remove old makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/Makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/cmdutils/makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/cmdutils/mode/makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/cmdutils/touch/makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/devutils/gdb2/Makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/devutils/genguid/Makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/devutils/zoomin/makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/dflat32/makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/games/solitaire/makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/games/winemine/Makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/mc/Makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/mc/doc/Makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/mc/edit/Makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/mc/pc/Makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/mc/slang/Makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/mc/src/Makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/mc/vfs/Makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/net/ncftp/makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/net/netreg/makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/net/niclist/makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/notevil/makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/packmgr/cmd-line/makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/packmgr/gui/makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/packmgr/lib/makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/packmgr/makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/sysutils/ctm/Makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/sysutils/kill/makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/sysutils/makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/sysutils/man/makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/sysutils/regexpl/Makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/sysutils/tcat/makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/sysutils/tlist/Makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/templates/dialog/makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/templates/mdi/makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/welcome/makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/winfile/Makefile

Deleted: trunk/rosapps/Makefile
--- trunk/rosapps/Makefile	2005-06-15 17:19:52 UTC (rev 15920)
+++ trunk/rosapps/Makefile	2005-06-15 17:37:14 UTC (rev 15921)
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-# Global makefile for the ROSAPPS package
-include rules.mak
-# Available applications
-APPS = cmdutils \
-	cmdutils$(SEP)mode \
-    	cmdutils$(SEP)touch \
-	demos$(SEP)maze \
-    	devutils$(SEP)genguid \
-    	devutils$(SEP)zoomin \
-	dflat32 \
-    	games$(SEP)winemine \
-	games$(SEP)solitaire \
-	mc \
-	notevil \
-	packmgr$(SEP)lib \
-	packmgr$(SEP)cmd-line \
-	packmgr$(SEP)gui \
-	sysutils \
-	sysutils$(SEP)ctm \
-    	sysutils$(SEP)kill \
-    	sysutils$(SEP)tcat \
-	sysutils$(SEP)tlist \
-	net$(SEP)niclist \
-	net$(SEP)ncftp \
-	sysutils$(SEP)regexpl \
-	welcome \
-	winfile
-all: $(APPS)
-.PHONY: all
-.PHONY: implib
-clean: $(APPS:%=%_clean)
-.PHONY: clean
-install: $(APPS:%=%_install)
-.PHONY: install
-floppy: make_floppy_dirs $(APPS:%=%_floppy)
-dist: clean_dist_dir make_dist_dirs $(APPS:%=%_dist)
-.PHONY: dist
-# Applications
-$(APPS): %:
-	$(MAKE)  -C $*
-$(APPS:%=%_clean): %_clean:
-	$(MAKE)  -C $* clean
-$(APPS:%=%_floppy): %_floppy:
-	$(MAKE)  -C $* floppy
-$(APPS:%=%_dist): %_dist:
-	$(MAKE)  -C $* dist
-$(APPS:%=%_install): %_install:
-	$(MAKE)  -C $* install
-.PHONY: $(APPS) $(APPS:%=%_clean) $(APPS:%=%_floppy) $(APPS:%=%_dist) $(APPS:%=%_install)
-# Make an install floppy
-#install: all
-#	./ /mnt/hda1
-ifeq ($(DOSCLI),yes)
-	mkdir $(FLOPPY_DIR)\apps
-	mkdir $(FLOPPY_DIR)/apps
-.PHONY: make_floppy_dirs
-# Make a distribution saveset
-ifeq ($(DOSCLI),yes)
-#	$(RM) $(DIST_DIR)\apps\*.*
-#	$(RMDIR) $(DIST_DIR)\apps
-	$(RM) -r $(DIST_DIR)
-ifeq ($(DOSCLI),yes)
-	mkdir $(DIST_DIR)
-	mkdir $(DIST_DIR)\apps
-	mkdir $(DIST_DIR)
-	mkdir $(DIST_DIR)/apps
-#dist: $(TOOLS_PATH)/rcopy$(EXE_POSTFIX) dist_clean dist_dirs \
-#      $(WINE_MODULES:%=%_dist)
-.PHONY: clean_dist_dir make_dist_dirs
-# EOF

Deleted: trunk/rosapps/cmdutils/makefile
--- trunk/rosapps/cmdutils/makefile	2005-06-15 17:19:52 UTC (rev 15920)
+++ trunk/rosapps/cmdutils/makefile	2005-06-15 17:37:14 UTC (rev 15921)
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-#  ReactOS cmdutils makefile
-TARGET=find.exe more.exe sort.exe tee.exe y.exe
-all: $(TARGET)
-CLEAN_FILES = *.o *.exe *.sym *.coff
-find.exe: find.o find.coff
-	$(CC) find.o -lkernel32 -lmsvcrt -o find.exe find.coff
-	$(NM) --numeric-sort find.exe > find.sym
-more.exe: more.o more.coff
-	$(CC) more.o -lkernel32 -lmsvcrt -o more.exe more.coff
-	$(NM) --numeric-sort more.exe > more.sym
-sort.exe: sort.o sort.coff
-	$(CC) sort.o -lkernel32 -lmsvcrt -o sort.exe sort.coff
-	$(NM) --numeric-sort sort.exe > sort.sym
-tee.exe: tee.o tee.coff
-	$(CC) tee.o -lkernel32 -lmsvcrt -o tee.exe tee.coff
-	$(NM) --numeric-sort tee.exe > tee.sym
-y.exe: y.o y.coff
-	$(CC) y.o -lkernel32 -lmsvcrt -o y.exe y.coff
-	$(NM) --numeric-sort y.exe > y.sym
-.phony: install
-clean: $(CLEAN_FILES:%=%_clean)
-$(CLEAN_FILES:%=%_clean): %_clean:
-	- $(RM) $*
-.phony: clean $(CLEAN_FILES:%=%_clean)
-floppy: $(TARGET:%=$(FLOPPY_DIR)/apps/%)
-$(TARGET:%=$(FLOPPY_DIR)/apps/%): $(FLOPPY_DIR)/apps/%: %
-ifeq ($(DOSCLI),yes)
-	$(CP) $* $(FLOPPY_DIR)\apps\$*
-	$(CP) $* $(FLOPPY_DIR)/apps/$*
-dist: $(TARGET:%=$(PATH_TO_TOP)/$(DIST_DIR)/apps/%)
-$(TARGET:%=$(PATH_TO_TOP)/$(DIST_DIR)/apps/%): $(PATH_TO_TOP)/$(DIST_DIR)/apps/%: %
-ifeq ($(DOSCLI),yes)
-	$(CP) $* $(PATH_TO_TOP)\$(DIST_DIR)\apps\$*
-	$(CP) $* $(PATH_TO_TOP)/$(DIST_DIR)/apps/$*
-include $(PATH_TO_TOP)/rules.mak

Deleted: trunk/rosapps/cmdutils/mode/makefile
--- trunk/rosapps/cmdutils/mode/makefile	2005-06-15 17:19:52 UTC (rev 15920)
+++ trunk/rosapps/cmdutils/mode/makefile	2005-06-15 17:37:14 UTC (rev 15921)
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-TARGET_TYPE = program
-include $(PATH_TO_TOP)/rules.mak
-include $(TOOLS_PATH)/
-# EOF

Deleted: trunk/rosapps/cmdutils/touch/makefile
--- trunk/rosapps/cmdutils/touch/makefile	2005-06-15 17:19:52 UTC (rev 15920)
+++ trunk/rosapps/cmdutils/touch/makefile	2005-06-15 17:37:14 UTC (rev 15921)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-TARGET_TYPE = program
-TARGET_NAME = touch
-include $(PATH_TO_TOP)/rules.mak
-include $(TOOLS_PATH)/
-# EOF

Deleted: trunk/rosapps/devutils/gdb2/Makefile
--- trunk/rosapps/devutils/gdb2/Makefile	2005-06-15 17:19:52 UTC (rev 15920)
+++ trunk/rosapps/devutils/gdb2/Makefile	2005-06-15 17:37:14 UTC (rev 15921)
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: Makefile,v 1.1 2001/04/15 23:43:12 narnaoud Exp $
-#  ReactOS makefile for gdb2
-include ../../rules.mak
-gdb2.exe : gdb2.cpp ph.h
-	gcc gdb2.cpp -o gdb2.exe

Deleted: trunk/rosapps/devutils/genguid/Makefile
--- trunk/rosapps/devutils/genguid/Makefile	2005-06-15 17:19:52 UTC (rev 15920)
+++ trunk/rosapps/devutils/genguid/Makefile	2005-06-15 17:37:14 UTC (rev 15921)
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: Makefile,v 1.1 2003/08/22 07:26:41 sedwards Exp $
-PATH_TO_TOP = ../../../reactos
-TARGET_TYPE = program
-TARGET_NAME = genguid
-TARGET_CFLAGS = -D_WIN32_IE=0x0501 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 -D__USE_W32API 
-TARGET_SDKLIBS = kernel32.a
-TARGET_GCCLIBS = ole32 uuid
-TARGET_OBJECTS = genguid.o
-include $(PATH_TO_TOP)/rules.mak
-include $(TOOLS_PATH)/
-# EOF

Deleted: trunk/rosapps/devutils/zoomin/makefile
--- trunk/rosapps/devutils/zoomin/makefile	2005-06-15 17:19:52 UTC (rev 15920)
+++ trunk/rosapps/devutils/zoomin/makefile	2005-06-15 17:37:14 UTC (rev 15921)
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: makefile,v 1.2 2004/06/02 02:27:04 royce Exp $
-#  ReactOS zoomin
-#  Makefile
-#  Copyright (C) 2002  Robert Dickenson <>
-#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-#  (at your option) any later version.
-#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-#  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-PATH_TO_TOP = ../../../reactos
-TARGET_TYPE = program
-TARGET_NAME = zoomin
-TARGET_CFLAGS = -D_WIN32_IE=0x0501 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 -D__USE_W32API 
-TARGET_SDKLIBS = kernel32.a gdi32.a user32.a
-TARGET_OBJECTS = framewnd.o main.o
-include $(PATH_TO_TOP)/rules.mak
-include $(TOOLS_PATH)/
-# EOF

Deleted: trunk/rosapps/dflat32/makefile
--- trunk/rosapps/dflat32/makefile	2005-06-15 17:19:52 UTC (rev 15920)
+++ trunk/rosapps/dflat32/makefile	2005-06-15 17:37:14 UTC (rev 15921)
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-#  ReactOS D-Flat/32
-#  Makefile
-PATH_TO_TOP = ../../reactos
-TARGET_TYPE = program
-WINE_MODE = yes
-	kernel32.a \
-	user32.a
-	applicat.o barchart.o box.o button.o calendar.o checkbox.o clipbord.o \
-        combobox.o config.o console.o decomp.o dfalloc.o dialbox.o dialogs.o \
-        direct.o edit.o editbox.o fileopen.o helpbox.o htree.o keys.o \
-        listbox.o lists.o log.o menu.o menubar.o menus.o message.o msgbox.o \
-        normal.o pictbox.o popdown.o radio.o rect.o search.o slidebox.o spinbutt.o \
-        statbar.o sysmenu.o text.o textbox.o video.o watch.o window.o
-include $(PATH_TO_TOP)/rules.mak
-include $(TOOLS_PATH)/
-# EOF

Deleted: trunk/rosapps/games/solitaire/makefile
--- trunk/rosapps/games/solitaire/makefile	2005-06-15 17:19:52 UTC (rev 15920)
+++ trunk/rosapps/games/solitaire/makefile	2005-06-15 17:37:14 UTC (rev 15921)
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-PATH_TO_TOP = ../../../reactos
-TARGET_TYPE = program
-# change to console for debugging purposes...
-#TARGET_APPTYPE = console
-TARGET_SDKLIBS = kernel32.a user32.a gdi32.a cards.a comctl32.a
-	solcreate.o \
-	solgame.o \
-	solitaire.o
-	cardlib/cardbitmaps.o \
-	cardlib/cardbutton.o \
-	cardlib/cardcolor.o \
-	cardlib/cardcount.o \
-	cardlib/cardlib.o \
-	cardlib/cardregion.o \
-	cardlib/cardrgndraw.o \
-	cardlib/cardrgnmouse.o \
-	cardlib/cardstack.o \
-	cardlib/cardwindow.o \
-	cardlib/dropzone.o
-TARGET_CPPFLAGS = -Icardlib -Wall -D__USE_W32API -D_WIN32_IE=0x0501 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 -D__REACTOS__
-include $(PATH_TO_TOP)/rules.mak
-include $(TOOLS_PATH)/
-# EOF

Deleted: trunk/rosapps/games/winemine/Makefile
--- trunk/rosapps/games/winemine/Makefile	2005-06-15 17:19:52 UTC (rev 15920)
+++ trunk/rosapps/games/winemine/Makefile	2005-06-15 17:37:14 UTC (rev 15921)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-PATH_TO_TOP = ../../../reactos
-TARGET_TYPE = program
-TARGET_NAME = winemine
-TARGET_SDKLIBS = kernel32.a gdi32.a
-TARGET_OBJECTS = main.o dialog.o
-include $(PATH_TO_TOP)/rules.mak
-include $(TOOLS_PATH)/
-# EOF

Deleted: trunk/rosapps/mc/Makefile
--- trunk/rosapps/mc/Makefile	2005-06-15 17:19:52 UTC (rev 15920)
+++ trunk/rosapps/mc/Makefile	2005-06-15 17:37:14 UTC (rev 15921)
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-#  ReactOS mc
-#  Makefile
-PATH_TO_TOP = ../../reactos
-TARGET_TYPE = program
-	kernel32.a \
-	user32.a
-MC_OBJS = \
-	./src/terms.o \
-	./src/user.o \
-	./src/file.o \
-	./src/listmode.o \
-	./src/cmd.o \
-	./src/command.o \
-	./src/help.o \
-	./src/menu.o \
-	./src/view.o \
-	./src/dir.o \
-	./src/info.o \
-	./src/widget.o \
-	./src/option.o \
-	./src/dlg.o \
-	./src/panelize.o \
-	./src/profile.o \
-	./src/util.o \
-	./src/dialog.o \
-	./src/ext.o \
-	./src/color.o \
-	./src/layout.o \
-	./src/setup.o \
-	./src/regex.o \
-	./src/hotlist.o \
-	./src/tree.o \
-	./src/win.o \
-	./src/complete.o \
-	./src/find.o \
-	./src/wtools.o \
-	./src/boxes.o \
-	./src/background.o \
-	./src/main.o \
-	./src/popt.o \
-	./src/text.o \
-	./src/screen.o
-	./pc/slint_pc.o \
-	./pc/chmod.o \
-        ./pc/drive.o
-NT_OBJS = \
-	./pc/cons_nt.o \
-	./pc/dirent_nt.o \
-	./pc/key_nt.o \
-	./pc/util_win32.o \
-	./pc/util_winnt.o \
-	./pc/util_nt.o
-SLANG_NT = slw32tty.o
-SLANG_OS2 = slos2tty.o
-	./slang/slerr.o \
-	./slang/slgetkey.o \
-	./slang/slsmg.o \
-	./slang/slvideo.o \
-	./slang/$(SLANG_$(TARGET_OS))
-	./edit/edit.o \
-	./edit/editcmd.o \
-	./edit/editdraw.o \
-	./edit/editmenu.o \
-	./edit/editoptions.o \
-	./edit/editwidget.o \
-	./edit/syntax.o \
-	./edit/wordproc.o
-	$(MC_OBJS) \
-	$(PC_OBJS) \
-	$(NT_OBJS) \
-include $(PATH_TO_TOP)/rules.mak
-include $(TOOLS_PATH)/
-# EOF

Deleted: trunk/rosapps/mc/doc/Makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/mc/edit/Makefile
--- trunk/rosapps/mc/edit/Makefile	2005-06-15 17:19:52 UTC (rev 15920)
+++ trunk/rosapps/mc/edit/Makefile	2005-06-15 17:37:14 UTC (rev 15921)
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-# Generated automatically from by configure.
-srcdir = .
-rootdir = $(srcdir)/..
-include ../Make.common
-LIBS =  $(XLIBS)   $(XLIB)
-INSTALL = /usr/bin/install -c
-AR = /usr/bin/ar
-# Distribution variables
-EDITSRC = edit.c editcmd.c editwidget.c edit_key_translator.c editdraw.c \
-	  edit.h editmenu.c editcmddef.h wordproc.c syntax.c editoptions.c
-EDITOBJS = edit.o editcmd.o editwidget.o editdraw.o editmenu.o wordproc.o \
-	  syntax.o editoptions.o
-all: libedit.a
-	@echo no tests are supplied.
-libedit.a: $(EDITOBJS)
-	$(RMF) $@
-	$(AR) cr $@ $(EDITOBJS)
-	-$(RANLIB) $@
-	-$(RMF) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$(binprefix)mcedit
-	$(LN_S) mc $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$(binprefix)mcedit
-	@echo 'OBJS="$(EDITOBJS)"'
-	$(MAKE) CC=gcc-linux CPP="gcc-linux -E" \
-	CPPFLAGS="$(CPPFLAGS) -I/usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux-linux/include/ncurses "
-	etags $(EDITSRC)
-	$(RMF) *.o core a.out libedit.a
-realclean: clean
-	$(RMF) .depend
-	$(RMF) *~
-	-$(RMF) $(srcdir)/*~ $(srcdir)/*.o $(srcdir)/a.out
-	-$(RMF) $(srcdir)/core $(srcdir)/libedit.a
-	-if test $(srcdir) = .; then $(MAKE) realclean; fi
-	-$(RMF) $(srcdir)/Makefile
-install: mcedit
-	-$(RMF) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$(binprefix)mcedit
-	$(CP) $(DIST) ../../mc-$(VERSION)/edit
-depend dep: mcdep
-# ***Dependencies***Do not edit***
-ifeq (.depend,$(wildcard .depend)) 
-include .depend 
-# ***End of dependencies***

Deleted: trunk/rosapps/mc/pc/Makefile
--- trunk/rosapps/mc/pc/Makefile	2005-06-15 17:19:52 UTC (rev 15920)
+++ trunk/rosapps/mc/pc/Makefile	2005-06-15 17:37:14 UTC (rev 15921)
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-LINK=gcc -s
-# ---- Compiler-specific optional stuff
-# ---- Compiler independent defines
-include Makefile.PC
-# ---- Linkers are very compiler-specific
-MC_LIBS= # -lintl

Deleted: trunk/rosapps/mc/slang/Makefile
--- trunk/rosapps/mc/slang/Makefile	2005-06-15 17:19:52 UTC (rev 15920)
+++ trunk/rosapps/mc/slang/Makefile	2005-06-15 17:37:14 UTC (rev 15921)
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# Generated automatically from by configure.
-srcdir = .
-rootdir = $(srcdir)/..
-include ../Make.common
-AR = /usr/bin/ar
-SLANGSRCS = 	sldisply.c slerr.c slsmg.c slutty.c slgetkey.c slmemcpy.c \
-		slmemset.c sltermin.c sltoken.c slsignal.c \
-		slvideo.c slw32tty.c slos2tty.c
-SLANGHDRS = slang.h _slang.h sl-feat.h jdmacros.h
-SLANGOBJS = 	sldisply.o slerr.o slsmg.o slutty.o \
-		slgetkey.o slmemcpy.o slmemset.o sltermin.o \
-		sltoken.o slsignal.o
-# Distribution variables
-all: libmcslang.a
-	$(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(DEFS) $(CFLAGS) $<
-	@echo no tests are supplied.
-libmcslang.a: $(SLANGOBJS)
-	$(RMF) $@
-	$(AR) cr $@ $(SLANGOBJS)
-	-$(RANLIB) $@
-	@echo 'OBJS="$(SLANGOBJS)"'
-	$(MAKE) CC=gcc-linux CPP="gcc-linux -E" \
-	CPPFLAGS="$(CPPFLAGS) -I/usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux-linux/include/ncurses "
-	etags $(SLANGSRCS)
-	$(RMF) *.o core a.out libmcslang.a
-realclean: clean
-	$(RMF) .depend
-	$(RMF) *~
-	-$(RMF) $(srcdir)/*~ $(srcdir)/*.o $(srcdir)/core $(srcdir)/a.out
-	-$(RMF) $(srcdir)/libmcslang.a 
-	-if test $(srcdir) = .; then $(MAKE) realclean; fi
-	-$(RMF) $(srcdir)/Makefile
-	$(CP) $(DISTSLANG) ../../mc-$(VERSION)/slang
-install uninstall:
-depend dep: mcdep
-# ***Dependencies***Do not edit***
-ifeq (.depend,$(wildcard .depend)) 
-include .depend 
-# ***End of dependencies***

Deleted: trunk/rosapps/mc/src/Makefile
--- trunk/rosapps/mc/src/Makefile	2005-06-15 17:19:52 UTC (rev 15920)
+++ trunk/rosapps/mc/src/Makefile	2005-06-15 17:37:14 UTC (rev 15921)
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-# Generated automatically from by configure.
-srcdir = .
-rootdir = $(srcdir)/..
-include ../Make.common
-LIBS = $(XLIBS)  $(XLIB) 
-OURLIBS = -lvfs -lmcslang -ledit 
-INSTALL = /usr/bin/install -c
-SRCS =	dir.c util.c main.c screen.c dialog.c key.c keyxdef.c menu.c\
-	file.c win.c color.c help.c find.c profile.c user.c view.c \
-	ext.c mouse.c setup.c dlg.c option.c info.c \
-	tree.c widget.c chmod.c mad.c xcurses.c xslint.c \
-	wtools.c cons.handler.c chown.c subshell.c terms.c boxes.c \
-	hotlist.c achown.c layout.c fsusage.c mountlist.c regex.c \
-	complete.c slint.c command.c cmd.c panelize.c learn.c \
-	listmode.c utilunix.c background.c rxvt.c popt.c \
-	text.c
-HDRS =	color.h file.h mouse.h user.h dialog.h find.h main.h \
-	util.h dir.h global.h menu.h panel.h win.h mem.h \
-	help.h profile.h dlg.h option.h tree.h info.h \
-	widget.h chmod.h cons.saver.h mad.h wtools.h chown.h  \
-	subshell.h view.h setup.h key.h ext.h boxes.h \
-	hotlist.h layout.h fsusage.h mountlist.h regex.h complete.h \
-	myslang.h command.h cmd.h tty.h fs.h panelize.h achown.h \
-	learn.h listmode.h background.h \
-	x.h popt.h textconf.h i18n.h
-OBJS =	dir.o util.o screen.o dialog.o key.o keyxdef.o menu.o\
-	file.o win.o color.o help.o find.o profile.o user.o view.o \
-	ext.o mouse.o setup.o dlg.o option.o \
-	tree.o widget.o chmod.o mad.o wtools.o info.o \
-	cons.handler.o chown.o subshell.o terms.o boxes.o \
-	hotlist.o achown.o layout.o fsusage.o mountlist.o \
-         regex.o complete.o slint.o command.o \
-	cmd.o main.o panelize.o learn.o listmode.o utilunix.o \
-	background.o rxvt.o popt.o text.o
-# Distribution variables
-	$(HDRS) $(SRCS) TODO ChangeLog OChangeLog man2hlp.c \
- xmkdir cons.saver.c ncurses.patch mc.hlp depend.awk \
-	fixhlp.c mfmt.c
-# Should be: mc $(srcdir)/mc.hlp but it's remaking it always
-all: mc mcmfmt 
-	$(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(DEFS) $(CFLAGS) $<
-cons.saver: cons.saver.o
-	$(CC) -s cons.saver.o -o cons.saver
-	@echo no tests are supplied.
-mc: $(OBJS) libvfs.a libmcslang.a libedit.a
-	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS) -L../vfs -L../slang -L../edit $(OURLIBS) $(LIBS) 
-mfmt: mfmt.o
-	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) mfmt.o -o mfmt 
-mcmfmt: mfmt
-	cp mfmt mcmfmt
-	cd ../vfs; $(MAKE) libvfs.a
-	-$(RMF) libvfs.a
-	$(LN_S) ../vfs/libvfs.a .
-	cd ../slang; $(MAKE) libmcslang.a
-	-$(RMF) libmcslang.a
-	$(LN_S) ../slang/libmcslang.a .
-	cd ../edit; $(MAKE) libedit.a
-	-$(RMF) libedit.a
-	$(LN_S) ../edit/libedit.a .
-	$(MAKE) CC=gcc-linux CPP="gcc-linux -E" \
-	CPPFLAGS="$(CPPFLAGS) -I/usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux-linux/include/ncurses "
-$(srcdir)/mc.hlp: $(docdir)/ $(mclibdir)/xnc.hlp $(srcdir)/
-	$(MAKE) man2hlp
-	./man2hlp 58 $(docdir)/ | cat - $(mclibdir)/xnc.hlp | \
-	perl $(srcdir)/ > $(srcdir)/mc.hlp
-mc.html: $(docdir)/ man2hlp
-	./man2hlp 0 $(docdir)/ > body.html
-	cat index.html body.html > mc.html
-	$(RM) index.html body.html
-	etags $(SRCS)
-	$(RMF) mc cons.saver man2hlp fixhlp *.o core a.out mc.html mcmfmt
-	$(RMF) libvfs.a libedit.a libmcslang.a mfmt
-realclean: clean
-	$(RMF) .depend
-	$(RMF) *~
-	-$(RMF) $(srcdir)/*~ $(srcdir)/mc $(srcdir)/cons.saver
-	-$(RMF) $(srcdir)/mfmt
-	-$(RMF) $(srcdir)/man2hlp $(srcdir)/fixhlp $(srcdir)/*.o $(srcdir)/core
-	-$(RMF) $(srcdir)/a.out $(srcdir)/mc.html
-	-$(RMF) $(srcdir)/libvfs.a $(srcdir)/libmcslang.a $(srcdir)/libedit.a
-	-if test $(srcdir) = .; then $(MAKE) realclean; fi
-	-$(RMF) $(srcdir)/Makefile
-install: mc mfmt 
-	$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) mc     $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$(binprefix)mc
-	$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) mcmfmt $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$(binprefix)mcmfmt
-	$(SEDCMD2) < $(srcdir)/mc.hlp > $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$(libprefix)mc.hlp 
-install.saver: cons.saver
-	$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) -m 4755 cons.saver $(DESTDIR)$(suppbindir)/cons.saver
-	cd $(bindir); $(RMF) $(binprefix)mc
-	cd $(bindir); $(RMF) $(binprefix)mcmfmt
-	cd $(bindir); $(RMF) $(binprefix)cons.saver
-	cd $(libdir); $(RMF) $(libprefix)mc.hlp
-distcopy: $(srcdir)/mc.hlp
-	$(CP) $(DISTFILES) ../../mc-$(VERSION)/src
-depend dep: mcdep
-fastdeploc: fastdepslang fastdepvfs
-# ***Dependencies***Do not edit***
-ifeq (.depend,$(wildcard .depend)) 
-include .depend 
-# ***End of dependencies***

Deleted: trunk/rosapps/mc/vfs/Makefile
Deleted: trunk/rosapps/net/ncftp/makefile
--- trunk/rosapps/net/ncftp/makefile	2005-06-15 17:19:52 UTC (rev 15920)
+++ trunk/rosapps/net/ncftp/makefile	2005-06-15 17:37:14 UTC (rev 15921)
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-# ncftp 3.0.3 for reactos ported from MS-Vc
-# sedwards 12-20-01
-TARGET_TYPE = program
-TARGET_NAME = ncftp
-TARGET_SDKLIBS = kernel32.a ws2_32.a
-sio/*.o Strn/*.o libncftp/*.o ncftp/*.o
-sio/PRead.o \
-sio/PWrite.o \
-sio/SAcceptA.o \
-sio/SAcceptS.o \
-sio/SBind.o \
-sio/SClose.o \
-sio/SConnect.o \
-sio/SConnectByName.o \
-sio/SNew.o \
-sio/SRead.o \
-sio/SReadline.o \
-sio/SRecv.o \
-sio/SRecvfrom.o \
-sio/SRecvmsg.o \
-sio/SSelect.o \
-sio/SSend.o \
-sio/SSendto.o \
-sio/SSendtoByName.o \
-sio/SWrite.o \
-sio/SocketUtil.o \
-sio/StrAddr.o \
-sio/UAcceptA.o \
-sio/UAcceptS.o \
-sio/UBind.o \
-sio/UConnect.o \
-sio/UConnectByName.o \
-sio/UNew.o \
-sio/URecvfrom.o \
-sio/USendto.o \
-sio/USendtoByName.o \
-sio/SError.o \
-sio/SWait.o \
[truncated at 1000 lines; 854 more skipped]