Commit in reactos/lib/rpcrt4 on MAIN
.cvsignore-61.1 removed
Makefile-471.11 removed
Makefile.old-1401.1 removed
rpcrt4.def-161.1 removed
rpcrt4.edf-161.1 removed
rpcrt4.rc-381.1 removed
rpcrt4_main.c-7291.2 removed
7 removed files
- Remove old RPCRT4.

.cvsignore removed after 1.1
diff -N .cvsignore
--- .cvsignore	27 Aug 2003 05:07:19 -0000	1.1
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@

Makefile removed after 1.11
diff -N Makefile
--- Makefile	28 Jan 2004 19:34:45 -0000	1.11
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-PATH_TO_TOP = ../..
-TARGET_TYPE = dynlink
-TARGET_NAME = rpcrt4
- -Wall \
- -fno-builtin
-# Compile definitions usage:
-#    __USE_W32API - Compilation with w32api headers
-#    __REACTOS__ - Compilation of Wine sources for ReactOS
-#    _WIN32_IE=0x600 - Internet Explorer 6 compatible defintions
-#    WINVER=0x501 - Windows XP definitions
-#    __need_offsetof - Force definition of macro offsetof in stddef.h
-	-D__USE_W32API \
-	-D__REACTOS__ \
-	-D_WIN32_IE=0x600 \
-	-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x501 \
-	-DWINVER=0x501 \
-	-D__need_offsetof
-	$(DEFINES) \
-	-DDCX_USESTYLE=0x10000L \
-	-I$(PATH_TO_TOP)/include/wine
-TARGET_SDKLIBS = libwine.a ntdll.a
-include $(PATH_TO_TOP)/rules.mak
-include $(TOOLS_PATH)/
-include $(TOOLS_PATH)/

Makefile.old removed after 1.1
diff -N Makefile.old
--- Makefile.old	27 Aug 2003 05:07:19 -0000	1.1
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: Makefile.old,v 1.1 2003/08/27 05:07:19 sedwards Exp $
-# ReactOS Operating System
-PATH_TO_TOP = ../..
-TARGET = midl rpcrt4 rpcss
-BASE_CFLAGS = -I../../include
-# require os code to explicitly request A/W version of structs/functions
-all: $(DLLTARGET)
-SYNCH_OBJECTS = synch/critical.o synch/event.o synch/wait.o synch/intrlck.o synch/timer.o
-MISC_OBJECTS = misc/error.o misc/atom.o misc/handle.o misc/env.o misc/dllmain.o \
-		misc/console.o misc/time.o misc/stubs.o misc/rtl.o misc/ldr.o misc/res.o
-FILE_OBJECTS = file/file.o file/curdir.o file/lfile.o file/dir.o \
-               file/iocompl.o file/volume.o file/deviceio.o file/dosdev.o \
-	       file/create.o file/find.o file/copy.o file/pipe.o \
-	       file/move.o file/lock.o file/rw.o file/delete.o
-MEM_OBJECTS = mem/virtual.o mem/heap.o mem/utils.o mem/section.o mem/isbad.o mem/procmem.o
-NLS_OBJECTS =  nls/codepage.o nls/cpmisc.o nls/cptable.o\
- nls/cp37.o nls/cp437.o nls/cp500.o nls/cp737.o nls/cp775.o nls/cp850.o nls/cp852.o nls/cp855.o nls/cp857.o\
- nls/cp860.o nls/cp861.o nls/cp863.o nls/cp865.o nls/cp866.o nls/cp869.o nls/cp875.o nls/cp1026.o\
- nls/cp1250.o nls/cp1251.o nls/cp1252.o nls/cp1253.o nls/cp1254.o nls/cp1255.o nls/cp1256.o nls/cp1257.o\
- nls/cp10000.o nls/cp10006.o nls/cp10007.o nls/cp10029.o nls/cp10079.o nls/cp10081.o\
- nls/lctable.o\
- nls/lcAFK.o nls/lcBEL.o nls/lcBGR.o nls/lcCAT.o nls/lcCSY.o nls/lcDAN.o\
- nls/lcDEA.o nls/lcDEC.o nls/lcDEL.o nls/lcDES.o nls/lcDEU.o\
- nls/lcELL.o\
- nls/lcENA.o nls/lcENB.o nls/lcENC.o nls/lcENG.o nls/lcENI.o nls/lcENJ.o nls/lcENL.o nls/lcENS.o nls/lcENT.o\
- nls/lcENU.o nls/lcENZ.o\
- nls/lcESA.o nls/lcESB.o nls/lcESC.o nls/lcESD.o nls/lcESE.o nls/lcESF.o nls/lcESG.o nls/lcESH.o nls/lcESI.o\
- nls/lcESL.o nls/lcESM.o nls/lcESN.o nls/lcESO.o nls/lcESP.o nls/lcESR.o nls/lcESS.o nls/lcESU.o nls/lcESV.o\
- nls/lcESY.o nls/lcESZ.o\
- nls/lcETI.o nls/lcEUQ.o nls/lcFIN.o nls/lcFOS.o\
- nls/lcFRA.o nls/lcFRB.o nls/lcFRC.o nls/lcFRL.o nls/lcFRS.o\
- nls/lcHRV.o nls/lcHUN.o nls/lcIND.o nls/lcISL.o nls/lcITA.o nls/lcITS.o nls/lcLTH.o nls/lcLVI.o nls/lcNLB.o\
- nls/lcNLD.o nls/lcNON.o nls/lcNOR.o nls/lcPLK.o nls/lcPTB.o nls/lcPTG.o nls/lcROM.o nls/lcRUS.o nls/lcSKY.o\
- nls/lcSLV.o nls/lcSQI.o nls/lcSRB.o nls/lcSRL.o nls/lcSVE.o nls/lcSVF.o nls/lcTRK.o nls/lcUKR.o\
- nls/locale.o nls/mbtowc.o nls/wctomb.o nls/ole2nls.o
-THREAD_OBJECTS = thread/thread.o thread/tls.o
-PROCESS_OBJECTS = process/proc.o process/cmdline.o process/create.o \
-                  process/lib.o
-STRING_OBJECTS = string/lstring.o
-INTERNAL_OBJECTS = internal/dprintf.o
-EXCEPT_OBJECTS = except/except.o
-CLEAN_FILES = except/*.o file/*.o internal/*.o mem/*.o misc/*.o nls/*.o  \
-              process/*.o string/*.o synch/*.o thread/*.o  \
-              $(TARGET).o $(TARGET).a junk.tmp base.tmp temp.exp \
-	      $(TARGET).dll $(TARGET).sym $(TARGET).coff
-nls/ole2nls.o: nls/ole2nls.c
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I. nls/ole2nls.c
-$(TARGET).coff: $(TARGET).rc ../../include/reactos/resource.h
-	$(AR) csr $(TARGET).a $(OBJECTS)
-	$(LD) \
-		-r $(OBJECTS) \
-		-o $(TARGET).o
-	$(DLLTOOL) \
-		--dllname $(TARGET).dll \
-		--def $(TARGET).def \
-		--kill-at \
-		--output-lib $(TARGET).a
-	$(CC) \
-		-specs=k32_specs \
-		-mdll \
-		-o junk.tmp \
-		-Wl,--base-file,base.tmp \
-		$(TARGET).o \
-		../ntdll/ntdll.a
-	- $(RM) junk.tmp
-	$(DLLTOOL) \
-		--dllname $(TARGET).dll \
-		--base-file base.tmp \
-		--output-exp temp.exp \
-		--def $(TARGET).edf
-	- $(RM) base.tmp
-	$(CC) \
-		-specs=k32_specs \
-		-mdll \
-		-o $(TARGET).dll \
-		$(TARGET).o \
-		../ntdll/ntdll.a \
-		-Wl,--image-base,$(KERNEL32_BASE) \
-		-Wl,--file-alignment,0x1000 \
-		-Wl,--section-alignment,0x1000 \
-		-Wl,temp.exp
-	- $(RM) temp.exp
-	$(NM) --numeric-sort $(TARGET).dll > $(TARGET).sym
-	- $(RM) $(CLEAN_FILES)
-.PHONY: clean 
-install: $(FLOPPY_DIR)/dlls/$(TARGET).dll
-$(FLOPPY_DIR)/dlls/$(TARGET).dll: $(TARGET).dll
-	$(CP) $(TARGET).dll $(FLOPPY_DIR)/dlls/$(TARGET).dll
-dist: $(DIST_DIR)/dlls/$(TARGET).dll
-$(DIST_DIR)/dlls/$(TARGET).dll: $(TARGET).dll
-	$(CP) $(TARGET).dll ../../$(DIST_DIR)/dlls/$(TARGET).dll
-include ../../rules.mak

rpcrt4.def removed after 1.1
diff -N rpcrt4.def
--- rpcrt4.def	27 Aug 2003 05:07:19 -0000	1.1
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-LIBRARY rpcrt4.dll
\ No newline at end of file

rpcrt4.edf removed after 1.1
diff -N rpcrt4.edf
--- rpcrt4.edf	27 Aug 2003 05:07:19 -0000	1.1
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-LIBRARY rpcrt4.dll
\ No newline at end of file

rpcrt4.rc removed after 1.1
diff -N rpcrt4.rc
--- rpcrt4.rc	27 Aug 2003 05:07:19 -0000	1.1
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-#include <defines.h>
-#include <reactos/resource.h>
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-	FILEOS		0x40004L
-    BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
-    BEGIN
-        BLOCK "040904b0"
-        BEGIN
-            VALUE "CompanyName",	RES_STR_COMPANY_NAME
-            VALUE "FileDescription",	"Lempel-Ziv Expander\0"
-            VALUE "FileVersion",	RES_STR_FILE_VERSION
-            VALUE "InternalName",	"lz32\0"
-            VALUE "LegalCopyright",	RES_STR_LEGAL_COPYRIGHT
-            VALUE "OriginalFilename",	"lz32.dll\0"
-            VALUE "ProductName",	RES_STR_PRODUCT_NAME
-            VALUE "ProductVersion",	RES_STR_PRODUCT_VERSION
-        END
-    END
-    BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
-    BEGIN
-        VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1200
-    END

rpcrt4_main.c removed after 1.2
diff -N rpcrt4_main.c
--- rpcrt4_main.c	22 Oct 2003 20:14:25 -0000	1.2
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,729 +0,0 @@
- * ReactOS - RPCRT4
- * Copyright 2000 Huw D M Davies for Codeweavers
- *
- * Gettimeofday - Copyright Wu Yongwei
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- * NOTES: (sedwards) 
- * Dont use this for anything major in ReactOS. Its only here
- * to make dll dependancys happy and for the UUIDCreate Function.
- * 
- * If you wish to work on rpcrt4 in ReactOS please look at the current winehq
- * sources and figure out a way to implement a IPC/LPC bridge so we dont have
- * for this code from WINE.
- *
- * throw the code out and start over. =)
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-# include <sys/time.h>
-# include <unistd.h>
-#include "windef.h"
-#include "winerror.h"
-#include "winbase.h"
-#include "wine/unicode.h"
-#include "rpc.h"
-#include "ole2.h"
-#include "rpcndr.h"
-#include "rpcproxy.h"
-# include <sys/file.h>
-# include <sys/ioctl.h>
-# include <sys/socket.h>
-# include <sys/sockio.h>
-#ifdef HAVE_NET_IF_H
-# include <net/if.h>
-# include <netinet/in.h>
-#include "wine/config.h"
-#include "wine/port.h"
-#include "wine/debug.h"
-static UUID uuid_nil;
-static HANDLE master_mutex;
-HANDLE RPCRT4_GetMasterMutex(void)
-    return master_mutex;
- * DllMain
- *
- *     hinstDLL    [I] handle to the DLL's instance
- *     fdwReason   [I]
- *     lpvReserved [I] reserved, must be NULL
- *
- *     Success: TRUE
- *     Failure: FALSE
- */
-BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved)
-    switch (fdwReason) {
-    break;
-    break;
-    }
-    return TRUE;
-/* From WINE RPC_Binding.c */
-LPWSTR RPCRT4_strdupAtoW(LPSTR src)
-  DWORD len;
-  LPWSTR s;
-  if (!src) return NULL;
-  len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, src, -1, NULL, 0);
-  s = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, len*sizeof(WCHAR));
-  MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, src, -1, s, len);
-  return s;
- *           RpcStringFreeA   [RPCRT4.@]
- *
- * Frees a character string allocated by the RPC run-time library.
- *
- *
- *  S_OK if successful.
- */
-RPC_STATUS WINAPI RpcStringFreeA(unsigned char** String)
-  HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, *String);
-  return RPC_S_OK;
- *           RpcStringFreeW   [RPCRT4.@]
- *
- * Frees a character string allocated by the RPC run-time library.
- *
- *
- *  S_OK if successful.
- */
-RPC_STATUS WINAPI RpcStringFreeW(unsigned short** String)
-  HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, *String);
-  return RPC_S_OK;
- *           RpcRaiseException   [RPCRT4.@]
- *
- * Raises an exception.
- */
-void WINAPI RpcRaiseException(RPC_STATUS exception)
-  /* FIXME: translate exception? */
-  RaiseException(exception, 0, 0, NULL);
- * UuidCompare [RPCRT4.@]
- *
- * (an educated-guess implementation)
- *
- *     UUID *Uuid1        [I] Uuid to compare
- *     UUID *Uuid2        [I] Uuid to compare
- *     RPC_STATUS *Status [O] returns RPC_S_OK
- * 
- *     -1 if Uuid1 is less than Uuid2
- *     0  if Uuid1 and Uuid2 are equal
- *     1  if Uuid1 is greater than Uuid2
- */
-int WINAPI UuidCompare(UUID *Uuid1, UUID *Uuid2, RPC_STATUS *Status)
-  TRACE("(%s,%s)\n", debugstr_guid(Uuid1), debugstr_guid(Uuid2));
-  *Status = RPC_S_OK;
-  if (!Uuid1) Uuid1 = &uuid_nil;
-  if (!Uuid2) Uuid2 = &uuid_nil;
-  if (Uuid1 == Uuid2) return 0;
-  return memcmp(Uuid1, Uuid2, sizeof(UUID));
- * UuidEqual [RPCRT4.@]
- *
- *     UUID *Uuid1        [I] Uuid to compare
- *     UUID *Uuid2        [I] Uuid to compare
- *     RPC_STATUS *Status [O] returns RPC_S_OK
- *
- *     TRUE/FALSE
- */
-int WINAPI UuidEqual(UUID *Uuid1, UUID *Uuid2, RPC_STATUS *Status)
-  TRACE("(%s,%s)\n", debugstr_guid(Uuid1), debugstr_guid(Uuid2));
-  return !UuidCompare(Uuid1, Uuid2, Status);
- * UuidIsNil [RPCRT4.@]
- *
- *     UUID *Uuid         [I] Uuid to compare
- *     RPC_STATUS *Status [O] retuns RPC_S_OK
- *
- *     TRUE/FALSE
- */
-int WINAPI UuidIsNil(UUID *uuid, RPC_STATUS *Status)
-  TRACE("(%s)\n", debugstr_guid(uuid));
-  *Status = RPC_S_OK;
-  if (!uuid) return TRUE;
-  return !memcmp(uuid, &uuid_nil, sizeof(UUID));
- /*************************************************************************
- * UuidCreateNil [RPCRT4.@]
- *
- *     UUID *Uuid [O] returns a nil UUID
- *
- *     RPC_S_OK
- */
-  *Uuid = uuid_nil;
-  return RPC_S_OK;
- /*************************************************************************
- * gettimeofday for systems that lack it
- */
-#ifndef __GNUC__
-#define EPOCHFILETIME (116444736000000000i64)
-#define EPOCHFILETIME (116444736000000000LL)
-struct timezone {
-    int tz_minuteswest; /* minutes W of Greenwich */
-    int tz_dsttime;     /* type of dst correction */
-int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv, struct timezone *tz)
-    FILETIME        ft;
-    LARGE_INTEGER   li;
-    __int64         t;
-    static int      tzflag;
-    if (tv)
-    {
-        GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft);
-        li.LowPart  = ft.dwLowDateTime;
-        li.HighPart = ft.dwHighDateTime;
-        t  = li.QuadPart;       /* In 100-nanosecond intervals */
-        t -= EPOCHFILETIME;     /* Offset to the Epoch time */
-        t /= 10;                /* In microseconds */
-        tv->tv_sec  = (long)(t / 1000000);
-        tv->tv_usec = (long)(t % 1000000);
-    }
-    if (tz)
-    {
-        if (!tzflag)
-        {
-            _tzset();
-            tzflag++;
-        }
-        tz->tz_minuteswest = _timezone / 60;
-        tz->tz_dsttime = _daylight;
-    }
-    return 0;
- *           UuidCreate   [RPCRT4.@]
- *
- * Creates a 128bit UUID.
- * Implemented according the DCE specification for UUID generation.
- * Code is based upon uuid library in e2fsprogs by Theodore Ts'o.
- * Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Theodore Ts'o.
- *
- *
- *  S_OK if successful.
- */
-   static char has_init = 0;
-   static unsigned char a[6];
-   static int                      adjustment = 0;
-   static struct timeval           last = {0, 0};
-   static WORD                     clock_seq;
-   struct timeval                  tv;
-   unsigned long long              clock_reg;
-   DWORD clock_high, clock_low;
-   WORD temp_clock_seq, temp_clock_mid, temp_clock_hi_and_version;
-#ifdef HAVE_NET_IF_H
-   int             sd;
-   struct ifreq    ifr, *ifrp;
-   struct ifconf   ifc;
-   char buf[1024];
-   int             n, i;
-   /* Have we already tried to get the MAC address? */
-   if (!has_init) {
-#ifdef HAVE_NET_IF_H
-      /* BSD 4.4 defines the size of an ifreq to be
-       * max(sizeof(ifreq), sizeof(ifreq.ifr_name)+ifreq.ifr_addr.sa_len
-       * However, under earlier systems, sa_len isn't present, so
-       *  the size is just sizeof(struct ifreq)
-       */
-#  ifndef max
-#   define max(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
-#  endif
-#  define ifreq_size(i) max(sizeof(struct ifreq),\
-# else
-#  define ifreq_size(i) sizeof(struct ifreq)
-      sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_IP);
-      if (sd < 0) {
-	 /* if we can't open a socket, just use random numbers */
-	 /* set the multicast bit to prevent conflicts with real cards */
-	 a[0] = (rand() & 0xff) | 0x80;
-	 a[1] = rand() & 0xff;
-	 a[2] = rand() & 0xff;
-	 a[3] = rand() & 0xff;
-	 a[4] = rand() & 0xff;
-	 a[5] = rand() & 0xff;
-      } else {
-	 memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
-	 ifc.ifc_len = sizeof(buf);
-	 ifc.ifc_buf = buf;
-	 /* get the ifconf interface */
-	 if (ioctl (sd, SIOCGIFCONF, (char *)&ifc) < 0) {
-	    close(sd);
-	    /* no ifconf, so just use random numbers */
-	    /* set the multicast bit to prevent conflicts with real cards */
-	    a[0] = (rand() & 0xff) | 0x80;
-	    a[1] = rand() & 0xff;
-	    a[2] = rand() & 0xff;
-	    a[3] = rand() & 0xff;
-	    a[4] = rand() & 0xff;
-	    a[5] = rand() & 0xff;
-	 } else {
-	    /* loop through the interfaces, looking for a valid one */
-	    n = ifc.ifc_len;
-	    for (i = 0; i < n; i+= ifreq_size(ifr) ) {
-	       ifrp = (struct ifreq *)((char *) ifc.ifc_buf+i);
-	       strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifrp->ifr_name, IFNAMSIZ);
-	       /* try to get the address for this interface */
-	       if (ioctl(sd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr) < 0)
-		   continue;
-	       memcpy(a, (unsigned char *)&ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, 6);
-# else
-	       if (ioctl(sd, SIOCGENADDR, &ifr) < 0)
-		   continue;
-	       memcpy(a, (unsigned char *) ifr.ifr_enaddr, 6);
-#  else
-	       /* XXX we don't have a way of getting the hardware address */
-	       close(sd);
-	       a[0] = 0;
-	       break;
-#  endif /* SIOCGENADDR */
-# endif /* SIOCGIFHWADDR */
-	       /* make sure it's not blank */
-	       if (!a[0] && !a[1] && !a[2] && !a[3] && !a[4] && !a[5])
-		   continue;
-	       goto valid_address;
-	    }
-	    /* if we didn't find a valid address, make a random one */
-	    /* once again, set multicast bit to avoid conflicts */
-	    a[0] = (rand() & 0xff) | 0x80;
-	    a[1] = rand() & 0xff;
-	    a[2] = rand() & 0xff;
-	    a[3] = rand() & 0xff;
-	    a[4] = rand() & 0xff;
-	    a[5] = rand() & 0xff;
-	    valid_address:
-	    close(sd);
-	 }
-      }
-      /* no networking info, so generate a random address */
-      a[0] = (rand() & 0xff) | 0x80;
-      a[1] = rand() & 0xff;
-      a[2] = rand() & 0xff;
-      a[3] = rand() & 0xff;
-      a[4] = rand() & 0xff;
-      a[5] = rand() & 0xff;
-#endif /* HAVE_NET_IF_H */
-      has_init = 1;
-   }
-   /* generate time element of GUID */
-   /* Assume that the gettimeofday() has microsecond granularity */
-#define MAX_ADJUSTMENT 10
-   try_again:
-   gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
-   if ((last.tv_sec == 0) && (last.tv_usec == 0)) {
-      clock_seq = ((rand() & 0xff) << 8) + (rand() & 0xff);
-      clock_seq &= 0x1FFF;
-      last = tv;
-      last.tv_sec--;
-   }
-   if ((tv.tv_sec < last.tv_sec) ||
-       ((tv.tv_sec == last.tv_sec) &&
-	(tv.tv_usec < last.tv_usec))) {
-      clock_seq = (clock_seq+1) & 0x1FFF;
-      adjustment = 0;
-   } else if ((tv.tv_sec == last.tv_sec) &&
-	      (tv.tv_usec == last.tv_usec)) {
-      if (adjustment >= MAX_ADJUSTMENT)
-	  goto try_again;
-      adjustment++;
-   } else
-       adjustment = 0;
-   clock_reg = tv.tv_usec*10 + adjustment;
-   clock_reg += ((unsigned long long) tv.tv_sec)*10000000;
-   clock_reg += (((unsigned long long) 0x01B21DD2) << 32) + 0x13814000;
-   clock_high = clock_reg >> 32;
-   clock_low = clock_reg;
-   temp_clock_seq = clock_seq | 0x8000;
-   temp_clock_mid = (WORD)clock_high;
-   temp_clock_hi_and_version = (clock_high >> 16) | 0x1000;
-   /* pack the information into the GUID structure */
-   ((unsigned char*)&Uuid->Data1)[3] = (unsigned char)clock_low;
-   clock_low >>= 8;
-   ((unsigned char*)&Uuid->Data1)[2] = (unsigned char)clock_low;
-   clock_low >>= 8;
-   ((unsigned char*)&Uuid->Data1)[1] = (unsigned char)clock_low;
-   clock_low >>= 8;
-   ((unsigned char*)&Uuid->Data1)[0] = (unsigned char)clock_low;
-   ((unsigned char*)&Uuid->Data2)[1] = (unsigned char)temp_clock_mid;
-   temp_clock_mid >>= 8;
-   ((unsigned char*)&Uuid->Data2)[0] = (unsigned char)temp_clock_mid;
-   ((unsigned char*)&Uuid->Data3)[1] = (unsigned char)temp_clock_hi_and_version;
-   temp_clock_hi_and_version >>= 8;
-   ((unsigned char*)&Uuid->Data3)[0] = (unsigned char)temp_clock_hi_and_version;
-   ((unsigned char*)Uuid->Data4)[1] = (unsigned char)temp_clock_seq;
-   temp_clock_seq >>= 8;
-   ((unsigned char*)Uuid->Data4)[0] = (unsigned char)temp_clock_seq;
-   ((unsigned char*)Uuid->Data4)[2] = a[0];
-   ((unsigned char*)Uuid->Data4)[3] = a[1];
-   ((unsigned char*)Uuid->Data4)[4] = a[2];
-   ((unsigned char*)Uuid->Data4)[5] = a[3];
-   ((unsigned char*)Uuid->Data4)[6] = a[4];
-   ((unsigned char*)Uuid->Data4)[7] = a[5];
-   TRACE("%s\n", debugstr_guid(Uuid));
-   return RPC_S_OK;
- *           UuidCreateSequential   [RPCRT4.@]
- *
- * Creates a 128bit UUID by calling UuidCreate.
- * New API in Win 2000
- */
-RPC_STATUS WINAPI UuidCreateSequential(UUID *Uuid)
-   return UuidCreate (Uuid);
- *           UuidHash   [RPCRT4.@]
- *
- * Generates a hash value for a given UUID
- *
- * Code based on FreeDCE implementation
- *
- */
-unsigned short WINAPI UuidHash(UUID *uuid, RPC_STATUS *Status)
-  BYTE *data = (BYTE*)uuid;
-  short c0 = 0, c1 = 0, x, y;
-  int i;
-  if (!uuid) data = (BYTE*)(uuid = &uuid_nil);
-  TRACE("(%s)\n", debugstr_guid(uuid));
-  for (i=0; i<sizeof(UUID); i++) {
-    c0 += data[i];
-    c1 += c0;
-  }
-  x = -c1 % 255;
-  if (x < 0) x += 255;
-  y = (c1 - c0) % 255;
-  if (y < 0) y += 255;
-  *Status = RPC_S_OK;
-  return y*256 + x;
- *           UuidToStringA   [RPCRT4.@]
- *
- * Converts a UUID to a string.
- *
- * UUID format is 8 hex digits, followed by a hyphen then three groups of
- * 4 hex digits each followed by a hyphen and then 12 hex digits
- *
- *
- *  S_OK if successful.
- *  S_OUT_OF_MEMORY if unsucessful.
- */
-RPC_STATUS WINAPI UuidToStringA(UUID *Uuid, unsigned char** StringUuid)
-  *StringUuid = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(char) * 37);
-  if(!(*StringUuid))
-    return RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
-  if (!Uuid) Uuid = &uuid_nil;
-  sprintf(*StringUuid, "%08lx-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x",
-                 Uuid->Data1, Uuid->Data2, Uuid->Data3,
-                 Uuid->Data4[0], Uuid->Data4[1], Uuid->Data4[2],
-                 Uuid->Data4[3], Uuid->Data4[4], Uuid->Data4[5],
-                 Uuid->Data4[6], Uuid->Data4[7] );
-  return RPC_S_OK;
- *           UuidToStringW   [RPCRT4.@]
- *
- * Converts a UUID to a string.
- *
- *  S_OK if successful.
- *  S_OUT_OF_MEMORY if unsucessful.
- */
-RPC_STATUS WINAPI UuidToStringW(UUID *Uuid, unsigned short** StringUuid)
-  char buf[37];
-  if (!Uuid) Uuid = &uuid_nil;
-  sprintf(buf, "%08lx-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x",
-               Uuid->Data1, Uuid->Data2, Uuid->Data3,
-               Uuid->Data4[0], Uuid->Data4[1], Uuid->Data4[2],
-               Uuid->Data4[3], Uuid->Data4[4], Uuid->Data4[5],
-               Uuid->Data4[6], Uuid->Data4[7] );
-  *StringUuid = RPCRT4_strdupAtoW(buf);
-  if(!(*StringUuid))
-    return RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
-  return RPC_S_OK;
-static const BYTE hex2bin[] =
-    0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,        /* 0x00 */
-    0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,        /* 0x10 */
-    0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,        /* 0x20 */
-    0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,0,0,0,0,0,        /* 0x30 */
-    0,10,11,12,13,14,15,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,  /* 0x40 */
-    0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,        /* 0x50 */
-    0,10,11,12,13,14,15                     /* 0x60 */
- *		UuidFromStringA (RPCRT4.@)
- */
-RPC_STATUS WINAPI UuidFromStringA(unsigned char* str, UUID *uuid)
-    BYTE *s = (BYTE *)str;
-    int i;
-    if (!s) return UuidCreateNil( uuid );
-    if (strlen(s) != 36) return RPC_S_INVALID_STRING_UUID;
-    if ((s[8]!='-') || (s[13]!='-') || (s[18]!='-') || (s[23]!='-'))
-        return RPC_S_INVALID_STRING_UUID;
-    for (i=0; i<36; i++)
-    {
-        if ((i == 8)||(i == 13)||(i == 18)||(i == 23)) continue;
-        if (s[i] > 'f' || (!hex2bin[s[i]] && s[i] != '0')) return RPC_S_INVALID_STRING_UUID;
-    }
-    uuid->Data1 = (hex2bin[s[0]] << 28 | hex2bin[s[1]] << 24 | hex2bin[s[2]] << 20 | hex2bin[s[3]] << 16 |
-                   hex2bin[s[4]] << 12 | hex2bin[s[5]]  << 8 | hex2bin[s[6]]  << 4 | hex2bin[s[7]]);
-    uuid->Data2 =  hex2bin[s[9]] << 12 | hex2bin[s[10]] << 8 | hex2bin[s[11]] << 4 | hex2bin[s[12]];
-    uuid->Data3 = hex2bin[s[14]] << 12 | hex2bin[s[15]] << 8 | hex2bin[s[16]] << 4 | hex2bin[s[17]];
-    /* these are just sequential bytes */
-    uuid->Data4[0] = hex2bin[s[19]] << 4 | hex2bin[s[20]];
-    uuid->Data4[1] = hex2bin[s[21]] << 4 | hex2bin[s[22]];
-    uuid->Data4[2] = hex2bin[s[24]] << 4 | hex2bin[s[25]];
-    uuid->Data4[3] = hex2bin[s[26]] << 4 | hex2bin[s[27]];
-    uuid->Data4[4] = hex2bin[s[28]] << 4 | hex2bin[s[29]];
-    uuid->Data4[5] = hex2bin[s[30]] << 4 | hex2bin[s[31]];
-    uuid->Data4[6] = hex2bin[s[32]] << 4 | hex2bin[s[33]];
-    uuid->Data4[7] = hex2bin[s[34]] << 4 | hex2bin[s[35]];
-    return RPC_S_OK;
- *		UuidFromStringW (RPCRT4.@)
- */
-RPC_STATUS WINAPI UuidFromStringW(unsigned short* s, UUID *uuid)
-    int i;
-    if (!s) return UuidCreateNil( uuid );
-    if (strlenW(s) != 36) return RPC_S_INVALID_STRING_UUID;
-    if ((s[8]!='-') || (s[13]!='-') || (s[18]!='-') || (s[23]!='-'))
-        return RPC_S_INVALID_STRING_UUID;
-    for (i=0; i<36; i++)
-    {
-        if ((i == 8)||(i == 13)||(i == 18)||(i == 23)) continue;
-        if (s[i] > 'f' || (!hex2bin[s[i]] && s[i] != '0')) return RPC_S_INVALID_STRING_UUID;
-    }
-    uuid->Data1 = (hex2bin[s[0]] << 28 | hex2bin[s[1]] << 24 | hex2bin[s[2]] << 20 | hex2bin[s[3]] << 16 |
-                   hex2bin[s[4]] << 12 | hex2bin[s[5]]  << 8 | hex2bin[s[6]]  << 4 | hex2bin[s[7]]);
-    uuid->Data2 =  hex2bin[s[9]] << 12 | hex2bin[s[10]] << 8 | hex2bin[s[11]] << 4 | hex2bin[s[12]];
-    uuid->Data3 = hex2bin[s[14]] << 12 | hex2bin[s[15]] << 8 | hex2bin[s[16]] << 4 | hex2bin[s[17]];
-    /* these are just sequential bytes */
-    uuid->Data4[0] = hex2bin[s[19]] << 4 | hex2bin[s[20]];
-    uuid->Data4[1] = hex2bin[s[21]] << 4 | hex2bin[s[22]];
-    uuid->Data4[2] = hex2bin[s[24]] << 4 | hex2bin[s[25]];
-    uuid->Data4[3] = hex2bin[s[26]] << 4 | hex2bin[s[27]];
-    uuid->Data4[4] = hex2bin[s[28]] << 4 | hex2bin[s[29]];
-    uuid->Data4[5] = hex2bin[s[30]] << 4 | hex2bin[s[31]];
-    uuid->Data4[6] = hex2bin[s[32]] << 4 | hex2bin[s[33]];
-    uuid->Data4[7] = hex2bin[s[34]] << 4 | hex2bin[s[35]];
-    return RPC_S_OK;
- *              DllRegisterServer (RPCRT4.@)
- */
-HRESULT WINAPI RPCRT4_DllRegisterServer( void )
-    FIXME( "(): stub\n" );
-    return S_OK;
-    static char cmd[6];
-    BOOL rslt;
-    ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION));
-    ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(STARTUPINFOA));
-    si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFOA);
-    /* apparently it's not OK to use a constant string below */
-    CopyMemory(cmd, "rpcss", 6);
-    /* FIXME: will this do the right thing when run as a test? */
-    rslt = CreateProcessA(
-        NULL,           /* executable */
-        cmd,            /* command line */
-        NULL,           /* process security attributes */
-        NULL,           /* primary thread security attributes */
-        FALSE,          /* inherit handles */
-        0,              /* creation flags */
-        NULL,           /* use parent's environment */
-        NULL,           /* use parent's current directory */
-        &si,            /* STARTUPINFO pointer */
-        &pi             /* PROCESS_INFORMATION */
-    );
-    if (rslt) {
-      CloseHandle(pi.hProcess);
-      CloseHandle(pi.hThread);
-    }
-    return rslt;
CVSspam 0.2.8