
-	-Wall \
-	-Wstrict-prototypes \
-	-fno-builtin \
-	-I$(W32API_PATH)/include \
-	$(DEFINES) \
-LD = $(PREFIX)ld
-NM = $(PREFIX)nm
-OBJCOPY = $(PREFIX)objcopy
-STRIP = $(PREFIX)strip
-AS = $(PREFIX)gcc -c -x assembler-with-cpp
-AR = $(PREFIX)ar
-RC = $(PREFIX)windres
-RCINC = --include-dir $(PATH_TO_TOP)/../reactos/include
-TOOLS_PATH = $(PATH_TO_TOP)/../reactos/tools
-RSYM = $(TOOLS_PATH)/rsym
-%.o: %.cpp
-	$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
-	$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
-%.o: %.c
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
-%.o: %.asm
-	$(NASM_CMD) $(NFLAGS) $< -o $@
-%.coff: %.rc
-	$(RC) $(RCFLAGS) $(RCINC) $< $@