Fix up the indentation.
Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ps/i386/continue.c

Modified: trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ps/i386/continue.c
--- trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ps/i386/continue.c	2005-09-25 04:55:16 UTC (rev 18041)
+++ trunk/reactos/ntoskrnl/ps/i386/continue.c	2005-09-25 09:22:22 UTC (rev 18042)
@@ -22,66 +22,67 @@
  * @implemented
-NtContinue (
-	IN PCONTEXT Context,
-	IN BOOLEAN TestAlert)
+   IN PCONTEXT Context,
+   IN BOOLEAN TestAlert)
-    PKTHREAD Thread = KeGetCurrentThread();
-	PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame = Thread->TrapFrame;
-	PKTRAP_FRAME PrevTrapFrame = (PKTRAP_FRAME)TrapFrame->Edx;
-	KIRQL oldIrql;
+   PKTHREAD Thread = KeGetCurrentThread();
+   PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame = Thread->TrapFrame;
+   PKTRAP_FRAME PrevTrapFrame = (PKTRAP_FRAME)TrapFrame->Edx;
+   PFX_SAVE_AREA FxSaveArea;
+   KIRQL oldIrql;
-	DPRINT("NtContinue: Context: Eip=0x%x, Esp=0x%x\n", Context->Eip, Context->Esp );
-	PULONG Frame = 0;
-	__asm__("mov %%ebp, %%ebx" : "=b" (Frame) : );
-	DPRINT( "NtContinue(): Ebp=%x, prev/TF=%x/%x\n", Frame, Frame[0], TrapFrame );
 #ifndef NDEBUG
-	KeRosDumpStackFrames(NULL,5);
+   DPRINT("NtContinue: Context: Eip=0x%x, Esp=0x%x\n", Context->Eip, Context->Esp );
+   PULONG Frame = 0;
+   __asm__("mov %%ebp, %%ebx" : "=b" (Frame) : );
+   DPRINT( "NtContinue(): Ebp=%x, prev/TF=%x/%x\n", Frame, Frame[0], TrapFrame );
+   KeRosDumpStackFrames(NULL,5);
-	if ( Context == NULL )
-	{
-		DPRINT1("NtContinue called with NULL Context\n");
-	}
+   if (Context == NULL)
+   {
+      DPRINT1("NtContinue called with NULL Context\n");
+   }
-	if ( TrapFrame == NULL )
-	{
-		CPRINT("NtContinue called but TrapFrame was NULL\n");
-	}
+   if (TrapFrame == NULL)
+   {
+      CPRINT("NtContinue called but TrapFrame was NULL\n");
+      KEBUGCHECK(0);
+   }
-	/*
-	 * Copy the supplied context over the register information that was saved
-	 * on entry to kernel mode, it will then be restored on exit
-	 * FIXME: Validate the context
-	 */
-	KeContextToTrapFrame ( Context, TrapFrame );
+   /*
+    * Copy the supplied context over the register information that was saved
+    * on entry to kernel mode, it will then be restored on exit
+    * FIXME: Validate the context
+    */
+   KeContextToTrapFrame(Context, TrapFrame);
-        /* Put the floating point context into the thread's FX_SAVE_AREA
-         * and make sure it is reloaded when needed.
-         */
-        FxSaveArea = (PFX_SAVE_AREA)((ULONG_PTR)Thread->InitialStack - sizeof(FX_SAVE_AREA));
-        if (KiContextToFxSaveArea(FxSaveArea, Context))
-          {
-            Thread->NpxState = NPX_STATE_VALID;
-            KeRaiseIrql(DISPATCH_LEVEL, &oldIrql);
-            if (KeGetCurrentPrcb()->NpxThread == Thread)
-              {
-                KeGetCurrentPrcb()->NpxThread = NULL;
-                Ke386SetCr0(Ke386GetCr0() | X86_CR0_TS);
-              }
-            else
-              {
-                ASSERT((Ke386GetCr0() & X86_CR0_TS) == X86_CR0_TS);
-              }
-            KeLowerIrql(oldIrql);
-          }
+   /*
+    * Put the floating point context into the thread's FX_SAVE_AREA
+    * and make sure it is reloaded when needed.
+    */
+   FxSaveArea = (PFX_SAVE_AREA)((ULONG_PTR)Thread->InitialStack - sizeof(FX_SAVE_AREA));
+   if (KiContextToFxSaveArea(FxSaveArea, Context))
+   {
+      Thread->NpxState = NPX_STATE_VALID;
+      KeRaiseIrql(DISPATCH_LEVEL, &oldIrql);
+      if (KeGetCurrentPrcb()->NpxThread == Thread)
+      {
+         KeGetCurrentPrcb()->NpxThread = NULL;
+         Ke386SetCr0(Ke386GetCr0() | X86_CR0_TS);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         ASSERT((Ke386GetCr0() & X86_CR0_TS) == X86_CR0_TS);
+      }
+      KeLowerIrql(oldIrql);
+   }
-    /* Restore the user context */
-    Thread->TrapFrame = PrevTrapFrame;
-     __asm__("mov %%ebx, %%esp;\n" "jmp _KiServiceExit": : "b" (TrapFrame));
+   /* Restore the user context */
+   Thread->TrapFrame = PrevTrapFrame;
+   __asm__("mov %%ebx, %%esp;\n" "jmp _KiServiceExit": : "b" (TrapFrame));
-	return STATUS_SUCCESS; /* this doesn't actually happen b/c KeRosTrapReturn() won't return */
+   return STATUS_SUCCESS; /* this doesn't actually happen b/c KeRosTrapReturn() won't return */