Remove all hardcode string to En.rc 
from free.c, goto.c, if.c label.c
Modified: trunk/reactos/subsys/system/cmd/En.rc
Modified: trunk/reactos/subsys/system/cmd/free.c
Modified: trunk/reactos/subsys/system/cmd/goto.c
Modified: trunk/reactos/subsys/system/cmd/if.c
Modified: trunk/reactos/subsys/system/cmd/label.c
Modified: trunk/reactos/subsys/system/cmd/resource.h

Modified: trunk/reactos/subsys/system/cmd/En.rc
--- trunk/reactos/subsys/system/cmd/En.rc	2005-04-28 20:26:06 UTC (rev 14849)
+++ trunk/reactos/subsys/system/cmd/En.rc	2005-04-28 21:17:07 UTC (rev 14850)
@@ -239,7 +239,42 @@
 To user the FOR comamnd in a batch program, specify %%variable instead of\n \
+STRING_FREE_HELP1, "\n Volume in drive %s is %-11s   Serial number is %s\n \
+  %16s bytes total disk space\n \
+  %16s bytes used\n \
+  %16s bytes free\n"
+STRING_FREE_HELP2, "Displays drive information.\n\nFREE [drive: ...]"
+STRING_IF_HELP1, "Performs conditional processing in batch programs.\n\n \
+  IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL number command\n \
+  IF [NOT] string1==string2 command\n \
+  IF [NOT] EXIST filename command\n \
+  IF [NOT] DEFINED variable command\n\n \
+NOT               Specifies that CMD should carry out the command only if\n \
+                  the condition is false\n \
+ERRORLEVEL number Specifies a true condition if the last program run returned\n \
+                  an exit code equal or greater than the number specified.\n \
+command           Specifies the command to carry out if the condition is met.\n \
+string1==string2  Specifies a true condition if the specified text strings\n \
+                  match.\n \
+EXIST filename    Specifies a true condition if the specified filename exists.\n \
+DEFINED variable  Specifies a true condition if the specified variable is\n \
+                  defined."
+STRING_GOTO_HELP1,  "Directs CMD to a labeled line in a batch script.\n\n \
+GOTO label\n\n \
+  label  Specifies a text string used in a batch script as a label.\n\n \
+You type a label on a line by itself, beginning with a colon."
+STRING_LABEL_HELP1, "Displays or changes drive label.\n\nLABEL [drive:][label]"
+STRING_LABEL_HELP2, "Volume in drive %c: is %s\n"
+STRING_LABEL_HELP3, "Volume in drive %c: has no label\n"
+STRING_LABEL_HELP4, "Volume Serial Number is %04X-%04X\n"
+STRING_LABEL_HELP5, "Drive label (11 Characters, ENTER if none)? "
 STRING_MKDIR_HELP,   "Creates a directory.\n\n \
 MKDIR [drive:]path\nMD [drive:]path"
@@ -293,16 +328,17 @@
 STRING_DEL_ERROR8,           "No Wildcards!\n"
 STRING_ERROR_ERROR1,         "Unknown error! Error code: 0x%lx\n"
 STRING_ERROR_ERROR2,         "Syntax error"
-STRING_FOR_ERROR1, "'in' missing in for statement."
-STRING_FOR_ERROR2, "no brackets found."
-STRING_FOR_ERROR3, "'do' missing." 
-STRING_FOR_ERROR4, "no command after 'do'." 
-STRING_FREE_ERROR1, "Invalid drive"
-STRING_FREE_ERROR2, "unlabeled"
+STRING_FOR_ERROR1,           "'in' missing in for statement."
+STRING_FOR_ERROR2,           "no brackets found."
+STRING_FOR_ERROR3,           "'do' missing." 
+STRING_FOR_ERROR4,           "no command after 'do'." 
+STRING_FREE_ERROR1,          "Invalid drive"
+STRING_FREE_ERROR2,          "unlabeled"
+STRING_GOTO_ERROR1,          "No label specified for GOTO"
+STRING_GOTO_ERROR2,          "Label '%s' not found\n"
 STRING_PARAM_ERROR,          "Required parameter missing\n"
 STRING_ERROR_PARAMETERF_ERROR,	   "Parameter format not correct - %c\n"
 STRING_ERROR_INVALID_SWITCH,       "Invalid switch - /%c\n"
 STRING_ERROR_TOO_MANY_PARAMETERS,  "Too many parameters - %s\n"

Modified: trunk/reactos/subsys/system/cmd/free.c
--- trunk/reactos/subsys/system/cmd/free.c	2005-04-28 20:26:06 UTC (rev 14849)
+++ trunk/reactos/subsys/system/cmd/free.c	2005-04-28 21:17:07 UTC (rev 14850)
@@ -6,9 +6,13 @@
  *    01-Sep-1999 (Eric Kohl)
  *        Started.
+ *
+ *    28-Apr-2005 (Magnus Olsen) <>)
+ *        Remove all hardcode string to En.rc  
 #include "precomp.h"
+#include "resource.h"
@@ -67,10 +71,14 @@
 	DWORD dwBytPerSec;
 	DWORD dwFreeCl;
 	DWORD dwTotCl;
 	if (_tcslen (szDisk) < 2 || szDisk[1] != _T(':'))
-		ConErrPrintf (_T("Invalid drive %s\n"), szDisk);
+		LoadString( GetModuleHandle(NULL), STRING_FREE_ERROR1, (LPTSTR) szMsg,sizeof(szMsg));
+        ConErrPrintf ((LPTSTR)szMsg);	
@@ -80,12 +88,17 @@
 	if (!GetVolumeInformation (szRootPath, szVolume, 64, &dwSerial,
 	                           NULL, NULL, NULL, 0))
-		ConErrPrintf (_T("Invalid drive %s:\n"), szDrive);
+		LoadString( GetModuleHandle(NULL), STRING_FREE_ERROR1, (LPTSTR) szMsg,sizeof(szMsg));        
+		ConErrPrintf (_T("%s %s:\n"),(LPTSTR)szMsg, szDrive);
 	if (szVolume[0] == _T('\0'))
-		_tcscpy (szVolume, _T("unlabeled"));
+	{
+		LoadString( GetModuleHandle(NULL), STRING_FREE_ERROR2, (LPTSTR) szMsg,sizeof(szMsg));        
+		_tcscpy (szVolume,  (LPTSTR) szMsg);
+	}
 	_stprintf (szSerial,
@@ -95,7 +108,8 @@
 	if (!GetDiskFreeSpace (szRootPath, &dwSecPerCl,
 	                       &dwBytPerSec, &dwFreeCl, &dwTotCl))
-		ConErrPrintf (_T("Invalid drive %s:\n"), szDrive);
+		LoadString( GetModuleHandle(NULL), STRING_FREE_ERROR1, (LPTSTR) szMsg,sizeof(szMsg));        
+		ConErrPrintf (_T("%s %s:\n"),(LPTSTR)szMsg, szDrive);		
@@ -108,13 +122,9 @@
 	uliSize.QuadPart = dwSecPerCl * dwBytPerSec * dwFreeCl;
 	ConvertULargeInteger (uliSize, szFree, 40);
-	ConOutPrintf (_T("\n"
-	                 " Volume in drive %s is %-11s   Serial number is %s\n"
-	                 "  %16s bytes total disk space\n"
-	                 "  %16s bytes used\n"
-	                 "  %16s bytes free\n"),
-	              szDrive, szVolume, szSerial,
-	              szTotal, szUsed, szFree);
+	LoadString( GetModuleHandle(NULL), STRING_FREE_HELP1, (LPTSTR) szMsg,sizeof(szMsg));
+    ConOutPrintf ((LPTSTR)szMsg,szDrive, szVolume, szSerial,szTotal, szUsed, szFree);
@@ -124,12 +134,13 @@
 	TCHAR  szDefPath[MAX_PATH];
 	INT argc, i;
 	LPTSTR *arg;
 	if (!_tcsncmp (param, _T("/?"), 2))
-		ConOutPuts (_T("Displays drive information.\n"
-		               "\n"
-		               "FREE [drive: ...]"));
+		LoadString( GetModuleHandle(NULL), STRING_FREE_HELP2, (LPTSTR) szMsg,sizeof(szMsg));
+        ConOutPuts ((LPTSTR)szMsg);
 		return 0;

Modified: trunk/reactos/subsys/system/cmd/goto.c
--- trunk/reactos/subsys/system/cmd/goto.c	2005-04-28 20:26:06 UTC (rev 14849)
+++ trunk/reactos/subsys/system/cmd/goto.c	2005-04-28 21:17:07 UTC (rev 14850)
@@ -21,9 +21,13 @@
  *    27-Jan-1999 (Eric Kohl <>)
  *        Added help text ("/?").
+ *
+ *    28-Apr-2005 (Magnus Olsen) <>)
+ *        Remove all hardcode string to En.rc  
 #include "precomp.h"
+#include "resource.h"
@@ -37,6 +41,7 @@
 	LPTSTR tmp;
 	LONG   lNewPosHigh;
 #ifdef _DEBUG
 	DebugPrintf (_T("cmd_goto (\'%s\', \'%s\'\n"), cmd, param);
@@ -44,13 +49,9 @@
 	if (!_tcsncmp (param, _T("/?"), 2))
-		ConOutPuts (_T("Directs CMD to a labeled line in a batch script.\n"
-					   "\n"
-					   "GOTO label\n"
-					   "\n"
-					   "  label  Specifies a text string used in a batch script as a label.\n"
-					   "\n"
-					   "You type a label on a line by itself, beginning with a colon."));
+		LoadString( GetModuleHandle(NULL), STRING_GOTO_HELP1, (LPTSTR) szMsg,sizeof(szMsg));
+        ConOutPuts ((LPTSTR)szMsg);	
 		return 0;
@@ -62,7 +63,9 @@
 	if (*param == _T('\0'))
-		ExitBatch (_T("No label specified for GOTO\n"));
+		LoadString( GetModuleHandle(NULL), STRING_GOTO_ERROR1, (LPTSTR) szMsg,sizeof(szMsg));
+		ExitBatch ((LPTSTR)szMsg);
 		return 1;
@@ -94,7 +97,8 @@
 			return 0;
-	ConErrPrintf (_T("Label '%s' not found\n"), param);
+	LoadString( GetModuleHandle(NULL), STRING_GOTO_ERROR2, (LPTSTR) szMsg,sizeof(szMsg));
+    ConErrPrintf ((LPTSTR)szMsg,param);		
 	ExitBatch (NULL);
 	return 1;

Modified: trunk/reactos/subsys/system/cmd/if.c
--- trunk/reactos/subsys/system/cmd/if.c	2005-04-28 20:26:06 UTC (rev 14849)
+++ trunk/reactos/subsys/system/cmd/if.c	2005-04-28 21:17:07 UTC (rev 14850)
@@ -24,9 +24,14 @@
  *    17-Feb-2001 (ea)
  *        IF DEFINED variable command
+ *
+ *    28-Apr-2005 (Magnus Olsen) <>)
+ *        Remove all hardcode string to En.rc  
+ *
 #include "precomp.h"
+#include "resource.h"
 #define X_EXEC 1
@@ -36,6 +41,7 @@
 	INT x_flag = 0; /* when set cause 'then' clause to be executed */
 	LPTSTR pp;
 #ifdef _DEBUG
 	DebugPrintf (_T("cmd_if: (\'%S\', \'%S\')\n"), cmd, param);
@@ -43,23 +49,8 @@
 	if (!_tcsncmp (param, _T("/?"), 2))
-		ConOutPuts (_T("Performs conditional processing in batch programs.\n"
-		               "\n"
-		               "  IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL number command\n"
-		               "  IF [NOT] string1==string2 command\n"
-		               "  IF [NOT] EXIST filename command\n"
-			       "  IF [NOT] DEFINED variable command\n"
-		               "\n"
-		               "NOT               Specifies that CMD should carry out the command only if\n"
-		               "                  the condition is false\n"
-		               "ERRORLEVEL number Specifies a true condition if the last program run returned\n"
-		               "                  an exit code equal or greater than the number specified.\n"
-		               "command           Specifies the command to carry out if the condition is met.\n"
-		               "string1==string2  Specifies a true condition if the specified text strings\n"
-		               "                  match.\n"
-		               "EXIST filename    Specifies a true condition if the specified filename exists.\n"
-			       "DEFINED variable  Specifies a true condition if the specified variable is\n"
-			       "                  defined."));
+		LoadString( GetModuleHandle(NULL), STRING_IF_HELP1, (LPTSTR) szMsg,sizeof(szMsg));
+        ConOutPuts((LPTSTR)szMsg);
 		return 0;

Modified: trunk/reactos/subsys/system/cmd/label.c
--- trunk/reactos/subsys/system/cmd/label.c	2005-04-28 20:26:06 UTC (rev 14849)
+++ trunk/reactos/subsys/system/cmd/label.c	2005-04-28 21:17:07 UTC (rev 14850)
@@ -12,9 +12,13 @@
  *    19-Jan-1998 (Eric Kohl <>)
  *        Unicode ready!
+ *
+ *    28-Apr-2005 (Magnus Olsen) <>)
+ *        Remove all hardcode string to En.rc  
 #include "precomp.h"
+#include "resource.h"
@@ -27,6 +31,7 @@
 	DWORD  dwSerialNr;
 	LPTSTR *arg;
 	INT    args;
 	/* set empty label string */
 	szLabel[0] = _T('\0');
@@ -34,8 +39,9 @@
 	/* print help */
 	if (!_tcsncmp (param, _T("/?"), 2))
-		ConOutPuts (_T("Displays or changes drive label.\n\n"
-					   "LABEL [drive:][label]"));
+		LoadString( GetModuleHandle(NULL), STRING_LABEL_HELP1, (LPTSTR) szMsg,sizeof(szMsg));
+        ConOutPrintf ((LPTSTR)szMsg);	
 		return 0;
@@ -85,21 +91,29 @@
 	GetVolumeInformation (szRootPath, szOldLabel, 80, &dwSerialNr,
 						  NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
-	/* print drive info */
-	ConOutPrintf (_T("Volume in drive %c:"), _totupper (szRootPath[0]));
+	/* print drive info */	
 	if (szOldLabel[0] != _T('\0'))
-		ConOutPrintf (_T(" is %s\n"), szOldLabel);
+	{
+		LoadString( GetModuleHandle(NULL), STRING_LABEL_HELP2, (LPTSTR) szMsg,sizeof(szMsg));
+	    ConOutPrintf ((LPTSTR) szMsg, _totupper (szRootPath[0]), szOldLabel);
+	}
-		ConOutPrintf (_T(" has no label\n"));
+	{
+		LoadString( GetModuleHandle(NULL), STRING_LABEL_HELP3, (LPTSTR) szMsg,sizeof(szMsg));
+		ConOutPrintf ((LPTSTR) szMsg, _totupper (szRootPath[0]));
+	}
 	/* print the volume serial number */
-	ConOutPrintf (_T("Volume Serial Number is %04X-%04X\n"),
-				  HIWORD(dwSerialNr), LOWORD(dwSerialNr));
+	LoadString( GetModuleHandle(NULL), STRING_LABEL_HELP4, (LPTSTR) szMsg,sizeof(szMsg));
+    ConOutPrintf ((LPTSTR)szMsg, HIWORD(dwSerialNr), LOWORD(dwSerialNr));
 	if (szLabel[0] == _T('\0'))
-		ConOutPrintf (_T("Drive label (11 Characters, ENTER if none)? "));
+		LoadString( GetModuleHandle(NULL), STRING_LABEL_HELP5, (LPTSTR) szMsg,sizeof(szMsg));
+        ConOutPrintf ((LPTSTR)szMsg);
 		ConInString (szLabel, 80);

Modified: trunk/reactos/subsys/system/cmd/resource.h
--- trunk/reactos/subsys/system/cmd/resource.h	2005-04-28 20:26:06 UTC (rev 14849)
+++ trunk/reactos/subsys/system/cmd/resource.h	2005-04-28 21:17:07 UTC (rev 14850)
@@ -59,7 +59,9 @@
 #define STRING_FOR_ERROR4                  337
 #define STRING_FREE_ERROR1                 338
 #define STRING_FREE_ERROR2                 339
-#define STRING_PARAM_ERROR                 340
+#define STRING_GOTO_ERROR1                 340
+#define STRING_GOTO_ERROR2                 341
+#define STRING_PARAM_ERROR                 342
 #define STRING_ATTRIB_HELP                 600
@@ -115,12 +117,27 @@
 #define STRING_FOR_HELP1                   646
-#define STRING_MKDIR_HELP                  647
-#define STRING_RMDIR_HELP                  648
-#define STRING_REM_HELP                    649
+#define STRING_FREE_HELP1                  647 
+#define STRING_FREE_HELP2                  648
+#define STRING_IF_HELP1                    650
+#define STRING_GOTO_HELP1                  651
+#define STRING_LABEL_HELP1                 652
+#define STRING_LABEL_HELP2                 653
+#define STRING_LABEL_HELP3                 654
+#define STRING_LABEL_HELP4                 655
+#define STRING_LABEL_HELP5                 656
+#define STRING_MKDIR_HELP                  657
+#define STRING_RMDIR_HELP                  658
+#define STRING_REM_HELP                    659