renamed .S files so msvc does not try to compile the .c files with the same name anymore
Deleted: trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/i386/chkstk.s
Added: trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/i386/chkstk_asm.s
Deleted: trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/i386/debug.S
Added: trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/i386/debug_asm.S
Deleted: trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/i386/except.s
Added: trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/i386/except_asm.s
Deleted: trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/i386/math.S
Added: trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/i386/math_asm.S
Deleted: trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/i386/mem.S
Added: trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/i386/mem_asm.S
Deleted: trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/i386/random.S
Added: trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/i386/random_asm.S
Modified: trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/rtl.xml

Deleted: trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/i386/chkstk.s
--- trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/i386/chkstk.s	2005-10-27 19:03:58 UTC (rev 18794)
+++ trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/i386/chkstk.s	2005-10-27 19:13:52 UTC (rev 18795)
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id$
- *
- * COPYRIGHT:         See COPYING in the top level directory
- * PROJECT:           ReactOS kernel
- * PURPOSE:           Stack checker
- * FILE:              lib/ntdll/rtl/i386/chkstk.s
- * PROGRAMER:         KJK::Hyperion <>
- */
-.globl __chkstk
-.globl __alloca_probe
- _chkstk() is called by all stack allocations of more than 4 KB. It grows the
- stack in areas of 4 KB each, trying to access each area. This ensures that the
- guard page for the stack is hit, and the stack growing triggered
- */
-/* EAX = size to be allocated */
-/* save the ECX register */
- pushl %ecx
-/* ECX = top of the previous stack frame */
- leal 8(%esp), %ecx
-/* probe the desired memory, page by page */
- cmpl $0x1000, %eax
- jge .l_MoreThanAPage
- jmp .l_LessThanAPage
-/* raise the top of the stack by a page and probe */
- subl $0x1000, %ecx
- testl %eax, 0(%ecx)
-/* loop if still more than a page must be probed */
- subl $0x1000, %eax
- cmpl $0x1000, %eax
- jge .l_MoreThanAPage
-/* raise the top of the stack by EAX bytes (size % 4096) and probe */
- subl %eax, %ecx
- testl %eax, 0(%ecx)
-/* EAX = top of the stack */
- movl %esp, %eax
-/* allocate the memory */
- movl %ecx, %esp
-/* restore ECX */
- movl 0(%eax), %ecx
-/* restore the return address */
- movl 4(%eax), %eax
- pushl %eax
-/* return */
- ret
-/* EOF */

Copied: trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/i386/chkstk_asm.s (from rev 18793, trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/i386/chkstk.s)

Deleted: trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/i386/debug.S
--- trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/i386/debug.S	2005-10-27 19:03:58 UTC (rev 18794)
+++ trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/i386/debug.S	2005-10-27 19:13:52 UTC (rev 18795)
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
- * COPYRIGHT:         See COPYING in the top level directory
- * PROJECT:           ReactOS Run-Time Library
- * PURPOSE:           Debug Routines
- * FILE:              lib/rtl/i386/debug.S
- * PROGRAMER:         Alex Ionescu (
- */
-.intel_syntax noprefix
-/* GLOBALS ****************************************************************/
-.globl  _DbgBreakPoint@0
-.globl  _DbgBreakPointWithStatus@4
-.globl  _DbgUserBreakPoint@0
-.globl  _DebugService@20
-/* FUNCTIONS ***************************************************************/
-    int 3
-    ret
-    mov eax, [esp+4]
-    int 3
-    ret 4
-    /* Setup the stack */
-    push ebp
-    mov ebp, esp
-    /* Save the registers */
-    push ecx
-    push ebx
-    push edi
-    push edi
-    push ebx
-    /* Call the Interrupt */
-    mov eax, [ebp+8]
-    mov ecx, [ebp+12]
-    mov edx, [ebp+16]
-    mov ebx, [ebp+20]
-    mov edi, [ebp+24]
-    int 0x2D
-    //int 3
-    /* Restore registers */
-    pop ebx
-    pop edi
-    pop edi
-    pop ebx
-    /* Return */
-    leave
-    ret 20

Copied: trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/i386/debug_asm.S (from rev 18793, trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/i386/debug.S)

Deleted: trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/i386/except.s
--- trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/i386/except.s	2005-10-27 19:03:58 UTC (rev 18794)
+++ trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/i386/except.s	2005-10-27 19:13:52 UTC (rev 18795)
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
- * COPYRIGHT:       See COPYING in the top level directory
- * PROJECT:         ReactOS NT Library
- * FILE:            lib/rtl/i386/except.S
- * PURPOSE:         User-mode exception support for IA-32
- * PROGRAMMERS:     Alex Ionescu (
- *                  Casper S. Hornstrup (
- */
-/* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/
-#include <ndk/asm.h>
-#include <ndk/i386/segment.h>
-.intel_syntax noprefix
-#define EXCEPTION_UNWINDING         2
-#define EXCEPTION_EXIT_UNWIND       4
-#define ExceptionContinueExecution  0
-#define ExceptionContinueSearch     1
-#define ExceptionNestedException    2
-#define ExceptionCollidedUnwind     3
-/* FUNCTIONS ****************************************************************/
-.globl _RtlpGetExceptionList@0
-    /* Return the exception list */
-    mov eax, [fs:TEB_EXCEPTION_LIST]
-    ret
-.globl _RtlpSetExceptionList@4
-    /* Get the new list */
-    mov ecx, [esp+4]
-    mov ecx, [ecx]
-    /* Write it */
-    mov [fs:TEB_EXCEPTION_LIST], ecx
-    /* Return */
-    ret 4
-.globl _RtlpGetExceptionAddress@0
-    /* Return the address from the stack */
-    mov eax, [ebp+4]
-    /* Return */
-    ret
-.globl _RtlCaptureContext@4
-    /* Preserve EBX and put the context in it */
-    push ebx
-    mov ebx, [esp+8]
-    /* Save the basic register context */
-    mov [ebx+CONTEXT_EAX], eax
-    mov [ebx+CONTEXT_ECX], ecx
-    mov [ebx+CONTEXT_EDX], edx
-    mov eax, [esp]              /* We pushed EBX, remember? ;) */
-    mov [ebx+CONTEXT_EBX], eax
-    mov [ebx+CONTEXT_ESI], esi
-    mov [ebx+CONTEXT_EDI], edi
-    /* Capture the other regs */
-    jmp CaptureRest
-.globl _RtlpCaptureContext@4
-    /* Preserve EBX and put the context in it */
-    push ebx
-    mov ebx, [esp+8]
-    /* Clear the basic register context */
-    mov dword ptr [ebx+CONTEXT_EAX], 0
-    mov dword ptr [ebx+CONTEXT_ECX], 0
-    mov dword ptr [ebx+CONTEXT_EDX], 0
-    mov dword ptr [ebx+CONTEXT_EBX], 0
-    mov dword ptr [ebx+CONTEXT_ESI], 0
-    mov dword ptr [ebx+CONTEXT_EDI], 0
-    /* Capture the segment registers */
-    mov [ebx+CONTEXT_SEGCS], cs
-    mov [ebx+CONTEXT_SEGDS], ds
-    mov [ebx+CONTEXT_SEGES], es
-    mov [ebx+CONTEXT_SEGFS], fs
-    mov [ebx+CONTEXT_SEGGS], gs
-    mov [ebx+CONTEXT_SEGSS], ss
-    /* Capture flags */
-    pushfd
-    pop [ebx+CONTEXT_EFLAGS]
-    /* The return address should be in [ebp+4] */
-    mov eax, [ebp+4]
-    mov [ebx+CONTEXT_EIP], eax
-    /* Get EBP */
-    mov eax, [ebp+0]
-    mov [ebx+CONTEXT_EBP], eax
-    /* And get ESP */
-    lea eax, [ebp+8]
-    mov [ebx+CONTEXT_ESP], eax
-    /* Return to the caller */
-    pop ebx
-    ret 4
-.globl _RtlpExecuteHandlerForException@20
-    /* Copy the routine in EDX */
-    mov edx, offset _RtlpExceptionProtector
-    /* Jump to common routine */
-    jmp _RtlpExecuteHandler@20
-.globl _RtlpExecuteHandlerForUnwind@20
-    /* Copy the routine in EDX */
-    mov edx, offset _RtlpExceptionProtector
-    /* Run the common routine */
-    /* Save non-volatile */
-    push ebx
-    push esi
-    push edi
-    /* Clear registers */
-    xor eax, eax
-    xor ebx, ebx
-    xor esi, esi
-    xor edi, edi
-    /* Call the 2nd-stage executer */
-    push [esp+0x20]
-    push [esp+0x20]
-    push [esp+0x20]
-    push [esp+0x20]
-    push [esp+0x20]
-    call _RtlpExecuteHandler2@20
-    /* Restore non-volatile */
-    pop edi
-    pop esi
-    pop ebx
-    ret 0x14
-.globl _RtlpExecuteHandler2@20
-    /* Set up stack frame */
-    push ebp
-    mov ebp, esp
-    /* Save the Frame */
-    push [ebp+0xC]
-    /* Push handler address */
-    push edx
-    /* Push the exception list */
-    push [fs:TEB_EXCEPTION_LIST]
-    /* Link us to it */
-    mov [fs:TEB_EXCEPTION_LIST], esp
-    /* Call the handler */
-    push [ebp+0x14]
-    push [ebp+0x10]
-    push [ebp+0xC]
-    push [ebp+8]
-    mov ecx, [ebp+0x18]
-    call ecx
-    /* Unlink us */
-    mov esp, [fs:TEB_EXCEPTION_LIST]
-    /* Restore it */
-    pop [fs:TEB_EXCEPTION_LIST]
-    /* Undo stack frame and return */
-    mov esp, ebp
-    pop ebp
-    ret 0x14
-    /* Assume we'll continue */
-    mov eax, ExceptionContinueSearch
-    /* Put the exception record in ECX and check the Flags */
-    mov ecx, [esp+4]
-    jnz return
-    /* Save the frame in ECX and Context in EDX */
-    mov ecx, [esp+8]
-    mov edx, [esp+16]
-    /* Get the nested frame */
-    mov eax, [ecx+8]
-    /* Set it as the dispatcher context */
-    mov [edx], eax
-    /* Return nested exception */
-    mov eax, ExceptionNestedException
-    ret 16
-    /* Assume we'll continue */
-    mov eax, ExceptionContinueSearch
-    /* Put the exception record in ECX and check the Flags */
-    mov ecx, [esp+4]
-    jnz .return
-    /* Save the frame in ECX and Context in EDX */
-    mov ecx, [esp+8]
-    mov edx, [esp+16]
-    /* Get the nested frame */
-    mov eax, [ecx+8]
-    /* Set it as the dispatcher context */
-    mov [edx], eax
-    /* Return collided unwind */
-    mov eax, ExceptionCollidedUnwind
-    ret 16

Copied: trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/i386/except_asm.s (from rev 18793, trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/i386/except.s)

Deleted: trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/i386/math.S
--- trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/i386/math.S	2005-10-27 19:03:58 UTC (rev 18794)
+++ trunk/reactos/lib/rtl/i386/math.S	2005-10-27 19:13:52 UTC (rev 18795)
@@ -1,631 +0,0 @@
- * COPYRIGHT:         See COPYING in the top level directory
- * PROJECT:           ReactOS kernel
- * PURPOSE:           Run-Time Library
- * FILE:              lib/rtl/i386/math.S
- * PROGRAMER:         Alex Ionescu (
- *                    Eric Kohl (
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2002 Michael Ringgaard.
- * All rights reserved. 
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.  
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.  
- * 3. Neither the name of the project nor the names of its contributors
- *    may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
- *    without specific prior written permission. 
- */
-/* GLOBALS ****************************************************************/
-.globl __ftol
-.globl __aullshr
-.globl __allrem
-.globl __aulldiv
-.globl __allshr
-.globl __allshl
-.globl __aullrem
-.globl __allmul
-.globl __alldiv
-.globl __aulldvrm
-.globl __alldvrm
-/* FUNCTIONS ***************************************************************/
- * long long
- * __alldiv(long long Dividend, long long Divisor);
- *
- * Parameters:
- *   [ESP+04h] - long long Dividend
- *   [ESP+0Ch] - long long Divisor
- * Registers:
- *   Unknown
- * Returns:
- *   EDX:EAX - long long quotient (Dividend/Divisor)
- * Notes:
- *   Routine removes the arguments from the stack.
- */
-	call	___divdi3
-	ret		$0x10
- * long long
- * __allmul(long long Multiplier, long long Multiplicand);
- *
- * Parameters:
- *   [ESP+04h] - long long Multiplier
- *   [ESP+0Ch] - long long Multiplicand
- * Registers:
- *   Unknown
- * Returns:
- *   EDX:EAX - long long product (Multiplier*Multiplicand)
- * Notes:
- *   Routine removes the arguments from the stack.
- */
-	pushl	%ebp
-	movl	%esp, %ebp
-	pushl	%edi
-	pushl	%esi
-	pushl	%ebx
-	subl	$12, %esp
-	movl	16(%ebp), %ebx
-	movl	8(%ebp), %eax
-	mull	%ebx
-	movl	20(%ebp), %ecx
-	movl	%eax, -24(%ebp)
-	movl	8(%ebp), %eax
-	movl	%edx, %esi
-	imull	%ecx, %eax
-	addl	%eax, %esi
-	movl	12(%ebp), %eax
-	imull	%eax, %ebx
-	leal	(%ebx,%esi), %eax
-	movl	%eax, -20(%ebp)
-	movl	-24(%ebp), %eax
-	movl	-20(%ebp), %edx
-	addl	$12, %esp
-	popl	%ebx
-	popl	%esi
-	popl	%edi
-	popl	%ebp
-	ret		$0x10
- * unsigned long long
- * __aullrem(unsigned long long Dividend, unsigned long long Divisor);
- *
- * Parameters:
- *   [ESP+04h] - unsigned long long Dividend
- *   [ESP+0Ch] - unsigned long long Divisor
- * Registers:
- *   Unknown
- * Returns:
- *   EDX:EAX - unsigned long long remainder (Dividend%Divisor)
- * Notes:
- *   Routine removes the arguments from the stack.
- */
-	call	___umoddi3
-	ret	$16
- * long long
- * __allshl(long long Value, unsigned char Shift);
- *
- * Parameters:
- *   EDX:EAX - signed long long value to be shifted left
- *   CL      - number of bits to shift by
- * Registers:
- *   Destroys CL
- * Returns:
- *   EDX:EAX - shifted value
- */
-	shldl	%cl, %eax, %edx
-	sall	%cl, %eax
-	andl	$32, %ecx
-	je		1f
-	movl	%eax, %edx
-	xorl	%eax, %eax
-	ret
- * long long
- * __allshr(long long Value, unsigned char Shift);
- *
- * Parameters:
- *   EDX:EAX - signed long long value to be shifted right
- *   CL      - number of bits to shift by
- * Registers:
- *   Destroys CL
- * Returns:
- *   EDX:EAX - shifted value
- */
-	shrdl	%cl, %edx, %eax
-	sarl	%cl, %edx
-	andl	$32, %ecx
-	je		1f
-	movl	%edx, %eax
-	sarl	$31, %edx
-	ret
- * unsigned long long
- * __aulldiv(unsigned long long Dividend, unsigned long long Divisor);
- *
- * Parameters:
- *   [ESP+04h] - unsigned long long Dividend
- *   [ESP+0Ch] - unsigned long long Divisor
- * Registers:
- *   Unknown
- * Returns:
- *   EDX:EAX - unsigned long long quotient (Dividend/Divisor)
- * Notes:
- *   Routine removes the arguments from the stack.
- */
-	call	___udivdi3
-	ret	$16
- * unsigned long long
- * __aullshr(unsigned long long Value, unsigned char Shift);
- *
- * Parameters:
- *   EDX:EAX - unsigned long long value to be shifted right
- *   CL      - number of bits to shift by
- * Registers:
- *   Destroys CL
- * Returns:
- *   EDX:EAX - shifted value
- */
-	shrdl	%cl, %edx, %eax
-	shrl	%cl, %edx
-	andl	$32, %ecx
-	je		1f
-	movl	%edx, %eax
-	ret
- * long long
- * __allrem(long long Dividend, long long Divisor);
- *
- * Parameters:
- *   [ESP+04h] - long long Dividend
- *   [ESP+0Ch] - long long Divisor
- * Registers:
- *   Unknown
- * Returns:
- *   EDX:EAX - long long remainder (Dividend/Divisor)
- * Notes:
- *   Routine removes the arguments from the stack.
- */
-	call	___moddi3
-	ret		$16
-.intel_syntax noprefix
- * This routine is called by MSVC-generated code to convert from floating point
- * to integer representation. The floating point number to be converted is
- * on the top of the floating point stack.
- */
-    /* Set up stack frame */
-    push ebp
-    mov ebp, esp
-    /* Set "round towards zero" mode */
-    fstcw [ebp-2]
-    wait
-    mov ax, [ebp-2]
-    or ah, 0xC
-    mov [ebp-4], ax
-    fldcw [ebp-4]
-    /* Do the conversion */
-    fistp qword ptr [ebp-12]
-    /* Restore rounding mode */
-    fldcw [ebp-2]
-    /* Return value */
-    mov eax, [ebp-12]
-    mov edx, [ebp-8]
-    /* Remove stack frame and return*/
-    leave
-    ret
-        push    edi
-        push    esi
-        push    ebp
-// Set up the local stack and save the index registers.  When this is done
-// the stack frame will look as follows (assuming that the expression a/b will
-// generate a call to alldvrm(a, b)):
-//               -----------------
-//               |               |
-//               |---------------|
-//               |               |
-//               |--divisor (b)--|
-//               |               |
-//               |---------------|
-//               |               |
-//               |--dividend (a)-|
-//               |               |
-//               |---------------|
-//               | return addr** |
-//               |---------------|
-//               |      EDI      |
-//               |---------------|
-//               |      ESI      |
-//               |---------------|
-//       ESP---->|      EBP      |
-//               -----------------
-#define DVNDLO  [esp + 16]       // stack address of dividend (a)
-#define DVNDHI  [esp + 20]       // stack address of dividend (a)
-#define DVSRLO  [esp + 24]      // stack address of divisor (b)
-#define DVSRHI  [esp + 28]      // stack address of divisor (b)
-// Determine sign of the quotient (edi = 0 if result is positive, non-zero
-// otherwise) and make operands positive.
-// Sign of the remainder is kept in ebp.
-        xor     edi,edi         // result sign assumed positive
-        xor     ebp,ebp         // result sign assumed positive
-        mov     eax,DVNDHI // hi word of a
-        or      eax,eax         // test to see if signed
-        jge     short L1        // skip rest if a is already positive
-        inc     edi             // complement result sign flag
-        inc     ebp             // complement result sign flag
-        mov     edx,DVNDLO // lo word of a
-        neg     eax             // make a positive
-        neg     edx
-        sbb     eax,0
-        mov     DVNDHI,eax // save positive value
-        mov     DVNDLO,edx
-        mov     eax,DVSRHI // hi word of b
-        or      eax,eax         // test to see if signed
-        jge     short L2        // skip rest if b is already positive
-        inc     edi             // complement the result sign flag
-        mov     edx,DVSRLO // lo word of a
-        neg     eax             // make b positive
-        neg     edx
-        sbb     eax,0
-        mov     DVSRHI,eax // save positive value
-        mov     DVSRLO,edx
-// Now do the divide.  First look to see if the divisor is less than 4194304K.
-// If so, then we can use a simple algorithm with word divides, otherwise
-// things get a little more complex.
-// NOTE - eax currently contains the high order word of DVSR
-        or      eax,eax         // check to see if divisor < 4194304K
-        jnz     short L3        // nope, gotta do this the hard way
-        mov     ecx,DVSRLO // load divisor
-        mov     eax,DVNDHI // load high word of dividend
-        xor     edx,edx
-        div     ecx             // eax <- high order bits of quotient
-        mov     ebx,eax         // save high bits of quotient
-        mov     eax,DVNDLO // edx:eax <- remainder:lo word of dividend
-        div     ecx             // eax <- low order bits of quotient
-        mov     esi,eax         // ebx:esi <- quotient
-// Now we need to do a multiply so that we can compute the remainder.
-        mov     eax,ebx         // set up high word of quotient
-        mul     dword ptr DVSRLO // HIWORD(QUOT) * DVSR
-        mov     ecx,eax         // save the result in ecx
-        mov     eax,esi         // set up low word of quotient
-        mul     dword ptr DVSRLO // LOWORD(QUOT) * DVSR
-        add     edx,ecx         // EDX:EAX = QUOT * DVSR
-        jmp     short L4        // complete remainder calculation
-// Here we do it the hard way.  Remember, eax contains the high word of DVSR
-        mov     ebx,eax         // ebx:ecx <- divisor
-        mov     ecx,DVSRLO
-        mov     edx,DVNDHI // edx:eax <- dividend
-        mov     eax,DVNDLO
-        shr     ebx,1           // shift divisor right one bit
-        rcr     ecx,1
-        shr     edx,1           // shift dividend right one bit
-        rcr     eax,1
-        or      ebx,ebx
-        jnz     short L5        // loop until divisor < 4194304K
-        div     ecx             // now divide, ignore remainder
-        mov     esi,eax         // save quotient
-// We may be off by one, so to check, we will multiply the quotient
-// by the divisor and check the result against the orignal dividend
-// Note that we must also check for overflow, which can occur if the
-// dividend is close to 2**64 and the quotient is off by 1.
-        mul     dword ptr DVSRHI // QUOT * DVSRHI
-        mov     ecx,eax
-        mov     eax,DVSRLO
-        mul     esi             // QUOT * DVSRLO
-        add     edx,ecx         // EDX:EAX = QUOT * DVSR
-        jc      short L6        // carry means Quotient is off by 1
-// do long compare here between original dividend and the result of the
-// multiply in edx:eax.  If original is larger or equal, we are ok, otherwise
-// subtract one (1) from the quotient.
-        cmp     edx,DVNDHI // compare hi words of result and original
-        ja      short L6        // if result > original, do subtract
-        jb      short L7        // if result < original, we are ok
-        cmp     eax,DVNDLO // hi words are equal, compare lo words
-        jbe     short L7        // if less or equal we are ok, else subtract
-        dec     esi             // subtract 1 from quotient
-        sub     eax,DVSRLO // subtract divisor from result
-        sbb     edx,DVSRHI
-        xor     ebx,ebx         // ebx:esi <- quotient
-// Calculate remainder by subtracting the result from the original dividend.
-// Since the result is already in a register, we will do the subtract in the
-// opposite direction and negate the result if necessary.
-        sub     eax,DVNDLO // subtract dividend from result
-        sbb     edx,DVNDHI
-// Now check the result sign flag to see if the result is supposed to be positive
-// or negative.  It is currently negated (because we subtracted in the 'wrong'
-// direction), so if the sign flag is set we are done, otherwise we must negate
-// the result to make it positive again.
-        dec     ebp             // check result sign flag
-        jns     short L9        // result is ok, set up the quotient
-        neg     edx             // otherwise, negate the result
-        neg     eax
-        sbb     edx,0
-// Now we need to get the quotient into edx:eax and the remainder into ebx:ecx.
-        mov     ecx,edx
-        mov     edx,ebx
-        mov     ebx,ecx
-        mov     ecx,eax
-        mov     eax,esi
-// Just the cleanup left to do.  edx:eax contains the quotient.  Set the sign
-// according to the save value, cleanup the stack, and return.
-        dec     edi             // check to see if result is negative
-        jnz     short L8        // if EDI == 0, result should be negative
-        neg     edx             // otherwise, negate the result
-        neg     eax
-        sbb     edx,0
-// Restore the saved registers and return.
-        pop     ebp
-        pop     esi
-        pop     edi
-        ret     16
-// ulldvrm - unsigned long divide and remainder
-// Purpose:
-//       Does a unsigned long divide and remainder of the arguments.  Arguments
-//       are not changed.
-// Entry:
-//       Arguments are passed on the stack:
-//               1st pushed: divisor (QWORD)
-//               2nd pushed: dividend (QWORD)
-// Exit:
-//       EDX:EAX contains the quotient (dividend/divisor)
-//       EBX:ECX contains the remainder (divided % divisor)
-//       NOTE: this routine removes the parameters from the stack.
-// Uses:
-//       ECX
-        push    esi
-// Set up the local stack and save the index registers.  When this is done
-// the stack frame will look as follows (assuming that the expression a/b will
-// generate a call to aulldvrm(a, b)):
-//               -----------------
-//               |               |
-//               |---------------|
-//               |               |
-//               |--divisor (b)--|
-//               |               |
-//               |---------------|
-//               |               |
-//               |--dividend (a)-|
-//               |               |
-//               |---------------|
-//               | return addr** |
-//               |---------------|
-//       ESP---->|      ESI      |
-//               -----------------
-#undef DVNDLO
-#undef DVNDHI
-#undef DVSRLO
-#undef DVSRHI
-#define DVNDLO  [esp + 8]       // stack address of dividend (a)
-#define DVNDHI  [esp + 8]       // stack address of dividend (a)
-#define DVSRLO  [esp + 16]      // stack address of divisor (b)
-#define DVSRHI  [esp + 20]      // stack address of divisor (b)
-// Now do the divide.  First look to see if the divisor is less than 4194304K.
-// If so, then we can use a simple algorithm with word divides, otherwise
-// things get a little more complex.
-        mov     eax,DVSRHI // check to see if divisor < 4194304K
-        or      eax,eax
-        jnz     short .L1        // nope, gotta do this the hard way
-        mov     ecx,DVSRLO // load divisor
-        mov     eax,DVNDHI // load high word of dividend
-        xor     edx,edx
-        div     ecx             // get high order bits of quotient
-        mov     ebx,eax         // save high bits of quotient
-        mov     eax,DVNDLO // edx:eax <- remainder:lo word of dividend
-        div     ecx             // get low order bits of quotient
-        mov     esi,eax         // ebx:esi <- quotient
-// Now we need to do a multiply so that we can compute the remainder.
-        mov     eax,ebx         // set up high word of quotient
-        mul     dword ptr DVSRLO // HIWORD(QUOT) * DVSR
-        mov     ecx,eax         // save the result in ecx
-        mov     eax,esi         // set up low word of quotient
-        mul     dword ptr DVSRLO // LOWORD(QUOT) * DVSR
-        add     edx,ecx         // EDX:EAX = QUOT * DVSR
-        jmp     short .L2        // complete remainder calculation
-// Here we do it the hard way.  Remember, eax contains DVSRHI
-        mov     ecx,eax         // ecx:ebx <- divisor
-        mov     ebx,DVSRLO
-        mov     edx,DVNDHI // edx:eax <- dividend
-        mov     eax,DVNDLO
-        shr     ecx,1           // shift divisor right one bit// hi bit <- 0
-        rcr     ebx,1
-        shr     edx,1           // shift dividend right one bit// hi bit <- 0
-        rcr     eax,1
-        or      ecx,ecx
-        jnz     short .L3        // loop until divisor < 4194304K
-        div     ebx             // now divide, ignore remainder
-        mov     esi,eax         // save quotient
-// We may be off by one, so to check, we will multiply the quotient
-// by the divisor and check the result against the orignal dividend
-// Note that we must also check for overflow, which can occur if the
-// dividend is close to 2**64 and the quotient is off by 1.
-        mul     dword ptr DVSRHI // QUOT * DVSRHI
-        mov     ecx,eax
-        mov     eax,DVSRLO
-        mul     esi             // QUOT * DVSRLO
-        add     edx,ecx         // EDX:EAX = QUOT * DVSR
-        jc      short .L4        // carry means Quotient is off by 1
-// do long compare here between original dividend and the result of the
-// multiply in edx:eax.  If original is larger or equal, we are ok, otherwise
-// subtract one (1) from the quotient.
-        cmp     edx,DVNDHI // compare hi words of result and original
-        ja      short .L4        // if result > original, do subtract
-        jb      short .L5        // if result < original, we are ok
-        cmp     eax,DVNDLO // hi words are equal, compare lo words
-        jbe     short .L5        // if less or equal we are ok, else subtract
-        dec     esi             // subtract 1 from quotient
-        sub     eax,DVSRLO // subtract divisor from result
-        sbb     edx,DVSRHI
-        xor     ebx,ebx         // ebx:esi <- quotient
[truncated at 1000 lines; 460 more skipped]