- Fix MmCreateKernelStack to actually take into account the GuiStack parameter.
- Implement KeSwitchKernelStack
- Enable code in PsConvertToGuiThread to create a new stack and switch to it. GUI Threads now get the 60KB of kernel stack space they deserve.
- Define exported DDK constants for kernel stack size and undefine our own internal ones.
Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/include/internal/ntoskrnl.h
Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/usercall_asm.S
Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/mm/process.c
Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ps/win32.c
Modified: trunk/reactos/w32api/include/ddk/winddk.h

Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/include/internal/ntoskrnl.h
--- trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/include/internal/ntoskrnl.h	2006-01-11 05:42:32 UTC (rev 20779)
+++ trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/include/internal/ntoskrnl.h	2006-01-11 05:55:49 UTC (rev 20780)
@@ -254,9 +254,5 @@
- *
- */
-#define MM_STACK_SIZE             (3*4096)

Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/usercall_asm.S
--- trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/usercall_asm.S	2006-01-11 05:42:32 UTC (rev 20779)
+++ trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ke/i386/usercall_asm.S	2006-01-11 05:55:49 UTC (rev 20780)
@@ -1,53 +1,439 @@
  * COPYRIGHT:       See COPYING in the top level directory
- * PROJECT:         ReactOS kernel
- * FILE:            ntoskrnl/ke/i386s/usercall.S
+ * PROJECT:         ReactOS Kernel
+ * FILE:            ntoskrnl/ke/i386/usercall_asm.S
  * PURPOSE:         User-Mode callbacks and return.
- * 
  * PROGRAMMERS:     Alex Ionescu (alex@relsoft.net)
 /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/
-#include <roscfg.h>
+#include <asm.h>
+//#include <bugcodes.h>
 .intel_syntax noprefix
+// This file is a work in progress. Most of the code is currently disabled.
 /* GLOBALS ****************************************************************/
-.extern PVOID _SystemDllCallbackDispatcher
+.extern PVOID _KeUserCallbackDispatcher
 /* FUNCTIONS ****************************************************************/
+.globl _KiGetUserModeStackAddress@0
+.func KiGetUserModeStackAddress@0
+    /* Get the current thread's trapframe and return the esp */
+    mov eax, fs:[KPCR_CURRENT_THREAD]
+    mov eax, [eax+KTHREAD_TRAP_FRAME]
+    lea eax, [eax+KTRAP_FRAME_ESP]
- * KiSwitchToUserMode 
+ * @name KiCallUserMode 
  *     The KiSwitchToUserMode routine sets up a Trap Frame and a Callback stack
  *     for the purpose of switching to user mode. The actual final jump is done
  *     by KiServiceExit which will treat this as a syscall return.
- * Params:
- *     OutputBuffer - Pointer to a caller-allocated buffer where to receive 
- *                    the return data from the user-mode function
+ * @param OutputBuffer
+ *        Pointer to a caller-allocated buffer where to receive the return data
+ *        from the user-mode function
- *     OutputLength - Size of the Output Buffer described above.
+ * @param OutputLength
+ *        Size of the Output Buffer described above.
- * Returns:
- *     Jumps into KiServiceExit.
+ * @return None. Jumps into KiServiceExit.
- * Remarks:
- *     If there is not enough Kernel Stack space, the routine will increase the
- *     Kernel Stack.
+ * @remark If there is not enough Kernel Stack space, the routine will increase the
+ *         Kernel Stack.
- *     User mode execution resumes at ntdll!KiUserCallbackDispatcher.
+ *         User mode execution resumes at ntdll!KiUserCallbackDispatcher.
- *     This call MUST be paired by interrupt 0x2B or NtCallbackReturn.
+ *         This call MUST be paired by interrupt 0x2B or NtCallbackReturn.
-.globl _KiSwitchToUserMode@8
-.func KiSwitchToUserMode@8
+.globl _KiCallUserMode@8
+.func KiCallUserMode@8
+    /* Save volatile registers */
+    push ebp
+    push ebx
+    push esi
+    push edi
+    /* Get the current thread */
+    mov ebx, fs:[KPCR_CURRENT_THREAD]
+    /* Make sure we're at passive */
+    call _KeGetCurrentIrql@0
+    or al, al
+    jz AtPassive
+    /* We're not, bugcheck! */
+    push 0
+    push 0
+    push eax
+    push 0
+    call _KeBugCheckEx@20
+    /* Make sure that we are not attached and that APCs are not disabled */
+    movzx eax, byte ptr [ebx+KTHREAD_APC_STATE_INDEX]
+    or eax, eax
+    jz InvalidIndex
+    or edx, edx
+    jz ApcsEnabled
+    push 0
+    push edx
+    push eax
+    push 0
+    call _KeBugCheckEx@20
+    /* Get the lowest stack limit and check if we can handle it */
+    lea eax, [esp-0x3000]
+    cmp eax, [ebx+KTHREAD_STACK_LIMIT]
+    jnb StackOk
+    /* We can't, we'll have to grow our stack */
+    push esp
+    call _MmGrowKernelStack@4
+    /* Quit if we failed */
+    or eax, eax
+    jnz GrowFailed
+    /* Save the current callback stack */
+    /* Get and save the trap frame */
+    mov edx, [ebx+KTHREAD_TRAP_FRAME]
+    push edx
+    /* Get and save the initial stack */
+    mov esi, [ebx+KTHREAD_INITIAL_STACK]
+    push esi
+    /* Set the new callback stack */
+    mov [ebx+KTHREAD_CALLBACK_STACK], esp
+    /* Align stack on 16-byte boundary */
+    and esp, ~16
+    mov edi, esp
+    /* Set destination and origin NPX Areas */
+    sub esp, NPX_FRAME_LENGTH
+    sub esi, NPX_FRAME_LENGTH
+    /* Disable interrupts so we can fill the NPX State */
+    cli
+    /* Now copy the NPX State */
+    mov ecx, [esi+FN_CONTROL_WORD]
+    mov [esi+FN_CONTROL_WORD], ecx
+    mov ecx, [esi+FN_STATUS_WORD]
+    mov [esi+FN_STATUS_WORD], ecx
+    mov ecx, [esi+FN_TAG_WORD]
+    mov [esi+FN_TAG_WORD], ecx
+    mov ecx, [esi+FN_DATA_SELECTOR]
+    mov [esi+FN_DATA_SELECTOR], ecx
+    mov ecx, [esi+FN_CR0_NPX_STATE]
+    mov [esi+FN_CR0_NPX_STATE], ecx
+    /* Get TSS */
+    mov esi, fs:[KPCR_TSS]
+    /* Set the stack address */
+    mov [ebx+KTHREAD_INITIAL_STACK], edi
+    /* Bias the stack for V86 mode */
+    mov ecx, esp
+    sub esp, 16
+    test dword ptr [edx+KTRAP_FRAME_EFLAGS], EFLAGS_V86_MASK
+    jnz DontBias
+    mov ecx, esp
+    /* Set new stack address in TSS */
+    mov [esi+KTSS_ESP0], ecx
+    /* Allocate the trap frame and set it */
+    sub esp, KTRAP_FRAME_V86_ES
+    mov ebp, esp
+    /* Set copy iterator and dest/origin parameters and do the copy */
+    mov ecx, (KTRAP_FRAME_V86_ES - KTRAP_FRAME_FS) / 4
+    lea edi, [esp+KTRAP_FRAME_FS]
+    lea esi, [esp+KTRAP_FRAME_FS]
+    rep movsd
+    /* FIXME: Copy debug registers if needed */
+    /* Get user-mode dispatcher address and set it as EIP */
+    mov eax, _KeUserCallbackDispatcher
+    mov [esp+KTRAP_FRAME_EIP], eax
+    /* Set the exception list */
+    mov eax, [KPCR_EXCEPTION_LIST]
+    mov [esp+KTRAP_FRAME_EXCEPTION_LIST], eax
+    /* Set the previous mode */
+    mov [esp+KTRAP_FRAME_PREVIOUS_MODE], eax
+    /* Bring interrupts back */
+    sti
+    /* Write the debug data */
+    mov edi, [ebp+KTRAP_FRAME_EBP]
+    mov edx, [ebp+KTRAP_FRAME_EIP]
+    mov [ebp+KTRAP_FRAME_DEBUGPOINTER], edx
+    mov dword ptr [ebp+KTRAP_FRAME_DEBUGARGMARK], 0xBADB0D00
+    mov [ebp+KTRAP_FRAME_DEBUGEBP], ebx
+    mov [ebp+KTRAP_FRAME_DEBUGEIP], edi
+    /* Exit to user-mode */
+    jmp _KiServiceExit
+    /* Restore registers */
+    pop edi
+    pop esi
+    pop ebx
+    pop ebp
+    /* Return */
+    ret 8
+ * @name NtCallbackReturn
+ *
+ *     The NtCallbackReturn routine returns to kernel mode after a user-mode
+ *     callback was done through KeUserModeCallback. It uses the callback frame
+ *     which was setup in order to return the information, restores the stack,
+ *     and resumes execution where it was left off.
+ *
+ * @param Result
+ *        Pointer to a caller-allocated buffer where the return data
+ *               from the user-mode function is located.
+ *
+ * @param ResultLength
+ *        Size of the Output Buffer described above.
+ *
+ * @param CallbackStatus
+ *        Status code of the callback operation.
+ *
+ * @return Status code of the callback operation.
+ *
+ * @remark This call MUST be paired with KeUserModeCallback.
+ *
+ *--*/
+.globl _NtCallbackReturn2@12
+.func NtCallbackReturn2@12
+    /* Get the current thread and make sure we have a callback stack */
+    mov eax, fs:[KPCR_CURRENT_THREAD]
+    mov ecx, [eax+KTHREAD_CALLBACK_STACK]
+    test ecx, ecx
+    jz NoStack
+    /* Get the trap frame */
+    mov ebx, [eax+KTHREAD_TRAP_FRAME]
+    /* Restore the exception list */
+    mov edx, [ebx+KTRAP_FRAME_EXCEPTION_LIST]
+    mov fs:[KPCR_EXCEPTION_LIST], edx
+    /* Get the result, the result length and the status */
+    mov edi, [esp+4]
+    mov esi, [esp+8]
+    mov ebp, [esp+12]
+    /* Store the results in the callback stack */
+    mov ebx, [ecx+CBSTACK_RESULT]
+    mov [ebx], edi
+    mov ebx, [ecx+CBSTACK_RESULT_LENGTH]
+    mov [ebx], esi
+    /* Get the previous stack */
+    mov ebx, [ecx]
+    /* Disable interrupts for NPX save and stack switch */
+    cli
+    /* Get the initial stack and restore it */
+    mov esi, fs:[KPCR_INITIAL_STACK]
+    mov [eax+KTHREAD_INITIAL_STACK], ebx
+    /* Set desination and origin NPX Frames */
+    sub esi, NPX_FRAME_LENGTH
+    sub ebx, NPX_FRAME_LENGTH
+    /* Copy NPX Data */
+    mov edx, [esi+FN_CONTROL_WORD]
+    mov [ebx+FN_CONTROL_WORD], edx
+    mov edx, [esi+FN_STATUS_WORD]
+    mov [ebx+FN_STATUS_WORD], edx
+    mov edx, [esi+FN_TAG_WORD]
+    mov [ebx+FN_TAG_WORD], edx
+    mov edx, [esi+FN_DATA_SELECTOR]
+    mov [ebx+FN_DATA_SELECTOR], edx
+    mov edx, [esi+FN_CR0_NPX_STATE]
+    mov [ebx+FN_CR0_NPX_STATE], edx
+    /* Get saved trap frame and clear DR7 */
+    mov edi, [ecx+CBSTACK_TRAP_FRAME]
+    and dword ptr [edi+KTRAP_FRAME_DR7], 0
+    /* FIXME: Restore debug regs */
+    /* Get TSS */
+    mov edx, fs:[KPCR_TSS]
+    /* Restore stack pointer */
+    lea esp, [ecx+CBSTACK_CALLBACK_STACK]
+    /* Check if we were in V86 mode */
+    test dword ptr [edi+KTRAP_FRAME_EFLAGS], EFLAGS_V86_MASK
+    jnz V86Ret
+    sub ebx, 16
+    /* Restore the ESP in TSS */
+    mov [edx+KTSS_ESP0], ebx
+    /* Restore the trap frame */
+    mov [eax+KTHREAD_TRAP_FRAME], edi
+    /* Bring interrupts back */
+    sti
+    /* Restore the callback stack*/
+    /* Set status and return */
+    mov eax, ebp
+    pop edi
+    pop esi
+    pop ebx
+    pop ebp
+    pop edx
+    /* Clean stack and jump back */
+    add esp, 8
+    jmp edx
+    /* Return failure */
+    ret 12
+.globl _KeSwitchKernelStack@8
+.func KeSwitchKernelStack@8
+    /* Save volatiles */
+    push esi
+    push edi
+    /* Get current thread */
+    mov edx, fs:[KPCR_CURRENT_THREAD]
+    /* Get new and current base */
+    mov edi, [esp+12]
+    mov ecx, [edx+KTHREAD_STACK_BASE]
+    /* Fixup the frame pointer */
+    sub ebp, ecx
+    add ebp, edi
+    /* Fixup the trap frame */
+    mov eax, [edx+KTHREAD_TRAP_FRAME]
+    sub eax, ecx
+    add eax, edi
+    mov [edx+KTHREAD_TRAP_FRAME], eax
+    /* Calculate stack size */
+    sub ecx, esp
+    /* Get desination and origin */
+    sub edi, ecx
+    mov esi, esp
+    /* Save stack pointer */
+    push edi
+    /* Copy stack */
+    rep movsb
+    /* Restore stack pointer */
+    pop edi
+    /* Save old stack base and get new limit/base */
+    mov eax, [edx+KTHREAD_STACK_BASE]
+    mov ecx, [esp+12]
+    mov esi, [esp+16]
+    /* Disable interrupts for stack switch */
+    cli
+    /* Set new base/limit */
+    mov [edx+KTHREAD_STACK_BASE], ecx
+    mov [edx+KTHREAD_STACK_LIMIT], esi
+    /* Set LargeStack */
+    mov byte ptr [edx+KTHREAD_LARGE_STACK], 1
+    /* Set new initial stack */
+    mov [edx+KTHREAD_INITIAL_STACK], ecx
+    /* Get trap frame */
+    mov esi, [edx+KTHREAD_TRAP_FRAME]
+    /* Get TSS */
+    mov edx, fs:[KPCR_TSS]
+    /* Check if we came from V86 mode */
+    test dword ptr [esi+KTRAP_FRAME_EFLAGS], EFLAGS_V86_MASK
+    /* Bias for NPX Area */
+    lea ecx, [ecx-NPX_FRAME_LENGTH]
+    jnz V86Switch
+    sub ecx, 16
+    /* Update ESP in TSS */
+    mov [edx+KTSS_ESP0], ecx
+    /* Update stack pointer */
+    mov esp, edi
+    /* Bring back interrupts and return */
+    sti
+    pop edi
+    pop esi
+    ret 8

Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/mm/process.c
--- trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/mm/process.c	2006-01-11 05:42:32 UTC (rev 20779)
+++ trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/mm/process.c	2006-01-11 05:55:49 UTC (rev 20780)
@@ -134,7 +134,8 @@
     PMEMORY_AREA StackArea;
     ULONG i;
     PHYSICAL_ADDRESS BoundaryAddressMultiple;
     PVOID KernelStack = NULL;
     NTSTATUS Status;
@@ -148,7 +149,7 @@
     Status = MmCreateMemoryArea(MmGetKernelAddressSpace(),
-                                MM_STACK_SIZE,
+                                StackSize,
@@ -166,7 +167,7 @@
     /* Mark the Stack in use */
-    for (i = 0; i < (MM_STACK_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE); i++)
+    for (i = 0; i < (StackSize / PAGE_SIZE); i++)
         Status = MmRequestPageMemoryConsumer(MC_NPPOOL, TRUE, &Page[i]);
@@ -176,7 +177,7 @@
-                                    MM_STACK_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE);
+                                    StackSize / PAGE_SIZE);
     /* Check for success */
     if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))

Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ps/win32.c
--- trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ps/win32.c	2006-01-11 05:42:32 UTC (rev 20779)
+++ trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ps/win32.c	2006-01-11 05:55:49 UTC (rev 20780)
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
-    //PVOID NewStack, OldStack;
+    PVOID NewStack, OldStack;
     PETHREAD Thread = PsGetCurrentThread();
     PEPROCESS Process = PsGetCurrentProcess();
     NTSTATUS Status;
@@ -99,11 +99,9 @@
     /* Check if we don't already have a kernel-mode stack */
-#if 0
     if (!Thread->Tcb.LargeStack)
         /* We don't create one */
-        DPRINT1("Creating large stack\n");
         NewStack = MmCreateKernelStack(TRUE);
         if (!NewStack)
@@ -116,28 +114,15 @@
         /* Switch stacks */
-        DPRINT1("Switching stacks. NS IT, SL, SB, KS %p %p %p %p %p\n",
-                NewStack,
-                Thread->Tcb.InitialStack,
-                Thread->Tcb.StackLimit,
-                Thread->Tcb.StackBase,
-                Thread->Tcb.KernelStack);
         OldStack = KeSwitchKernelStack((PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)NewStack + 0x3000),
         /* Leave the critical region */
-        DPRINT1("We made it!\n");
         /* Delete the old stack */
         //MmDeleteKernelStack(OldStack, FALSE);
-        DPRINT1("Old stack deleted. IT, SL, SB, KS %p %p %p %p\n",
-                Thread->Tcb.InitialStack,
-                Thread->Tcb.StackLimit,
-                Thread->Tcb.StackBase,
-                Thread->Tcb.KernelStack);
     /* This check is bizare. Check out win32k later */
     if (!Process->Win32Process)

Modified: trunk/reactos/w32api/include/ddk/winddk.h
--- trunk/reactos/w32api/include/ddk/winddk.h	2006-01-11 05:42:32 UTC (rev 20779)
+++ trunk/reactos/w32api/include/ddk/winddk.h	2006-01-11 05:55:49 UTC (rev 20780)
@@ -204,6 +204,10 @@
 #define NtCurrentThread() ( (HANDLE)(LONG_PTR) -2 )   
 #define ZwCurrentThread() NtCurrentThread()      
+#define KERNEL_STACK_SIZE                   12288
+#define KERNEL_LARGE_STACK_SIZE             61440
 #define DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL                  0
 #define DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL                1
 #define DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL                  2