Complete reimplementation of HAL DMA routines.

The key changes are
* Proper support for bus-master device adapters.
* Real implementation of map registers.
* Basic support for emulating scatter/gather DMA on
  devices that don't support it in hardware.
* Support for transfers that aren't page aligned.
* Proper detection and support of EISA DMA controllers.
* Fixed prototype for HalFlushCommonBuffer.
Modified: trunk/reactos/hal/hal/hal.c
Modified: trunk/reactos/hal/hal/hal.def
Deleted: trunk/reactos/hal/halx86/generic/adapter.c
Modified: trunk/reactos/hal/halx86/generic/dma.c
Modified: trunk/reactos/hal/halx86/generic/generic.xml
Modified: trunk/reactos/hal/halx86/include/hal.h
Added: trunk/reactos/hal/halx86/include/haldma.h
Modified: trunk/reactos/hal/halx86/include/halp.h

Modified: trunk/reactos/hal/hal/hal.c
--- trunk/reactos/hal/hal/hal.c	2005-08-21 20:44:47 UTC (rev 17469)
+++ trunk/reactos/hal/hal/hal.c	2005-08-22 08:39:42 UTC (rev 17470)
@@ -211,10 +211,7 @@
   ULONG Unknown2,
   ULONG Unknown3,
   ULONG Unknown4,
-  ULONG Unknown5,
-  ULONG Unknown6,
-  ULONG Unknown7,
-  ULONG Unknown8)
+  ULONG Unknown5)

Modified: trunk/reactos/hal/hal/hal.def
--- trunk/reactos/hal/hal/hal.def	2005-08-21 20:44:47 UTC (rev 17469)
+++ trunk/reactos/hal/hal/hal.def	2005-08-22 08:39:42 UTC (rev 17470)
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@

Deleted: trunk/reactos/hal/halx86/generic/adapter.c
--- trunk/reactos/hal/halx86/generic/adapter.c	2005-08-21 20:44:47 UTC (rev 17469)
+++ trunk/reactos/hal/halx86/generic/adapter.c	2005-08-22 08:39:42 UTC (rev 17470)
@@ -1,717 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id$
- *
- * COPYRIGHT:       See COPYING in the top level directory
- * PROJECT:         ReactOS kernel
- * FILE:            hal/x86/adapter.c (from ntoskrnl/io/adapter.c)
- * PURPOSE:         DMA handling
- * PROGRAMMERS:     David Welch (
- *                  Vizzini (
- *                  Created 22/05/98
- *                  18-Oct-2003 Vizzini DMA support modifications
- */
-/* INCLUDES *****************************************************************/
-#include <hal.h>
-#define NDEBUG
-#include <debug.h>
-/* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/
-/* NOTE: IoAllocateAdapterChannel in NTOSKRNL.EXE */
-  PADAPTER_OBJECT AdapterObject,
-  PWAIT_CONTEXT_BLOCK WaitContextBlock,
-  ULONG NumberOfMapRegisters,
-  PDRIVER_CONTROL ExecutionRoutine)
- * FUNCTION: Sets up an ADAPTER_OBJECT with map registers
- *     - AdapterObject: pointer to an ADAPTER_OBJECT to set up 
- *     - WaitContextBlock: Context block to be used with ExecutionRoutine
- *     - NumberOfMapRegisters: number of map registers requested 
- *     - ExecutionRoutine: callback to call when map registers are allocated
- *     STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES if map registers cannot be allocated
- *     STATUS_SUCCESS in all other cases, including if the callbacak had
- *                    to be queued for later delivery
- * NOTES:
- *     - the ADAPTER_OBJECT struct is undocumented; please make copious
- *       notes in hal.h if anything is changed or improved since there is
- *       no other documentation for this data structure
- * BUGS:
- *     - it's possible that some of this code is in the wrong place
- *     - there are many unhandled cases
- */
-  LARGE_INTEGER MinAddress;
-  LARGE_INTEGER MaxAddress;
-  LARGE_INTEGER BoundryAddressMultiple;
-  ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() == DISPATCH_LEVEL);
-  /*
-  FIXME: return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES if the NumberOfMapRegisters 
-  requested is larger than the value returned by IoGetDmaAdapter. 
-  */
-  /* set up the wait context block in case we can't run right away */
-  WaitContextBlock->DeviceRoutine = ExecutionRoutine;
-  WaitContextBlock->NumberOfMapRegisters = NumberOfMapRegisters;
-  /* returns true if queued, else returns false and sets the queue to busy */
-  if(KeInsertDeviceQueue(&AdapterObject->ChannelWaitQueue, &WaitContextBlock->WaitQueueEntry))
-    return STATUS_SUCCESS;
-  /* why 64K alignment? */
-  /*
-   * X86 lacks map registers, so for now, we allocate a contiguous
-   * block of physical memory <16MB and copy all DMA buffers into
-   * that.  This can be optimized.
-   *
-   * FIXME: We propably shouldn't allocate the memory here for common
-   * buffer transfers. See a comment in IoMapTransfer about common buffer
-   * support.
-   */
-  MinAddress.QuadPart = 0;
-  BoundryAddressMultiple.QuadPart = 0;
-  if ((AdapterObject->Dma64BitAddresses) && (AdapterObject->MasterDevice)) 
-    {
-      MaxAddress.QuadPart = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL; /* 64Bit: >4GB address range */
-    } 
-  else if ((AdapterObject->Dma32BitAddresses) && (AdapterObject->MasterDevice)) 
-    {
-      MaxAddress.QuadPart = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* 32Bit: 4GB address range */
-    } 
-  else 
-    {
-      MaxAddress.QuadPart = 0x00FFFFFF; /* 24Bit: 16MB address range */
-      if (AdapterObject->Width16Bits)
-        {
-          BoundryAddressMultiple.QuadPart = 0x20000;  /* 128k boundary */
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          BoundryAddressMultiple.QuadPart = 0x10000;  /* 64k boundary */
-        }
-    }
-  AdapterObject->MapRegisterBase = MmAllocateContiguousMemorySpecifyCache(
-      NumberOfMapRegisters * PAGE_SIZE,
-      MinAddress,
-      MaxAddress,
-      BoundryAddressMultiple,
-      MmCached);
-  if(!AdapterObject->MapRegisterBase)
-  AdapterObject->CommittedMapRegisters = NumberOfMapRegisters;
-  /* call the client's AdapterControl callback with its map registers and context */
-  Retval = ExecutionRoutine(WaitContextBlock->DeviceObject, WaitContextBlock->CurrentIrp, 
-      AdapterObject->MapRegisterBase, WaitContextBlock->DeviceContext);
-  /* 
-   * KeepObject: don't free any resources; the ADAPTER_OBJECT is still in use
-   *             and the caller will call IoFreeAdapterChannel later
-   *
-   * DeallocateObject: Deallocate the map registers and release the ADAPTER_OBJECT
-   *             so someone else can use it
-   *
-   * DeallocateObjectKeepRegisters: release the ADAPTER_OBJECT but hang on to
-   *             the map registers.  The client will later call IoFreeMapRegisters.
-   *
-   * NOTE - IoFreeAdapterChannel runs the queue, so it must be called
-   *        unless the adapter object is not to be freed.
-   */
-  if( Retval == DeallocateObject )
-      IoFreeAdapterChannel(AdapterObject);
-  else if(Retval == DeallocateObjectKeepRegisters)
-    {
-      /* don't free the allocated map registers - this is what IoFreeAdapterChannel checks */
-      AdapterObject->CommittedMapRegisters = 0;
-      IoFreeAdapterChannel(AdapterObject);
-    }
-  /*
-   * if we don't call IoFreeAdapterChannel, the next device won't get de-queued,
-   * which is what we want.
-   */
-  IN PADAPTER_OBJECT	AdapterObject,
-  IN ULONG		SizeOfMapBuffers)
- * FUNCTION: Allocate initial, or additional, map buffers for IO adapters.
- *     AdapterObject: DMA adapter to allocate buffers for.
- *     SizeOfMapBuffers: Size of the map buffers to allocate
- * NOTES:
- *     - Needs to be tested...
- */
-	//ULONG PagesToAllocate = BYTES_TO_PAGES(SizeOfMapBuffers);
-	/* TODO: Allocation */
-	return TRUE;
-  ULONG NumberOfMapRegisters,
-  BOOLEAN IsMaster,
-  BOOLEAN Dma32BitAddresses)
- * FUNCTION: Allocates an ADAPTER_OBJECT, optionally creates the Master Adapter.
- *     - NumberOfMapRegisters: Number of map registers to allocate
- *     - IsMaster: Wether this is a Master Device or not
- *     - Dma32BitAddresses: Wether 32-bit Addresses are supported
- *     - Pointer to Adapter Object, or NULL if failure.
- * BUGS:
- *     - Some stuff is unhandled/incomplete
- */
-	OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes;
-	ULONG ObjectSize;
-	ULONG BitmapSize;
-	NTSTATUS Status;
-	ULONG AllowedMapRegisters = 64;
-	PADAPTER_OBJECT AdapterObject;
-	HANDLE Handle;
-	/* Allocate the Master Adapter if we haven't already 
-	   but make sure we're not asked to do it now, and also check if we need it */
-	if ((MasterAdapter == NULL) && (!IsMaster) && (NumberOfMapRegisters)) {
-		/* Allocate and Save */
-		DPRINT("Allocating the Master Adapter Object\n");
-		MasterAdapter = HalpAllocateAdapterEx(NumberOfMapRegisters,
-						     TRUE,
-						     Dma32BitAddresses);
-		/* Cancel on Failure */
-		DPRINT("Checking if Master Adapter was allocated properly\n");
-		if (!MasterAdapter) return NULL;
-	}
-	/* Initialize the Object Attributes for the Adapter Object */
-	InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes,
-				   NULL,
-				   NULL,
-				   NULL);
-	/* Check if this is the Master Adapter, in which case we need to allocate the bitmap */
-	if (IsMaster) {
-		/* Size due to the Bitmap + Bytes in the Bitmap Buffer (8 bytes, 64 bits)*/
-		BitmapSize = sizeof(RTL_BITMAP) + (AllowedMapRegisters + 7) / 8;
-		/* We will put the Bitmap Buffer after the Adapter Object for simplicity */
-		ObjectSize = sizeof(ADAPTER_OBJECT) + BitmapSize;
-	} else {
-		ObjectSize = sizeof(ADAPTER_OBJECT);
-	}
-	/* Create and Allocate the Object */
-	DPRINT("Creating the Object\n");
-	Status = ObCreateObject(KernelMode,
-				IoAdapterObjectType,
-				&ObjectAttributes,
-				KernelMode,
-				NULL,
-				ObjectSize,
-				0,
-				0,
-				(PVOID)&AdapterObject);
-	if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return NULL;
-	/* Add a Reference */
-	DPRINT("Referencing the Object\n");
-	Status = ObReferenceObjectByPointer(AdapterObject,
-					    IoAdapterObjectType,
-					    KernelMode);
-	if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return NULL;
-	/* It's a Valid Object, so now we can play with the memory */
-	RtlZeroMemory(AdapterObject, sizeof(ADAPTER_OBJECT));
-	/* Insert it into the Object Table */
-	DPRINT("Inserting the Object\n");
-	Status = ObInsertObject(AdapterObject,
-				NULL,
-				0,
-				NULL,
-				&Handle);
-	if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return NULL;
-	/* We don't want the handle */
-	NtClose(Handle);	
-	/* Set up the Adapter Object fields */
-	AdapterObject->MapRegistersPerChannel = 1;
-	/* Set the Master if needed (master only needed if we use Map Registers) */
-	if (NumberOfMapRegisters) AdapterObject->MasterAdapter = MasterAdapter;
-	/* Initalize the Channel Wait queue, which every adapter has */
-	DPRINT("Initializing the Device Queue of the Object\n");
-	KeInitializeDeviceQueue(&AdapterObject->ChannelWaitQueue);
-	/* Initialize the SpinLock, Queue and Bitmap, which are kept in the Master Adapter only */
-	if (IsMaster) {
-		DPRINT("Initializing the Master Adapter Stuff\n");
-		KeInitializeSpinLock(&AdapterObject->SpinLock);
-		InitializeListHead(&AdapterObject->AdapterQueue);
-		/* As said previously, we put them here for simplicity */
-		AdapterObject->MapRegisters = (PVOID)(AdapterObject + 1);
-		/* Set up Bitmap */
-		RtlInitializeBitMap(AdapterObject->MapRegisters,
-				    (PULONG)(AdapterObject->MapRegisters + 1),
-				    AllowedMapRegisters);
-		/* Reset the Bitmap */	
-		RtlSetAllBits(AdapterObject->MapRegisters);
-		AdapterObject->NumberOfMapRegisters = 0;
-		AdapterObject->CommittedMapRegisters = 0;
-		/* Allocate Memory for the Map Registers */
-		AdapterObject->MapRegisterBase = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool,
-								AllowedMapRegisters * sizeof(DWORD));
-		/* Clear them */
-		RtlZeroMemory(AdapterObject->MapRegisterBase, AllowedMapRegisters * sizeof(DWORD));
-		/* Allocate the contigous memory */
-		DPRINT("Allocating Buffers\n");
-		HalpGrowMapBuffers(AdapterObject, 0x1000000);
-	}
-	DPRINT("Adapter Object allocated\n");
-	return AdapterObject;	
-IoFlushAdapterBuffers (
-  PADAPTER_OBJECT	AdapterObject,
-  PMDL		Mdl,
-  PVOID		MapRegisterBase,
-  PVOID		CurrentVa,
-  ULONG		Length,
-  BOOLEAN		WriteToDevice)
- * FUNCTION: flush any data remaining in the dma controller's memory into the host memory
- *     AdapterObject: the adapter object to flush
- *     Mdl: original MDL to flush data into
- *     MapRegisterBase: map register base that was just used by IoMapTransfer, etc
- *     CurrentVa: offset into Mdl to be flushed into, same as was passed to IoMapTransfer
- *     Length: length of the buffer to be flushed into
- *     WriteToDevice: True if it's a write, False if it's a read
- *     TRUE in all cases
- * NOTES:
- *     - This copies data from the map register-backed buffer to the user's target buffer.
- *       Data is not in the user buffer until this is called.
- *     - This is only meaningful on a read operation.  Return immediately for a write.
- */
-  ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL);
-  /* this can happen if the card supports scatter/gather */
-  if(!MapRegisterBase)
-    return TRUE;
-  /* mask out (disable) the dma channel */
-  if (AdapterObject->AdapterNumber == 1) {
-  		/* Set this for Ease */
-  		PDMA1_CONTROL DmaControl1 = AdapterObject->AdapterBaseVa;
-		/* Set Channel */
-		WRITE_PORT_UCHAR(&DmaControl1->SingleMask, AdapterObject->ChannelNumber | DMA_SETMASK);
-  } else {
-  		/* Set this for Ease */
-  		PDMA2_CONTROL DmaControl2 = AdapterObject->AdapterBaseVa;
-		/* Set Channel */
-		WRITE_PORT_UCHAR(&DmaControl2->SingleMask, (AdapterObject->ChannelNumber - 4) | DMA_SETMASK);
-  }
-  if(WriteToDevice)
-    return TRUE;
-  memcpy( 
-        (PVOID)((DWORD)MmGetSystemAddressForMdl( Mdl ) + (DWORD)CurrentVa - (DWORD)MmGetMdlVirtualAddress( Mdl )), 
-      MapRegisterBase, Length );
-  return TRUE;
-IoFreeAdapterChannel (PADAPTER_OBJECT	AdapterObject)
- * FUNCTION: frees DMA resources allocated by IoAllocateAdapterChannel
- *     AdapterObject: Adapter object with resources to free
- * NOTES:
- *     - This function releases the DMA adapter and optionally the map registers
- *     - After releasing the adapter, it checks the adapter's queue and runs
- *       each queued device object in series until the queue is empty
- *     - This is the only way the device queue is emptied.
- */
-  LARGE_INTEGER MaxAddress;
-  LARGE_INTEGER MinAddress;
-  LARGE_INTEGER BoundryAddressMultiple;
-  PWAIT_CONTEXT_BLOCK WaitContextBlock;
-  while(1)
-    {
-      /* To keep map registers, call here with the following set to 0 */
-      if(AdapterObject->CommittedMapRegisters)
-        IoFreeMapRegisters(AdapterObject, AdapterObject->MapRegisterBase, AdapterObject->CommittedMapRegisters);
-      if(!(WaitContextBlock = (PWAIT_CONTEXT_BLOCK)KeRemoveDeviceQueue(&AdapterObject->ChannelWaitQueue)))
-        break;
-      /*
-       * the following should really be done elsewhere since this
-       * function really can't return an error code.  FIXME.
-       */
-      MinAddress.QuadPart = 0;
-      BoundryAddressMultiple.QuadPart = 0;
-      if ((AdapterObject->Dma64BitAddresses) && (AdapterObject->MasterDevice)) 
-        {
-          MaxAddress.QuadPart = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL; /* 64Bit: >4GB address range */
-        } 
-      else if ((AdapterObject->Dma32BitAddresses) && (AdapterObject->MasterDevice)) 
-        {
-          MaxAddress.QuadPart = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* 32Bit: 4GB address range */
-        } 
-      else 
-        {
-          MaxAddress.QuadPart = 0x00FFFFFF; /* 24Bit: 16MB address range */
-          if (AdapterObject->Width16Bits)
-            {
-              BoundryAddressMultiple.QuadPart = 0x20000;  /* 128k boundary */
-            }
-          else
-            {
-              BoundryAddressMultiple.QuadPart = 0x10000;  /* 64k boundary */
-            }
-        }
-      AdapterObject->MapRegisterBase = MmAllocateContiguousMemorySpecifyCache( 
-          WaitContextBlock->NumberOfMapRegisters * PAGE_SIZE,
-          MinAddress,
-          MaxAddress,
-          BoundryAddressMultiple,
-          MmCached);
-      if(!AdapterObject->MapRegisterBase)
-        return;
-      /* call the adapter control routine */
-      Retval = ((PDRIVER_CONTROL)WaitContextBlock->DeviceRoutine)(WaitContextBlock->DeviceObject, WaitContextBlock->CurrentIrp,
-          AdapterObject->MapRegisterBase, WaitContextBlock->DeviceContext);
-      if(Retval == KeepObject)
-        {
-          /* we're done until the caller manually calls IoFreeAdapterChannel */
-          break;
-        }
-      else if(Retval == DeallocateObjectKeepRegisters)
-        {
-          /* hide the map registers so they aren't deallocated next time around */
-          AdapterObject->CommittedMapRegisters = 0;
-        }
-    }
-IoFreeMapRegisters (
-  IN PADAPTER_OBJECT	AdapterObject,
-  IN PVOID		MapRegisterBase,
-  IN ULONG		NumberOfMapRegisters)
- * FUNCTION: free map registers reserved by the system for a DMA
- *     AdapterObject: dma adapter to free map registers on
- *     MapRegisterBase: hadle to map registers to free
- *     NumberOfRegisters: number of map registers to be freed
- * NOTES:
- *     - XXX real windows has a funky interdependence between IoFreeMapRegisters 
- *       and IoFreeAdapterChannel 
- * BUGS:
- *     - needs to be improved to use a real map register implementation
- */
-  if( AdapterObject->CommittedMapRegisters )
-    {
-      MmFreeContiguousMemory(AdapterObject->MapRegisterBase);
-      AdapterObject->MapRegisterBase = 0;
-    }
-IoMapTransfer (
-  IN PADAPTER_OBJECT	AdapterObject,
-  IN PMDL		Mdl,
-  IN PVOID		MapRegisterBase,
-  IN PVOID		CurrentVa,
-  IN OUT PULONG		Length,
-  IN BOOLEAN		WriteToDevice)
- * FUNCTION: map a dma for transfer and do the dma if it's a slave
- *     AdapterObject: adapter object to do the dma on. busmaster may pass NULL.
- *     Mdl: locked-down user buffer to DMA in to or out of
- *     MapRegisterBase: handle to map registers to use for this dma. allways NULL
- *      when doing s/g.
- *     CurrentVa: index into Mdl to transfer into/out of
- *     Length: length of transfer in/out. Only modified on out when doing s/g.
- *     WriteToDevice: TRUE if it's an output dma, FALSE otherwise
- *     If a busmaster: A logical address that can be used to program a dma controller
- *     Otherwise: nothing meaningful
- * NOTES:
- *     - This function does a copyover to contiguous memory <16MB
- *     - If it's a slave transfer, this function actually performs it.
- * BUGS:
- *     - If the controller supports scatter/gather, the copyover should not happen
- */
-  KIRQL OldIrql;
-  ULONG LengthShift = 0;
-  Address.QuadPart = 0;
-  /* Isa System (slave) DMA? */
-  if (MapRegisterBase && !AdapterObject->MasterDevice)
-  {
-    KeAcquireSpinLock(&AdapterObject->SpinLock, &OldIrql);
-    /*
-     * FIXME: Handle case when doing common-buffer System DMA. In this case,
-     * the buffer described by MDL is already phys. contiguous and below
-     * 16 mega. Driver makes a one-shot call to IoMapTransfer during init.
-     * to program controller with the common-buffer.
-     *
-     * UPDATE: Common buffer support is in place, but it's not done in a
-     * clean way. We use the buffer passed by the MDL in case that the
-     * adapter object is marked as auto initialize. I'm not sure if this
-     * is correct and if not, how to do it properly. Note that it's also
-     * possible to allocate the common buffer with different adapter object
-     * and IoMapTransfer must still work in this case. Eventually this should
-     * be cleaned up somehow or at least this comment modified to reflect
-     * the reality.
-     * -- Filip Navara, 19/07/2004     
-     */
-    /* if it is a write to the device, copy the caller buffer to the low buffer */
-    if (WriteToDevice && !AdapterObject->AdapterMode.AutoInitialize)
-    {
-      memcpy(MapRegisterBase,
-             (char*)MmGetSystemAddressForMdl(Mdl) + ((ULONG)CurrentVa - (ULONG)MmGetMdlVirtualAddress(Mdl)),
-	           *Length );
-    }
-    /* Writer Adapter Mode, transfer type */
-    AdapterObject->AdapterMode.TransferType = (WriteToDevice ? WRITE_TRANSFER : READ_TRANSFER);
-    /* program up the dma controller, and return */
-    if (!AdapterObject->AdapterMode.AutoInitialize) {
-      Address = MmGetPhysicalAddress( MapRegisterBase );
-    } else {
-      Address = MmGetPhysicalAddress( CurrentVa );
-    }
-    /* 16-bit DMA has a shifted length */
-    if (AdapterObject->Width16Bits) {
-      LengthShift = 1;
-    }
-    /* Make the Transfer */
-    if (AdapterObject->AdapterNumber == 1) {
-    	PDMA1_CONTROL DmaControl1 = AdapterObject->AdapterBaseVa; /* For Writing Less Code */
-	/* Mask the Channel */
-	WRITE_PORT_UCHAR(&DmaControl1->SingleMask, AdapterObject->ChannelNumber | DMA_SETMASK);
-	/* Reset Register */
-	WRITE_PORT_UCHAR(&DmaControl1->ClearBytePointer, 0);
-	/* Set the Mode */
-	WRITE_PORT_UCHAR(&DmaControl1->Mode, AdapterObject->AdapterModeByte);
-	/* Set the Page Register */
-	WRITE_PORT_UCHAR(AdapterObject->PagePort, (UCHAR)(Address.u.LowPart >> 16));
-	/* Set the Offset Register (apparently always 0 for us if I trust the previous comment) */
-	WRITE_PORT_UCHAR(&DmaControl1->DmaAddressCount[AdapterObject->ChannelNumber].DmaBaseAddress, 0);
-	WRITE_PORT_UCHAR(&DmaControl1->DmaAddressCount[AdapterObject->ChannelNumber].DmaBaseAddress, 0);
-	/* Set the Length */
- 	WRITE_PORT_UCHAR(&DmaControl1->DmaAddressCount[AdapterObject->ChannelNumber].DmaBaseCount,
-			(UCHAR)((*Length >> LengthShift) - 1));
-	WRITE_PORT_UCHAR(&DmaControl1->DmaAddressCount[AdapterObject->ChannelNumber].DmaBaseCount,
-			(UCHAR)(((*Length >> LengthShift) - 1) >> 8));
-	/* Unmask the Channel */
-	WRITE_PORT_UCHAR(&DmaControl1->SingleMask, AdapterObject->ChannelNumber | DMA_CLEARMASK);
-    } else {
-        PDMA2_CONTROL DmaControl2 = AdapterObject->AdapterBaseVa; /* For Writing Less Code */
-	/* Mask the Channel */
-	WRITE_PORT_UCHAR(&DmaControl2->SingleMask, AdapterObject->ChannelNumber | DMA_SETMASK);
-	/* Reset Register */
-	WRITE_PORT_UCHAR(&DmaControl2->ClearBytePointer, 0);
-	/* Set the Mode */
-	WRITE_PORT_UCHAR(&DmaControl2->Mode, AdapterObject->AdapterModeByte);
-	/* Set the Page Register */
-	WRITE_PORT_UCHAR(AdapterObject->PagePort, (UCHAR)(Address.u.LowPart >> 16));
-	/* Set the Offset Register (apparently always 0 for us if I trust the previous comment) */
-	WRITE_PORT_UCHAR(&DmaControl2->DmaAddressCount[AdapterObject->ChannelNumber].DmaBaseAddress, 0);
-	WRITE_PORT_UCHAR(&DmaControl2->DmaAddressCount[AdapterObject->ChannelNumber].DmaBaseAddress, 0);
-	/* Set the Length */
- 	WRITE_PORT_UCHAR(&DmaControl2->DmaAddressCount[AdapterObject->ChannelNumber].DmaBaseCount,
-			(UCHAR)((*Length >> LengthShift) - 1));
-	WRITE_PORT_UCHAR(&DmaControl2->DmaAddressCount[AdapterObject->ChannelNumber].DmaBaseCount,
-			(UCHAR)(((*Length >> LengthShift) - 1) >> 8));
-	/* Unmask the Channel */
-	WRITE_PORT_UCHAR(&DmaControl2->SingleMask, AdapterObject->ChannelNumber | DMA_CLEARMASK);
-    }
-    /* Release Spinlock */
-    KeReleaseSpinLock(&AdapterObject->SpinLock, OldIrql);
-    /* 
-    NOTE: Return value should be ignored when doing System DMA.
-    Maybe return some more obvious invalid address here (thou returning 
-    MapRegisterBase is also wrong;-)to catch invalid use?
-    */
-    Address.QuadPart = (ULONG)MapRegisterBase;
-    return Address;
-  }
-  /* 
-  Busmaster with s/g support?   
-  NOTE: old docs allowed busmasters to pass a NULL Adapter. In this case, MapRegisterBase 
-  being NULL is used to detect a s/g busmaster.
-  */
-  if ((!AdapterObject && !MapRegisterBase) ||
-      (AdapterObject && AdapterObject->MasterDevice && AdapterObject->ScatterGather))
-  {
-    /* 
-    Just return the passed VA's corresponding phys. address. 
-    Update length to the number of phys. contiguous bytes found.
-    */
-    PULONG MdlPages;
-    ULONG MdlPageIndex, PhysContiguousLen;
-    ULONG PhysAddress;
-    MdlPages = (PULONG)(Mdl + 1);
-    /* Get VA's corresponding mdl phys. page index */
-    MdlPageIndex = ((ULONG)CurrentVa - (ULONG)Mdl->StartVa) / PAGE_SIZE;
-    /* Get phys. page containing the VA */
-    PhysAddress = MdlPages[MdlPageIndex];
-    PhysContiguousLen = PAGE_SIZE - BYTE_OFFSET(CurrentVa);
-    /* VA to map may span several contiguous phys. pages (unlikely) */
-    while (PhysContiguousLen < *Length &&
-           MdlPages[MdlPageIndex++] + PAGE_SIZE == MdlPages[MdlPageIndex])
-    {
-      /* 
-      Note that allways adding PAGE_SIZE may make PhysContiguousLen greater
-      than Length if buffer doesn't end on page boundary. Take this
-      into consideration below. 
-      */
-      PhysContiguousLen += PAGE_SIZE; 
-    }
-    if (PhysContiguousLen < *Length)
-    {
-      *Length = PhysContiguousLen;
-    }
-    //add offset to phys. page address
-    Address.QuadPart = PhysAddress + BYTE_OFFSET(CurrentVa);
-    return Address;
-  }
-  /* 
-  Busmaster without s/g support? 
-  NOTE: old docs allowed busmasters to pass a NULL Adapter. In this case, MapRegisterBase 
-  not being NULL is used to detect a non s/g busmaster.
-  */
-  if ((!AdapterObject && MapRegisterBase) ||
-      (AdapterObject && AdapterObject->MasterDevice && !AdapterObject->ScatterGather))
-  {
-    /*
-    NOTE: Busmasters doing common-buffer DMA shouldn't call IoMapTransfer, but I don't
-    know if it's illegal... Maybe figure out what to do in this case...
-    */
-    if( WriteToDevice )
-    {
-      memcpy(MapRegisterBase,
-             (char*)MmGetSystemAddressForMdl(Mdl) + ((ULONG)CurrentVa - (ULONG)MmGetMdlVirtualAddress(Mdl)),
-             *Length );
-    }
-    return MmGetPhysicalAddress(MapRegisterBase);
-  }
-  DPRINT("IoMapTransfer: Unsupported operation\n");
-  return Address;
-/* EOF */

Modified: trunk/reactos/hal/halx86/generic/dma.c
--- trunk/reactos/hal/halx86/generic/dma.c	2005-08-21 20:44:47 UTC (rev 17469)
+++ trunk/reactos/hal/halx86/generic/dma.c	2005-08-22 08:39:42 UTC (rev 17470)
@@ -5,459 +5,1898 @@
  * FILE:            ntoskrnl/hal/x86/dma.c
  * PURPOSE:         DMA functions
  * PROGRAMMERS:     David Welch (
+ *                  Filip Navara (
  *                  Created 22/05/98
+ * @page DMA Implementation Notes
+ *
+ * Concepts:
+ *
+ * - Map register
+ *
+ *   Abstract encapsulation of physically contiguous buffer that resides
+ *   in memory accessible by both the DMA device / controller and the system.
+ *   The map registers are allocated and distributed on demand and are
+ *   scarce resource.
+ *
+ *   The actual use of map registers is to allow transfers from/to buffer
+ *   located in physical memory at address inaccessible by the DMA device /
+ *   controller directly. For such transfers the map register buffers
+ *   are used as intermediate data storage.
+ *
+ * - Master adapter
+ *
+ *   A container for map registers (typically corresponding to one physical
+ *   bus connection type). There can be master adapters for 24-bit address
+ *   ranges, 32-bit address ranges, etc. Every time a new DMA adapter is
+ *   created it's associated with a corresponding master adapter that
+ *   is used for any map register allocation requests.
+ *
+ * - Bus-master / Slave DMA
+ *
+ *   Slave DMA is term used for DMA transfers done by the system (E)ISA
+ *   controller as opposed to transfers mastered by the device itself
+ *   (hence the name).
+ *
+ *   For slave DMA special care is taken to actually access the system
+ *   controller and handle the transfers. The relevant code is in
+ *   HalpDmaInitializeEisaAdapter, HalReadDmaCounter, IoFlushAdapterBuffers
+ *   and IoMapTransfer.
+ *
+ * Implementation:
+ *
+ * - Allocation of map registers
+ *
+ *   Initial set of map registers is allocated on the system start to
+ *   ensure that low memory won't get filled up later. Additional map
+ *   registers are allocated as needed by HalpGrowMapBuffers. This
+ *   routine is called on two places:
+ *
+ *   - HalGetAdapter, since we're at PASSIVE_LEVEL and it's known that
+ *     more map registers will probably be needed.
+ *   - IoAllocateAdapterChannel (indirectly using HalpGrowMapBufferWorker
+ *     since we're at DISPATCH_LEVEL and call HalpGrowMapBuffers directly)
+ *     when no more map registers are free.
+ *
+ *   Note that even if no more map registers can be allocated it's not
+ *   the end of the world. The adapters waiting for free map registers
+ *   are queued in the master adapter's queue and once one driver hands
+ *   back it's map registers (using IoFreeMapRegisters or indirectly using
+ *   the execution routine callback in IoAllocateAdapterChannel) the
+ *   queue gets processed and the map registers are reassigned.
+ */
 /* INCLUDES *****************************************************************/
 #include <hal.h>
 #define NDEBUG
 #include <debug.h>
-/* Adapters for each channel */
-PADAPTER_OBJECT HalpEisaAdapter[8];
+static KEVENT HalpDmaLock;
+static LIST_ENTRY HalpDmaAdapterList;
+static PADAPTER_OBJECT HalpEisaAdapter[8];
+static BOOLEAN HalpEisaDma;
+static PADAPTER_OBJECT HalpMasterAdapter;
+static const ULONG_PTR HalpEisaPortPage[8] = {
+   0,
+static DMA_OPERATIONS HalpDmaOperations = {
+   sizeof(DMA_OPERATIONS),
+   (PPUT_DMA_ADAPTER)HalPutDmaAdapter,
+   (PALLOCATE_COMMON_BUFFER)HalAllocateCommonBuffer,
+   (PFREE_COMMON_BUFFER)HalFreeCommonBuffer,
+   (PALLOCATE_ADAPTER_CHANNEL)IoAllocateAdapterChannel,
+   (PFLUSH_ADAPTER_BUFFERS)IoFlushAdapterBuffers,
+   (PFREE_ADAPTER_CHANNEL)IoFreeAdapterChannel,
+   (PFREE_MAP_REGISTERS)IoFreeMapRegisters,
+   (PMAP_TRANSFER)IoMapTransfer,
+   (PGET_DMA_ALIGNMENT)HalpDmaGetDmaAlignment,
+   (PREAD_DMA_COUNTER)HalReadDmaCounter,
+   /* FIXME: Implement the S/G funtions. */
+   NULL /*(PGET_SCATTER_GATHER_LIST)HalGetScatterGatherList*/,
+   NULL /*(PPUT_SCATTER_GATHER_LIST)HalPutScatterGatherList*/,
+   NULL /*(PCALCULATE_SCATTER_GATHER_LIST_SIZE)HalCalculateScatterGatherListSize*/,
+   NULL /*(PBUILD_SCATTER_GATHER_LIST)HalBuildScatterGatherList*/,
+   NULL /*(PBUILD_MDL_FROM_SCATTER_GATHER_LIST)HalBuildMdlFromScatterGatherList*/
+#define TAG_DMA TAG('D','M','A',' ')
 /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/
-HalpInitDma (VOID)
-  /* TODO: Initialize the first Map Buffer */
+   /*
+    * Check if Extended DMA is available. We're just going to do a random
+    * read and write.
+    */
+   if (READ_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)FIELD_OFFSET(EISA_CONTROL, DmaController2Pages.Channel2)) == 0x2A)
+      HalpEisaDma = TRUE;
+   /*
+    * Intialize all the global variables and allocate master adapter with
+    * first map buffers.
+    */
+   InitializeListHead(&HalpDmaAdapterList);
+   KeInitializeEvent(&HalpDmaLock, NotificationEvent, TRUE);
+   HalpMasterAdapter = HalpDmaAllocateMasterAdapter();
-HalAllocateCommonBuffer (PADAPTER_OBJECT    AdapterObject,
-			 ULONG              Length,
-			 PPHYSICAL_ADDRESS  LogicalAddress,
-			 BOOLEAN            CacheEnabled)
- * FUNCTION: Allocates memory that is visible to both the processor(s) and
- * a dma device
- *         AdapterObject = Adapter object representing the bus master or
- *                         system dma controller
- *         Length = Number of bytes to allocate
- *         LogicalAddress = Logical address the driver can use to access the
- *                          buffer 
- *         CacheEnabled = Specifies if the memory can be cached
- * RETURNS: The base virtual address of the memory allocated
- *          NULL on failure
- * NOTES:
- *      CacheEnabled is ignored - it's all cache-disabled (like in NT)
- *      UPDATE: It's not ignored now. If that's wrong just modify the
- *      CacheEnabled comparsion below. 
+ * @name HalpGetAdapterMaximumPhysicalAddress
+ *
+ * Get the maximum physical address acceptable by the device represented
+ * by the passed DMA adapter.
+   IN PADAPTER_OBJECT AdapterObject)
-  PHYSICAL_ADDRESS LowestAddress, HighestAddress, BoundryAddressMultiple;
-  PVOID BaseAddress;
+   PHYSICAL_ADDRESS HighestAddress;
-  LowestAddress.QuadPart = 0;
-  BoundryAddressMultiple.QuadPart = 0;
-  if ((AdapterObject->Dma64BitAddresses) && (AdapterObject->MasterDevice)) {
-      HighestAddress.QuadPart = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL; /* 64Bit: >4GB address range */
-  } else if ((AdapterObject->Dma32BitAddresses) && (AdapterObject->MasterDevice)) {
-      HighestAddress.QuadPart = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* 32Bit: 4GB address range */
-  } else {
-      HighestAddress.QuadPart = 0x00FFFFFF; /* 24Bit: 16MB address range */
-      if (AdapterObject->Width16Bits)
+   if (AdapterObject->MasterDevice)
+   {
+      if (AdapterObject->Dma64BitAddresses)
-         BoundryAddressMultiple.QuadPart = 0x20000;  /* 128k boundary */
+         HighestAddress.QuadPart = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL;
+         return HighestAddress;
-      else
+      else if (AdapterObject->Dma32BitAddresses)
-         BoundryAddressMultiple.QuadPart = 0x10000;  /* 64k boundary */
+         HighestAddress.QuadPart = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+         return HighestAddress;
-  }
+   }
-  BaseAddress = MmAllocateContiguousMemorySpecifyCache(
-      Length,
-      LowestAddress,
-      HighestAddress,
-      BoundryAddressMultiple,
-      CacheEnabled ? MmCached : MmNonCached);
-  if (!BaseAddress)
-    return 0;
+   HighestAddress.QuadPart = 0xFFFFFF;
+   return HighestAddress;
-  *LogicalAddress = MmGetPhysicalAddress(BaseAddress);
+ * @name HalpGrowMapBuffers
+ *
+ * Allocate initial, or additional, map buffers for DMA master adapter.
+ *
+ * @param MasterAdapter 
+ *        DMA master adapter to allocate buffers for.
+ * @param SizeOfMapBuffers
+ *        Size of the map buffers to allocate (not including the size
+ *        already allocated).
+ */
-  return BaseAddress;
+   IN PADAPTER_OBJECT AdapterObject,
+   IN ULONG SizeOfMapBuffers)
+   PVOID VirtualAddress;
+   PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhysicalAddress;
+   PHYSICAL_ADDRESS HighestAcceptableAddress;
+   PHYSICAL_ADDRESS LowestAcceptableAddress;
+   PHYSICAL_ADDRESS BoundryAddressMultiple;
+   KIRQL OldIrql;
[truncated at 1000 lines; 2839 more skipped]