Fix explorer/ibrowser build
Added: trunk/reactos/include/epsapi/
Added: trunk/reactos/include/epsapi/epsapi.h
Deleted: trunk/reactos/include/epsapi.h
Added: trunk/reactos/include/expat/
Added: trunk/reactos/include/expat/expat.h
Added: trunk/reactos/include/expat/expat_external.h
Added: trunk/reactos/include/fmifs/
Added: trunk/reactos/include/fmifs/fmifs.h
Deleted: trunk/reactos/include/fmifs.h
Added: trunk/reactos/include/samlib/
Added: trunk/reactos/include/samlib/samlib.h
Deleted: trunk/reactos/include/samlib.h
Deleted: trunk/reactos/lib/expat/lib/expat.h
Deleted: trunk/reactos/lib/expat/lib/expat_external.h
Modified: trunk/reactos/lib/expat/lib/xmlparse.c
Modified: trunk/reactos/lib/expat/lib/xmlrole.c
Modified: trunk/reactos/lib/expat/lib/xmltok.c
Modified: trunk/reactos/subsys/system/explorer/utility/xmlstorage.h
Modified: trunk/reactos/subsys/system/ibrowser/utility/xmlstorage.h

Copied: trunk/reactos/include/epsapi/epsapi.h (from rev 16356, trunk/reactos/include/epsapi.h)

Deleted: trunk/reactos/include/epsapi.h
--- trunk/reactos/include/epsapi.h	2005-07-01 03:14:40 UTC (rev 16362)
+++ trunk/reactos/include/epsapi.h	2005-07-01 03:25:35 UTC (rev 16363)
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id$
- * epsapi.h
- *
- * Process Status Helper API, native interface
- *
- * This file is part of the ReactOS Operating System.
- *
- * Contributors:
- *  Created by KJK::Hyperion <>
- *
- *
- *  This source code is offered for use in the public domain. You may
- *  use, modify or distribute it freely.
- *
- *  This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but
- *  DISCLAMED. This includes but is not limited to warranties of
- *
- */
-#ifndef __EPSAPI_H_INCLUDED__
-#define __EPSAPI_H_INCLUDED__
-/* TYPES */
-                                             IN OUT PVOID CallbackContext);
-                                               IN OUT PVOID CallbackContext);
-                                               IN OUT PVOID CallbackContext);
-                                                IN PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY CurrentModule,
-                                                IN OUT PVOID CallbackContext);
-#define FAILED_WITH_STATUS DEFINE_DBG_MSG("%s() failed, status 0x%08X")
-/* Processes and threads */
-/* enumeration */
-PsaEnumerateProcessesAndThreads(IN PPROC_ENUM_ROUTINE ProcessCallback,
-                                IN OUT PVOID ProcessCallbackContext,
-                                IN PTHREAD_ENUM_ROUTINE ThreadCallback,
-                                IN OUT PVOID ThreadCallbackContext);
-PsaEnumerateProcesses(IN PPROC_ENUM_ROUTINE Callback,
-                      IN OUT PVOID CallbackContext);
-PsaEnumerateThreads(IN PTHREAD_ENUM_ROUTINE Callback,
-                    IN OUT PVOID CallbackContext);
-/* capturing & walking */
-PsaCaptureProcessesAndThreads(OUT PSYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION * ProcessesAndThreads);
-PsaWalkProcessesAndThreads(IN PSYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessesAndThreads,
-                           IN PPROC_ENUM_ROUTINE ProcessCallback,
-                           IN OUT PVOID ProcessCallbackContext,
-                           IN PTHREAD_ENUM_ROUTINE ThreadCallback,
-                           IN OUT PVOID ThreadCallbackContext);
-PsaWalkProcesses(IN PSYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessesAndThreads,
-                 IN PPROC_ENUM_ROUTINE Callback,
-                 IN OUT PVOID CallbackContext);
-PsaWalkThreads(IN PSYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessesAndThreads,
-               IN PTHREAD_ENUM_ROUTINE Callback,
-               IN OUT PVOID CallbackContext);
-PsaWalkFirstProcess(IN PSYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessesAndThreads);
-PsaWalkNextProcess(IN PSYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION CurrentProcess);
-PsaWalkFirstThread(IN PSYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION CurrentProcess);
-PsaWalkNextThread(IN PSYSTEM_THREAD_INFORMATION CurrentThread);
-/* System modules */
-/* enumeration */
-PsaEnumerateSystemModules(IN PSYSMOD_ENUM_ROUTINE Callback,
-                          IN OUT PVOID CallbackContext);
-/* capturing & walking */
-PsaCaptureSystemModules(OUT PSYSTEM_MODULE_INFORMATION * SystemModules);
-PsaWalkSystemModules(IN PSYSTEM_MODULE_INFORMATION SystemModules,
-                     IN PSYSMOD_ENUM_ROUTINE Callback,
-                     IN OUT PVOID CallbackContext);
-PsaWalkFirstSystemModule(IN PSYSTEM_MODULE_INFORMATION SystemModules);
-PsaWalkNextSystemModule(IN PSYSTEM_MODULE_INFORMATION CurrentSystemModule);
-/* Process modules */
-PsaEnumerateProcessModules(IN HANDLE ProcessHandle,
-                           IN PPROCMOD_ENUM_ROUTINE Callback,
-                           IN OUT PVOID CallbackContext);
-/* Miscellaneous */
-PsaFreeCapture(IN PVOID Capture);
-/* The user must define these functions. They are called by PSAPI to allocate
-   memory. This allows PSAPI to be called from any environment */
-void *PsaiMalloc(SIZE_T size);
-void *PsaiRealloc(void *ptr, SIZE_T size);
-void PsaiFree(void *ptr);
-/* MACROS */
-#define DEFINE_DBG_MSG(__str__) "PSAPI: " __str__ "\n"
-#endif /* __EPSAPI_H_INCLUDED__ */

Copied: trunk/reactos/include/expat/expat.h (from rev 16335, trunk/reactos/lib/expat/lib/expat.h)

Copied: trunk/reactos/include/expat/expat_external.h (from rev 16335, trunk/reactos/lib/expat/lib/expat_external.h)

Copied: trunk/reactos/include/fmifs/fmifs.h (from rev 16356, trunk/reactos/include/fmifs.h)

Deleted: trunk/reactos/include/fmifs.h
--- trunk/reactos/include/fmifs.h	2005-07-01 03:14:40 UTC (rev 16362)
+++ trunk/reactos/include/fmifs.h	2005-07-01 03:25:35 UTC (rev 16363)
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _FMIFS_H
-#define _FMIFS_H
-/* $Id$
- *
- * fmifs.h
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1998 Mark Russinovich
- * Systems Internals
- *
- *
- * Typedefs and definitions for using chkdsk and formatex
- * functions exported by the fmifs.dll library.
- *
- * ---
- *
- * 1999-02-18 (Emanuele Aliberti)
- * 	Normalized function names.
- *
- */
-/* Output command */
-	ULONG Lines;
-	PCHAR Output;
-/* Callback command types */
-/* FMIFS callback definition */
-	ULONG		SubAction,
-	PVOID		ActionInfo
-	);
-/* Chkdsk command in FMIFS */
-	PWCHAR		DriveRoot,
-	PWCHAR		Format,
-	BOOLEAN		CorrectErrors,
-	BOOLEAN		Verbose,
-	BOOLEAN		CheckOnlyIfDirty,
-	BOOLEAN		ScanDrive,
-	PVOID		Unused2,
-	PVOID		Unused3,
-	);
-/* ChkdskEx command in FMIFS (not in the original) */
-	PWCHAR		DriveRoot,
-	PWCHAR		Format,
-	BOOLEAN		CorrectErrors,
-	BOOLEAN		Verbose,
-	BOOLEAN		CheckOnlyIfDirty,
-	BOOLEAN		ScanDrive,
-	PVOID		Unused2,
-	PVOID		Unused3,
-	);
-/* DiskCopy command in FMIFS */
-/* Enable/Disable volume compression */
-	PWCHAR	DriveRoot,
-	USHORT Compression
-	);
-/* Format command in FMIFS */
-/* media flags */
-#define FMIFS_FLOPPY   0x8
-	PWCHAR		DriveRoot,
-	ULONG		MediaFlag,
-	PWCHAR		Format,
-	PWCHAR		Label,
-	BOOLEAN		QuickFormat,
-	ULONG		ClusterSize,
-	);
-#endif /* ndef _FMIFS_H */

Copied: trunk/reactos/include/samlib/samlib.h (from rev 16356, trunk/reactos/include/samlib.h)

Deleted: trunk/reactos/include/samlib.h
--- trunk/reactos/include/samlib.h	2005-07-01 03:14:40 UTC (rev 16362)
+++ trunk/reactos/include/samlib.h	2005-07-01 03:25:35 UTC (rev 16363)
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id$
- * samlib.h
- *
- * Security Account Manager API, native interface
- *
- * This file is part of the ReactOS Operating System.
- *
- * Contributors:
- *  Created by Eric Kohl <>
- *
- *
- *  This source code is offered for use in the public domain. You may
- *  use, modify or distribute it freely.
- *
- *  This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but
- *  DISCLAMED. This includes but is not limited to warranties of
- *
- */
-#ifndef __SAMLIB_H_INCLUDED__
-#define __SAMLIB_H_INCLUDED__
-SamInitializeSAM (VOID);
-SamGetDomainSid (PSID *Sid);
-SamSetDomainSid (PSID Sid);
-SamCreateUser (PWSTR UserName,
-	       PWSTR UserPassword,
-	       PSID UserSid);
-SamCheckUserPassword (PWSTR UserName,
-		      PWSTR UserPassword);
-SamGetUserSid (PWSTR UserName,
-	       PSID *Sid);
-#endif /* __SAMLIB_H_INCLUDED__ */
-/* EOF */

Deleted: trunk/reactos/lib/expat/lib/expat.h
--- trunk/reactos/lib/expat/lib/expat.h	2005-07-01 03:14:40 UTC (rev 16362)
+++ trunk/reactos/lib/expat/lib/expat.h	2005-07-01 03:25:35 UTC (rev 16363)
@@ -1,1013 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 1998, 1999, 2000 Thai Open Source Software Center Ltd
-   See the file COPYING for copying permission.
-#ifndef Expat_INCLUDED
-#define Expat_INCLUDED 1
-#ifdef __VMS
-/*      0        1         2         3      0        1         2         3
-        1234567890123456789012345678901     1234567890123456789012345678901 */
-#define XML_SetProcessingInstructionHandler XML_SetProcessingInstrHandler
-#define XML_SetUnparsedEntityDeclHandler    XML_SetUnparsedEntDeclHandler
-#define XML_SetStartNamespaceDeclHandler    XML_SetStartNamespcDeclHandler
-#define XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandlerArg  XML_SetExternalEntRefHandlerArg
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "expat_external.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct XML_ParserStruct;
-typedef struct XML_ParserStruct *XML_Parser;
-/* Should this be defined using stdbool.h when C99 is available? */
-typedef unsigned char XML_Bool;
-#define XML_TRUE   ((XML_Bool) 1)
-#define XML_FALSE  ((XML_Bool) 0)
-/* The XML_Status enum gives the possible return values for several
-   API functions.  The preprocessor #defines are included so this
-   stanza can be added to code that still needs to support older
-   versions of Expat 1.95.x:
-   #ifndef XML_STATUS_OK
-   #define XML_STATUS_OK    1
-   #define XML_STATUS_ERROR 0
-   #endif
-   Otherwise, the #define hackery is quite ugly and would have been
-   dropped.
-enum XML_Status {
-enum XML_Error {
-  /* Added in 1.95.7. */
-  /* Added in 1.95.8. */
-  /* Added in 2.0. */
-enum XML_Content_Type {
-enum XML_Content_Quant {
-/* If type == XML_CTYPE_EMPTY or XML_CTYPE_ANY, then quant will be
-   XML_CQUANT_NONE, and the other fields will be zero or NULL.
-   If type == XML_CTYPE_MIXED, then quant will be NONE or REP and
-   numchildren will contain number of elements that may be mixed in
-   and children point to an array of XML_Content cells that will be
-   all of XML_CTYPE_NAME type with no quantification.
-   If type == XML_CTYPE_NAME, then the name points to the name, and
-   the numchildren field will be zero and children will be NULL. The
-   quant fields indicates any quantifiers placed on the name.
-   CHOICE and SEQ will have name NULL, the number of children in
-   numchildren and children will point, recursively, to an array
-   of XML_Content cells.
-   The EMPTY, ANY, and MIXED types will only occur at top level.
-typedef struct XML_cp XML_Content;
-struct XML_cp {
-  enum XML_Content_Type         type;
-  enum XML_Content_Quant        quant;
-  XML_Char *                    name;
-  unsigned int                  numchildren;
-  XML_Content *                 children;
-/* This is called for an element declaration. See above for
-   description of the model argument. It's the caller's responsibility
-   to free model when finished with it.
-typedef void (XMLCALL *XML_ElementDeclHandler) (void *userData,
-                                                const XML_Char *name,
-                                                XML_Content *model);
-XML_SetElementDeclHandler(XML_Parser parser,
-                          XML_ElementDeclHandler eldecl);
-/* The Attlist declaration handler is called for *each* attribute. So
-   a single Attlist declaration with multiple attributes declared will
-   generate multiple calls to this handler. The "default" parameter
-   may be NULL in the case of the "#IMPLIED" or "#REQUIRED"
-   keyword. The "isrequired" parameter will be true and the default
-   value will be NULL in the case of "#REQUIRED". If "isrequired" is
-   true and default is non-NULL, then this is a "#FIXED" default.
-typedef void (XMLCALL *XML_AttlistDeclHandler) (
-                                    void            *userData,
-                                    const XML_Char  *elname,
-                                    const XML_Char  *attname,
-                                    const XML_Char  *att_type,
-                                    const XML_Char  *dflt,
-                                    int              isrequired);
-XML_SetAttlistDeclHandler(XML_Parser parser,
-                          XML_AttlistDeclHandler attdecl);
-/* The XML declaration handler is called for *both* XML declarations
-   and text declarations. The way to distinguish is that the version
-   parameter will be NULL for text declarations. The encoding
-   parameter may be NULL for XML declarations. The standalone
-   parameter will be -1, 0, or 1 indicating respectively that there
-   was no standalone parameter in the declaration, that it was given
-   as no, or that it was given as yes.
-typedef void (XMLCALL *XML_XmlDeclHandler) (void           *userData,
-                                            const XML_Char *version,
-                                            const XML_Char *encoding,
-                                            int             standalone);
-XML_SetXmlDeclHandler(XML_Parser parser,
-                      XML_XmlDeclHandler xmldecl);
-typedef struct {
-  void *(*malloc_fcn)(size_t size);
-  void *(*realloc_fcn)(void *ptr, size_t size);
-  void (*free_fcn)(void *ptr);
-} XML_Memory_Handling_Suite;
-/* Constructs a new parser; encoding is the encoding specified by the
-   external protocol or NULL if there is none specified.
-XML_ParserCreate(const XML_Char *encoding);
-/* Constructs a new parser and namespace processor.  Element type
-   names and attribute names that belong to a namespace will be
-   expanded; unprefixed attribute names are never expanded; unprefixed
-   element type names are expanded only if there is a default
-   namespace. The expanded name is the concatenation of the namespace
-   URI, the namespace separator character, and the local part of the
-   name.  If the namespace separator is '\0' then the namespace URI
-   and the local part will be concatenated without any separator.
-   It is a programming error to use the separator '\0' with namespace
-   triplets (see XML_SetReturnNSTriplet).
-XML_ParserCreateNS(const XML_Char *encoding, XML_Char namespaceSeparator);
-/* Constructs a new parser using the memory management suite referred to
-   by memsuite. If memsuite is NULL, then use the standard library memory
-   suite. If namespaceSeparator is non-NULL it creates a parser with
-   namespace processing as described above. The character pointed at
-   will serve as the namespace separator.
-   All further memory operations used for the created parser will come from
-   the given suite.
-XML_ParserCreate_MM(const XML_Char *encoding,
-                    const XML_Memory_Handling_Suite *memsuite,
-                    const XML_Char *namespaceSeparator);
-/* Prepare a parser object to be re-used.  This is particularly
-   valuable when memory allocation overhead is disproportionatly high,
-   such as when a large number of small documnents need to be parsed.
-   All handlers are cleared from the parser, except for the
-   unknownEncodingHandler. The parser's external state is re-initialized
-   except for the values of ns and ns_triplets.
-   Added in Expat 1.95.3.
-XML_ParserReset(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *encoding);
-/* atts is array of name/value pairs, terminated by 0;
-   names and values are 0 terminated.
-typedef void (XMLCALL *XML_StartElementHandler) (void *userData,
-                                                 const XML_Char *name,
-                                                 const XML_Char **atts);
-typedef void (XMLCALL *XML_EndElementHandler) (void *userData,
-                                               const XML_Char *name);
-/* s is not 0 terminated. */
-typedef void (XMLCALL *XML_CharacterDataHandler) (void *userData,
-                                                  const XML_Char *s,
-                                                  int len);
-/* target and data are 0 terminated */
-typedef void (XMLCALL *XML_ProcessingInstructionHandler) (
-                                                void *userData,
-                                                const XML_Char *target,
-                                                const XML_Char *data);
-/* data is 0 terminated */
-typedef void (XMLCALL *XML_CommentHandler) (void *userData,
-                                            const XML_Char *data);
-typedef void (XMLCALL *XML_StartCdataSectionHandler) (void *userData);
-typedef void (XMLCALL *XML_EndCdataSectionHandler) (void *userData);
-/* This is called for any characters in the XML document for which
-   there is no applicable handler.  This includes both characters that
-   are part of markup which is of a kind that is not reported
-   (comments, markup declarations), or characters that are part of a
-   construct which could be reported but for which no handler has been
-   supplied. The characters are passed exactly as they were in the XML
-   document except that they will be encoded in UTF-8 or UTF-16.
-   Line boundaries are not normalized. Note that a byte order mark
-   character is not passed to the default handler. There are no
-   guarantees about how characters are divided between calls to the
-   default handler: for example, a comment might be split between
-   multiple calls.
-typedef void (XMLCALL *XML_DefaultHandler) (void *userData,
-                                            const XML_Char *s,
-                                            int len);
-/* This is called for the start of the DOCTYPE declaration, before
-   any DTD or internal subset is parsed.
-typedef void (XMLCALL *XML_StartDoctypeDeclHandler) (
-                                            void *userData,
-                                            const XML_Char *doctypeName,
-                                            const XML_Char *sysid,
-                                            const XML_Char *pubid,
-                                            int has_internal_subset);
-/* This is called for the start of the DOCTYPE declaration when the
-   closing > is encountered, but after processing any external
-   subset.
-typedef void (XMLCALL *XML_EndDoctypeDeclHandler)(void *userData);
-/* This is called for entity declarations. The is_parameter_entity
-   argument will be non-zero if the entity is a parameter entity, zero
-   otherwise.
-   For internal entities (<!ENTITY foo "bar">), value will
-   be non-NULL and systemId, publicID, and notationName will be NULL.
-   The value string is NOT nul-terminated; the length is provided in
-   the value_length argument. Since it is legal to have zero-length
-   values, do not use this argument to test for internal entities.
-   For external entities, value will be NULL and systemId will be
-   non-NULL. The publicId argument will be NULL unless a public
-   identifier was provided. The notationName argument will have a
-   non-NULL value only for unparsed entity declarations.
-   Note that is_parameter_entity can't be changed to XML_Bool, since
-   that would break binary compatibility.
-typedef void (XMLCALL *XML_EntityDeclHandler) (
-                              void *userData,
-                              const XML_Char *entityName,
-                              int is_parameter_entity,
-                              const XML_Char *value,
-                              int value_length,
-                              const XML_Char *base,
-                              const XML_Char *systemId,
-                              const XML_Char *publicId,
-                              const XML_Char *notationName);
-XML_SetEntityDeclHandler(XML_Parser parser,
-                         XML_EntityDeclHandler handler);
-   This handler has been superceded by the EntityDeclHandler above.
-   It is provided here for backward compatibility.
-   This is called for a declaration of an unparsed (NDATA) entity.
-   The base argument is whatever was set by XML_SetBase. The
-   entityName, systemId and notationName arguments will never be
-   NULL. The other arguments may be.
-typedef void (XMLCALL *XML_UnparsedEntityDeclHandler) (
-                                    void *userData,
-                                    const XML_Char *entityName,
-                                    const XML_Char *base,
-                                    const XML_Char *systemId,
-                                    const XML_Char *publicId,
-                                    const XML_Char *notationName);
-/* This is called for a declaration of notation.  The base argument is
-   whatever was set by XML_SetBase. The notationName will never be
-   NULL.  The other arguments can be.
-typedef void (XMLCALL *XML_NotationDeclHandler) (
-                                    void *userData,
-                                    const XML_Char *notationName,
-                                    const XML_Char *base,
-                                    const XML_Char *systemId,
-                                    const XML_Char *publicId);
-/* When namespace processing is enabled, these are called once for
-   each namespace declaration. The call to the start and end element
-   handlers occur between the calls to the start and end namespace
-   declaration handlers. For an xmlns attribute, prefix will be
-   NULL.  For an xmlns="" attribute, uri will be NULL.
-typedef void (XMLCALL *XML_StartNamespaceDeclHandler) (
-                                    void *userData,
-                                    const XML_Char *prefix,
-                                    const XML_Char *uri);
-typedef void (XMLCALL *XML_EndNamespaceDeclHandler) (
-                                    void *userData,
-                                    const XML_Char *prefix);
-/* This is called if the document is not standalone, that is, it has an
-   external subset or a reference to a parameter entity, but does not
-   have standalone="yes". If this handler returns XML_STATUS_ERROR,
-   then processing will not continue, and the parser will return a
-   If parameter entity parsing is enabled, then in addition to the
-   conditions above this handler will only be called if the referenced
-   entity was actually read.
-typedef int (XMLCALL *XML_NotStandaloneHandler) (void *userData);
-/* This is called for a reference to an external parsed general
-   entity.  The referenced entity is not automatically parsed.  The
-   application can parse it immediately or later using
-   XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate.
-   The parser argument is the parser parsing the entity containing the
-   reference; it can be passed as the parser argument to
-   XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate.  The systemId argument is the
-   system identifier as specified in the entity declaration; it will
-   not be NULL.
-   The base argument is the system identifier that should be used as
-   the base for resolving systemId if systemId was relative; this is
-   set by XML_SetBase; it may be NULL.
-   The publicId argument is the public identifier as specified in the
-   entity declaration, or NULL if none was specified; the whitespace
-   in the public identifier will have been normalized as required by
-   the XML spec.
-   The context argument specifies the parsing context in the format
-   expected by the context argument to XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate;
-   context is valid only until the handler returns, so if the
-   referenced entity is to be parsed later, it must be copied.
-   context is NULL only when the entity is a parameter entity.
-   The handler should return XML_STATUS_ERROR if processing should not
-   continue because of a fatal error in the handling of the external
-   entity.  In this case the calling parser will return an
-   Note that unlike other handlers the first argument is the parser,
-   not userData.
-typedef int (XMLCALL *XML_ExternalEntityRefHandler) (
-                                    XML_Parser parser,
-                                    const XML_Char *context,
-                                    const XML_Char *base,
-                                    const XML_Char *systemId,
-                                    const XML_Char *publicId);
-/* This is called in two situations:
-   1) An entity reference is encountered for which no declaration
-      has been read *and* this is not an error.
-   2) An internal entity reference is read, but not expanded, because
-      XML_SetDefaultHandler has been called.
-   Note: skipped parameter entities in declarations and skipped general
-         entities in attribute values cannot be reported, because
-         the event would be out of sync with the reporting of the
-         declarations or attribute values
-typedef void (XMLCALL *XML_SkippedEntityHandler) (
-                                    void *userData,
-                                    const XML_Char *entityName,
-                                    int is_parameter_entity);
-/* This structure is filled in by the XML_UnknownEncodingHandler to
-   provide information to the parser about encodings that are unknown
-   to the parser.
-   The map[b] member gives information about byte sequences whose
-   first byte is b.
-   If map[b] is c where c is >= 0, then b by itself encodes the
-   Unicode scalar value c.
-   If map[b] is -1, then the byte sequence is malformed.
-   If map[b] is -n, where n >= 2, then b is the first byte of an
-   n-byte sequence that encodes a single Unicode scalar value.
-   The data member will be passed as the first argument to the convert
-   function.
-   The convert function is used to convert multibyte sequences; s will
-   point to a n-byte sequence where map[(unsigned char)*s] == -n.  The
-   convert function must return the Unicode scalar value represented
-   by this byte sequence or -1 if the byte sequence is malformed.
-   The convert function may be NULL if the encoding is a single-byte
-   encoding, that is if map[b] >= -1 for all bytes b.
-   When the parser is finished with the encoding, then if release is
-   not NULL, it will call release passing it the data member; once
-   release has been called, the convert function will not be called
-   again.
-   Expat places certain restrictions on the encodings that are supported
-   using this mechanism.
-   1. Every ASCII character that can appear in a well-formed XML document,
-      other than the characters
-      $@\^`{}~
-      must be represented by a single byte, and that byte must be the
-      same byte that represents that character in ASCII.
-   2. No character may require more than 4 bytes to encode.
-   3. All characters encoded must have Unicode scalar values <=
-      0xFFFF, (i.e., characters that would be encoded by surrogates in
-      UTF-16 are  not allowed).  Note that this restriction doesn't
-      apply to the built-in support for UTF-8 and UTF-16.
-   4. No Unicode character may be encoded by more than one distinct
-      sequence of bytes.
-typedef struct {
-  int map[256];
-  void *data;
-  int (XMLCALL *convert)(void *data, const char *s);
-  void (XMLCALL *release)(void *data);
-} XML_Encoding;
-/* This is called for an encoding that is unknown to the parser.
-   The encodingHandlerData argument is that which was passed as the
-   second argument to XML_SetUnknownEncodingHandler.
-   The name argument gives the name of the encoding as specified in
-   the encoding declaration.
-   If the callback can provide information about the encoding, it must
-   fill in the XML_Encoding structure, and return XML_STATUS_OK.
-   Otherwise it must return XML_STATUS_ERROR.
-   If info does not describe a suitable encoding, then the parser will
-   return an XML_UNKNOWN_ENCODING error.
-typedef int (XMLCALL *XML_UnknownEncodingHandler) (
-                                    void *encodingHandlerData,
-                                    const XML_Char *name,
-                                    XML_Encoding *info);
-XML_SetElementHandler(XML_Parser parser,
-                      XML_StartElementHandler start,
-                      XML_EndElementHandler end);
-XML_SetStartElementHandler(XML_Parser parser,
-                           XML_StartElementHandler handler);
-XML_SetEndElementHandler(XML_Parser parser,
-                         XML_EndElementHandler handler);
-XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(XML_Parser parser,
-                            XML_CharacterDataHandler handler);
-XML_SetProcessingInstructionHandler(XML_Parser parser,
-                                    XML_ProcessingInstructionHandler handler);
-XML_SetCommentHandler(XML_Parser parser,
-                      XML_CommentHandler handler);
-XML_SetCdataSectionHandler(XML_Parser parser,
-                           XML_StartCdataSectionHandler start,
-                           XML_EndCdataSectionHandler end);
-XML_SetStartCdataSectionHandler(XML_Parser parser,
-                                XML_StartCdataSectionHandler start);
-XML_SetEndCdataSectionHandler(XML_Parser parser,
-                              XML_EndCdataSectionHandler end);
-/* This sets the default handler and also inhibits expansion of
-   internal entities. These entity references will be passed to the
-   default handler, or to the skipped entity handler, if one is set.
-XML_SetDefaultHandler(XML_Parser parser,
-                      XML_DefaultHandler handler);
-/* This sets the default handler but does not inhibit expansion of
-   internal entities.  The entity reference will not be passed to the
-   default handler.
-XML_SetDefaultHandlerExpand(XML_Parser parser,
-                            XML_DefaultHandler handler);
-XML_SetDoctypeDeclHandler(XML_Parser parser,
-                          XML_StartDoctypeDeclHandler start,
-                          XML_EndDoctypeDeclHandler end);
-XML_SetStartDoctypeDeclHandler(XML_Parser parser,
-                               XML_StartDoctypeDeclHandler start);
-XML_SetEndDoctypeDeclHandler(XML_Parser parser,
-                             XML_EndDoctypeDeclHandler end);
-XML_SetUnparsedEntityDeclHandler(XML_Parser parser,
-                                 XML_UnparsedEntityDeclHandler handler);
-XML_SetNotationDeclHandler(XML_Parser parser,
-                           XML_NotationDeclHandler handler);
-XML_SetNamespaceDeclHandler(XML_Parser parser,
-                            XML_StartNamespaceDeclHandler start,
-                            XML_EndNamespaceDeclHandler end);
-XML_SetStartNamespaceDeclHandler(XML_Parser parser,
-                                 XML_StartNamespaceDeclHandler start);
-XML_SetEndNamespaceDeclHandler(XML_Parser parser,
-                               XML_EndNamespaceDeclHandler end);
-XML_SetNotStandaloneHandler(XML_Parser parser,
-                            XML_NotStandaloneHandler handler);
-XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(XML_Parser parser,
-                                XML_ExternalEntityRefHandler handler);
-/* If a non-NULL value for arg is specified here, then it will be
-   passed as the first argument to the external entity ref handler
-   instead of the parser object.
-XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandlerArg(XML_Parser parser,
-                                   void *arg);
-XML_SetSkippedEntityHandler(XML_Parser parser,
-                            XML_SkippedEntityHandler handler);
-XML_SetUnknownEncodingHandler(XML_Parser parser,
-                              XML_UnknownEncodingHandler handler,
-                              void *encodingHandlerData);
-/* This can be called within a handler for a start element, end
-   element, processing instruction or character data.  It causes the
-   corresponding markup to be passed to the default handler.
-XML_DefaultCurrent(XML_Parser parser);
-/* If do_nst is non-zero, and namespace processing is in effect, and
-   a name has a prefix (i.e. an explicit namespace qualifier) then
-   that name is returned as a triplet in a single string separated by
-   the separator character specified when the parser was created: URI
-   + sep + local_name + sep + prefix.
-   If do_nst is zero, then namespace information is returned in the
-   default manner (URI + sep + local_name) whether or not the name
-   has a prefix.
[truncated at 1000 lines; 523 more skipped]