Missing files...
Modified: trunk/reactos/include/ndk/asm.h
Modified: trunk/reactos/include/ndk/i386/ketypes.h

Modified: trunk/reactos/include/ndk/asm.h
--- trunk/reactos/include/ndk/asm.h	2005-09-13 19:34:48 UTC (rev 17839)
+++ trunk/reactos/include/ndk/asm.h	2005-09-13 19:41:07 UTC (rev 17840)
@@ -48,12 +48,14 @@
  * Defines for accessing KPCR and KTHREAD structure members
+#define KTHREAD_DEBUG_ACTIVE            0x03
 #define KTHREAD_INITIAL_STACK           0x18
 #define KTHREAD_STACK_LIMIT             0x1C
 #define KTHREAD_TEB                     0x20
 #define KTHREAD_KERNEL_STACK            0x28
 #define KTHREAD_NPX_STATE               0x31
 #define KTHREAD_STATE                   0x2D
+#define KTHREAD_ALERTED                 0x2E
 #define KTHREAD_APCSTATE_PROCESS        0x34 + 0x10
 #define KTHREAD_PENDING_USER_APC        0x34 + 0x16
 #define KTHREAD_PENDING_KERNEL_APC      0x34 + 0x15
@@ -72,6 +74,7 @@
 #define KPCR_EXCEPTION_LIST             0x0
 #define KPCR_INITIAL_STACK              0x4
 #define KPCR_STACK_LIMIT                0x8
+#define KPCR_TEB                        0x18
 #define KPCR_SELF                       0x1C
 #define KPCR_GDT                        0x3C
 #define KPCR_TSS                        0x40
@@ -91,7 +94,7 @@
 #define KTRAP_FRAME_DEBUGEIP            0x4
 #define KTRAP_FRAME_DEBUGARGMARK        0x8
-#define KTRAP_FRAME_TEMPSS              0x10
+#define KTRAP_FRAME_TEMPCS              0x10
 #define KTRAP_FRAME_TEMPESP             0x14
 #define KTRAP_FRAME_DR0                 0x18
 #define KTRAP_FRAME_DR1                 0x1C

Modified: trunk/reactos/include/ndk/i386/ketypes.h
--- trunk/reactos/include/ndk/i386/ketypes.h	2005-09-13 19:34:48 UTC (rev 17839)
+++ trunk/reactos/include/ndk/i386/ketypes.h	2005-09-13 19:41:07 UTC (rev 17840)
@@ -67,33 +67,30 @@
     ULONG Cr0NpxState;
+/* FIXME: The names need to be fixed! */
 typedef struct _KTRAP_FRAME
-    PVOID DebugEbp;
-    PVOID DebugEip;
-    PVOID DebugArgMark;
-    PVOID DebugPointer;
-    PVOID TempCs;
-    PVOID TempEip;
+    ULONG DebugEbp;
+    ULONG DebugEip;
+    ULONG DebugArgMark;
+    ULONG DebugPointer;
+    ULONG TempCs;
+    ULONG TempEsp;
     ULONG Dr0;
     ULONG Dr1;
     ULONG Dr2;
     ULONG Dr3;
     ULONG Dr6;
     ULONG Dr7;
-    USHORT Gs;
-    USHORT Reserved1;
-    USHORT Es;
-    USHORT Reserved2;
-    USHORT Ds;
-    USHORT Reserved3;
+    ULONG Gs;
+    ULONG Es;
+    ULONG Ds;
     ULONG Edx;
     ULONG Ecx;
     ULONG Eax;
     ULONG PreviousMode;
     PVOID ExceptionList;
-    USHORT Fs;
-    USHORT Reserved4;
+    ULONG Fs;
     ULONG Edi;
     ULONG Esi;
     ULONG Ebx;
@@ -103,16 +100,11 @@
     ULONG Cs;
     ULONG Eflags;
     ULONG Esp;
-    USHORT Ss;
-    USHORT Reserved5;
-    USHORT V86_Es;
-    USHORT Reserved6;
-    USHORT V86_Ds;
-    USHORT Reserved7;
-    USHORT V86_Fs;
-    USHORT Reserved8;
-    USHORT V86_Gs;
-    USHORT Reserved9;
+    ULONG Ss;
+    ULONG V86_Es;
+    ULONG V86_Ds;
+    ULONG V86_Fs;
+    ULONG V86_Gs;
 typedef struct _LDT_ENTRY